3,212 research outputs found

    Small Scale Fishers and Transformative Potential of Fisheries Policies in Cambodia, India, and Sri Lanka

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    This article emanated from a research that dealt with a crosscountry research project on Gender, migration and fisheries in Asia - Cambodia, India and Sri Lanka. The project aimed at providing a critical understanding of changes taken place amongthe fishing communities in these countries within the context of depleting natural resources, social conflicts, climate change,technological changes and policy changes. The main aim of this article is to review and discuss current policy initiatives in fisheriesin Cambodia, India and Sri Lanka to examine their transformative potential in addressing the issues of poverty and well-being among fishing communities. Using content analysis method, this paper focuses on the 2010-2019 and 2015-2024 Strategic Planning Frameworks in Fisheries of Cambodia, 2017-fishery policy in India and 2018-fishery policy in Sri Lanka to understand their transformative potentials. The analysis finds that the selected policies show tremendous transformative potentials in the areas of reducing poverty and improving the well-being of SSFs. Yet their capacity to make such transformation remains unclear. It calls for a comprehensive policy approach to address the issues of smallscale fishers who are the backbone of the fisheries livelihoods. DOI : http://doi.org/10.31357/fhss/vjhss.v06i02.0

    Prediksi Pergerakan Bayangan Bumi Saat Terjadi Gerhana Bulan Menggunakan Ephemeris Hisab Rukyat

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    In this era, the prediction of lunar eclipse can be determined accurately with the astronomical data based algorithm. Usually, the prediction just compute the position and time of lunar eclipse without considered the movement of Earth shadow in the begginning to the end of eclipse. In this article the author explain how is the concept, algorithm, and analysis about the movement of Earth shadow on going lunar eclipse in certain local coordinate point, using the data from Ephemeris Hisab Rukyat

    Pengaruh Globalisasi Terhadap Peredaran Narkotika Di Asia Tenggara Tahun 2011-2015

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    This study aims to explain the influence of globalization on drug trafficking in Southeast Asia 2011-2015. Globalization creates an increasingly cross-border movement easier and the increasing impact of transnational criminal networks. As many as 49% of the drug trafficking world today absorbed by the Southeast Asian market obtained from supplier countries such as Malaysia, China, India, Iran, and the Netherlands. In this study the authors use the perspective of constructivism. Constructivism is basically assumes that International politics is the result of a social construction that is the dialectical process between the structure and the gene in which political and human social environment interact to generate social and political changes. To bridge the formulation of the problem to the hypothesis the author uses the analysis unit of the International system. The author also uses theories and concepts with the concept of transnational narcotics. Globalization has provided an opportunity for individuals who are not responsible for the conduct of transnational crime. The realization of transnational crime the most crucial is the abuse of drugs, because it concerns the future of a nation, especially among the younger generation. International drug syndicates can easily enter the boundaries of countries in the world because it supported the network of organizations that are neat and sophisticated users of technology

    Manajemen Pengelolaan Portal Berita Www.goriau.com Dalam Menarik Minat Baca Pada Media Sosial

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    Social media is now very popular among's the people. Like the mass media, social media can also disseminate information to the public in general. One of social media is currently popular it's news portals. This type of social media offer new information presented in the online form on a website. GoRiau.com is one of the leading news portal in Province of Riau. The further development of today's technology raises many new news portal. To competition, GoRiau.com through keredaksiannya face has a strategy to attract the requested read on social media. For this reason, this research is focused on the function of management on news portals GoRiau.com and what factors attract interest in reading to know.This research applies qualitative method with descriptive approach undertaken in GoRiau.com news portal, Sudirman streets No. 125 South Tangkerang, Bukitraya, Pekanbaru. Subjects of study include general chairman, chief editor, managing editor, and two journalists, as well as some of those readers who are determined through purposive method. Data collection techniques used were observation, interview, and documentation.The results of this study show that first, the management function in the editorial GoRiau.com news portal in an effort to attract interest in reading. GoRiau.com implement a planning that is done in three forms of the editorial meeting, which includes the planning meeting news content, placement planning meeting journalists, as well as evaluation. As for organizing, Goriau.com have determined the distribution of every reporter in accordance with the coverage of each post with the granting of work specified. Continue, regarding the actuating of the starting material coverage of news, collecting, writing, editing news on the website to which this form of utilization of new media. Form of controlling carried GoRiau.com one of which is the evaluation of the work, but other than that GoRiau.com also open a service complaint to the reader via e-mail. Second, the factors that attract interest in reading on this portal ie, interest, experience the same, and information needs. The entire series of the process is a form of editorial managerial done in order to attract readers

    Pengaruh Iklan Televisi terhadap Pengambilan Keputusan Pembelian Konsumen Es Krim Magnum

