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    Frequence Et Facteurs Associes Aux Accouchements Prematures Au Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Et Departemental Du Borgou Alibori Au Benin

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    Introduction: The premature birth constitutes a major cause of the neonatal and maternal mortality and morbidity and it occurs between 28 weeks of amenorrhoea and 36 weeks plus six days. Objectives: It is to determine the frequency and the factors associated to the premature at the maternity at the Departmental and Teaching Hospital of Borgou. Tool and methodological approaches: It is about an analytical and descriptive retrospective study carried out at the Hospital Teaching Centre of Borgou. The study has been conducted from the 1st January to 30th June 2016. Results: From the 665 retained deliveries, 119 were premature births, be a frequency of 17.89%. The bracket age of 20-34 years was the most represented with 69, 75%. The pauci gests and the primipara were respectively in 36.13% and 40.34% of the cases. The factors of risk such as premature rupture of membranes (PRM; p=0.00001), the haemorrhagic prævia placenta (p=0.0001), the multiple pregnancies (p=0.000003) were associated with prematurity. Conclusion: The prematurity constitutes a problem of public health in parakou and is responsible for the heavy consequences on the still-born. Hence, the interest of a better agreement to pay the medical expenses of the factors of risk permitting the reduction of its repercussion

    Connaissances et attitudes des gestantes et des accouchees face aux signes de danger de la gravido-puerperalite a l’hopital de zone de Natitingou au Benin en 2020 : Knowledge and attitudes of gravido-puerperality at Natitingou Zone Hopital in 2020

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    Introduction : Les décès maternels pouvaient être évités en cas de meilleure connaissance et d’une bonne attitude face aux signes de danger. Objectif : Etudier les connaissances et attitudes des gestantes et accouchées sur les signes de danger de la gravido-puerpéralité. Il s’est agi d’une étude transversale, descriptive à visée analytique à l’hôpital de zone de Natitingou en Août 2020. La population d’étude était constituée des gestantes et des accouchées. Le recensement était exhaustif. Etaient inclues, les gestantes et accouchées. Le niveau de connaissance et de l’attitude étaient déclarés bons lorsque la gestante ou l’accouchée cite au moins trois signes de danger et a au moins trois attitudes correctes face à la gravido-puerpéralité. Le seuil de significativité était p < 5%. Au total, 105 femmes ont été enregistré dont 68 gestantes et 37 accouchées. L’âge moyen des femmes était de 25,77 ±5,80 ans. Le niveau de connaissance des gestantes était bon (72,06%) avec les saignements vaginaux qui étaient plus évoqués (48,65%) et celui des accouchées était faible (64,87%) avec les douleurs abdominales ou pelviennes qui dominaient (54,05%) les signes de danger cités. La prévalence de la bonne connaissance chez les multigestes était 2 fois supérieure à celle des primigestes. Les gestantes avaient une bonne attitude (81,63%) ainsi que les accouchées (76,92%). La gestité était statistiquement associée à la connaissance des signes de danger chez les gestantes (p=0,0339). Aucun facteur n’était statistiquement n’est associé à l’attitude des gestantes ni à celle des accouchées face à la découverte des signes de danger. Conclusion : Nécessité de nouvelles politiques d’informations sur les signes de danger. Introduction: Maternal deaths could be prevented if people knew better and had a good attitude to the danger signs. Objective: To study the knowledge and attitudes of pregnant women and women in childbirth on the danger signs of pregnancy and childbirth. This was a cross-sectional, descriptive study at the Natitingou Zone Hospital in August 2020. The study population consisted of pregnant and postpartum women. The census was exhaustive. Included were pregnant women and women who had given birth. The level of knowledge and attitude was declared good when the pregnant or delivered woman cited at least three danger signs and had at least three correct attitudes towards gravido-puerperium. The threshold for significance was p < 5%. A total of 105 women were registered, of which 68 were pregnant and 37 had given birth. The mean age of females was 25. 77 ±5. 80 years. The level of awareness of pregnant women was good (72. 06%) with vaginal bleeding being more mentioned (48. 65%) and that of women in childbirth was low (64. 87%) with abdominal or pelvic pain dominating (54. 05%) the hazard signs cited. The prevalence of good knowledge in multigests was 2-fold higher than in primigests. Pregnant women had a good attitude (81. 63%) and those who had given birth (76. 92%). Pregnancy was statistically associated with awareness of danger signs in pregnant women (p=0. 0339). No factors were statistically associated with the attitude of pregnant women or women in childbirth to the discovery of danger signs. Conclusion: Need for new information policies on danger signs