17 research outputs found

    A Genetic Linkage Map Of Asian Seabass, Lates Calcarifer Using Dna Microsatellite Markers In Application To Quantitative Trait Loci (Qtl)

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    Genetic linkage maps of Asian sea bass have been established using a mapping panel containing a pair of parent (1 male and 1 female) and their 160 progenies. This mapping panel was obtained from parentage assignment from mass breeding programme using DNA microsatellite markers. In parentage assignment, a total 24 pairs of microsatellite markers have been used to screen all broodstock. The analyses result showed the number of alleles per locus ranged from 3 to 14 with an average of 6.65 alleles per locus and the values of the observed and expected heterozygosities ranged from 0.121 to 1.000 and from 0.198 to 0.857 respectively. The average of PIC was 0.515 with range from 0.186 to 0.826. From this analysis, only five microsatellite markers were used in parentage assignment since these 5 markers show high polymorphism level. In parentage analyses, 94.9% were successfully assigned to a single or double parent pair and only 51 (5.1%) individual progenies were left unassigned since these individual were genotyped for fewer than 2 loci. A single parent pair with their progeny have been selected and used as a mapping panel in linkage mapping construction. In linkage analyses, a total of 273 microsatellite markers have been used. Out of 273 markers, only 210 microsatellite markers (76.9%) were successfully mapped into 24 linkage groups (labelled LG1- LG24) at minimum 3.0 LOD value and maximum distance at 50.0 cM (centiMorgan). The rest of the markers were not mapped in our analysis because they showed the presence of null alleles, unlinked markers and monomorphi

    Characterisation and pathological variability of Exserohilum turcicum responsible for causing northern corn leaf blight (NCLB) disease in Malaysia

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    Aims: Corn is grown primarily for human consumption. It is considered as the second most important cereal crop after rice in Asia. Many diseases affect this crop due to planting of susceptible hybrids. This research is aimed to characterize the causative agent of northern corn leaf blight disease in Malaysia, caused by Exserohilum turcicum. Methodology and results: Leaf samples were collected from infected farms of 2 corn growing areas of Peninsular Malaysia in 2015. A total of 5 fungal isolates were examined for cultural, morphological and molecular properties, and based on the results, the five isolates were identified as E. turcicum. The conidial shapes were observed to be elongated and spindle. Cultural characteristics showed that variation existed among the isolates in colony growth and colour. Mycelia growth rates of the isolates were significantly different on potato dextrose agar (PDA), corn meal agar (CMA) and potato sucrose agar (PSA) media, growth on CMA was faster than on PSA and PDA. The isolates were grouped into three groups based on colony colour i.e. light gray, gray and dark gray. The isolates were categorized into 2 groups based on growth namely, moderate growth and profused growth. The number of septa ranged from 5-7 to 7-10 representing isolates ET002 and ET003, respectively. Similarly, conidial length varied from 56.7 μm to 89.44 μm for isolates ET002 and ET003, respectively. The pathogenic variability tested on Thai Super Sweet (TSS) corn variety, showed that isolates ET001 and ET003 were more aggressive while isolate ET005 was less aggressive among the isolates tested. Conclusion, significance and impact of the study: Both morphology and molecular results showed that, the isolates were identified as E. turcicum. The findings of this study will serve as a baseline for future studies and will help to minimize losses in yield

    Characterisation and pathological variability of Exserohilum turcicum responsible for causing corn northern leaf blight (BCLB) disease in Malaysia

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    Aims:Corn is grown primarily for human consumption. It is considered as the second most important cereal crop after rice in Asia. Many diseases affect this crop due to planting of susceptible hybrids. This research is aimed to characterize the causative agent of northern corn leaf blight disease in Malaysia, caused by Exserohilum turcicum.Methodology and results: Leaf samples were collected from infected farms of 2 corn growing areas of Peninsular Malaysia in 2015. A total of 5 fungal isolates were examined for cultural, morphological and molecular properties, and based on the results, the five isolates were identified asE. turcicum. The conidial shapes were observed to be elongated and spindle. Cultural characteristics showed that variation existed among the isolates in colony growth and colour. Mycelia growth rates of the isolates were significantly different on potato dextrose agar (PDA),corn meal agar(CMA)and potato sucrose agar (PSA)media, growth on CMA was faster than on PSA and PDA. The isolates were grouped into three groups based on colony colour i.e. light gray, gray and dark gray. The isolates were categorized into 2 groups based on growth namely, moderate growth and profused growth. The number of septa ranged from 5-7 to 7-10 representing isolates ET002 and ET003, respectively. Similarly, conidial length varied from 56.7 μm to 89.44 μm for isolates ET002 and ET003, respectively. The pathogenic variability tested on Thai Super Sweet (TSS) corn variety, showed that isolates ET001 and ET003 were more aggressive while isolate ET005 was less aggressive among the isolates tested.Conclusion, significance and impact of the study:Both morphology and molecular results showed that, the isolates were identified as E. turcicum. The findings of this study will serve as a baseline for future studies and will help to minimize losses in yield

