11 research outputs found

    Solar Coronal Plumes

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    Polar plumes are thin long ray-like structures that project beyond the limb of the Sun polar regions, maintaining their identity over distances of several solar radii. Plumes have been first observed in white-light (WL) images of the Sun, but, with the advent of the space era, they have been identified also in X-ray and UV wavelengths (XUV) and, possibly, even in in situ data. This review traces the history of plumes, from the time they have been first imaged, to the complex means by which nowadays we attempt to reconstruct their 3-D structure. Spectroscopic techniques allowed us also to infer the physical parameters of plumes and estimate their electron and kinetic temperatures and their densities. However, perhaps the most interesting problem we need to solve is the role they cover in the solar wind origin and acceleration: Does the solar wind emanate from plumes or from the ambient coronal hole wherein they are embedded? Do plumes have a role in solar wind acceleration and mass loading? Answers to these questions are still somewhat ambiguous and theoretical modeling does not provide definite answers either. Recent data, with an unprecedented high spatial and temporal resolution, provide new information on the fine structure of plumes, their temporal evolution and relationship with other transient phenomena that may shed further light on these elusive features

    Electron fishbones: Theory and experimental evidence

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    We discuss the processes underlying the excitation of fishbone-like internal kink instabilities driven by supra-thermal electrons generated experimentally by different means: Electron Cyclotron Resonance Heating (ECRH) and by Lower Hybrid (LH) power injection. The peculiarity and interest of exciting these electron fishbones by ECRH only or by LH only is also analyzed. Not only the mode stability is explained, but also the transition between steady state nonlinear oscillations to bursting (almost regular) pulsations, as observed in FTU, is interpreted in terms of the LH power input. These results are directly relevant to the investigation of trapped alpha particle interactions with low-frequency MHD modes in burning plasmas: in fact, alpha particles in reactor relevant conditions are characterized by small dimensionless orbits, similarly to electrons; the trapped particle bounce averaged dynamics, meanwhile, depends on energy and not mass