3,183 research outputs found

    Rethinking communication in innovation processes: creating space for change in complex systems

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    Abstract: In innovation studies, communication received explicit attention in the context of studies on the adoption and diffusion of innovation that dominated the field in the 1940-1970 period. Since then, our theoretical understanding of both innovation and communication has changed markedly. However, a systematic rethinking of the role of communication in innovation processes is largely lacking. This article reconceptualises the role of everyday communication and communicative intervention in innovation processes, and discusses practical implications. It is argued that we need to broaden our perspective on the types of (communicatively supported) intermediation that an innovation process includes and requires. Keywords: innovation, communication, discursive space, intermediaries, everyday tal

    Transport properties of microstructured ultrathin films of La0.67Ca0.33MnO3 on SrTiO3

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    We have investigated the electrical transport properties of 8 nm thick La0.67Ca0.33MnO3 films, sputter-deposited on SrTiO3 (STO), and etched into 5 micrometer-wide bridges by Ar-ion etching. We find that even slight overetching of the film leads to conductance of the STO substrate, and asymmetric and non-linear current-voltage (I-V) characteristics. However, a brief oxygen plasma etch allows full recovery of the insulating character of the substrate. The I-V characteristics of the bridges are then fully linear over a large range of current densities. We find colossal magnetoresistance properties typical for strained LCMO on STO but no signature of non-linear effects (so-called electroresistance) connected to electronic inhomogeneites. In the metallic state below 150 K, the highest current densities lead to heating effects and non-linear I-V characteristics.Comment: 3 pages, 5 figure

    Staying Thermal with Hartree Ensemble Approximations

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    We study thermal behavior of a recently introduced Hartree ensemble approximation, which allows for non-perturbative inhomogeneous field configurations as well as for approximate thermalization, in the ϕ4\phi^4 model in 1+1 dimensions. Using ensembles with a free field thermal distribution as out-of-equilibrium initial conditions we determine thermalization time scales. The time scale for which the system stays in approximate quantum thermal equilibrium is an indication of the time scales for which the approximation method stays reasonable. This time scale turns out to be two orders of magnitude larger than the time scale for thermalization, in the range of couplings and temperatures studied. We also discuss simplifications of our method which are numerically more efficient and make a comparison with classical dynamics.Comment: 19 pages latex; extensively rewritten to improve presentation, data essentially unchanged, analysis sharpened and one table adde

    Exact and Truncated Dynamics in Nonequilibrium Field Theory

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    Nonperturbative dynamics of quantum fields out of equilibrium is often described by the time evolution of a hierarchy of correlation functions, using approximation methods such as Hartree, large N, and nPI-effective action techniques. These truncation schemes can be implemented equally well in a classical statistical system, where results can be tested by comparison with the complete nonlinear evolution obtained by numerical methods. For a 1+1 dimensional scalar field we find that the early-time behaviour is reproduced qualitatively by the Hartree dynamics. The inclusion of direct scattering improves this to the quantitative level. We show that the emergence of nonthermal temperature profiles at intermediate times can be understood in terms of the fixed points of the evolution equations in the Hartree approximation. The form of the profile depends explicitly on the initial ensemble. While the truncated evolution equations do not seem to be able to get away from the fixed point, the full nonlinear evolution shows thermalization with a (surprisingly) slow relaxation.Comment: 30 pages with 12 eps figures, minor changes; to appear in Phys.Rev.

    Spin dynamics in a superconductor / ferromagnet proximity system

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    The ferromagnetic resonance of thin sputtered Ni80Fe20 films grown on Nb is measured. By varying the temperature and thickness of the Nb the role of the superconductivity on the whole ferromagnetic layer in these heterostructures is explored. The change in the spin transport properties below the superconducting transition of the Nb is found to manifest itself in the Ni80Fe20 layer by a sharpening in the resonance of the ferromagnet, or a decrease in the effective Gilbert damping co-efficient. This dynamic proximity effect is in contrast to low frequency studies in these systems, where the effect of the superconductor is confined to a small region in the ferromagnet. We interpret this in terms of the spin pumping model.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, to be submitted for publicatio

    Nonequilibrium time evolution of the spectral function in quantum field theory

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    Transport or kinetic equations are often derived assuming a quasi-particle (on-shell) representation of the spectral function. We investigate this assumption using a three-loop approximation of the 2PI effective action in real time, without a gradient expansion or on-shell approximation. For a scalar field in 1+1 dimensions the nonlinear evolution, including the integration over memory kernels, can be solved numerically. We find that a spectral function approximately described by a nonzero width emerges dynamically. During the nonequilibrium time evolution the Wigner transformed spectral function is slowly varying, even in presence of strong qualitative changes in the effective particle distribution. These results may be used to make further analytical progress towards a quantum Boltzmann equation including off-shell effects and a nonzero width.Comment: 20 pages with 6 eps figures, explanation and references added; to appear in Phys.Rev.