1,742 research outputs found

    Low-latitude scintillation occurrences around the equatorial anomaly crest over Indonesia

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    We investigated low-latitude ionospheric scintillation in Indonesia using two GPS receivers installed at Bandung (107.6° E, 6.9° S; magnetic latitude 17.5° S) and Pontianak (109.3° E, 0.02° S; magnetic latitude 8.9° S). This study aimed to characterise climatological and directional ionospheric scintillation occurrences, which are useful not only for the physics of ionospheric irregularities but also for practical use in GNSS (global navigation satellite system)-based navigation. We used the deployed instrument's amplitude scintillation (S4 index) data from 2009, 2010, and 2011; the yearly SSN (sunspot-smoothed numbers) were 3.1, 16.5, and 55.9, respectively. In summary, (1) scintillation occurrences in the post-sunset period (18:00–01:00 LT) during equinox months (plasma bubble season) at the two sites can be ascribed to the plasma bubble; (2) using directional analyses of the two sites, we found that the distribution of scintillation occurrences is generally concentrated between the two sites, indicating the average location of the EIA (equatorial ionisation anomaly) crest; (3) scintillation occurrence enhancements for the two sites in field-aligned directions are herein reported for the first time by ground-based observation in a low-latitude region; (4) distribution of scintillation occurrences at Pontianak are concentrated in the southern sky, especially in the southwest direction, which is very likely associated with the plasma bubble tilted westward with increasing latitude; and (5) scintillation occurrence in the post-midnight period in the non-plasma-bubble season is the most intriguing variable occurring between the two sites (i.e. post-midnight scintillations are observed more at Bandung than Pontianak). Most of the post-midnight scintillations observed at Bandung are concentrated in the northern sky, with low elevation angles. This might be due to the amplitude of irregularities in certain directions, which may be effectively enhanced by background density enhancement by the EIA and because satellite–receiver paths are longer in the EIA crest region and in a field-aligned direction

    Sharp error terms for return time statistics under mixing conditions

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    We describe the statistics of repetition times of a string of symbols in a stochastic process. Denote by T(A) the time elapsed until the process spells the finite string A and by S(A) the number of consecutive repetitions of A. We prove that, if the length of the string grows unbondedly, (1) the distribution of T(A), when the process starts with A, is well aproximated by a certain mixture of the point measure at the origin and an exponential law, and (2) S(A) is approximately geometrically distributed. We provide sharp error terms for each of these approximations. The errors we obtain are point-wise and allow to get also approximations for all the moments of T(A) and S(A). To obtain (1) we assume that the process is phi-mixing while to obtain (2) we assume the convergence of certain contidional probabilities

    Analysis of Galaxy Formation with Hydrodynamics

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    We present a hydrodynamical code based on the Smooth Particle Hydrodynamics technique implemented in an AP3M code aimed at solving the hydrodynamical and gravitational equations in a cosmological frame. We analyze the ability of the code to reproduce standard tests and perform numerical simulations to study the formation of galaxies in a typical region of a CDM model. These numerical simulations include gas and dark matter particles and take into account physical processes such as shock waves, radiative cooling, and a simplified model of star formation. Several observed properties of normal galaxies such as Mgas/MtotalM_{gas}/M_{total} ratios, the luminosity function and the Tully-Fisher relation are analyzed within the limits imposed by numerical resolution.Comment: 21 pages, 2 postscript tables. Submitted MNRAS 04.03.9

    TTC: A Tensor Transposition Compiler for Multiple Architectures

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    We consider the problem of transposing tensors of arbitrary dimension and describe TTC, an open source domain-specific parallel compiler. TTC generates optimized parallel C++/CUDA C code that achieves a significant fraction of the system's peak memory bandwidth. TTC exhibits high performance across multiple architectures, including modern AVX-based systems (e.g.,~Intel Haswell, AMD Steamroller), Intel's Knights Corner as well as different CUDA-based GPUs such as NVIDIA's Kepler and Maxwell architectures. We report speedups of TTC over a meaningful baseline implementation generated by external C++ compilers; the results suggest that a domain-specific compiler can outperform its general purpose counterpart significantly: For instance, comparing with Intel's latest C++ compiler on the Haswell and Knights Corner architecture, TTC yields speedups of up to 8×8\times and 32×32\times, respectively. We also showcase TTC's support for multiple leading dimensions, making it a suitable candidate for the generation of performance-critical packing functions that are at the core of the ubiquitous BLAS 3 routines

