245 research outputs found

    Prevalence of somatisation and psychologisation among patients visiting primary health care centres in the State of Qatar

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    Background: Medically unexplained somatic complaints are among the most common clinical presentations in primary care in developing countries and they are considerable burden for patients and health care system. Objectives: The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of somatisation in comparison to psychologisation among a sample of Qatari patients who were visiting primary health care (PHC) centres and to investigate the clinical and socio-demographic characteristics of somatisers (STs) and psychologisers (PGs). Method: The survey was conducted among PHC Qatari patients during the period from January to July 2007. About 2,320 patients were approached, of whom 1,689 agreed to participate and responded to the questionnaire. Among the studied Qatari patients, 404 patients were identified for clinical interview. The first stage of the study was conducted with the help of general practitioners, using the 12-item General Health Questionnaire. The second stage was carried out by a consultant using the Clinical Interview Schedule. A specific operational criterion was used to identify STs and PGs. Results: The prevalence rate of STs among the total studied sample was 12.4%, while the PGs were 11.5%. Among the identified psychiatric cases, the proportion of STs (52%) was higher than PGs (48%). Most of the diagnostic categories were more prevalent among PGs. The dissatisfaction at work and stressful life events within 12 months before the onset of the presenting symptoms were the three postulated determinants which were significantly more among STs than PGs. Conclusion: The prevalence of somatised mental disorder was little higher than the psychologised mental disorder. The prevalence of somatisation and psychologisation is comparable with other reported studies from the Middle-East and Western countries. Dissatisfaction at work and stressful life events were significantly higher among STs than PGs.Keywords: somatisers; psychologisers; primary health care; determinants; Arab cultur

    Qualite de vie, anxiete et deprssion chez les survivants dávc au Togo

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    L’accident vasculaire cérébral (AVC) est la première cause de handicap physique et psychologique acquis dans le monde.Objectif Evaluer la qualité de vie et les troubles psychologiques des survivants de l’AVC.Matériel et Méthode Nous avons mené une étude prospective sur 12 mois, en utilisant les échelles d’anxiété et de dépression de Goldberg, le QOLIE-31 de la qualité de vie et le Rankin modifié pour l’étude du Handicap. Résultats Nous avons inclus 114 patients survivants d’AVC dont le déficit date d’au moins 6 mois. L’âge moyen était de 47 ans avec des extrêmes de 21 à 73 ans. Il y avait 83,3%(95) d’AVC ischémiques 16,7%(19) d’AVC hémorragiques selon le scanner. Nos patients étaient plus déprimés qu’anxieux avec des moyennes respectives 4,48 et 4,44 à l’échelle de Goldberg. La qualité de vie était altérée avec au QOLIE-31, une moyenne de 0,94. A l’échelle de Rankin modifiée nous avons observé 26,3%(30) survivants d’AVC qui ne présentaient pas de handicap, 38,6%(44) avaient un handicap léger, 31,6%(36) un handicap moyen et chez 3,5% (04) des patients le handicap était sévère. Conclusion Le handicap, l’anxiété et la dépression sont autant de paramètres mesurables qui altèrent la qualité de vie au quotidien des survivants d’AVC


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    Studies of probable significance of different immunological mediators for the development of chronic allergic inflammation in patients with allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis (ABPA) are necessary in order to specify potential targets for therapeutic intervention and timely diagnosis of the disease. The purpose of present study was to determine the features of immune response regulation, and to identify diagnostic markers associated with development of ABPA in patients with bronchial asthma, and to evaluate clinical and immunological efficacy of specific antimycotic therapy.The study involved 13 patients with ABPA, 14 patients with bronchial asthma with fungal sensitization (BAFS), 17 patients with bronchial asthma (BA) and 12 apparently healthy individuals. Levels of thymic stromal lymphopoietin (TSLP), thymus and activation-regulated chemokine (TARC), IL-8, as well as levels of total IgE and specific IgE to Aspergillus fumigatus (A. fumigatus) were measured in blood serum by enzyme immunoassay; blood eosinophil counts were also made. Monitoring of these immunological markers in the course of antimycotic therapy was carried out.Significantly higher numbers of eosinophils, increased levels of total IgE and sIgE for A. fumigatus, as well as TARC and IL-8 in serum were revealed in patients with ABPA when compared to the patients with BA. No significant differences in TSLP content were found between the examined groups of patients. A positive correlation between the levels of sIgE to A. fumigatus and contents of TARC and IL-8, numbers of eosinophils, and total IgE levels confirms the important diagnostic value of proinflammatory cytokines in ABPA patients. In the course of itraconazole medication, a positive clinical and immunological dynamics in ABPA patients was revealed. After 12 weeks of therapy, a significant increase in AST, FEV1 and Tiffno respiratory indexes, along with decreased number of eosinophils, total IgE levels, and a trend towards a decrease in TARC and IL-8 levels were documented. This dynamics confirms clinical efficiency of antifungal drugs when treating chronic allergic inflammation in ABPA patients.Implementation of modern immunological biomarkers, alongside with traditional indicators, will allow to differentially evaluate a probability for ABLA development in patients with bronchial asthma, to present additional evidence for discerning early stages of the disease, and to conclude about the efficiency of the therapy applied

