1,149 research outputs found

    Featurebased method for document alignment in comparable news corpora

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    In this paper, we present a feature-based method to align documents with similar content across two sets of bilingual comparable corpora from daily news texts. We evaluate the contribution of each individual feature and investigate the incorporation of these diverse statistical and heuristic features for the task of bilingual document alignment. Experimental results on the English-Chinese and English-Malay comparable news corpora show that our proposed Discrete Fourier Transformbased term frequency distribution feature is very effective. It contributes 4.1 % and 8 % to performance improvement over Pearson’s correlation method on the two comparable corpora. In addition, when more heuristic and statistical features as well as a bilingual dictionary are utilized, our method shows an absolute performance improvement of 23.2% and 15.3 % on the two sets of bilingual corpora when comparing with a prior information retrieval-based method.

    Analysis the f0(980)f_0(980) and a0(980)a_0(980) mesons as four-quark states with the QCD sum rules

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    In this article, we take the point of view that the scalar mesons f0(980) f_0(980) and a0(980)a_0(980) are diquark-antidiquark states (qq)3ˉ(qˉqˉ)3(qq)_{\bar{3}}(\bar{q}\bar{q})_3, and devote to determine their masses in the framework of the QCD sum rules approach with the interpolating currents constructed from scalar-scalar type and pseudoscalar-pseudoscalar type diquark pairs respectively. The numerical results indicate that the scalar mesons f0(980) f_0(980) and a0(980)a_0(980) may have two possible diquark-antidiquark substructures.Comment: 8 pages, 1 figure, revised versio

    Non-close-packed breath figures via ion-partitioning-mediated self-assembly

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    We report a one-step method of forming non-close-packed (NCP) pore arrays of micro- and sub-micropores using chloroform-based solutions of polystyrene acidified with hydrogen bromide for breath figure (BF) patterning. As BF patterning takes place, water vapor condenses onto the polystyrene solution, forming water droplets on the solution surface. Concurrently, preferential ion partitioning of hydrogen bromide leads to positively charged water droplets, which experience interdroplet electrostatic repulsion. Self-organization of charged water droplets because of surface flow and subsequent evaporation of the droplet templates result in ordered BF arrays with pore separation/diameter (L/D) ratios of up to 16.5. Evidence from surface potential scans show proof for preferential ion partitioning of HBr. Radial distribution functions and Voronoi polygon analysis of pore arrays show that they possess a high degree of conformational order. Past fabrication methods of NCP structures typically require multi-step processes. In contrast, we have established a new route for facile self-assembly of previously inaccessible patterns, which comprises of only a single operational step

    The ACL OCL Corpus: advancing Open science in Computational Linguistics

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    We present a scholarly corpus from the ACL Anthology to assist Open scientific research in the Computational Linguistics domain, named as ACL OCL. Compared with previous ARC and AAN versions, ACL OCL includes structured full-texts with logical sections, references to figures, and links to a large knowledge resource (semantic scholar). ACL OCL contains 74k scientific papers, together with 210k figures extracted up to September 2022. To observe the development in the computational linguistics domain, we detect the topics of all OCL papers with a supervised neural model. We observe ''Syntax: Tagging, Chunking and Parsing'' topic is significantly shrinking and ''Natural Language Generation'' is resurging. Our dataset is open and available to download from HuggingFace in https://huggingface.co/datasets/ACL-OCL/ACL-OCL-Corpus

    Baseline values of canine tear production determined by schirmer tear and phenol red thread tests.

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    Although research on canine tear production and dry eye has been reported in temperate countries in different breeds, there is no Malaysian data. On the average, at least two new cases of dry eye are diagnosed weekly at the University Veterinary Hospital (UVH) of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Universiti Putra Malaysia. Currently in UVH the guidelines for the diagnosis of keratoconjunctivitis (KCS) and monitoring of response to treatment are based on recommendations for temperate countries. Thus the objectives of this study were to determine the Malaysian baseline values for canine tear levels using Schirmer tear test (STT) and phenol red thread test (PRTT), the relationship between and diurnal effect on STT and PRTT in dogs. The average baseline values for canine tear production in healthy local dogs in Malaysia with normal tear film breakup time (TBUT) were within the range of average baseline values reported in temperate countries. The average STT value for both eyes was approximately 22 mm/min and the PRTT was approximately 26 mm/15 s. There was poor relationship between STT and PRTT. This might be due to the presence of one or more confounding factors. The red colour change in PRTT was more intense when STT was performed first followed by PRTT and vice versa. The intensity of red colour change in PRTT was even more when performed in KCS dogs. This is because the intensity of the colour change in the phenol red thread is due to increasing alkalinity. Thus, KCS dogs had more alkaline tears than normal dogs. The lowest tear level was in the afternoon when diurnal study was conducted. Hence, KCS tests should be performed in the afternoon in order to obtain a more accurate measurement of tear level. Tear levels fluctuate when normal dogs were exposed in clinic with air-conditioned environment. Therefore, KCS tests should be performed immediately when dogs arrived at the clinic

    Room temperature plasmon laser by total internal reflection

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    Plasmon lasers create and sustain intense and coherent optical fields below light's diffraction limit with the unique ability to drastically enhance light-matter interactions bringing fundamentally new capabilities to bio-sensing, data storage, photolithography and optical communications. However, these important applications require room temperature operation, which remains a major hurdle. Here, we report a room temperature semiconductor plasmon laser with both strong cavity feedback and optical confinement to 1/20th of the wavelength. The strong feedback arises from total internal reflection of surface plasmons, while the confinement enhances the spontaneous emission rate by up to 20 times.Comment: 8 Page, 2 Figure

    Field Effect Transistors for Terahertz Detection: Physics and First Imaging Applications

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    Resonant frequencies of the two-dimensional plasma in FETs increase with the reduction of the channel dimensions and can reach the THz range for sub-micron gate lengths. Nonlinear properties of the electron plasma in the transistor channel can be used for the detection and mixing of THz frequencies. At cryogenic temperatures resonant and gate voltage tunable detection related to plasma waves resonances, is observed. At room temperature, when plasma oscillations are overdamped, the FET can operate as an efficient broadband THz detector. We present the main theoretical and experimental results on THz detection by FETs in the context of their possible application for THz imaging.Comment: 22 pages, 12 figures, review pape

    Pseudo-acetylation of multiple sites on human Tau proteins alters Tau phosphorylation and microtubule binding, and ameliorates amyloid beta toxicity

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    Tau is a microtubule-associated protein that is highly soluble and natively unfolded. Its dysfunction is involved in the pathogenesis of several neurodegenerative disorders including Alzheimer's disease (AD), where it aggregates within neurons. Deciphering the physiological and pathogenic roles of human Tau (hTau) is crucial to further understand the mechanisms leading to its dysfunction in vivo. We have used a knock-out/knock-in strategy in Drosophila to generate a strain with hTau inserted into the endogenous fly tau locus and expressed under the control of the endogenous fly tau promoter, thus avoiding potential toxicity due to genetic over-expression. hTau knock-in (KI) proteins were expressed at normal, endogenous levels, bound to fly microtubules and were post-translationally modified, hence displaying physiological properties. We used this new model to investigate the effects of acetylation on hTau toxicity in vivo. The simultaneous pseudo-acetylation of hTau at lysines 163, 280, 281 and 369 drastically decreased hTau phosphorylation and significantly reduced its binding to microtubules in vivo. These molecular alterations were associated with ameliorated amyloid beta toxicity. Our results indicate acetylation of hTau on multiple sites regulates its biology and ameliorates amyloid beta toxicity in vivo