    Susceptibility of Malaysian Rice (Oryza sativa L.) Cultivar to Saline Water Submergence Based on the Morphological Traits

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    Saline water submergence is a newly emerge abiotic stress jeopardizing rice production especially for the rice fields located nearby or alongside coastal areas. The stress was caused by the intrusion of sea water into those rice fields causing flash flood mainly during monsoon season. The present study was conducted to evaluate susceptibility level of selected Malaysian rice cultivars to saline water submergence at seedling stage based on the morphological traits and survival rate. There were six genotypes involved in the study mainly IR64-Sub1 as submergence tolerant control, Pokkali as salinity tolerant control, IR64 as susceptible control and MR297, MR284 and MR253 as local rice cultivars, respectively. The experiment was conducted using split plot design with three replications. On the day 14 after germination, all rice seedlings were totally submerged of about one-meter depth in a polyethylene tank containing saline water at 0, 4, 8 and 12 dS/m for 14 days while the non-submerged plant was control of the experiment. Seedling growth attributes and survival rate were recorded before, right after de-submerged and 14 days after de-submerged. All genotypes however were susceptible to saline water submergence at 4, 8 and 12 dS/m. In contrast, under 0 dS/m, IR64-Sub1 recorded significantly higher survival rate at 83% as compared to MR284 (17%), MR297 (17%), Pokkali (8%), MR253 (0%) and IR64 (0%).  All genotypes were not survived under saline submergence. Therefore, further phenotypic screening of rice genetic resources originated from or nearby coastal areas could be suggested in order to increase chance of identifying potentially tolerant genotype to saline water submergence

    Morphological, Biochemical and Genetic Variation of Rice (Oryza sativa L.) Genotypes to Vegetative Stage Salinity Stress

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    Salinity is one of the most serious issues in rice cultivation and production. Salt stress significantly reduced seedling growth performance of rice. This research was conducted to study the effects of vegetative stage salinity stress on morphological, biochemical, molecular and genetic variation of 12 rice genotypes as well as 2 check varieties, MR297 (susceptible) and Pokkali (tolerant). The experiment was arranged in a split-plot design with 3 replications. Normal freshwater at 0 dS m-1 (L1), saline water at 6 dS m-1 (L2) and saline water at 12 dS m-1 (L3) were the main plot and rice genotypes were the sub-plot. In general, morphological and biochemical traits of all genotypes showed an overall reduction of about 47.41% in L3 as compared to L1 except for the tolerant check, Pokkali. The genetics and correlation analysis indicated that plant height, leaf size and standard evaluation system (SES) score might be used as a selection criterion in developing salt tolerant rice. The multivariate analysis revealed that a Malaysian landraces, Jarom Mas was clustered together with Pokkali as tolerant genotype. Screening using tightly linked Simple Sequence Repeat (SSR) markers (RM1287, RM10748, RM493) of salinity tolerant QTL, Saltol indicated that this QTL was absence in Jarom Mas. This finding might indicate the presence of other QTL associated with salinity tolerance in Jarom Mas. Further study on identifying the speculated QTL may be conducted to confirm this postulation

    Efficient callus induction and plant regeneration of Malaysian indica rice MR219 using anther culture

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    Rice plant regeneration via anther culture possess several difficulties, these included early anther necrosis and high albinism frequency. In the present study, several biotic and abiotic factors were studied to develop an efficient protocol for the regeneration of Malaysian indica rice MR 219 variety. Callus initiation of anther cultures was evaluated using different N6 media supplemented with 2,4-D in combination with 1-naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA), kinetin (Kin) or 6-benzylaminopurine (BAP). The present study revealed that incorporation of 1.0 mg/L of 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) with 3.0 mg/L of NAA significantly elevated callus induction rate with 8.45%. Callus development was further enhanced with the application of 1.0 mg/L of 2,4-D in combination with 1.0 mg/L of BAP, which resulted in 80.83% of globular callus formation rate. Formation of rooty callus (70.83%) was initiated by 0.5 mg/L of 2,4-D in conjunction with 0.5 mg/L of BAP treatment. The highest somatic embryogenesis rate (25.83%) and regeneration frequency (10.92%) was achieved under 4 °C during 7th day, together with the formation of 2.17 green rice plantlets. Nevertheless, culture browning frequency increased over time and reached the highest (100.00%) at 29th day for both 4 and 8 °C treatments. The highest number of albino plantlets was recorded at 18.17 for in vitro cultures maintained under 8 °C at 14th day. The study herein developed an efficient protocol which enhanced callus development as well as the regeneration of green indica rice plantlets while minimizing albinism

    Screening for Tolerant Genotype to Saline Water Submergence in Rice (Oryza sativa L.).

