68 research outputs found

    Stress plays provoking role in hypertension-related stroke: Injuries of blood-brain barrier function

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    Chronic hypertension itself does not cause stroke but significantly decreases the resistant to stroke induced by stress due to exhausting of adaptive capacity of cerebral endothelium and decrease resistance of blood-brain barrier to stress

    Terapascal static pressure generation with ultrahigh yield strength nanodiamond

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    Studies of materials’ properties at high and ultrahigh pressures lead to discoveries of unique physical and chemical phenomena and a deeper understanding of matter. In high-pressure research, an achievable static pressure limit is imposed by the strength of available strong materials and design of high-pressure devices. Using a high-pressure and high-temperature technique, we synthesized optically transparent microballs of bulk nanocrystalline diamond, which were found to have an exceptional yield strength (~460 GPa at a confining pressure of ~70 GPa) due to the unique microstructure of bulk nanocrystalline diamond. We used the nanodiamond balls in a double-stage diamond anvil cell high-pressure device that allowed us to generate static pressures beyond 1 TPa, as demonstrated by synchrotron x-ray diffraction. Outstanding mechanical properties (strain-dependent elasticity, very high hardness, and unprecedented yield strength) make the nanodiamond balls a unique device for ultrahigh static pressure generation. Structurally isotropic, homogeneous, and made of a low-Z material, they are promising in the field of x-ray optical applications

    Habrobates vejisovi Kelejnikova 1977

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    Habrobates vejisovi Kelejnikova, 1977 Material examined Paratypes TURKMENISTAN • 2 ♀♀; “Репетек, 23–24.IV.1974, КуЗнецов” [Repetek]; “ 22-IV-74, гол. барх.” [bare barchans dunes]; “Paratypus, ♀, Habrobates vejisovi Kelejn 19.II.1977 ”; 23–24 Apr. 1974; N.Ya. Kuznetsov leg.; ZIN • 1♀; same collection data as for preceding; HNHM. Additional material TURKMENISTAN • 1 ♂; Karakum, Repetek; 27 Jan. 1957; N.G. Skopin leg.; ZIN • 7 ♂♂, 6 ♀♀; same collection data as for preceding; 6 Mar. 1958; G.S. Medvedev leg.; ZIN • 1 ♂, 1 ♀; same collection data as for preceding; 12 Apr. 1972; Begov leg.; ZIN • 2 ♂♂, 3 ♀♀; same collection data as for preceding; 16 Apr. 1980; B.A. Korotyaev leg.; ZIN. Distribution Turkmenistan (Karakum Desert, east).Published as part of Chigray, Svetlana N., Nabozhenko, Maxim V., Chigray, Ivan A. & Abakumov, Evgeny V., 2022, A revision of the Palaearctic Pimeliini (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae): a comparative analysis and systematic position of Eastern European and Asian taxa with dorso-lateral eyes, pp. 1-71 in European Journal of Taxonomy 809 on page 23, DOI: 10.5852/ejt.2022.809.1719, http://zenodo.org/record/641942

    Platyope proctoleuca subsp. proctoleuca proctoleuca Fischer von Waldheim 1820

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    Platyope proctoleuca proctoleuca Fischer von Waldheim, 1820 Fig. 6A Material examined KAZAKHSTAN • 1♂; Zaysan valley, Aygy-kum; 10 Jun. 1968; N.G. Skopin leg.; ZIN. RUSSIA • 1 ♂, 4 ♀♀; “Sibir.”; ZIN • 2 ♂♂, 3 ♀♀; “Sibir. occ.”; ZIN. Distribution Russia (Altai: Kulunda Steppe). Kazakhstan (Zaysan Depression, Irtysh River and Black Irtysh River valleys). This species was listed only for Zaysan Depression in Kazakhstan in the Palaearctic Catalogue (Iwan et al. 2020), but Medvedev (1990) recorded P. proctoleuca proctoleuca also for Russian Altai and the Irtysh valley in Kazakhstan.Published as part of Chigray, Svetlana N., Nabozhenko, Maxim V., Chigray, Ivan A. & Abakumov, Evgeny V., 2022, A revision of the Palaearctic Pimeliini (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae): a comparative analysis and systematic position of Eastern European and Asian taxa with dorso-lateral eyes, pp. 1-71 in European Journal of Taxonomy 809 on pages 45-46, DOI: 10.5852/ejt.2022.809.1719, http://zenodo.org/record/641942

    Platyope grumi Chigray & Nabozhenko & Chigray & Abakumov 2022, comb. nov.

