97 research outputs found

    Egalitarianism and altruism in health: some evidence of their relationship

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    BACKGROUND: Egalitarianism and altruism are two ways in which people may have attitudes that go beyond the narrowly defined selfish preferences. The theoretical constructs of egalitarianism and altruism are different from each other, yet there may be connections between the two. This paper explores the empirical relationship between egalitarianism and altruism, in the context of health. METHODS: We define altruism as individual behaviour that aims to benefit another individual in need; and egalitarianism as a characteristic of a social welfare function, or a meta-level preference. Furthermore, we specify a model that explains the propensity of an individual to be egalitarian in terms of altruism and other background characteristics. Individuals who prefer a hypothetical policy that reduces socioeconomic inequalities in health outcomes over another that does not are regarded ‘egalitarian’ in the health domain. On the other hand, ‘altruism’ in the health context is captured by whether or not the same respondents are (or have been) regular blood donors, provided they are medically able to donate. Probit models are specified to estimate the relationship between egalitarianism and altruism, thus defined. A representative sample of the Spanish population was interviewed for the purpose (n = 417 valid cases). RESULTS: Overall, 75% of respondents are found to be egalitarians, whilst 35% are found to be altruists. We find that, once controlled for background characteristics, there is a statistically significant empirical relationship between egalitarianism and altruism in the health context. On average, the probability of an altruist individual supporting egalitarianism is 10% higher than for a non-altruist person. Regarding the other control variables, those living in high per capita income regions have a lower propensity and those who are politically left wing have a higher propensity to be an egalitarian. We do not find evidence of a relationship between egalitarianism and age, socioeconomic status or religious practices. CONCLUSION: Altruist individuals have a higher probability to be egalitarians than would be expected from their observed background characteristics

    Adrenomedullin prevents apoptosis in prostate cancer cells

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    The 52-aminoacid peptide adrenomedullin (AM) is expressed in the normal and malignant prostate. We have previously shown that prostate cancer cells produce and secrete AM, which acts as an autocrine growth inhibitory factor. We have evaluated in the present study the role of AM in prostate cancer cell apoptosis, induced either by serum deprivation or treatment with the chemotherapeutic agent etoposide (which acts as an inhibitor of topoisomerase II). For this purpose we over-expressed AM in PC-3, DU 145 and LNCaP cells, which were transfected with an expression vector carrying AM. We also treated the parental cell lines with synthetic AM in normal culture conditions and in conditions of induced-apoptosis. After serum removal, AM prevented apoptosis in DU 145 and PC-3 cells, but not in LNCaP cells. When treated with etoposide, AM prevented apoptosis in PC-3 and LNCaP cells, but not in DU 145 cells. Cell cycle analysis demonstrated a significant decrease in the percentage of AM-overexpressing PC-3 cells in the subG0/G1 phase after treatment with etoposide, as compared to the percentage of mock-transfected PC-3 treated cells. Western blot showed that protein levels of phosphorylated ERK1/2 increased in parental PC-3 cells after treatment with etoposide. In PC-3 cells overexpressing AM, phosphorylated ERK1/2 basal levels were lower than basal levels of parental PC-3 cells, and treatment with etoposide did not result in such an increase. Etoposide produced a significant increase in cleaved PARP in parental PC-3 cells. However, PC-3 clones overexpressing AM that were treated with etoposide only showed a mild increase in fragmented PARP. The ratio Bcl-2/Bax was reduced in parental or mock-transfected PC-3 cells after treatment with etoposide. On the contrary, this ratio was not reduced in PC-3 clones with AM overexpression that were treated with etoposide. All these data demonstrate that AM plays a protective role against induced apoptosis in prostate cancer cells. These results may have important implications in prostate cancer resistance to chemotherapeutic agents

    Adrenomedullin inhibits prostate cancer cell proliferation through a cAMP-independent autocrine mechanism

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    Adrenomedullin (AM) is a multifunctional peptide expressed in the normal and malignant prostate, and in prostate cancer cells. To elucidate the potential role of AM in prostate cancer, we have transfected the human AM gene into PC-3, DU 145, and LNCaP prostate cancer cells. Northern blot, Western blot, and radioimmunoassay techniques confirmed an increase in the synthesis and secretion of the 6kDa mature peptide, in the AM-transfected clones. Proliferation and cell cycle assays demonstrated that AM overexpression inhibited cell proliferation in PC-3 and LNCaP cells through a G0/G1 cell cycle arrest, but not in DU 145 cells. In vivo growth assays also confirmed that, at least in PC-3, AM produced a very significant reduction of tumor volume. In addition, the three cell lines expressed the CL/RCP/RAMP-2 receptor complex by RT-PCR, which suggests that AM peptide acts through an autocrine loop in prostate cancer cells. Although cAMP elevation is the most common pathway involved in AM signalling, stimulation of PC-3, DU 145, and LNCaP with synthetic AM did not increase intracellular cAMP. However, short-term stimulation of PC-3 cells with synthetic AM increased ERK1/2 activation. On the contrary, long-term stimulation, or AM overexpression, caused a reduction in the basal activation of ERK1/2. In summary, our results demonstrate that AM (either overexpressed or exogenously added) causes an inhibition of prostate cancer cell growth. This inhibition does not depend on changes in intracellular cAMP levels, but may be related to ERK1/2 activation

