104 research outputs found

    Desentrenamenduaren eragina adinduen funtzionaltasunean eta parametro fisiologikoetan. Entrenamendu gidatuaren geldialdia

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    [EUS] Adinduen kopurua hazten ari da azken urteotan eta honek suposatu ditzakeen ondorioak kontutan hartu behar dira, besteak beste, hauen bizitza kalitatea. Horretarako, zahartzaroan gertatzen diren aldaketak ezagutu behar dira, hala nola, indar eta funtzio galera eta entzumenen eta nerbio sistemaren narriadura. Indarra eta oreka mantentzea arrantzitsua da adinduetan, egoera funtzionala mantentzen laguntzen duelako eta erorketak saihesten direlako. Independentzia mantentzeko aldizkako ariketa fisikoa egitea garrantzitsua da, entrenamendu aerobiko eta indar entrenamenduaren konbinaketa. Ikerketa honen helburua adindu talde batean urte betez gidatutako ariketa fisiko programa bat jarraitu ostean 3 hilabeteko geldialdiak adinduen funtzionaltasunean eta parametro fisiologikoetan sortzen dituzten ondorioak aztertzea da

    El compromiso social en los Principios de economía política y en la Sujeción de las mujeres de John Stuart Mill (con las contribuciones de Harriet Taylor Mill)

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    This paper consists of a re-reading of three works by John Stuart Mill and Harriet Taylor: the Principles of Political Economy (1848), The Subjection of Women (1869) both by J.S. Mill and Harriet Taylor’s essay, “The Emancipation of Women” (1851). The paper seeks to reinterpret these texts, seeing them as part of a joint pool of ideas and an explicit social and political programme set out by the two authors, a programme inspired by their wish to improve the lot in society, above all, of women and of the working classes. The ideas which underlie this programme have been classified under five headings: tradition and custom as stumbling blocks to social progress; education as a fundamental element in personal development; the right to vote and to be elected; freedom of access to the labour market; and finally the future advancement in the condition of the working classes. KEY Classification-JEL: B12, B20, B31, B54Political Economy, Income Distributions, Women’s Suffrage, Women And The Labour Market, Working Classes

    Dos novelas de Harriet Martineau

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    Super Winds and Radio Emission in X-ray Binary Systems

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    We have recently proposed that supercritical colliding wind binaries (SCWBs) are suitable scenarios for particle acceleration and nonthermal radiation. In these X-ray binary systems (XRBs), the wind from the companion star collides with the wind ejected from the super-Eddington accretion disk of the stellar black hole. Strong shocks are generated in this collision, leading to the acceleration of particles and subsequent broadband emission through different nonthermal radiative processes. In particular, we estimate luminosities of the order of L1034ergs1L\approx 10^{34}\,{\rm erg\,s^{-1}} in the radio band. One of the major components in these processes is the power provided by the super wind expelled from the disk. Furthermore, some properties of the wind photosphere, such as its geometry or its temperature distribution, also contribute to the absorption and reprocessing of the nonthermal radiation. In this work, we perform a more detailed description of the powerful wind launched from the accretion disk, in order to obtain a better understanding of the above-mentioned processes.Comment: 6 pages, 8 figures. Accepted for publication in Revista Mexicana de Astronom\'ia. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:2301.0863

    Las novelas de Harriet Martineau

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    Supercritical colliding wind binaries

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    Context. Particle-accelerating colliding-wind binaries (PACWBs) are systems that are formed by two massive and hot stars and produce nonthermal (NT) radiation. The key elements of these systems are fast winds and the shocks that they create when they collide. Binaries with nonaccreting young pulsars have also been detected as NT emitters, again as a consequence of the wind-wind interaction. Black holes (BHs) might produce NT radiation by this mechanism if they accrete at super-Eddington rates. In such cases, the disk is expected to launch a radiation-driven wind, and if this wind has an equatorial component, it can collide with the companion star yielding a PACWB. These systems are supercritical colliding wind binaries (SCWBs). Aims. We aim to characterize the particle acceleration and NT radiation produced by the collision of winds in binary systems composed of a superaccreting BH and an early-type star. Methods. We estimated the terminal velocity of the disk-driven wind by calculating the spatial distribution of the radiation fields and their effect on disk particles. We then found the location of the wind collision region and calculated the timescales of energy gain and losses of relativistic particles undergoing diffusive acceleration. With this information, we were able to compute the associated spectral energy distribution of the radiation. Results. We find that the interaction of winds can produce NT emission from radio up to tens of GeV, with luminosities in the range of 10331035ergs1\sim 10^{33}-10^{35} \, {\rm erg \, s^{-1}}, which for the most part are contributed by electron synchrotron and inverse Compton radiation. Conclusions. We conclude that SCWBs, such as some ultraluminous X-ray sources and some Galactic X-ray binaries, are capable of accelerating cosmic rays and producing NT electromagnetic emission from radio to γ\gamma-rays, in addition to the thermal components.Comment: 13 pages, 10 figures. Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Efectos dinámicos y radiativos de vientos en agujeros negros súper acretantes