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    Platyope grumi (Semenov, 1893) comb. nov. Figs 5D–H, 13A–D, 21, 23G, 28E Material examined Lectotype designated here CHINA • 1 ♂; bronze circle; “Кульджа 1879. A. Регель” [Kul’dzha; now Yining]; “ Homopsis Grumi m. AS. II.92.”; “104726”; 1879; A. Regel’ leg.; ZIN. Paralectotypes CHINA • 19 ♂♂, 14 ♀♀; same collection data as for lectotype; ZIN. Additional material CHINA • 1 spec.; “Джинхо” [Jinghe]; 13 April 1889; G.E. Grum-Grzhimaylo leg.; ZIN • 1 spec. “ Dzhungarische Wüste Z.T. ” [Dzungarian Desert]; 16 April 1926; S.G. Beick leg.; ZIN. Distribution China (Xinjiang: Yining).Published as part of Chigray, Svetlana N., Nabozhenko, Maxim V., Chigray, Ivan A. & Abakumov, Evgeny V., 2022, A revision of the Palaearctic Pimeliini (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae): a comparative analysis and systematic position of Eastern European and Asian taxa with dorso-lateral eyes, pp. 1-71 in European Journal of Taxonomy 809 on page 49, DOI: 10.5852/ejt.2022.809.1719, http://zenodo.org/record/641942

    Earophanta collaris

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    Earophanta collaris (Fischer von Waldheim, 1844) Fig. 7A Material examined KAZAKHSTAN • 2 ♂♂, 1 ♀; Kapchagay, Kokbastau; 27 Jun. 1952; P. Ler leg.; ZIN • 4 ♂♂, 2 ♀♀; near Ili; 22 Jun. 1950; N.G. Skopin leg.; ZIN • same collection data as for preceding; 6 Jul. 1954; ZIN • 1 ♂, 2 ♀♀; Ili River; 8 Jun. 1952; P. Ler leg.; ZIN • 1 ♀; Kapchagay; 15 Apr. 1962; G. Nikolaev leg.; ZIN. CHINA • 45 ♂♂, 70 ♀♀; Yining [Qulja]; 1879; A. Regel’ leg.; ZIN. Distribution South Eastern Kazakhstan, China (Xijiang).Published as part of Chigray, Svetlana N., Nabozhenko, Maxim V., Chigray, Ivan A. & Abakumov, Evgeny V., 2022, A revision of the Palaearctic Pimeliini (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae): a comparative analysis and systematic position of Eastern European and Asian taxa with dorso-lateral eyes, pp. 1-71 in European Journal of Taxonomy 809 on pages 52-53, DOI: 10.5852/ejt.2022.809.1719, http://zenodo.org/record/641942

    Przewalskia dilatata ZIN

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    Przewalskia dilatata (Reitter, 1887) Figs 4A–B, 11A–D, 18, 23D, 24B, 26E, 28A–B Material examined Lectotype of Platyope dilatata designated here CHINA • 1♂; “Prj 85” [green label]; “(Przewalsky) Nördlichen Tibet”; “Typus Platyope ditatata Rtt. Coll. Reitter ”; “ Platyope dilatata m.”; N.M. Przewalsky leg.; HNHM. Paralectotype CHINA • 1 spec.; “IV” [green label]; “Prj 85”; “Typus Platyope dilatata Rtt. Coll. Reitter ”; HNHM. Additional material CHINA • 10 ♂♂, 7 ♀♀; Niya; 3 Mar. 1890; M.V. Pevtsov leg.; ZIN • 10 ♂♂, 6 ♀♀; same collection data as for paralectotype; 1–20 Apr. 1890; ZIN • 21 ♂♂, 40 ♀♀; between Keriya and Niya; 8 Mar. 1890; B.L. Grombchevsky leg.; ZIN • 1 ♂, 1 ♀; Keriya; 5 Mar. 1890; B.L. Grombchevsky leg.; ZIN • 1 ♀; same collection data as for preceding; 6–11 Apr. 1890; ZIN • 15 ♂♂, 10 ♀♀; Karasay; May 1890; M.V. Pevtsov leg.; ZIN • 7 ♂♂, 15 ♀♀; Niya; 1891; V.I. Robarovsky leg.; ZIN • 1 spec.; Turk. Chin. [Turkestanian China], Keria; 5 Mar. 1890; B.L. Grombchevsky leg.; HNHM • 1 spec.; Sinkiang [Xinjiang]; 5 May 1960; unknown collector; HNHM. Distribution China (Xinjiang: Taklamakan Desert; Qinghai).Published as part of Chigray, Svetlana N., Nabozhenko, Maxim V., Chigray, Ivan A. & Abakumov, Evgeny V., 2022, A revision of the Palaearctic Pimeliini (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae): a comparative analysis and systematic position of Eastern European and Asian taxa with dorso-lateral eyes, pp. 1-71 in European Journal of Taxonomy 809 on page 31, DOI: 10.5852/ejt.2022.809.1719, http://zenodo.org/record/641942