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    According to Nielsen Advertising Information Services said the 2015 total advertising expenditure increased by 4%. This increase was also influenced by existing companies in Indonesia including PT Unilever Indonesia. Tbk with its brand advertising products Wall's Magnum Ice Cream. This study aims to identify consumer ratings of advertising done by Ice cream Magnum, analyzing the effectiveness of ads Magnum Ice Cream is able to communicate the message and analyzing consumer purchase decisions over the ads that do Magnum Ice Cream. Data processing was performed using Statistical Package For Social Science (SPSS) 19 and Minitab 14. The analysis tool used is the EPIC model and Consumer Decision Model (CDM). Based on the analysis, the measurement response television advertising and communication impact that occurs, television commercials advertising the Magnum Ice Cream edition Taste the Classic included in the category of advertising is quite effective and have an impact until the real purchase

    Kondisi Migrasi Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6) di Indonesia

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    Sejalan dengan pertumbuhan industri Internet di Indonesia tersebut, maka kebutuhan akan alamat Internet Protocol (IP) juga pasti meningkat. Operator Internet akan membutuhkan alamat IP untuk mengembangkan layanannya hingga ke seluruh pelosok negeri. Saat ini, jaringan Internet di Indonesia berikut perangkat-perangkat pendukungnya hingga di tingkat end user masih menggunakan Internet Protocol version 4 (IPv4). Kenyataan yang dihadapi dunia sekarang adalah menipisnya persediaan alamat IPv4 yang dialokasikan. Hal ini dikarenakan jumlah alamat yang dapat didukung oleh IPv4 adalah 232 bits, sedangkan data terakhir didapatkan bahwa alokasi IPv4 telah habis dialokasikan pada akhir April 2011 di tingkat Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA), organisasi yang mengelola sumberdaya protokol Internet dunia. Untuk mempercepat migrasi, stakeholder internet di Indonesia yaitu Kementerian Komunikasi dan Informatika dan Industri Penyelenggara Internet membentuk ID-IPv6TF. Dalam studi ini, ditemukan bahwa implementasi IPv6 di Indonesia termasuk dalam kategori baik dibandingkan dengan negara lain di dunia. Namun, terlihat bahwa perkembangan ini masih sporadis dengan kurangnya peran koordinator, serta sosialiasi ke masyarakat yang tidak ada

    Kualitas Pelayanan pada Kantor Pelayanan Pajak Pratama Bangkinang

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    Tax Office Primary Bangkinang is a government institution that has a fundamental duty and taxation affairs organized as tax dues can be used for the development and prosperity of the nation of Indonesia. Taxes collected by the Government used to maintain the viability of the state and sources of financing expenditures incurred by the government to run the government. The tax itself is a mandatory contribution to the state owed by the individual or entity coercive. Of understanding shows that society shall contribute to the country, and the public should get a quality service. But the fact remains a bottleneck services, such as the Society is still waiting for a long time in the process of printing proofs tax reporting, due to the network system in the office is often problematic. The purpose of this study was to determine how the quality of service at the Tax Office Primary Bangkinang.The concept of the theory that researchers use is according toZeithhaml-Berry-Parasuraman there are several dimensions of service quality are: Realibility, Responsiveness, Assurance, Empathy and Tangibles. This research is a qualitative descriptive study, which used data collection techniques by observation, interviews and data collection with documents obtained from informants research that has been determined based on snowball sampling technique.From the results of this study indicate that the quality of service at the Tax Office Primary Bangkinang not running optimally. Factors that influence is a means of tax services, the quality of the knowledge and experience of employees and employee ethics.Keywords: Quality, Service, STO Bangkinan

    Extraction transformation load (ETL) solution for data integration: a case study of rubber import and export information

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    Data integration is important in consolidating all the data in the organization or outside the organization to provide a unified view of the organization's information. Extraction Transformation Load (ETL) solution is the back-end process of data integration which involves collecting data from various data sources, preparing and transforming the data according to business requirements and loading them into a Data Warehouse (DW). This paper explains the integration of the rubber import and export data between Malaysian Rubber Board (MRB) and Royal Malaysian Customs Department (Customs) using the ETL solution. Microsoft SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) and Microsoft SQL Server Agent Jobs have been used as the ETL tool and ETL scheduling

    Biometric signature verification system based on freeman chain code and k-nearest neighbor

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    Signature is one of human biometrics that may change due to some factors, for example age, mood and environment, which means two signatures from a person cannot perfectly matching each other. A Signature Verification System (SVS) is a solution for such situation. The system can be decomposed into three stages: data acquisition and preprocessing, feature extraction and verification. This paper presents techniques for SVS that uses Freeman chain code (FCC) as data representation. Before extracting the features, the raw images will undergo preprocessing stage; binarization, noise removal, cropping and thinning. In the first part of feature extraction stage, the FCC was extracted by using boundary-based style on the largest contiguous part of the signature images. The extracted FCC was divided into four, eight or sixteen equal parts. In the second part of feature extraction, six global features were calculated against split image to test the feature efficiency. Finally, verification utilized Euclidean distance to measured and matched in k-Nearest Neighbors. MCYT bimodal database was used in every stage in the system. Based on the experimental results, the lowest error rate for FRR and FAR were 6.67 % and 12.44 % with AER 9.85 % which is better in term of performance compared to other works using that same database