74 research outputs found

    Methods of Extraction and Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing of Plant Extracts

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    Plant extracts are widely used in pharmaceutical, food and cosmetic industry; however the effect of conventional methods of extraction described in this paper as cold and soxhlet method has not been investigated. Antimicrobial activity of Anchomanes difformis (Blume) Engl. leaf extracts have been described comparing cold and soxhlet method of extraction. The ammmt of extractable plant extract/phytochemicals, the solubility of the extracts and the susceptibility of the test organism to the extract had a correlation with the extraction methods. Cold extract had wider zones of inhibition and activity than soxhlet extract. Though there was no significant difference (P>0.05) between cold and soxhlet extracts on the entire test organisms, differences exist when compared individually. This paper revealed cold method of extraction as a better alternative to soxhlet method in antimicrobial susceptibility assay. However, the decision on the methods of extraction to be used could also be dependent on the ammmt of certain phytochemicals required and the solubility of the extracts in solvents after extraction

    In vitro Antimicrobial Screening on Anchomanes difformis (Blume) Engl. Leaves and Rhizomes Against Selected Pathogens of Public Health Importance

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    There is a need to establish scientific findings to many ethnobotanical uses of plants as phytotherapy which could find application in the pharmaceutical industry. Antimicrobial activity of Anchomanes difformis which is locally used in the treatment of diarrhea was investigated in this research. A. difformis leaf and rhizome were exhaustively extracted using ethanol, methanol and water as solvent in the ratio of 70:20:10. The antimicrobial activities were tested against pathogens of public health importance majorly the enterobacteriaceae and Candida albican. The zones of inhibitions ranged from 3-5 for rhizome extracts and 1-5 for leaf extracts at 100 l (0.1g/ml) MIC. The rhizome extracts contained phlebotannins, terpenoids and glycosides not found in leaf extracts while the leaf extracts contained steroids not found in rhizomes extracts among other phytochemicals present. Pseudomonas aeruginosa conferred resistance against the rhizome extract while Shigella flexneri conferred resistance against leaf extract. Differences in these observed susceptibility and resistance could be due to differences in their bioactive components. The rest of the organisms were found to be susceptible to both extracts showing that A. difformis had antimicrobial activity


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    Foods usually carry a mixed population of microorganisms derived from both the natural microfloro of the food plant or animo/ and those introduced during handling, processing, and storage. Salt is a widely used additive and preservative, which, influences microorganisms in different concentrations. This study aims to determine the effect of salts on food preservation and metabolic activities of food microfloro. Two food samples (row fish and raw lean meat) were investigated. Sodium chloride (NaCI), Potassium chloride {KCI} and Calcium chloride {CoCI,) were grouped into varying concentrations of 2, 2.5 and 4.5% respectively. The food samples were pulverized and salted according to these concentrations and on unsalted group served os the control. Storage was for fifteen days with samples analysis on days 0, 7 and 15. The first category of food sample was preserved under room temperature (28 ± 2 ·c), with the second and third under refrigeration (4 t 2 •C) and freezer (-18 t 2 •C) temperature respectively. Total protein and Lipid Peroxidation were assayed during the duration of storage. Organisms isolated from the samples were identified based on biochemical and cultural characteristics to include Staphylococcus oureus, Escherichia coli, and species of Pseudomonas, Klebsiella, Enterobocter, Aspergillus, Moulds, and Yeasts, with Bacillus spp mostly predominant. There was a decrease in microbial population along concentration and temperature gradient, the population, however, increosed.along the duration of storage. The toto/ protein decreased while lipid peroxidotion increased along the duration of storage. NaCI showed the highest efficiency in preservation, with KCI showing the least efficacy. Freezer temperature (-18 t 2 •C) and 4.5% salt concentrations were the most effective. Salts alone at concentrations acceptable in food cannot effectively contra/ on initio/ high load of natural and cantominont micraflora in row foods. Use of salts in synergy with ather preservatives/ methods like refrigeration will drastically reduce the activities of food micro flora whilst enhancing the shelf-life of these foods


