542 research outputs found

    Benzedeiras em Mircea Eliade, uma aproximação possível

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    The purpose of this paper is to investigate the possible applicability of the theory of Mircea Eliade, Images and Symbols in the books and the sacred and the profane in relation to the case of healers. Eliade as a researcher and historian of religions, investigated various topics within this approach, so that when dealing with primitive religions and primal myths the two works mentioned, goes a corollary enabling better understand this ancient practice that is the benzição as well as figure of their proponents. The methodology used is that of revisionary interpretative analysis.A proposta deste artigo é investigar a possível aplicabilidade da teoria de Mircea Eliade, contida nos livros Imagens e símbolos e O sagrado e o profano em relação ao caso das benzedeiras. Eliade, enquanto pesquisador e historiador das religiões, investigou diversos temas dentro desse enfoque, de modo que, ao tratar de religiões primitivas e mitos primordiais nas duas obras apontadas, percorre um corolário que permite entender melhor essa prática milenar que é a da benzeção, bem como a figura de suas proponentes. A metodologia empregada é a da análise revisional interpretativa

    Malignancy risk of thyroid nodules: quality assessment of the thyroid ultrasound report

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    Background Thyroid nodules are a challenge in clinical practice and thyroid ultrasonography is essential for assessing the risk of malignancy. The use of ultrasound-based malignancy risk classification systems has been recommended by several scientific societies but radiologist’s adherence to these guidelines may vary. The authors aimed to analyze the quality of the information provided by the thyroid ultrasound report, to assess the malignancy risk of thyroid nodules, in Portugal. Methods Multicenter and retrospective study, conducted in three of the five Portuguese NUTS2 corresponding to about 88.3% of the mainland population. We included 344 consecutive unselected participants aged ≥ 18 years who underwent thyroid ultrasonography in 2019. The description of six features of the dominant thyroid nodule was analyzed: maximum size, shape, margins, composition, echogenicity and echogenic foci. A utility score, including these six features, was used as an indicator of the report’s quality. A score of 4 was considered as a minimum value. Results Maximum diameter was reported for all nodules. Shape, margins, composition, echogenicity and echogenic foci were reported in 8.1%, 25.0%, 76.5%, 53.2% and 20.9%, respectively. Only 21.8% of the nodules had a score ≥ 4. At least one of four suspicious features, including marked hypoechogenicity, microcalcifications, irregular margins and non-oval shape, was identified in 8.7% of the nodules. Cervical lymph nodes’ status was reported in 93% of the exams. The risk category was only reported in 7.8% of the participants. Conclusion The adherence of Portuguese radiologists to a standardized reporting model and to an ultrasound-based malignancy risk stratification system is still low and has implications for the correct characterization of the malignancy risk of nodules and the decision to perform fine-needle aspiration biopsy

    Differential regulation of Knotted1-like genes during establishment of the shoot apical meristem in Norway spruce (Picea abies)

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    Establishment of the shoot apical meristem (SAM) in Arabidopsis embryos requires the KNOXI transcription factor SHOOT MERISTEMLESS. In Norway spruce (Picea abies), four KNOXI family members (HBK1, HBK2, HBK3 and HBK4) have been identified, but a corresponding role in SAM development has not been demonstrated. As a first step to differentiate between the functions of the four Norway spruce HBK genes, we have here analyzed their expression profiles during the process of somatic embryo development. This was made both under normal embryo development and under conditions of reduced SAM formation by treatment with the polar auxin transport inhibitor NPA. Concomitantly with the formation of an embryonic SAM, the HBK2 and HBK4 genes displayed a significant up-regulation that was delayed by NPA treatment. In contrast, HBK1 and HBK3 were up-regulated prior to SAM formation, and their temporal expression was not affected by NPA. Ectopic expression of the four HBK genes in transgenic Arabidopsis plants further supported similar functions of HBK2 and HBK4, distinct from those of HBK1 and HBK3. Together, the results suggest that HBK2 and HBK4 exert similar functions related to the SAM differentiation and somatic embryo development in Norway spruce, while HBK1 and HBK3 have more general functions during embryo development

    Gonad shielding in paediatric pelvic radiography: disadvantages prevail over benefit

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    Objective To re-evaluate gonad shielding in paediatric pelvic radiography in terms of attainable radiation risk reduction and associated loss of diagnostic information. Methods A study on patient dose and the quality of gonad shielding was performed retrospectively using 500 pelvic radiographs of children from 0 to 15 years old. In a subsequent study, 195 radiographs without gonad shielding were included. Patient doses and detriment adjusted risks for heritable disease and cancer were calculated with and without gonad shielding. Results For girls, gonad shields were placed incorrectly in 91% of the radiographs; for boys, in 66%. Without gonad shielding, the hereditary detriment adjusted risk for girls ranged between 0.1?×?10?6 and 1.3?×?10?6 and for boys between 0.3?×?10?6 and 3.9?×?10?6, dependent on age. With shielding, the reduction in hereditary risk for girls was on average 6?±?3% of the total risk of the radiograph, for boys 24?±?6%. Without gonad shielding, the effective dose ranged from 0.008 to 0.098 mSv. Conclusions With modern optimised X-ray systems, the reduction of the detriment adjusted risk by gonad shielding is negligibly small. Given the potential consequences of loss of diagnostic information, of retakes, and of shielding of automatic exposure-control chambers, gonad shielding might better be discontinued.Support TNWApplied Science

