43 research outputs found

    Peran Lembaga Pendidlkan dalam Pembinaan Budaya Bangsa Menghadapi Era Pasar Bebas

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    Datangnya era pasar bebas, baik dalam kerangka Kawasan Perdagangan BebasASEAN (AFfA tahun 2(03), maupun Asia Pasifik (APEC tahun 2020), di sampingdisambut dengan sikap optimis, ada pula kekhawatiran. Sikap optimis itu muncul karenaera pasar bebas akan mempermudah peredaran barang, jasa dan informasi. Namunberbagai kemudahan yang tercipta, dikhawatirkan berdampak pada masyarakat,khususnya berkaitan dengan persoalan ketahanan budaya bangsa.Vntuk menghadapi pengaruh nilai-nilai budaya asing, lembaga pendidikanmemiliki posisi peranan yang strategis, yakni sebagai wahana membina ketahananbudaya sehingga bangsa kita lebih siap memasuki era pasar bebas dimana interaksibudaya berlangsung pesat. Lembaga pendidikan membina sikap budaya yang positifbersamaan upaya membentuk manusia yang cerdas dan terampil. Vpaya ini sesuaistrategi pembangunan pendidikan yang bertujuan membentuk dan menciptakan sosokmanusia Indonesia yang utuh. Jadi, orientasi keilmuan dan pembinaan budayadilaksanakan seimbang. Pembinaan budaya dapat ditempuh dengan dua pendekatan,yami monolitik dan integratif

    Nilai-nilai Pendidikan Karakter Yang Terkandung Dalam Tayangan ”Mario Teguh Golden Ways”

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    : The purpose of this study is to describe: (1) profile of the program Mario Teguh Golden Ways; (2) coverage of the character education values contained in the program Mario Teguh Golden Ways; and (4) the approach used in the learning process of character education through the program Mario Teguh Golden Ways. This study is a content analysis. The analysis unit in this study is the episode "Pancing Cinta" which aired 13 September 2015. The results of the study are as follows. (1) The profile of the program Mario Teguh Golden Ways broadcasted by Metro TV, showed that this program is one of the real form of television media\u27s concern to carry out the education function in character building in society; (3) The character education values contained in the program MTGW episode "Pancing Cinta" includes: (a) Discipline, obey norms and regulations; (b) Polite, respectful, kind and humble; (c) Love God and grateful for His gifts; (d) Independence, responsive (sensitive), Tatag (resilient), tanggon (reliable), good intentions and responsibility; (e) Honesty; (f) Generous, mutual help, cooperation, bring happiness; (4) The approach used in the character education process through the program MTGW is a holistic approach

    Integrasi Pendidikan Karakter Dalam Pembelajaran Mata Kuliah Komunikasi Interpersonal

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    : This research aims at finding out whether integrating character education in the teaching and learning of Interpersonal Communication class can promote the understanding of noble character values which include politeness, openness, empathy, and equality. The subjects of the research were Semester VI students of Office of Administration Education Study Program taking the Interpersonal Communication class. This is an action research study lasting within two cycles. The research steps include planning, implementation, monitoring, and reflection. The data were obtained through (1) observation, (2) documentation – collecting documents pertaining to the students' works and tasks, and (3) quesionnaire for the students. The data analysis in this study took the form of reflection on the qualitative and quantative data obtained. The result of the study shows that, through the integration of character education in the Interpersonal Communication class, the students' understanding of the noble character values improved. The implementation of the action is considered successful because there have been changes and improvement in the students' understanding of the noble character values which include politeness, openness, empathy, and equality

    An evaluation of a public relations program in promoting synergistic cooperation between schools and industries