    Habrobates gabrieli Chigray & Nabozhenko & Chigray & Abakumov 2022, comb. nov.

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    Habrobates gabrieli (Schuster, 1935) comb. nov. Figs 2, 26B Material examined Lectotype designated here IRAN • 1 spec. (sex unknown); “ Kawiria n. g. Gabrieli n. sp. Schuster”; “Pers Halwan” [Alwand or Halwan River]; “TYPUS”; “ gabrieli; Pfaundler”; NMB. Paralectotypes IRAN • 1 spec.; “ Pers. G. Kawir S. ” [Dasht-e Kavir Desert]; “4”; “COTYPUS”; NMB • 1 spec.; “ Kawiria gabrieli ”; “Pers Halwan” [Alwand or Halwan River]; “COTYPUS”; “Paratypus 1935 Kawiria Gabrieli Schuster ”; HNHM. Additional material IRAN • 2 specs; Yazd, Riq-e Dion, 32 km of Chah Malek 33°46ʹ N, 52°42ʹ E versus Chupunum 33°31ʹ N, 54°19ʹ E, alt. 800 m; 16 May 1975; W. and F.C. Rechinger leg.; HNHM • 1 spec.; Yazd, Sudrand, Kavir desert, between Tabas and Anarak; 15 May 1975; W. and F.C. Rechinger leg.; HNHM • 1 spec.; “ Persia Centr.”; 1948; N. Alexandrov leg; ZMMU. Distribution Iran (Dasht-e Kavir Desert).Published as part of Chigray, Svetlana N., Nabozhenko, Maxim V., Chigray, Ivan A. & Abakumov, Evgeny V., 2022, A revision of the Palaearctic Pimeliini (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae): a comparative analysis and systematic position of Eastern European and Asian taxa with dorso-lateral eyes, pp. 1-71 in European Journal of Taxonomy 809 on pages 23-25, DOI: 10.5852/ejt.2022.809.1719, http://zenodo.org/record/641942