    Adrenomedullin and proadrenomedullin N-terminal 20 peptide in the normal prostate and in prostate carcinoma

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    There is increasing evidence for the important role played by regulatory peptides in the physiology of the normal and neoplastic prostate. Adrenomedullin (AM) and pro-adrenomedullin N-terminal 20 peptide (PAMP) are recently discovered regulatory peptides widely expressed in the normal prostate and in prostate carcinoma. AM is produced in secretory, stroma, and endothelial cells and in neurons of the prostate ganglia. PAMP is only produced by neuroendocrine cells. The expression of AM mRNA is regulated by androgens in the rat prostate. The number of neuroendocrine cells expressing PAMP is increased in prostate carcinoma after androgen deprivation, which shows that this peptide could regulate androgen-independent prostate tumor growth. However, the roles of AM and PAMP in the normal prostate and in prostate carcinoma are yet to be elucidated

    Parámetros reproductivos y distribución geográfica potencial de las áreas de anidación de Grus canadensis nesiotes (Aves, Gruidae) en Cuba: implicaciones para su conservación

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    Grus canadensis nesiotes (grulla cubana) es una subespecie endémica de Cuba que se encuentra en peligro de extinción. A pesar de estar directamente relacionada con los humedales, no existen estudios que contribuyan a su gestión y conservación. Por ello, se registraron parámetros reproductivos de la subespecie durante ocho temporadas reproductivas entre 2005 y 2015 en un humedal de Cuba; asimismo, se modeló y caracterizó la distribución geográfica potencial de las áreas de anidación, y se analizó su representación dentro de las áreas protegidas (AP). Para elaborar el modelo, se utilizaron el algoritmo de máxima entropía y variables de hábitat (100  m de tamaño de píxel). Para caracterizar la distribución potencial, se calculó la superficie ocupada por cada uso de suelo y tipo de vegetación dentro de dicha área de distribución. Se empleó el mismo procedimiento para calcular la superficie de la distribución que está protegida. Se localizaron 151  nidos en herbazales de ciénaga. Se trataba de plataformas simples sobre suelo húmedo o agua; los más grandes se observaron en 2006. El 70% de los nidos tuvieron dos huevos (1,7 huevos/nido) y el 63,5% fueron exitosos con 1,6 polluelos/nido exitoso. El hábitat potencial de anidación es estrecho (242 km2) y se localiza en el centro del humedal. De la distribución prevista, la superficie con alta probabilidad de presencia es del 13,8%. El 60% del herbazal de ciénaga de la zona del estudio estaba comprendido dentro de la distribución potencial, mientras que la proporción de cultivos (1,2%) y pastizales (2,1%) era baja. Las AP gestionadas solo protegen el 39,1% de la distribución potencial de los sitios de anidación y el 12% de las zonas con alta probabilidad. Se proponen tres sitios prioritarios para estudiar la anidación de la subespecie y hacer un seguimiento de la misma. Las medidas de conservación de la subespecie deberían considerar la distribución geográfica potencial de los sitios de anidación dentro y fuera de las AP.Grus canadensis nesiotes (grulla cubana) es una subespecie endémica de Cuba que se encuentra en peligro de extinción. A pesar de estar directamente relacionada con los humedales, no existen estudios que contribuyan a su gestión y conservación. Por ello, se registraron parámetros reproductivos de la subespecie durante ocho temporadas reproductivas entre 2005 y 2015 en un humedal de Cuba; asimismo, se modeló y caracterizó la distribución geográfica potencial de las áreas de anidación, y se analizó su representación dentro de las áreas protegidas (AP). Para elaborar el modelo, se utilizaron el algoritmo de máxima entropía y variables de hábitat (100  m de tamaño de píxel). Para caracterizar la distribución potencial, se calculó la superficie ocupada por cada uso de suelo y tipo de vegetación dentro de dicha área de distribución. Se empleó el mismo procedimiento para calcular la superficie de la distribución que está protegida. Se localizaron 151  nidos en herbazales de ciénaga. Se trataba de plataformas simples sobre suelo húmedo o agua; los más grandes se observaron en 2006. El 70% de los nidos tuvieron dos huevos (1,7 huevos/nido) y el 63,5% fueron exitosos con 1,6 polluelos/nido exitoso. El hábitat potencial de anidación es estrecho (242 km2) y se localiza en el centro del humedal. De la distribución prevista, la superficie con alta probabilidad de presencia es del 13,8%. El 60% del herbazal de ciénaga de la zona del estudio estaba comprendido dentro de la distribución potencial, mientras que la proporción de cultivos (1,2%) y pastizales (2,1%) era baja. Las AP gestionadas solo protegen el 39,1% de la distribución potencial de los sitios de anidación y el 12% de las zonas con alta probabilidad. Se proponen tres sitios prioritarios para estudiar la anidación de la subespecie y hacer un seguimiento de la misma. Las medidas de conservación de la subespecie deberían considerar la distribución geográfica potencial de los sitios de anidación dentro y fuera de las AP.Reproductive parameters and potential geographical distribution of nesting areas of Grus canadensis nesiotes (Aves, Gruidae) in Cuba: conservation implications Grus canadensis nesiotes (Cuban sandhill crane) is an endemic and endangered subspecies from Cuba. Protection of wetland habitats is essential for survival of this species, but studies that could contribute to its management and conservation are lacking. In this study we recorded the reproductive parameters of Grus canadensis nesiotes in eight breeding seasons between 2005 and 2015 in a wetland of Cuba. We modeled and characterized the potential geographical distribution of the nesting areas, analyzing its representation within protected areas. Maximum entropy algorithm and habitat variables were used for modeling (100 m of pixel size). To characterize the potential distribution we calculated each land–use–vegetation within the potential distribution. We used the same procedure to determine the extent of the protected area. A hundred and fifty–one nests were located in marsh grasslands. These nests were simple platforms built on wet soil/water; the largest nests were observed in 2006. Seventy percent of nests had two eggs (1.7 eggs/nest) and 63.5% were successful with 1.6 chicks per successful nest. The potential nesting habitat is a narrow stretch (242 km2) located in the center of the wetland. The area with high probability of presence makes up 13.8% of the predicted distribution. Sixty percent of marsh grassland of the study area was included in the potential distribution, while the proportion of crops (1.2%) and pastures (2.1%) was low. Managed protected areas cover only 39.1% of the potential distribution of the nesting sites and 12% of the high probability areas. We propose three priority sites to study and monitor nesting of the subspecies. Species conservation actions should consider the potential geographical distribution of nesting sites both inside and outside the protected areas