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    Objective: Consistent projections have indicated a steady increase in the global burden of diabetes mellitus. Given the increased cost in conventional management of the condition in addition to reported side effects and cost of orthodox management, attention is shifting to the use of alternative methods such as plants materials with dual benefits as food and medicine. Thus, this study was designed to investigate the effect of date palm fruit on some biochemical parameters in streptozotocin-induced wistar rats. Methods: Animals were divided into 5 groups of 6 rats each (I as normal control, II as diabetic control and 3-5 as extract-treated groups) maintained for 14 d. At the end of the treatment, the animals were fasted overnight, then sacrificed and blood samples collected for analysis of biochemical parameters (including blood glucose, blood lipids and enzymes). Results: The results show that treatment of diabetic animals with extract of date palm fruit show a significant (P<0.05) reduction in glucose levels in groups II–V compared to group I. Similar positive effects were observed in the levels of lipids and enzymes in treated groups compared to diabetic control group II. A GC-MS analysis of the fraction of the fruit extract revealed some bioactive compounds that may be responsible for the effects exhibited in the study. Conclusion: These findings which demonstrate the ameliorative effect on hyperglycemia and hyperlipidemia, further support the use of date palm fruit as a nutraceutical agent

    Market Sanitation: A Case Study of Oregbeni Market Benin - City Edo State, Nigeria

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    Poor market sanitation is an intractable problem in Nigeria and has contributed to the spread of infectious diseases and environmental degradation. This study was undertaken to determine the awareness and practice of solid waste management in market places among market users. It involved 180 store owners and customers recruited from Oregbeni market in Benin City, Nigeria. They were administered questionnaires while an in depth interview was conducted with the waste managers in the market. Checklist was used to carry out observation of the market place sanitation status. The data obtained was then analyzed and compared using SPSS. The results showed that a high proportion of respondents were aware of improper waste management (133; 62.8%) and agreed (174; 96.7%) that it is associated with many risks. Despite this high level of awareness, the practice of open dumping of waste was prevalent (108; 60.0%). Interestingly, 96.1% expressed willingness to pay for an improved waste disposal system while 55.6% rated the existing system as poor. Our findings suggest therefore that there is an urgent needs to improve waste collection, and disposal at market places.Keywords: Market sanitation, Solid Waste Management, Health hazards, Environmental degradation

    Prevalence of overweight and obesity among students in private and public secondary schools in a peri-urban Nigerian town

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    Aims: To investigate the prevalence of overweight and obesity among secondary school students in Ekpoma.Study design: Cross sectional studyPlace and duration of the study: Private and public secondary schools in Ekpoma Edo state; from May to October,2011.Methodology: This is a school based analytical cross-sectional study of a sample of 417 students drawn from 4secondary schools in Ekpoma using the multistage sampling technique. Semi-structured interviewer-administeredquestionnaires were used to obtain qualitative information from the respondents; the weight of each respondent wasmeasured using a bathroom scale and the Body Mass Index (BMI) calculated and classified based on the AmericanMedical Association classification. The results obtained for students in private schools where then compared withthose of their peers in public secondary schools.Results: The prevalence of overweight and obesity was found to be 8.6% and 1% respectively; the mean BMI was19.6±2.6. More (67.5%) of those found to be overweight and obese were students in private schools (95% CI = 1.03-4.39 OR=2.11; ?2= 4.85). Similarly, 11.59% and 1.45% of students in private schools were overweight and obeserespectively compared to 5.71% and 0.95% for those in public schools. Majority (68%) of respondents had poorknowledge of the risk factors for and problems associated with being overweight or obese. Students in the uppersocial class are more likely to be overweight/obese compared to their peers in the lower social class((X 2HM = 10.35;P <.01; common odds ratio = 3)CONCLUSION: Over nutrition and under nutrition are both occurring in adolescents in a predominantly ruralsetting which suggests that Policy makers and health professionals need to implement strategies that will preventover nutrition side by side current efforts to curb under- nutrition. Reactivation of the school health program inNigeria is considered a helpful initial step

    Single ion heat engine with maximum efficiency at maximum power

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    We propose an experimental scheme to realize a nano heat engine with a single ion. An Otto cycle may be implemented by confining the ion in a linear Paul trap with tapered geometry and coupling it to engineered laser reservoirs. The quantum efficiency at maximum power is analytically determined in various regimes. Moreover, Monte Carlo simulations of the engine are performed that demonstrate its feasibility and its ability to operate at maximum efficiency of 30% under realistic conditions.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy and Determinants of Acceptance among Healthcare Workers, Academics and Tertiary Students in Nigeria

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    The COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in millions of human deaths, prompting the rapid development and regulatory approval of several vaccines. Although Nigeria implemented a COVID-19 vaccination program on 15 March 2021, low vaccine acceptance remains a major chal-lenge. To provide insight on factors associated with COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy (VH), we conducted a national survey among healthcare workers, academics, and tertiary students, between 1 September 2021 and 31 December 2021. We fitted a logistic regression model to the data and exam-ined factors associated with VH to support targeted health awareness campaigns to address public
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