8 research outputs found

    Bologna process, higher education and a few considerations about the New University

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    O presente artigo analisa o que se convencionou chamar de Processo de Bolonha, isto é, a produção de uma “política pública de um meta-Estado para um meta-campo universitário”, constituindo-se em uma política educacional supranacional, comum aos estados-membros da União Européia, com vista à construção de um “espaço europeu de educação superior”. O processo político e de reformas institucionais, realizado por cada governo nacional, conduzirá ao estabelecimento efetivo do novo sistema europeu de educação superior até 2010, incluindo atualmente 45 países – todos os da UE e outros 18 países europeus não pertencentes a ela. Nesse sentido, por se tratar de um vastíssimo número de “subsistemas nacionais” e de instituições educativas, atribui-se um grande protagonismo às questões relativas à “garantia de qualidade”. Analisam-se, igualmente, as recentes transformações na educação superior no Brasil, em que o projeto da chamada “Universidade Nova” e o Programa de Apoio a Planos de Reestruturação e Expansão das Universidades Federais (REUNI) constituem-se nas manifestações mais claras do reordenamento desse nível de ensino (seguindo os parâmetros de Bolonha), que já experimentara grandes transformações nos governos de Fernando Henrique Cardoso (1995-2002) e teve prosseguimento nos governos de Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (2003-2006; 2007), embora com distintos matizes.This article analyzes what is conventionally known as the Bologna Process, or the making of a “public policy of a meta-State for a University meta-field” that corresponds to a supranational educational policy for all the European Union membership States, with the goal of building a “European higher education space.” The political process and the institutional reforms of each national government intends to establish the new European higher education system until 2010, with 45 countries – the number reflects current developments, including the EU membership States and 18 non-EU countries. Given the high quantity and the myriads of “national subsystems” and educational institutions involved, “quality assurance” becomes a major task in this process. We analyze, in the same way, the recent higher education changes in Brazil, where the so-called “New University” project and the Program of Support for the Restructuring and Expansion of Brazilian Federal Universities (REUNI, in Portuguese) are the clearest expressions of the reshaping of the higher education system (in accordance with the Bologna standards) after the dramatic changes made by Fernando Henrique Cardoso´s government (1995-2002) and continued by Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva´s government (2003-2006; 2007), despite some differences between both administrations

    Post-transcriptional silencing of Bos taurus prion family genes and its impact on granulosa cell steroidogenesis

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    Prion proteins constitute a major public health concern, which has partly overshadowed their physiological roles in several scenarios. Indeed, these proteins were implicated in male fertility but their role in female fertility is relatively less explored. This study was designed to evaluate the role of SPRN and PRNP prion family genes in bovine follicular steroidogenesis pathways. Post-transcriptional SPRN and PRNP silencing with siRNAs was established in bovine granulosa cell (GC) in vitro culture, and gene expression and progesterone and estradiol concentrations were evaluated. SPRN knockdown, led to a down regulation of CYP11A1 mRNA levels (2.1-fold), and PRNP knockdown led to an upregulation of SPRN mRNA levels (2.3-fold). CYP19A1 expression and estradiol synthesis was not detected in any experimental group. Finally, SPRN knockdown led to a mild reduction in progesterone production in GCs and this was the only experimental group that did not exhibit an increment in progesterone levels after 48 h of culture. As a conclusion, it was possible to detect the expression of the SPRN gene in bovine GCs, a potential interaction between SPRN and PRNP regulation, and the impact of SPRN expression on CYP11A1 and progesterone levels. These findings bring new insights into the role of these genes in ovarian steroidogenesis and female reproductive physiology. (c) 2022 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Organic residue, limestone, gypsum, and phosphorus adsorption by lowland soils Resíduo orgânico, calcário e gesso e a adsorção de fósforo por solos de várzea

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    Organic residue application is a low cost alternative to reduce the use of inorganic fertilizers and correctives. In order to study the effect of organic residues, limestone and gypsum application on phosphorus adsorption by lowland soils, four experiments were carried out. A Mesic Organosol (OY), a Melanic Gleysol (MG), a Haplic Gleysol (GX), and a Fluvic Neosol (RU) were used in a completely randomized design and factorial scheme (3 x 2), with five replicates: three soil amendment practices (limestone, gypsum and no corrective) and two levels of organic residue (with and without corral manure). Soil samples were incubated for 60 days, with and without organic residue incorporation. After this period, we applied the corrective and incubated the soil for 30 days, then P and basic fertilization (macro and micronutrients) were applied and the soil was incubated for additional 60 days. Equilibrium phosphorus, maximum phosphate adsorption capacity, pH, exchangeable Al and phosphorus-buffering index were measured. Organic residue and limestone application increased soil pH and reduced exchangeable Al, decreasing P adsorption. Gypsum application did not increase the pH but reduced exchangeable Al and P adsorption.<br>A aplicação de resíduo orgânico é uma alternativa de baixo custo para reduzir a aplicação de fertilizantes inorgânicos e corretivos. Com objetivo de estudar a relação da aplicação de resíduo orgânico, calcário e gesso com adsorção de fósforo em solos de várzea conduziram-se simultaneamente quatro experimentos com os solos Organossolo Mésico (OY), Gleissolo Melânico (GM), Gleissolo Háplico (GX) e Neossolo Flúvico (RU). O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o inteiramente casualizado, em esquema fatorial 3x2, com cinco repetições, sendo três práticas de correção do solo (calcário, gesso e sem corretivo) e dois níveis de resíduo orgânico com e sem esterco de curral curtido. Amostras dos solos foram incubadas por 60 dias com e sem incorporação do resíduo orgânico; após este período, por mais 30 dias com os corretivos e em seguida por 60 dias com o fósforo e uma adubação básica com macro e micronutrientes. Determinaram-se o fósforo remanescente, capacidade máxima de adsorção de fósforo, pH, Al trocável e índice tampão de fósforo. A aplicação de resíduo orgânico, calcário - pela elevação do pH e redução dos teores de Al trocável - e gesso - pela redução de Al trocável - reduzem a adsorção de fósforo nos solos de várzea estudados