71 research outputs found

    Sedlighetsbrottslighetens sociala bakgrund i Borgå län 1670-1690

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    Sovittelutyön vaatimuksista sairastuneessa työyhteisössä

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    Association of short poor work ability measure with increased mortality risk : a prospective multicohort study

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    Publisher Copyright: © Author(s) (or their employer(s)) 2022. Re-use permitted under CC BY. Published by BMJ.OBJECTIVES: To examine whether a single-item measure of self-rated work ability predicts all-cause mortality in three large population-based samples collected in 1978-1980, 2000 and 2017. SETTING: A representative sample of the population of Finland. PARTICIPANTS: The study population comprised 17 178 participants aged 18 to 65 from the population-based Mini-Finland, Health 2000 and FinHealth 2017 cohort studies, pooled together. In all cohorts, self-rated work ability was assessed at baseline (1978-80, 2000-2001 and 2017) using three response alternatives: completely fit (good work ability), partially disabled (limited work ability) and completely disabled (poor work ability) for work. PRIMARY AND SECONDARY OUTCOME MEASURES: All-cause mortality from national registers. Cox proportional hazards models were adjusted for socioeconomic characteristics, lifestyle factors, self-rated health and mental health problems. RESULTS: Of the participants, 2219 (13%) were classified as having limited and 991 (5.8%) poor work ability and 246 individuals died during the 4 year follow-up. The age- and sex-adjusted HR for mortality risk was 7.20 (95% CI 5.15 to 10.08) for participants with poor vs good work ability and 3.22 (95% CI 2.30 to 4.43) for participants with limited vs good work ability. The excess risk associated with poor work ability was seen in both genders, all age groups, across different educational levels, self-rated health levels and in those with and without mental health problems. The associations were robust to further adjustment for education, health behaviours, self-rated health and mental health problems. In the multivariable analyses, the HR for mortality among those with poor vs good work ability was 5.75 (95% CI 3.59 to 9.20). CONCLUSIONS: One-item poor self-rated work ability -measure is a strong predictor of increased risk of all-cause mortality and may be a useful survey-measure in predicting severe health outcomes in community-based surveys.Peer reviewe

    Star formation and nuclear activity in luminous infrared galaxies: an infrared through radio review

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    Nearby galaxies offer unique laboratories allowing multi-wavelength spatially resolved studies of the interstellar medium, star formation and nuclear activity across a broad range of physical conditions. In particular, detailed studies of individual local luminous infrared galaxies (LIRGs) are crucial for gaining a better understanding of these processes and for developing and testing models that are used to explain statistical studies of large populations of such galaxies at high redshift for which it is currently impossible to reach a sufficient physical resolution. Here, we provide an overview of the impact of spatially resolved infrared, sub-millimetre and radio observations in the study of the interstellar medium, star formation and active galactic nuclei as well as their interplay in local LIRGs. We also present an overview of the modelling of their spectral energy distributions using state-of-the-art radiative transfer codes. These contribute necessary and powerful 'workhorse' tools for the study of LIRGs (and their more luminous counterparts) at higher redshifts which are unresolved in observations. We describe how spatially-resolved time-domain observations have recently opened a new window to study the nuclear activity in LIRGs. We describe in detail the observational characteristics of Arp 299 which is one of the best studied local LIRGs and exemplifies the power of the combination of time-domain and high-resolution observations at infrared to radio wavelengths together with radiative transfer modelling used to explain the spectral energy distributions of its different components. We summarise the previous achievements obtained using high-spatial resolution observations and provide an outlook into what we can expect to achieve with future facilities

    Työperäisten sairauksien rekisteriin kirjatut uudet tapaukset.

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    Työterveyslaitoksen Työperäisten sairauksien rekisteriin (TPSR) kirjattiin vuodelta 2013 yhteensä 4 602 ammattitautia tai ammattitautiepäilyä eli 18,7 tapausta 10 000 työllistä työntekijää kohden. Vahvistettuja ammattitauteja oli 1 811 eli 7,4 10 000 työllistä työntekijää kohden. Viime vuosien lukumäärien lasku näyttää nyt pysähtyneen. Naisten tapausten osuus oli 37 % eli sama kuin vuonna 2012 (37 %)