    Aplicación de TIG en la generación de indicadores de calidad ambiental de sistemas playa-dunas

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    Se presentan resultados parciales del subproyecto “Ecosistemas y Biodiversidad: vigilancia de espacios arenosos protegidos de Canarias y África”, incluido en el 'Programa para el desarrollo de redes tecnológicas y de aplicación de datos de teledetección en África Occidental', TELECAN (MAC/3/C181), financiado por el Programa de Cooperación Transnacional Madeira-Azores-Canarias (MAC) 2007/2013. El objetivo principal era definir, mediante el uso de imágenes de satélite, indicadores de calidad ambiental para sistemas playa-dunas, al ser éstos espacios fundamentales en el desarrollo socio-económico de estos territorios, dado su atractivo turístico. En este trabajo se presentan los resultados obtenidos para una de las áreas piloto, Maspalomas (Gran Canaria, islas Canarias). Los indicadores se obtuvieron mediante el procesado de imágenes del satélite WorldView-2, con validación, en 2013, mediante campañas marinas. Asimismo, se utilizaron imágenes de archivo, correspondientes a los años 2010, 2011 y 2012. Estos indicadores se basaron en variables relacionadas con las características físicas y biológicas de las aguas litorales y de las playas y dunas. Los resultados indican una calidad, por lo general, alta y muy alta, tanto para el medio terrestre como para el marino, con superficies dentro de estas categorías del 20,3% y 75,3% y del 26,1% y 70,6%, respectivamente.Esta es una contribución del 'Programa para el desarrollo de redes tecnológicas y de aplicación de datos de teledetección en África Occidental', TELECAN (MAC/3/C181), financiado por el Programa de Cooperación Transnacional Madeira-Azores-Canarias (MAC) 2007/2013

    Zileuton™ loaded in polymer micelles effectively reduce breast cancer circulating tumor cells and intratumoral cancer stem cells

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    Tumor recurrence, metastatic spread and progressive gain of chemo-resistance of advanced cancers are sustained by the presence of cancer stem cells (CSCs) within the tumor. Targeted therapies with the aim to eradicate these cells are thus highly regarded. However, often the use of new anti-cancer therapies is hampered by pharmacokinetic demands. Drug delivery through nanoparticles has great potential to increase efficacy and reduce toxicity and adverse effects. However, its production has to be based on intelligent design. Likewise, we developed polymeric nanoparticles loaded with Zileuton™, a potent inhibitor of cancer stem cells (CSCs), which was chosen based on high throughput screening. Its great potential for CSCs treatment was subsequently demonstrated in in vitro and in in vivo CSC fluorescent models. Encapsulated Zileuton™ reduces amount of CSCs within the tumor and effectively blocks the circulating tumor cells (CTCs) in the blood stream and metastatic spread