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    En este trabajo se propone una investigación sobre diferentes aspectos radiativos de vientos producidos por discos de acreción súper críticos, esto es, los discos que se forman cuando la tasa de acreción sobre un objeto compacto excede largamente la tasa de Eddington. La acreción súper crítica puede darse tanto en agujeros negros súper masivos --en núcleos galácticos activos-- como en estrellas de neutrones o agujeros negros de masa estelar --en sistemas binarios de rayos X. En estas condiciones el disco se vuelve opaco y produce un viento que evacúa una cantidad muy significativa de la masa del sistema. Si el jet que emerge del objeto compacto (en nuestro caso de estudio, un agujero negro de masa estelar) tiene una gran luminosidad cinética puede, bajo ciertas condiciones, deflectar el viento generando así un flujo ecuatorial supersónico que interactuará con la estrella compañera, dando lugar a radiación no térmica producto de la aceleración de partículas hasta velocidades relativistas. Además de la caracterización geométrica y física de los discos de acreción, estudiamos en particular la interacción de vientos súper críticos en microcuásares con estrellas de Población III (que carecen de vientos propios pero con fuerte presión de radiación) y Población I (con fuertes vientos). Los microcuásares son sistemas binarios estelares en los cuales un objeto compacto acreta un porcentaje de la materia que una estrella compañera le transfiere, y expulsa una fracción de la misma en forma de chorros bipolares relativistas. Nuestro objetivo general es realizar modelos astrofísicos realistas de estos sistemas, que incluyan aspectos tanto dinámicos como radiativos de los vientos producidos y permitan hacer predicciones concretas sobre los observables asociados a estos objetos.Facultad de Ciencias Astronómicas y Geofísica

    Toki-administrazioen gardentasun-analisia: Bermeoko Udala

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    [EUS] Aurrerapauso handiak egon dira gardentasunaren alorrean, udalak gero eta gardenagoak direlako herritarren aurrean. Bermeoko Udalaren gardentasunaren azterketa egiteko, beharrezkoa ikusi da, lehenik eta behin, gardentasunari buruzko marko teorikoa azaltzea , ondoren, Dyntraren eta Udaletxeen Gardentasunaren Indizearen aztertu ahal izateko. Bigarren mailako helburuei dagokienez, Bermeoko Udalak dituen gardentasunaren tresna ezberdinak ezagutu eta aztertu nahi dira, kudeaketa publikoetan gardentasunaren kultura sustatuz. Beraz, muga horiek gainditzeko udalarekin batera gardentasunaren azterketa burutzea interesgarria izango litzateke, web gunearekin laguntza gehiago egongo litzatekelako. [EU][ENG] Over the years, transparency and access to public information have been gaining importance, reinforcing citizens demand for both. An important reason for this is the trust offered by transparency and the right to information, with which citizens live informed. This has led to great advances in transparency, as municipalities are increasingly transparent to citizens. In addition, institutions are required by law to display this information, so this law also encourages citizens rights. As for the secondary objectives, it is intended to know and analyze the different tools of transparency that Bermeo has, promoting the culture of transparency in public management. To sum up, this analysis also refers to limitations, such as difficulty of finding information on the transparency portal of Bermeo or the offer of restricted information, and in some cases the lack of updating of documents or data. [EN

    Interactions of equatorial winds in super-Eddington stellar sources

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    Compact objects accreting at super-Eddington rates launch powerful winds and jets. The jet interactswith the wind of the disk. A powerful jet pushes the wind sidewards producing a supersonic equatorial outflow.Such a situation might be the case in the well-known super-accreting Galactic microquasar SS433, where theexistence of an equatorial wind has been revealed by high-resolution radio observations. In this work, we presentpreliminary results of quantitative estimates of the expected radiation from the interaction between a jet-inducedequatorial wind and a very luminous donor star with weak or null winds (e.g. a PopIII star). The results are ofinterest for understanding ultraluminous X-ray sources and other super-Eddington accretors in the early universe.Fil: Abaroa, Leandro. Universidad Nacional de La Plata; Argentina. Provincia de Buenos Aires. Gobernación. Comisión de Investigaciones Científicas. Instituto Argentino de Radioastronomía. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata. Instituto Argentino de Radioastronomía; ArgentinaFil: Sotomayor Checa, Pablo Omar. Provincia de Buenos Aires. Gobernación. Comisión de Investigaciones Científicas. Instituto Argentino de Radioastronomía. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata. Instituto Argentino de Radioastronomía; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Astronómicas y Geofísicas; ArgentinaFil: Romero, Gustavo Esteban. Provincia de Buenos Aires. Gobernación. Comisión de Investigaciones Científicas. Instituto Argentino de Radioastronomía. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata. Instituto Argentino de Radioastronomía; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Astronómicas y Geofísicas; Argentina62º Reunión Anual de la Asociación Argentina de AstronomíaonlineArgentinaUniversidad Nacional de Rosari

    Dos novelas de Harriet Martineau

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