22 research outputs found

    Registro de enfermedades raras y las bases de información: indicadores de calidad

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    Comunicación presentada en el Curso "Marco actual y el impacto social de las enfermedades raras en España", dentro de los Cursos de verano UBU 201

    Recursos asistenciales y de investigación en enfermedades raras ubicados en la Comunidad de Madrid

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    El principal objetivo de este trabajo es desarrollar y poner al servicios de las administraciones sanitarias y también de los ciudadanos, un informe sobre los centros y unidades asistenciales y de investigación existentes en la Comunidad de Madrid (CM), que pudieran ser de utilidad para la planifi cación de los recursos orientados al control y seguimiento de las personas con enfermedades raras en el ámbito de esta comunidad

    Cardiac abnormalities in the toxic oil syndrome, with comparative observations on the eosinophilia-myalgia syndrome

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    AbstractEarly in the course of studies of the Spanish toxic oil syndrome it was recognized that vascular lesions were a major problem, most logically attributable to endothelial damage by the toxic oil. However, most clinical attention has been directed to the pulmonary complications and the evolution into a scleroderma-like illness later. p]In this study of 11 victims of the toxic oil syndrome careful postmortem studies of the coronary arteries and conduction system and neural structures of the heart demonstrated major injury to all those components of the heart. Obliterative fibrosis of the sinus node in four cases resembled findings in fatal scleroderma heart disease, and in eight the cardiac lesions resembled those of lupus erythematosus.The more impressive pathologic features involved the coronary arteries and neural structures, which were abnormal in every heart. The arterial disease included widespread focal fibromuscular dysplasia, but there was also an unusual myointimal proliferative degeneration of both small and large coronary arteries in five patients, four of whom were young women. In two hearts, portions of the inner wall of the sinus node artery had actually detached and embolized downstream. Coronary arteritis was rarely found. Inflammatory and noninflammatory degeneration of cardiac nerves was widespread. Fatty infiltration, fibrosis and degeneration were present in the coronary chemoreceptor.In most respects these cardiac abnormalities resemble those described in the eosinophilia-myalgia syndrome caused by an altered form of l-tryptophan. In both diseases there is good reason to anticipate more clinical cardiac difficulties than have so far been reported, and even more basis for future concern, especially relative to coronary disease and cardiac electrical instability

    Neurologic outcomes of toxic oil syndrome patients 18 years after the epidemic.

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    Toxic oil syndrome (TOS) resulted from consumption of rapeseed oil denatured with 2% aniline and affected more than 20,000 persons. Eighteen years after the epidemic, many patients continue to report neurologic symptoms that are difficult to evaluate using conventional techniques. We conducted an epidemiologic study to determine whether an exposure to toxic oil 18 years ago was associated with current adverse neurobehavioral effects. We studied a case group of 80 adults exposed to toxic oil 18 years ago and a referent group of 79 adult age- and sex-frequency-matched unexposed subjects. We interviewed subjects for demographics, health status, exposures to neurotoxicants, and responses to the Kaufman Brief Intelligence Test (K-BIT), Programa Integrado de Exploracion Neuropsicologica (PIEN), and Goldberg depression questionnaires and administered quantitative neurobehavioral and neurophysiologic tests by computer or trained nurses. The groups did not differ with respect to educational background or other critical variables. We examined associations between case and referent groups and the neurobehavioral and neurophysiologic outcomes of interest. Decreased distal strength of the dominant and nondominant hands and increased vibrotactile thresholds of the fingers and toes were significantly associated with exposure to toxic oil. Finger tapping, simple reaction time latency, sequence B latency, symbol digit latency, and auditory digit span were also significantly associated with exposure. Case subjects also had statistically significantly more neuropsychologic symptoms compared with referents. Using quantitative neurologic tests, we found significant adverse central and peripheral neurologic effects in a group of TOS patients 18 years after exposure to toxic oil when compared with a nonexposed referent group. These effects were not documented by standard clinical examination and were found more frequently in women

    The Spanish toxic oil syndrome 20 years after its onset: a multidisciplinary review of scientific knowledge.