    Androgen-independent expression of adrenomedullin and peptidylglycine alpha-amidating monooxygenase in human prostatic carcinoma

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    Most of the locally advanced and metastatic prostate carcinomas (PCs) treated with antiandrogenic therapy eventually become refractory to this treatment. Locally produced factors may control prostate tumor biology after androgen withdrawal. Adrenomedullin (AM) is expressed in the prostate and could control cell growth in androgen-independent conditions. AM needs to be amidated by the enzyme peptidylglycine alpha-amidating monooxygenase (PAM) to become fully active. The objective of the present study was to analyze whether the expression of preproadrenomedullin (preproAM) and PAM in PC is regulated by androgens. For this purpose, human in vitro and in vivo PC models were grown in the presence or absence of androgens, and the expression of AM and PAM was examined by immunohistochemistry, Western blotting, RT-PCR, and Northern blotting. Furthermore, immunohistochemical analysis of AM in clinical specimens was performed to test if its expression is related to Gleason score and antiandrogenic therapy. In PC cell lines and xenografts, mRNA and protein AM levels were similar in the presence or absence of androgens. PAM expression seemed to be induced by androgen-withdrawal. Our results in clinical samples showed no relationship between AM expression and Gleason score or antiandrogenic treatment. In conclusion, our results demonstrate that preproAM and PAM expression in the human prostate is androgen-independent. In addition, we also report for the first time the expression of a novel PAM transcript in PC, which has not been previously described in other tissues

    Overexpression of adrenomedullin gene markedly inhibits proliferation of PC3 prostate cancer cells in vitro and in vivo

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    The expression of the gene encoding adrenomedullin (AM), a multifunctional peptide hormone, in the prostate is localized to the epithelial cells. Prostate cancer cells are derived from prostatic epithelial cells. To elucidate the potential role of the AM gene in prostate cancer progression, we have stably-transfected the PC3 human prostate cancer cell line with an AM gene expression vector. The AM-transfected PC3 sublines were studied along with parental and empty vector transfected PC3 cells as controls. The average level of AM in the conditioned media of AM-transfected cells was 0.959+/-0.113 nM, a physiologically relevant concentration. The ectopic expression of AM gene inhibited the proliferation of PC3 cells in culture dishes. In addition, anchorage-independent growth of the transfected sublines was virtually abolished in soft agar assays. Flow cytometry studies showed that overexpression of AM gene caused a very significant G(1)/G(0) cell cycle arrest. In vivo experiments demonstrated that AM gene expression markedly inhibited the growth of xenograft tumors in nude mice. Our in vivo and in vitro studies suggest that AM could strongly suppress the malignancy of prostate cancer cells, via autocrine and/or paracrine mechanisms

    Gene expression profiling identifies IL-13 receptor alpha 2 chain as a therapeutic target in prostate tumor cells overexpressing adrenomedullin

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    Human adrenomedullin (AM) is a 52 amino acid peptide, which shares homology with the calcitonin gene-related peptide. Overexpression of AM in the prostate carcinoma cell line PC-3 results in growth inhibition with a 20% (for human AM) and 35% (for rat AM) increase in doubling time compared to parental or mock-transfected cells. We demonstrate by gene expression profiling that AM overexpression results in the dysregulation of approximately 100 genes. Examples of such genes include many involved in the formation of the cytoskeleton, cell adhesion and the extracellular matrix, as well as regulators of the cell cycle and apoptosis, cytokines and transcription factors. Several genes related to cell growth arrest, such as GADD45, IGF-BP6 and RUNX-3, are upregulated by AM. Interestingly, interleukin-13 receptor alpha 2 (IL-13R alpha 2) transcripts were significantly increased in clones overexpressing AM, which was confirmed by semiquantitative RT-PCR analysis. In addition, PC-3 cells treated with AM showed an overexpression of IL-13R alpha 2, which was abolished when cells were preincubated with an anti-AM blocking antibody. When PC-3 cells overexpressing AM and the IL-13R alpha 2 were treated with the highly specific IL13-PE38 cytotoxin, which binds to this receptor, a concentration-dependent inhibition of protein synthesis was observed. The IC(50) (concentration of cytotoxin inhibiting protein synthesis by 50%) ranged from 1 to 4 ng/ml. This cytotoxicity was specific as it was neutralized by the excess of IL-13 and confirmed by clonogenic assays. This study describes a novel AM-induced mechanism of tumor sensitization through the upregulation of functional IL-13R alpha 2 chain, an ideal target for the highly specific recombinant chimeric cytotoxin IL13-PE38