    Enzymatic degradation of starch thermoplastic blends using samples of different thickness

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    The material studied was a thermoplastic blend of corn starch with a poly(ethylene-vinyl alcohol) copolymer, SEVA-C. The influence of both the material’s exposed surface and enzyme concentration on degradation kinetics was studied. As α-amylase is present in the blood plasma, experiments were performed, varying the material thickness and the α-amylase between 50 and 100 units/l, at 37°C, lasting up to 90 days. Four different batches using SEVA-C and starch samples of different thickness were performed. The positive correlation between degradation rate and the exposed material surface was confirmed, since thin films with larger exposed surfaces were degraded faster than thick square plates having the same total mass. The degradation extent depends on the total amount of amorphous starch present in the formulation rather than on the amount of enzyme used and the minimum thickness to ensure maximum degradation was estimated to be close to 0.25 mm

    Thyroid Ultrasound Report: A Position Statement of the Thyroid Study Group of the Portuguese Society of Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism

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    A ecografi a tiroideia é o exame de imagem de primeira linha na investigação da patologia estrutural da tiroide. A utilização de sistemas de classifi cação do risco de malignidade dos nódulos da tiroide, em função das suas características ecográfi cas, veio conferir à ecografi a tiroideia um papel determinante na seleção dos nódulos com indicação para citologia aspirativa com agulha fi na da tiroide. Os relatórios da ecografi a tiroideia precisam de ser adaptados a esta realidade. Assim, a adoção de um modelo de relatório estruturado de ecografi a da tiroide, que inclua a utilização de um léxico comum e a informação sufi ciente para a classifi cação do risco dos nódulos da tiroide torna-se premente. Em Portugal, a qualidade dos relatórios de ecografi a da patologia nodular da tiroide, defi nida pela capacidade de classifi car corretamente o risco de malignidade dos nódulos, poderá ser baixa. Com o objetivo de contribuir para uma melhor qualidade dos relatórios de ecografi a da tiroide, o Grupo de Estudo da Tiroide da Sociedade Portuguesa de Endocrinologia, Diabetes e Metabolismo propôs-se estabelecer recomendações sobre a elaboração de um relatório estruturado da ecografi a tiroideia, tendo por base a classifi cação EU-TIRADS da European Thyroid Association, assim como sobre princípios e termos a utilizar na sua descrição.Thyroid ultrasound is the first-line imaging exam in the investigation of thyroid structural disease. The use of thyroid nodule malignancy risk classification systems according to their ultrasound characteristics has given the thyroid ultrasound a determining role in the selection of which nodules have indication for thyroid fine needle aspiration and cytology. Thyroid ultrasound reports need to be adapted to this reality. Thus, the adoption of a structured thyroid ultrasound report model that includes the use of a common lexicon and sufficient information to classify the risk of thyroid nodules becomes urgent. The quality of thyroid nodule ultrasound reports, defined by the ability to correctly classify the risk of nodule malignancy, may be low in Portugal. In order to contribute to an improvement in the quality of thyroid ultrasound reports, the Thyroid Study Group of the Portuguese Society of Endocrinology. Diabetes and Metabolism intended to establish recommendations on the elaboration of a structured report of thyroid ultrasound, based on the EU-TIRADS classification of the European Thyroid Association, as well as to establish principles and terminologies to be used in their implementation.These recommendations were developed within the Thyroid Study Group and were supported by the Portuguese Society of Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism

    Retinal Axonal Loss Begins Early in the Course of Multiple Sclerosis and Is Similar between Progressive Phenotypes

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    To determine whether retinal axonal loss is detectable in patients with a clinically isolated syndrome (CIS), a first clinical demyelinating attack suggestive of multiple sclerosis (MS), and examine patterns of retinal axonal loss across MS disease subtypes.Spectral-domain Optical Coherence Tomography was performed in 541 patients with MS, including 45 with high-risk CIS, 403 with relapsing-remitting (RR)MS, 60 with secondary-progressive (SP)MS and 33 with primary-progressive (PP)MS, and 53 unaffected controls. Differences in retinal nerve fiber layer (RNFL) thickness and macular volume were analyzed using multiple linear regression and associations with age and disease duration were examined in a cross-sectional analysis. In eyes without a clinical history of optic neuritis (designated as "eyes without optic neuritis"), the total and temporal peripapillary RNFL was thinner in CIS patients compared to controls (temporal RNFL by -5.4 µm [95% CI -0.9 to--9.9 µm, p = 0.02] adjusting for age and sex). The total (p = 0.01) and temporal (p = 0.03) RNFL was also thinner in CIS patients with clinical disease for less than 1 year compared to controls. In eyes without optic neuritis, total and temporal RNFL thickness was nearly identical between primary and secondary progressive MS, but total macular volume was slightly lower in the primary progressive group (p<0.05).Retinal axonal loss is increasingly prominent in more advanced stages of disease--progressive MS>RRMS>CIS--with proportionally greater thinning in eyes previously affected by clinically evident optic neuritis. Retinal axonal loss begins early in the course of MS. In the absence of clinically evident optic neuritis, RNFL thinning is nearly identical between progressive MS subtypes