9 research outputs found

    Identification of dissolved organic matter size components in freshwater and marine environments

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    Dissolved organic matter (DOM) in the transition zone from freshwater to marine systems was analyzed with a new approach for parameterizing the size distribution of organic compounds. We used size-exclusion chromatography for molecular size analysis and quantified colored DOM (CDOM) on samples from two coastal environments in the Baltic Sea (Roskilde Fjord, Denmark and Gulf of Gdansk, Poland). We applied a Gaussian decomposition method to identify peaks from the chromatograms, providing information beyond bulk size properties. This approach complements methods where DOM is separated into size classes with pre-defined filtering cutoffs, or methods where chromatograms are used only to infer average molecular weight. With this decomposition method, we extracted between three and five peaks from each chromatogram and clustered these into three size groups. To test the applicability of our method, we linked our decomposed peaks with salinity, a major environmental driver in the freshwater-marine continuum. Our results show that when moving from freshwater to low-salinity coastal waters, the observed steep decrease of apparent molecular weight is mostly due to loss of the high-molecular-weight fraction (HMW; >2 kDa) of CDOM. Furthermore, most of the CDOM absorbance in freshwater originates from HMW DOM, whereas the absorbing moieties are more equally distributed along the smaller size range (<2 kDa) in marine samples.Peer reviewe

    Learning environment, attitudes and anxiety across the transition from primary to secondary school mathematics

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    Past research has revealed that, relative to primary-school students, high-school students have less-positive attitudes to mathematics and perceive their classroom environments and teacher–student relationships less favourably. This study involved the transition experience of 541 students in 47 classes in 15 primary (year 7) and secondary (year 8) government and Catholic schools in metropolitan and regional South Australia. Scales were adapted from three established instruments, namely, the What Is Happening In this Class?, Test of Mathematics Related Attitudes and Revised Mathematics Anxiety Ratings Scale, to identify changes across the transition from primary to secondary school in terms of the classroom learning environment and students’ attitude/anxiety towards mathematics. Relative to year 7 students, year 8 students reported less Involvement, less positive Attitude to Mathematical Inquiry, less Enjoyment of Mathematics and greater Mathematics Anxiety. Differences between students in Years 7 and 8 were very similar for male and female students, although the magnitude of sex differences in attitudes was slightly different in Years 7 and 8

    Solar ultraviolet radiation in a changing climate

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    The projected large increases in damaging ultraviolet radiation as a result of global emissions of ozone-depleting substances have been forestalled by the success of the Montreal Protocol. New challenges are now arising in relation to climate change. We highlight the complex interactions between the drivers of climate change and those of stratospheric ozone depletion, and the positive and negative feedbacks among climate, ozone and ultraviolet radiation. These will result in both risks and benefits of exposure to ultraviolet radiation for the environment and human welfare. This Review synthesizes these new insights and their relevance in a world where changes in climate as well as in stratospheric ozone are altering exposure to ultraviolet radiation with largely unknown consequences for the biosphere

    A survey of photogeochemistry

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