    Spectrum Utilization of Cognitive Radio in Industrial Wireless Sensor Networks - A Review

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    The increasing demand for intelligent control and automation in industry requires better use of the radio spectrum due to the use of industrial wireless sensor networks (IWSNs). Cognitive Radio (CR) is a promising technology to improve the spectrum utilization by sensing spectrum holes. Research in this area is still in its infancy, but it is progressing rapidly. In this paper, industrial environment with different wireless technology, such as WirelessHART and ISA 100.11a is investigated. Various sensing schemes and the challenges associated for the cognitive radio are reviewed. In addition, the paper discussed the methods relevant to industrial applications, covering architecture, spectrum access, interference management, spectrum sensing and spectrum sharing

    Shared Genetics of Multiple System Atrophy and Inflammatory Bowel Disease

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    BACKGROUND: Multiple system atrophy (MSA) is a rare neurodegenerative disease characterized by intracellular accumulations of α-synuclein and nerve cell loss in striatonigral and olivopontocerebellar structures. Epidemiological and clinical studies have reported potential involvement of autoimmune mechanisms in MSA pathogenesis. However, genetic etiology of this interaction remains unknown. We aimed to investigate genetic overlap between MSA and 7 autoimmune diseases and to identify shared genetic loci. METHODS: Genome-wide association study summary statistics of MSA and 7 autoimmune diseases were combined in cross-trait conjunctional false discovery rate analysis to explore overlapping genetic background. Expression of selected candidate genes was compared in transgenic MSA mice and wild-type mice. Genetic variability of candidate genes was further investigated using independent whole-exome genotyping data from large cohorts of MSA and autoimmune disease patients and healthy controls. RESULTS: We observed substantial polygenic overlap between MSA and inflammatory bowel disease and identified 3 shared genetic loci with leading variants upstream of the DENND1B and RSP04 genes, and in intron of the C7 gene. Further, the C7 gene showed significantly dysregulated expression in the degenerating midbrain of transgenic MSA mice compared with wild-type mice and had elevated burden of protein-coding variants in independent MSA and inflammatory bowel disease cohorts. CONCLUSION: Our study provides evidence of shared genetic etiology between MSA and inflammatory bowel disease with an important role of the C7 gene in both phenotypes, with the implication of immune and gut dysfunction in MSA pathophysiology. © 2020 The Authors. Movement Disorders published by Wiley Periodicals LLC. on behalf of International Parkinson and Movement Disorder Society


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    Aspergillus fumigatus colonization in the patients with cystic fibrosis (CF) may cause sensitization against A. fumigatus and/or allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis (ABPA), which significantly worsens the course of underlying disease. At the present time, new diagnostic tests are searched for detection of fungal sensitization in these patients. The aim of this work was to evaluate an opportunity of application of basophile activation test with A. fumigatus allergen in vitro using flow cytometry, aiming for identification of fungal sensitization in the CF patients. The study included 190 patients with CF aged 1 to 37 years. All the patients underwent common allergy screening (skin tests with fungal allergens, determination of serum levels of total IgE and specific IgE for the fungal allergens), and mycological examination (microscopy and culture of respiratory substrates). Computed tomography of the chest was performed upon clinical indications. The basophil activation test with the A. fumigatus allergen was performed in 10 CF patients with ABPA, and 10 CF patients without ABPA, in addition to the standard allergological examination. Frequency of sensitization to A. fumigatus in the patients with cystic fibrosis was 27%, the incidence of allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis was 5.7%. The number of eosinophils, total IgE and specific IgE levels in CF patients with ABPA were significantly higher than in CF patients without ABPA. In blood of the ABPA patients we have identified 68.5 (52.5-81.5%) of basophilic leukocytes activated by A. fumigatus allergen, with a stimulation index of 17.07 (10.30-27.70). In appropriate comparison group, the stimulation index did not exceed 1.5 (p = 0.000). Direct positive correlation between the levels of specific IgE to A. fumigatus and the number of basophils activated by A. fumigatus allergens was revealed (r = 0.77; р < 0.05). FVC values and the body mass index in CF patients with ABPA were significantly lower when compared with the patients without fungal sensitization. Introduction of the basophil activation test, along with standard techniques, may enable a more differentiated assessment of ABPA development in CF patients. Timely detection of associations between A. fumigatus sensitization and clinical status of CF patients will facilitate early and effective administration of specific therapy
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