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    In 1981, in Spain, the ingestion of an oil fraudulently sold as olive oil caused an outbreak of a previously unrecorded condition, later known as toxic oil syndrome (TOS), clinically characterized by intense incapacitating myalgias, marked peripheral eosinophilia, and pulmonary infiltrates. Of the 20,000 persons affected, approximately 300 died shortly after the onset of the disease and a larger number developed chronic disease. For more than 15 years, a scientific committee supported by the World Health Organization's Regional Office for Europe and by the Institute of Health Carlos III in Madrid has guided investigation intended to identify the causal agent(s), to assess toxicity and mode of action, to establish the pathogenesis of the disease, and to detect late consequences. This report summarizes advances in research on this front. No late mortality excess has been detected. Among survivors, the prevalence of some chronic conditions (e.g., sclerodermia, neurologic changes) is high. Attempts to reproduce the condition in laboratory animals have been unsuccessful, and no condition similar to TOS has been reported in the scientific literature. Laboratory findings suggest an autoimmune mechanism for TOS, such as high levels of seric soluble interleukin-2 receptor. Epidemiologic studies integrated with chemical analyses of case-related oils have shown that the disease is strongly associated with the consumption of oils containing fatty acid esters of 3-(N-phenylamino)-1,2-propanediol (PAP). These chemicals have also been found in oils synthesized under conditions simulating those hypothesized to have occurred when the toxic oil was produced in 1981. Whether PAP esters are simply markers of toxicity of oils or have the capability to induce the disease remains to be elucidated

    RARE-Bestpractices: a platform for sharing best practices for the management of rare diseases

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    From 7th European Conference on Rare Diseases and Orphan Products (ECRD 2014).Rare diseases; clinical practice guidelines; recommendations. RARE-Bestpractices (http://www.rarebestpractices.eu) is a 4-year project (2013-2016) funded by the EC FP7. The project aims at improving clinical management of patients with rare diseases (RD) and at narrowing the existing gap in quality of healthcare among countries. Methods: RARE-Bestpractices (http://www.rarebestpractices.eu) involves 9 EU countries, including 15 partners from academic institutions, governmental bodies, patient organizations and networks, which will exploit the added value of integrating different contributions and viewpoints. The platform is developed involving both experts in RD research as well as experts in clinical practice guidelines (CPG) and systematic reviews. Results: Project expected outputs include: 1) identification of challenges to be considered in deriving high quality standards for CPG on RD; 2) transparent procedures and criteria for the evaluation of CPG and their collection in a publicly searchable database; 3) identification of notation criteria to improve user understandability and implementation of CPG; 4) production of mechanisms to assess RD clinical research needs; 5) development of training activities targeted to key stakeholders to disseminate process and tools for developing and evaluating CPG; 6) the publication of a new scientific journal (http://rarejournal.org). Discussion: RARE-Bestpractices addresses the demands from both patients and health care providers for updated and high quality CPG on RD. The project will meet the requirements laid down by to the Directive 2011/24/EU, which endorses EU MS to develop European Reference Networks (ERNs) for RD; in fact, one main criterion for ERNs should be the competence to produce CPG and actively disseminate them among Centers of Expertise.N

    Rare diseases. Concept, epidemiology and state of the question in Spain

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    [ES] Enfermedad rara es aquella cuya prevalencia es inferior a 5 casos por cada 10.000 personas en la Comunidad Europea. La mayoría de los casos aparecen en la edad pediátrica, dada la alta frecuencia de enfermedades de origen genético y de anomalías congénitas. No obstante, la prevalencia es mayor en los adultos que en los niños, debido a la excesiva mortalidad de algunas enfermedades infantiles graves y a la influencia de ciertas enfermedades que aparecen a edades más tardías. La Red Epidemiológica de Investigación en Enfermedades Raras (REpIER) desarrolló el primer atlas de distribución geográfica de las enfermedades raras en España, evaluó la existencia de registros de enfermedades raras existentes, facilitó el ulterior desarrollo de planes autonómicos y acciones sociosanitarias y planteó un marco de necesidades a desarrollar, que más tarde han llegado a ser reconocidos como necesidades a resolver en el marco del Comunicado de la Comisión Europea sobre Enfermedades Raras y en la propia Ponencia del Senado. [EN] Rare diseases are those whose prevalence is below 5 cases per 10,000 inhabitants in the European Community. Most cases are diagnosed during paediatric age due to their genetic origin, while some others are congenital malformations. Nevertheless, a higher prevalence is seen during adulthood as most of the former diseases are very severe and patients die during childhood. At the same time, higher survival rates are related to some chronic rare diseases in adults. The Spanish Network of Research Epidemiology for Rare Diseases (REpIER) developed the first atlas showing the geographical distribution of rare diseases in Spain, assessed the Spanish rare disease registries, contributed to the further development of regional plans on rare diseases, as well as to social and health actions, and established the real group of needs to be solved. These have been included in the Communication of the European Commission on Rare Diseases as well as in the Spanish Senate Presentation.S