98 research outputs found

    Testicular development in migrant and spawning bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus (L.)) from the eastern Atlantic and Mediterranean

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    Testis histological structure was studied in bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus) from the eastern Atlantic and Mediterranean during the reproductive season (from late April to early June). Testicular maturation was investigated by comparing samples from bluefin tuna caught on their eastward reproductive migration off Barbate (Strait of Gibraltar area) with samples of bluefin tuna fished in spawning grounds around the Balearic Islands. Histological evaluations of cross sections showed that the testis consists of two structurally different regions, an outer proliferative region where germ cells develop synchronously in cysts, and a central region made up of a well-developed system of ducts that convey the spermatozoa produced in the proliferative region to the main sperm duct. Ultrastructural features of the different stages of the male germ cell line are very similar to those described in other teleost species. The bluefin tuna testis is of the unrestricted spermatogonial testicular type, where primary spermatogonia are present all along the germinative portion of the lobules. All stages of spermatogenesis were present in the gonad tissue of migrant and spawning bluefin tuna, although spermatids were more abundant in spawning fish. The testis size was found to increase by a factor of four (on average) during migration to the Mediterranean spawning grounds, whereas the fat bodies (mesenteric lipid stores associated with the gonads) became reduced to half their weight, and the liver mass did not change significantly with sexual maturation. Linear regression analysis of the pooled data of migrant and spawning bluefin tuna revealed a significant negative correlation between the gonad index (IG) and the fat tissue index (IF), and a weaker positive correlation between the gonad index (IG) and the liver index (IL). Our analyses indicate that the liver does not play a significant role in the storage of lipids and that mesenteric lipid reserves constitute an important energy source for gametogenesis in bluefin tuna

    A bone remodelling model including the effect of damage on the steering of BMUs

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    Bone remodelling in cortical bone is performed by the so-called basic multicellular units (BMUs), which produce osteons after completing the remodelling sequence. Burger et al. (2003) hypothesized that BMUs follow the direction of the prevalent local stress in the bone. More recently, Martin (2007) has shown that BMUs must be somehow guided by microstructural damage as well. The interaction of both variables, strain and damage, in the guidance of BMUs has been incorporated into a bone remodelling model for cortical bone. This model accounts for variations in porosity, anisotropy and damage level. The bone remodelling model has been applied to a finite element model of the diaphysis of a human femur. The trajectories of the BMUs have been analysed throughout the diaphysis and compared with the orientation of osteons measured experimentally. Some interesting observations, like the typical fan arrangement of osteons near the periosteum, can be explained with the proposed remodelling model. Moreover, the efficiency of BMUs in damage repairing has been shown to be greater if BMUs are guided by damage

    Spatio-temporal distribution of spinetail devil ray (Mobula mobular) in the eastern tropical Atlantic Ocean.

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    The distribution of the spinetail devil ray Mobula mobular in the eastern tropical Atlantic remains poorly known compared to the Pacific and Indian Oceans. We used fisherydependent data and generalized additive models to examine the environmental characteristics associated with the presence of M. mobular in the eastern Atlantic Ocean. Results revealed that the distribution of M. mobular is significantly associated with seasonal upwelling systems in coastal and pelagic areas. Our model predicted the presence of the species in areas where there is evidence of its occurrence, such as the Angolan upwelling system and the coast of Ghana. In addition, our model predicted new hotspot areas, including locations around the Mauritanian upwelling system, the Guinea coast, offshore Ghana and the south coast of Angola and Brazil, where sample sizes are limited. Those areas, as well as the environmental preferences depicted by the model, provide valuable information about the habitat and ecology of the spinetail devil ray. Future research lines derived from this study, as well as its limitations, are discussed. Furthermore, in light of our results we discuss the improvements that are needed to contribute to the conservation and management of this vulnerable species.Versión del edito

    A hypothesis of a redistribution of North Atlantic swordfish based on changing ocean conditions

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    Conflicting trends in indices of abundance for North Atlantic swordfish starting in the mid-to late 1990s, in the form of fleet specific catch-per-unit-effort (CPUE), suggest the possibility of a spatial shift in abundance to follow areas of preferred temperature. The observed changes in the direction of the CPUEs correspond with changes in trends in the summer Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation (AMO), a long term mode of variability of North Atlantic sea surface temperature. To test the hypothesis of a relation between the CPUE and the AMO, the CPUEs were made spatially explicit by re-estimating using an “areas-as-fleets” approach. These new CPUEs were then used to create alternative stock histories. The residuals of the fit were then regressed against the summer AMO. Significant, and opposite, relations were found in the regressions between eastern and western Atlantic areas. When the AMO was in a warm phase, the CPUEs in the western (eastern) areas were higher (lower) than predicted by the assessment model fit. Given the observed temperature tolerance limits of swordfish, it is possible that either their preferred habitat, prey species, or both have shifted spatial distributions resulting in conflicting CPUE indices. Because the available CPUE time series only overlaps with one change in the sign of the AMO (~1995), it is not clear whether this is a directional or cyclical trend. Given the relatively localized nature of many of the fishing fleets, and the difficulty of separating fleet effects from changes in oceanography we feel that it is critical to create CPUE indices by combining data across similar fleets that fish in similar areas. This approach allowed us to evaluate area-specific catch rates which provided the power to detect basin-wide responses to changing oceanography, a critical step for providing robust management advice in a changing climate.Postprin