    Phenylene Di—isothiocyanate (1,4) or Jonit in the Treatment of Hookworm Infections in Ujung Pandang, South Sulawesi, Indonesia

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    Percobaan klinis dengan dosis tunggal dari Jonit (Compound 16842) terhadap 60 penderita cacing tambang telah dilakukan di Ujung Pandang, Sulawesi Selatan. Penderita tersebut terdiri dari 24 anak-anak dan 36 orang dewasa. Pemeriksaan tinja dilakukan dengan cara pemeriksaan langsung sediaan basah dan pembiakan larva cara Harada-Mori sebelum dan 2 - 4 minggu setelah pengobatan. 90 % dari 60 kasus tersebut terkena infeksi dengan Necator americanus, sedang yang 10 % ter­kena infeksi campuran dengan Necator americanus dan Ankylostoma duodenale. Pada kelompok pertama terdiri dari penderita berumur antara 5-10 tahun diperoleh penyem­buhan parasitotogis 81,8 %, pada kelompok kedua terdiri dari penderita berumur antara 11-15 tahun diperoleh 92,3% dan pada kelompok ketiga terdiri dari penderita berumur antara 16 - 50 tahun di­peroleh 86,1 %, sehingga dalam keseluruhan didapatkan penyembuhan 86,7 %. Dalam pada itu ditemu­kan penurunan hitungan telur rata-rata 85,1 % dan penurunan penetasan rata-rata 93,0 %. Dengan percobaan ini telah ditunjukkan, bahwa Jonit merupakan obat cacing yang efektip dan-aman terhadap pengobatan baik Necator americanus maupun Ankylostoma duodenale. Efek sampingan seperti mual, murus, muntah, rasa Perut tidak enak dan pusing, adalah ringan dan sambil lalu pada hari pertama pengobatan dan tidak membutuhkan pengobatan khusus. Dalam keseluruhan obat ini nampak dapat diterima baik dengan cara dosis tunggal dan berguna dalam skema pengobatan massal untuk pemberantasan cacing tambang

    A space division multiplexed free-space-optical communication system that can auto-locate and fully self align with a remote transceiver

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    Free-Space Optical (FSO) systems offer the ability to distribute high speed digital links into remote and rural communities where terrain, installation cost or infrastructure security pose critical hurdles to deployment. A challenge in any point-to-point FSO system is initiating and maintaining optical alignment from the sender to the receiver. In this paper we propose and demonstrate a low-complexity self-aligning FSO prototype that can completely self-align with no requirement for initial manual positioning and could therefore form the opto-mechanical basis for a mesh network of optical transceivers. The prototype utilises off-the-shelf consumer electrical components and a bespoke alignment algorithm. We demonstrate an eight fibre spatially multiplexed link with a loss of 15 dB over 210 m

    Prochlo: Strong Privacy for Analytics in the Crowd

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    The large-scale monitoring of computer users' software activities has become commonplace, e.g., for application telemetry, error reporting, or demographic profiling. This paper describes a principled systems architecture---Encode, Shuffle, Analyze (ESA)---for performing such monitoring with high utility while also protecting user privacy. The ESA design, and its Prochlo implementation, are informed by our practical experiences with an existing, large deployment of privacy-preserving software monitoring. (cont.; see the paper

    A Machine-Checked Formalization of the Generic Model and the Random Oracle Model

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    Most approaches to the formal analyses of cryptographic protocols make the perfect cryptography assumption, i.e. the hypothese that there is no way to obtain knowledge about the plaintext pertaining to a ciphertext without knowing the key. Ideally, one would prefer to rely on a weaker hypothesis on the computational cost of gaining information about the plaintext pertaining to a ciphertext without knowing the key. Such a view is permitted by the Generic Model and the Random Oracle Model which provide non-standard computational models in which one may reason about the computational cost of breaking a cryptographic scheme. Using the proof assistant Coq, we provide a machine-checked account of the Generic Model and the Random Oracle Mode