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    This evaluation study responds to the need for public relations (PR) as a management function in building and maintaining reciprocal relationships between schools and industries that are increasing dramatically. The rapid development of public relations in Indonesia is influenced by socio-cultural changes in Indonesian society, which cannot be separated from the high intensity of national development. This evaluation research aims to compare the actual implementation of a PR program to its intended objectives in promoting cooperation between schools and industries. This study used the Discrepancy Evaluation Model (DEM) with four systematic stages: (1) definition, (2) installation, (3) process, and (4) product. The finding shows that there is no discrepancy between the program’s actual implementation and its predetermined objectives. The program implementation has met the criteria of success in achieving proposed goals (good category) and the program operates as it was planned. The program aimed to foster successful collaboration between schools and industries. The scope of the partnership includes information sharing for the purposes of curriculum development, student apprenticeship and competency tests

    Developing an Evaluation Instrument for Communication Program between Vocational High Schools and Industries

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    One of the criteria of the success of vocational high school (VHS) education is producing graduates who master competencies based on the standards required by industries. The efforts to produce graduates who meet the required competency standards are realized by implementing communication programs and collaborations of schools with industries. This study is aimed at developing eligible instruments for evaluating communication programs between schools and industries. The design of the instrument is tested to determine its feasibility. The instrument is feasible to use, because it has met the criteria in which all items have a validity and reliability measure

    The failure of persuasive communication among social workers in mentoring street children

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    This article discusses the failure of persuasive communication performed by social workers in the event of mentoring street children in an Indonesian city of Yogyakarta. The existence of the street children in the city remains to be an unweavering issue despite the presence of social welfare provided by governmental agencies and non-governmental organisations (NGOs). A number of shelters takes place to house, mentor and educate these underprivileged kids but has little to no effect in stopping the kids from returning to living on the streets. Failure in communication during the mentoring process between social workers and the kids seems to be one of the determinants of the shorthcomings. Hence, this particular study sought to evaluate the factors that produce such failures. Using a qualitative approach, this study interviewed some social workers in Rumah Singgah Anak Mandiri, one of the famous shelters for street children in Yogyakarta. The results show that the social workers’ lack of persuasive communication skills becomes the main cause of the shortcomings. Precisely, most of them do not possess the capacity, powerful communication, control of emotion, message appeals, organization of the messages, and cultural knowledge in serving counselling sessions with the underprivileged kids


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    Secara konseptual, kearifan lokal adalah nilai-nilai yang diaktualisasikan, atau dilaksanakan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari, yang mencerminkan jati diri suatu komunitas dalam batas kolektivitas tertentu. Kearifan lokal merupakan local genius sehingga merupakan kekayaan luar biasa yang di miliki Bangsa Indonesia. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan suatu evaluasi yang sistematik untuk mengidentifikasi seperangkat nilai-nilai kearifan dalam Budaya Jawa, kemudian mengevaluasi keefektifan program revitalisasi kearifan lokal tersebut bagi warga sekolah. Studi ini merupakan studi evaluasi dengan model CIPP. Wawancara dan pengamatan digunakan dalam pengumpulan data. Analisis data mengikuti model analisis interaktif Miles dan Huberman yang meliputi proses pengumpulan data, penyajian data, reduksi data, dan membuat kesimpulan. Hasil evaluasi menunjukkan: (1) Konteks, adanya kesesuaian antara perencanaan program dengan kebutuhan; (2) Input, komitmen guru dan ketersediaan sarana prasarana; (3) Proses, cara yang dilakukan oleh sekolah untuk merevitalisasi nilai-nilai kearifan lokal Budaya Jawa di sekolah mencakup pengawasan, membuat peraturan, penggunaan pakaian adat, pembinaan kemampuan berbahasa Jawa; (3) Produk, nilai-nilai kearifan local Budaya Jawa yang direvitalisasi sebagai acuan etika komunikasi mencakup: empan papan, ajining dhiri gumantung kedaling lathi, lembah manah andhap asor, manjing ajur-ajer, jembar segarane, aja adigang adigung adiguna, nglurug tanpa bala menang tanpa ngasorake sekti tanpa aji, hamemayu hayuning bawana

    Comparative analysis of Generation Z's digital history literacy in history education majors on Java Island: A study of history digital literacy