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    Saline water submergence is a newly emerge abiotic stress jeopardizing rice production especially for the rice fields located nearby or alongside coastal areas. The stress was caused by the intrusion of sea water into those rice fields causing flash flood mainly during monsoon season. The present study was conducted as an attempt to screen for tolerant genotype against saline water submergence at seedling stage. There were six genotypes involved in the study mainly IR64-Sub1 as submergence tolerant control, Pokkali as salinity tolerant control, IR64 and MR297 as susceptible control, MR284 and MR253, a local rice cultivar respectively. The rice seedlings were submerged in saline water at 0, 4, 8 and 12 dS/m for 14 days while the non-submerged plant was control of the experiment. Seedling growth attributes, survival rate and recovery rate were recorded before and after de-submerged for three consecutive weeks. The highest survival rate at 83% was recorded in IR64-Sub1 under 0 dS/m, followed by MR284 (17%), MR297 (17%) and Pokkali (8%). All genotypes however were susceptible to saline water submergence at 4, 8 and 12 dS/m. Hence, potential genetic resource of rice originated from coastal area in the future screening is crucial to increase the possibility of identifying tolerance genotype to saline water submergence stress which later will be used as a donor parent in the breeding program

    Morpho-Physiological Response of Rice (Oryza Sativa L.) Genotypes to Salinity Stress at Seedling Stage

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    Salinity stress would significantly reduce seedling growth performance of rice. In addition, salinity also affects physiological and metabolic process mainly the osmotic and ionic balance of the cells. Hence, the present study was conducted to evaluate morpho-physiological and biochemical response of selected rice genotypes to salinity stress at seedling stage. Twelve rice genotypes were used in the pot-trial experiment including two checks namely Pokkali (tolerant) and MR297 (susceptible). The experiment was conducted in a split plot design with three replications. Three salinity levels involved were L1 (normal fresh water), L2 (saline water at 12 dSm-1), and L3 (saline water at 24 dSm-1) as the main plot while rice genotypes as the sub-plot. Salinity stress was imposed for 14 days starting from 21 days after sowing. In overall, L3 salinity stress significantly reduced 47.41% of all seedling growth attributes for all genotypes except for Pokkali (V11) as compared to control condition. Meanwhile, Haiboq (V9) and Basmati 370 (V3) recorded significantly similar response as the MR297 (V10). The trend of chlorophyll content reduction could be seen in all genotypes under L2 and L3 salinity stress with average 77.72% reduced over control condition. In contrast, proline content was increased over 7 folds in all genotypes as level of salinity increases except for V11. Proline may function as a signal metabolites thus higher proline content indicates that the plant is under stress. In conclusion, chlorophyll and proline content may be used as indicators of sensitivity to salinity stress in rice cultivars along with the morphological growth responses

    Finding the Link between Cyberbullying and Suicidal Behaviour among Adolescents in Peninsular Malaysia

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    Social media engagement has contributed to the rise of cyberbullying, which has recently triggered tragic suicides among adolescents. The objective of this cross-sectional study is to determine the prevalence of cyberbullying, suicidal behaviour, and their association among adolescents in Peninsular Malaysia. The study was conducted among 1290 secondary school adolescents aged between 13 and 17 years old in Peninsular Malaysia using a self-administered and anonymous online questionnaire. Our findings reveal that the prevalence of cyberbullying victimization and perpetrator is 13.7% and 3.8%, respectively. The prevalence of suicidal behaviour among adolescents is 17.1%, in which 11.9% had suicidal thoughts, 10.2% had a suicide plan, and 8.4% had made a suicide attempt. Multiple logistic regression shows that adolescents experiencing cyberbullying victimization is a significant risk factor (p < 0.001) for suicidal behaviour after adjusting for other confounders. An alarming number of adolescents in Peninsular Malaysia found to be involved in cyberbullying and its significant association with suicidal behaviour warrant the need to strengthen current interventions. Since the study was conducted during the COVID-19 pandemic, our findings make an important contribution in reporting current trends in cyberbullying and suicide among adolescents, especially when they are becoming ever-more present in cyberspaces

    Validation of functioning resistant genes against Malaysian biotype of brown planthopper in rice variety, Rathu Heenati

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    Rathu Heenati is a donor parent commonly used in the development of resistant rice varieties against brown planthopper (BPH), Nilaparvata lugens, which is a devastating insect pest of rice. The variety is reported to have a broad-spectrum resistance against BPH, through the action of multiple genes and quantitative trait loci (QTL) including Bph3, Qbph3, Qbph4 and Qbph10. The present study was carried out to validate the effectiveness of those genes against Malaysian BPH population. The study was conducted using an F2 segregating population which was obtained from a cross between Rathu Heenati and a Malaysian commercial variety, MR219. Plant damage score was used to estimate the degree of plant tolerance, while the amount of honeydew excretion was used to measure the level of antibiosis. The gene presence in an individual plant was determined based on the segregation pattern of the flanking microsatellite markers of the respective reported genes. Results confirmed the role of Bph3 and the three other QTLs in conferring resistance against the Malaysian biotype of BPH. Marker assisted breeding can facilitate the monitoring of the introgressed genes in the plants of a breeding population