84 research outputs found

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    Domestic tourist motivation assessment in I-City Shah Alam

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    The theme park is one of the tourism products in Malaysia that generate income to the country as well has been selected as the prior destination among tourists as it is one of the famous attraction sites for the purpose of leisure, recreational, entertainment activities. It is important for the theme park operators to understand the motivations that lead the visitors to come to their places. This paper presents the relationship between domestic touristsโ€™ demographic characteristics and their frequency of visit to I-City, Shah Alam. Total of 150 respondents involved for the questionnaire survey. The result shows the purpose of recreation and relaxation is the main motivations that motivate their visit to the study area. It is also found that most of the domestic tourists are young, single and living nearer to the Shah Alam region. Adopting few strategies like introducing new themes, games and attractions that compatible with every age group and improving the accessibility by providing I-City Shuttle Bus will help to increase the number of tourist arrival and tendency to revisit more in the future. The research gives benefits and provide information to the authoritative body as well as industry players, especially I-Cityโ€™s management, and Tourism Selangor in order to contribute more to the related tourism products besides for the educational references for the future

    Purchasing house preferences among person with disabilities (PWD) in Kuala Lumpur

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    In Malaysia, disabled people have often been ignored and manipulated especially on their rights and full participation within community. Being aware of this scenario, the Department of Social Welfare Malaysia as one of the responsible government agencies has always implemented programs and strategies in protecting this vulnerable group. Therefore, this paper identifies the preferences in purchasing a house in accordance to the type of disabilities which are visually impaired and physically challenged people on the related issues in terms of design, price and location of a house. A total of 400 respondents in Kuala Lumpur were involved in the questionnaire survey. It was found that about 60.5% respondents have a priority in choosing a desirable location as the key principle in purchasing a house which constitutes for a safe neighbourhood and proximity to working place, service and facilities. Overall, housing provision for disabled people should afford the same standard of comfort, choice and accessibility. Hence, further research is needed to determine the appropriate criteria that encourage independent living which suit their capability and satisfy their needs

    In pursuit of economically competitive agro-tourism sector: the case of Terengganu homestay, Malaysia

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    Agro-tourism is more than just a tourist product. It is a journey to a new sensation or positive behavior concerning the environment, the community and culture. It also one of the diversified sub-sectors that provide opportunities and choices for the rural community, commonly associated with agricultural activities to enhance and maintain their economic sustainability. This research focuses on the quantification of tourism sector income specifically related to agricultural destinations, activities, and products, evaluated in the selected communities that offer tourists visits and stays within the formerโ€™s villages or settlements. Income derived from the activities, destinations, and products are to be reported and assessed against initial investment and annual operating costs. This is an area mostly void of literature, especially those within the Malaysian contexts. The research aims at exploring the vitality and robustness of agro-tourism based homestay activities in Terengganu. Three objectives have been developed based on the gaps in existing literature. Firstly, the research is to identify offerings of homestay destinations, activities, and products relevant to agriculture sector within the rural communities of Terengganu. Secondly, the research is to assess the income received from these activities based on communal receipts as well as individually reported revenues. Finally, the research is to recommend strategic and focused areas of improvement to increase and sustain the competitiveness of agro-tourism sector delivered through homestays operation. The methods used in this paper were the semi-structured interview and focus group discussion. 76 respondents participated in the discussion

    The factors contributing to the housing ownership among youth household in Melaka

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    Homeownership has been the ultimate goal of every human being worldwide. The needs of the housing can be considered a necessity to the human being, to shelter and safeguard themselves for privacy as well as any dangers that can affect their life beings. Therefore the housing ownership issue has become one of the major problems that are faced by all, either in developing or developed countries especially for the young generation, with the current situation the housing price is getting expensive. Hence the youth household is the one who highly impacted by the rising prices. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to address what are the contributing factors to the housing among youth household to own a house especially in the urban area in the case study of the state of Melaka