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    The purpose of this study is to determine the level of digital literacy related to history among students at Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (UPI) and the State University of Malang (UM). The recent decline in historical literacy among Indonesians has piqued historians' interest.  In this context, the gap between technological potential and literacy problems may be advantageous for initiatives to enhance Indonesian young historical literacy. This research uses a quantitative-descriptive approach. The respondents were first-year and second-year history students at UPI and UM. The data collection technique used was a historical literacy test that has Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) levels 1-4. This study used descriptive data analysis and an independent sample t-test. The results of this study show that students from both universities have a low level of historical literacy, both in first-year and second-year students. This condition is a signal for teachers to start improving. Gadget technology is suggested as a solution to the problem because these students belong to Generation Z (a generation that is very aware of current events and technological advancements). The methodology of Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SOTL) was selected because its principles are appropriate for fostering digital historical literacy. It is student-focused, context-based, collaborative, methodical and well-developed in the community


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    Evaluation is a means to improve the quality of education through the results of information that is used as feedback and improvements to educational programs, one of which is the formative-summative evaluation model. This study aims to determine the effect of the formative-summative evaluation model on mathematics learning outcomes through differentiation learning in high school students. This type of research is evaluation research with a quantitative approach. Data were obtained through documentation techniques by taking samples based on certain considerations (purposive sampling), namely classes that have implemented an independent learning curriculum and educators who teach are driving educators so that planning in differentiated learning can run as expected. The results of the analysis using multiple linear regression tests obtained that there was a significant influence between the formative-summative evaluation model on mathematics learning outcomes as shown from the calculations obtained by the value of Fcount = 89.8 with a significant level of 0.05, then Ftable = 3.316 so that Fcount > Ftable or 89.8 > 3.316 then H0 is rejected. This shows that the formative-summative model can be used to evaluate student’s mathematics learning outcomes through differentiation learnin


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    Abstrak: Pandemi Covid-19 berdampak pada penjualan konvensional yang dilakukan oleh Badan Usaha Milik Masyarakat (Bummas) Tirta Mandiri, Jogotirto, Berbah, Sleman. Agar dapat tetap mendapatkan keuntungan, anggota Bummas perlu beradaptasi dengan perkembangan teknologi dan informasi dengan mulai melakukan pemasaran digital. Salah satu bentuk pemasaran digital yang aman dan direkomendasikan adalah marketplace. Kegiatan pengabdian pada masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan keahlian pemasaran digital dengan menggunakan marketplace pada anggota Bummas. Adapun jumlah anggota Bummas yang mengikuti kegiatan ini berjumlah 25 orang. Metode pelaksanaan kegiatan pengabdian ini yaitu, pelatihan dan pendampingan. Kegiatan tersebut mulai dari membuat konten promosi, membuat akun, hingga memasarkan melalui marketplace. Hasil yang dicapai dari kegiatan pengabdian ini adalah 100% peserta menyatakan bahwa kemampuan hardskill dan softskill peserta meningkat. 100% peserta juga berhasil membuat akun marketplace dan memposting produk pertamanya. Berdasarkan evaluasi kegiatan, diperoleh masukan agar kegiatan pengabdian seperti ini dilaksanakan secara berkelanjutan dengan mengangkat tema lain yang relevan dengan kebutuhan khalayak. Abstract: The Covid-19 pandemic has impacted conventional sales carried out by Community-Owned Enterprises (Bummas) Tirta Mandiri, Jogotirto, Berbah, Sleman. To remain profitable, Bummas members need to adapt to developments in technology and information by starting to do digital marketing. One form of digital marketing that is safe and recommended in the marketplace. This community service activity aims to improve digital marketing skills by using the marketplace for Bummas members. The number of Bummas members who participated in this activity amounted to 25 people. The method of implementing this service activity is, training and mentoring. These activities range from creating promotional content, creating accounts, to marketing through the marketplace. The results achieved from this service activity are 100% of the participants stating that the participants' hard skills and soft skills have increased. 100% of participants also managed to create a marketplace account and post their first product. Based on the evaluation of activities, input was obtained so that service activities like this were carried out sustainably by raising other themes that were relevant to the needs of the audience.