    Comparing Electronic Monitoring and human observer collected fishery data in the tropical purse seine operating in the Western and Central Pacific Ocean

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    Electronic Monitory (EM) systems have been proven a valid tool for collecting fishery dependent data. They are being widely used in many fisheries as a complement or alternative to human observers to increase the monitoring coverage of fisheries. However, considering its wide application, following agreed minimum standard, it is important to compare the congruence between the information collected by EM and observers. We compared EM and two sets of different observer data collected on 6 trips of tuna purse seiners in the Eastern and Western and Central Pacific Ocean to analyze the similarity of fishing set type identification, estimation of tuna and bycatch catches between both monitoring systems. Overall EM was a valid tool to estimate the type of fishing set. Retained total catch of tunas by set was estimated by EM as reliable as that by both observer programs and logbook. When comparing the information by set, EM estimation of the main species, such as skipjack and bigeye and the combination of bigeye/yellowfin, was proven to be less accurate but statistically similar to the estimates made by both observers’ programs. EM tended to underestimate the retained catch of skipjack in comparison to both observers estimates and slightly overestimate bigeye and yellowfin, the overestimation being less pronounced for bigeye than for yellowfin. For bycatch species, EM is able to identify main bycatch species as observers do. However, the capability of EM to estimate the same number of bycatch items in comparison to IATTC and WCPFC observers varies greatly by species group. For sharks, which are the main bycatch issue in the FAD purse seine fishery, the overall congruence between EM and observers was high. EM and IATTC observer identified a similar overall number of individual sharks, however, WCPFC observers estimated lower number of shark individuals than the other two monitoring systems when considering all trips together.Versión del edito

    Bycatch of the European purse-seine tuna fishery in the Atlantic Ocean for the period 2010-2016

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    This paper presents an update for the period 2010-2016 of the bycatch estimations for the European tuna purse seine fishery operating in the Atlantic Ocean. Bycatch data were collected by observers onboard. Observer coverage increased progressively from 15 trips in 2010, to 114 and 107 trips in 2015 and 2016 respectively. Bycatch data, as collected by the observers, were stratified by quarter and fishing mode (free school and floating object sets). The ratio of total to observed catches of the target species (skipjack, bigeye and yellowfin tunas) in each stratum was then used as raising factor. The average of the annual total bycatch estimated for the studied period was 9,515 t. Tunas (neritic tunas and small size tunas) represent the major part of the bycatch, followed by fin fish, sharks, billfishes, rays and turtles.En prens

    In support of the ICCAT ecosystem report card: advances in monitoring the impacts on and the state of the “foodweb and trophic relationships” ecosystem component.

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    In support of the development of the ICCAT Ecosystem Report Card, this paper addresses the “foodweb/trophic relationships” ecosystem component. Specifically, it contributes towards developing the following elements: (1) we describe what this component means in the context of ICCAT species and fisheries and the importance of monitoring it; (2) we describe the role of ecological indicators and ecosystem models in monitoring this ecosystem component; (3) we present a list of candidate ecological indicators that could be estimated to monitor this component; (4) we discuss the main challenges in monitoring this ecosystem component and indicator development; and finally (5), we draft a work plan to guide our future work. We invite the ICCAT community and others to contribute towards the development of ecological indicators and ecosystem models to monitor this ecosystem component. If interested, contact the corresponding authors to find out how you can contribute to this initiative.Versión del editor

    In support of the IOTC ecosystem report card: Advances in monitoring the impacts on and the state of the “foodweb and trophic relationships” ecosystem component

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    In support of the development of the ICCAT Ecosystem Report Card, this paper addresses the “foodweb/trophic relationships” ecosystem component. Specifically, it contributes towards developing the following elements: (1) we describe what this component means in the context of ICCAT species and fisheries and the importance of monitoring it; (2) we describe the role of ecological indicators and ecosystem models in monitoring this ecosystem component; (3) we present a list of candidate ecological indicators that could be estimated to monitor this component; (4) we discuss the main challenges in monitoring this ecosystem component and indicator development; and finally (5), we draft a work plan to guide our future work. We invite the ICCAT community and others to contribute towards the development of ecological indicators and ecosystem models to monitor this ecosystem component. If interested, contact the corresponding authors to find out how you can contribute to this initiative