    Urban public space as social interaction space: case study in Petaling Street

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    Despite the fading cultural value as a Chinatown, the relationship of the society and its public space is a form of a natural phenomenon that is inseparable. The changing functions of public space in Malaysia were identified to decrease the quality of social and cultural activities in Petaling Street. Therefore, this study aims to explore urban public spaces as the main social driver in crating interaction in Petaling Street, Kuala Lumpur. The relationship between attributes of the urban public space and visitor retention were analyzed in this study. In terms of social interaction, the user activities were interrelated with the sociability of the urban space. The questionnaire survey was selected as the main medium for data collection distributed to the visitors and locals within the Klang Valley who have visited Petaling Street Chinatown. A total of 150 respondents involved and the analysis shows that street furniture does affect their preferences in an urban public space. Furthermore, the time spent by respondents will increase depending on the external factors such as weather and aesthetics. On the other hand, the internal factor that contributes to the number of visitors in Petaling Street Chinatown is their accompanying traveler which in the context of a solo traveler, the street should be celebrated with vibrancy

    Hotel room supply and demand in world heritage city of Melaka

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    Tourism is an exclusive economic opportunity that leads to lifestyle changes. It potentially brings vitality and economic as well as cultural dynamism to a place. Hence, in order to attract domestic and international tourists, many countries embark on intensive efforts by providing and developing travel sites as well as facilities to facilitate the demands. In fact, although the provision of modern attraction places such as amusement parks, complex skyscrapers and others are the approaches and strategies to promote the tourism industry, the diversity of natural and heritage resources are also known as one of the tourism assets for a country

    Perspectives on Malaysia's lack of implementation of green back lanes

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    Malaysia has been utilising green back lanes since the โ€˜90s. In spite of the several benefits of these lanes, such as the formation of active spaces, decrease in runoff water, and visitor attractions, green back lanes are yet to be deployed in the residential regions of Malaysia, prompting the question as to why these lanes have not yet been installed extensively. The objectives of this research work were: to determine what experts opined regarding the installation of green back lanes in the country, study the scenarios which caused the absence of implementation, produce a report showing the outcomes and analysis, and offer suggestions. The researcher deployed the interview strategy for ascertaining the views and standpoints of architects, town planners, maintenance staffs, project managers, and marketers on the dearth of green back lane installation. The research emphasises on the aspects of cost, maintenance, and safety

    A Framework of the Energy-Efficient Vehicle Initiative and its Implementation in a Developed Country: the case of Malaysia

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    Energy-Efficient Vehicles (EEV) are a form of green transportation that minimise carbon dioxide emissions and eliminate reliance on fossil fuels. As an oil-producing nation, Malaysia needs to conserve its resources and alternate its dependence on fuel combustion engines and their toxic emissions. In recent years, Malaysia has set EEV production goals and adopted several policies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions while meeting the transportation sector's growing energy demands. This study evaluates the current policies and initiatives for EEV and their relevance and implementation in the present scenario. It is worth ascertaining the critical elements that need to be in place for the government to push for the adoption of EEV. This study first reviewed relevant government policies supporting EEVs. Next, a comparative analysis of EEVs initiatives between Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation countries was discussed. Simultaneously, expert panels were consulted through interview sessions to identify gaps in the implementation of EEVs. Based on the findings, the relationship framework of EEVs initiatives and an outline of strategies to improve existing practices were formulated. As a result, this study proposed integrating various agencies and market players as an essential factor to determine the success of implementing EEVs. By way of conclusion, a summary of effective policies is put forward as a recommendation to stimulate the current EEV market. This study sets the stage for policymakers to adopt and improve EEV strategies

    Socio-demographic variation on tourism expenditure in Melaka UNESCO world heritage area

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    Melaka City has been designated as UNESCO World Heritage site since 2008 that offers authentic heritage and cultural attractions to tourists worldwide. The study explores the domestic and inbound tourists spending pattern and its socio-demographic effects to the expenditure pattern in the Melaka Heritage area. 1000 diary record surveys were collected from domestic and inbound tourists and the analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to test the research hypothesis. Socio-demographic characteristics including age, marital status, occupation, education level, first-time and repeat visit were found to significantly affect domestic tourism expenditure while only age, marital status and purpose of visit were found to significantly affect inbound tourism expenditure. ยฉ 2017 American Scientific Publishers. All rights reserve
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