    Apatopsis Semenov 1891

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    Genus Apatopsis Semenov, 1891 Figs 1A, 8A–D, 14, 23A, 26F, 27A–B Apatopsis Semenov, 1891: 368, 370. Apatopsis – Semenov 1903a: 12. — Semenov-Tjan-Shansky 1907: 177, 179. — Reitter 1893: 204, 249. — Gebien 1940: 3. — Kühnelt 1957: 85. — Ren & Dong 2001: 269. Type species Apatopsis grombczewskii Semenov, 1891, by subsequent designation (Semenov 1903a). Species included Apatopsis grombczewskii Semenov, 1891 [= A. conradti Semenov, 1891, syn. resurr.]. Notes Semenov described two species in this genus but did not designate a type species. Later, he placed Apatopsis conradti Semenov, 1891 as a junior synonym of A. grombczewskii Semenov, 1891 (Semenov 1903a; Semenov-Tjan-Shansky 1907) and clearly indicated that the genus Apatopsis includes only the one latter species. This indication (Semenov 1903a) corresponds to the subsequent designation of the type species of the genus according to article 69.1.1 of ICZN (1999). Gebien (1937) also listed Apatopsis as monotypical genus. We do not know why these two species of Apatopsis were given as valid in both editions of the Palaearctic Catalogue (Löbl et al. 2008; Iwan et al. 2020) and we here resurrect the synonymy after the examination of the lectotypes of these conspecific taxa: A. grombczewskii Semenov, 1891 = Apatopsis conradti Semenov, 1891, syn. resurr. Diagnosis Body brown, elongate-oval (Fig. 1A–B), completely covered with goldish, lanceolate, longitudinally striated scales (Fig. 8A–D) and sparse, long, erected, yellowish setae (Fig. 8C–D), body length 10– 12 mm. Eyes small, circular, located almost dorsally; surface behind eyes not covered by anterior margin of pronotum. Head covered with short, sparse projecting thin setae. Pronotum transverse (width 1.8× length). Anterolateral angles of pronotum weakly projecting, obtuse, not extending to posterior margin of eyes. Disc of pronotum (Figs 1A, 8A) moderately convex, with suture-like longitudinal median line, surface of pronotum without depressions. Prothorax almost cylindrical. Prosternum without transverse triangular depression along anterior margin, short, 1.8× as long as transverse diameter of one procoxa. Prosternal process short (ratio of length of prosternal process to its maximum width: 3:2), not raised between procoxae. Elytra translucent (see in transmitted light), with wide, oval depressions on lateral sides, surface of depressions densely covered with very long yellowish setae (Fig. 1A). Surface of elytra with longitudinal rows of very small sparse granules; each granule with long, erect, yellowish setae (Fig. 8D). Scutellar shield almost concealed by base of pronotum. Transverse length of metacoxae 1.2× as long as intercoxal process of abdominal ventrite 1. Trochanters with long sparse setae. Meso- and metafemora weakly curved outward, protibiae straight, meso- and metatibiae weakly curved outward, covered with short, yellowish setae. Protibiae (Figs 26F, 27A–B) widened at apex, outer anterior margin forms projecting process with outer apical tooth. Outer margin of protibiae covered with conical spinose tubercles, ventral surface of protibiae with long dense setae. Protibial terminal spurs elongated, extending to base of protarsomere 5, mesotibial terminal spursextending to apex of mesotarsomere 2, metatibial terminal spurs extending to midlength of metatarsomere 1. Outer and inner protibial terminal spurs subequal in length, inner meso- and metatibial terminal spurs longer than outer ones, spurs flattened, acutely angulate at apex. Tarsi elongated, flattened from sides, protarsi with short spinose setae ventrally and more elongate fine dense setae dorsally, mesotarsi with very long erected setae dorsally and shorter setae ventrally, metatarsi with very long and dense suberected setae dorsally and very short recumbent setae ventrally. Tarsal claws elongated, thin, weakly curved outward. Male genitalia Inner sternite VIII (Fig. 14H) weakly sclerotized on lateral margins and membranous in middle, densely covered with short setae; setae longer along posterior margin; anterior margin arcuately emarginated; gland absent (at least was not observed). Rods of spiculum gastrale (Fig. 14G) arcuately connected at apex; derivatives of inner sternite IX ladleshaped covered with sparse setae. Basal piece of tegmen (Fig. 14A–C) 1.2–1.4× as long as apical piece, rounded at base, widest in basal third. Apical piece bare, rounded at apex, strongly curved (Fig. 14C), ventral apophyses of apical piece very short (Fig. 14A), projecting and elevated, dorsal apophyses long (Fig. 14B), triangular, acutely angulate at apex, not merged; median lobe (Fig. 14D–F) strongly curved, bifurcated at base, membrane between baculi weakly sclerotized in basal third, baсuli at apex dorsally rolled into tube, not merged, apex narrowly rounded. Female genitalia Spiculum ventrale (Fig. 14I) very short and thickened, with short common stem, rods connected by membranous plate at apex; apophyses of sternite VIII long, acutely angulate at apex. Ovipositor (Fig. 14J–L) weakly sclerotized, very short, transverse. Paraproct short, with narrow baculi; coxite lobes not merged; lobe IV transformed into weakly sclerotized and very densely pubescent pair plate, rounded at apex; lobe III forms additional elongate apical process, similar to lobe IV; lobes I–II with shorter setae; lobe I with oblique, narrow baculi, widened at apices. Proctiger wide, with straight apical margin and densely pubescent middle, baculi of proctiger strongly widened along all length. Female genital ducts (Fig. 23A) Vagina sacciform, narrower before oviduct and after spermatheca, apical part of vagina elastically curved. Spermatheca consists of six tubes: two tubes flow into vagina independently, other four tubes combined into bundle with common base; two tubes (one independent, one in bundle) bifurcated. Accessory gland with four constrictions, one (as narrow tube) at base and three others in middle. Distribution China (Taklamakan Desert).Published as part of Chigray, Svetlana N., Nabozhenko, Maxim V., Chigray, Ivan A. & Abakumov, Evgeny V., 2022, A revision of the Palaearctic Pimeliini (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae): a comparative analysis and systematic position of Eastern European and Asian taxa with dorso-lateral eyes, pp. 1-71 in European Journal of Taxonomy 809 on pages 6-13, DOI: 10.5852/ejt.2022.809.1719, http://zenodo.org/record/641942