62 research outputs found

    PEGylated Red-Emitting Calcium Probe with Improved Sensing Properties for Neuroscience.

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    Monitoring calcium concentration in the cytosol is of main importance as this ion drives many biological cascades within the cell. To this end, molecular calcium probes are widely used. Most of them, especially the red emitting probes, suffer from nonspecific interactions with inner membranes due to the hydrophobic nature of their fluorophore. To circumvent this issue, calcium probes conjugated to dextran can be used to enhance the hydrophilicity and reduce the nonspecific interaction and compartmentalization. However, dextran conjugates also feature important drawbacks including lower affinity, lower dynamic range, and slow diffusion. Herein, we combined the advantage of molecular probes and dextran conjugate without their drawbacks by designing a new red emitting turn-on calcium probe based on PET quenching, Rhod-PEG, in which the rhodamine fluorophore bears four PEG4 units. This modification led to a high affinity calcium probe (Kd = 748 nM) with reduced nonspecific interactions, enhanced photostability, two-photon absorbance, and brightness compared to the commercially available Rhod-2. After spectral characterizations, we showed that Rhod-PEG quickly and efficiently diffused through the dendrites of pyramidal neurons with an enhanced sensitivity (ΔF/F0) at shorter time after patching compared to Rhod-2.journal article2017 Nov 222017 10 24imported"Supporting information" disponible sur le site de l'éditeur à l'adresse suivante : http://pubs.acs.org/doi/suppl/10.1021/acssensors.7b0066

    Reactive microglia are the major source of tumor necrosis factor alpha and contribute to astrocyte dysfunction and acute seizures in experimental temporal lobe epilepsy.

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    Extensive microglia reactivity has been well described in human and experimental temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE). To date, however, it is not clear whether and based on which molecular mechanisms microglia contribute to the development and progression of focal epilepsy. Astroglial gap junction coupled networks play an important role in regulating neuronal activity and loss of interastrocytic coupling causally contributes to TLE. Here, we show in the unilateral intracortical kainate (KA) mouse model of TLE that reactive microglia are primary producers of tumor necrosis factor (TNF)α and contribute to astrocyte dysfunction and severity of status epilepticus (SE). Immunohistochemical analyses revealed pronounced and persistent microglia reactivity, which already started 4 h after KA-induced SE. Partial depletion of microglia using a colony stimulating factor 1 receptor inhibitor prevented early astrocyte uncoupling and attenuated the severity of SE, but increased the mortality of epileptic mice following surgery. Using microglia-specific inducible TNFα knockout mice we identified microglia as the major source of TNFα during early epileptogenesis. Importantly, microglia-specific TNFα knockout prevented SE-induced gap junction uncoupling in astrocytes. Continuous telemetric EEG recordings revealed that during the first 4 weeks after SE induction, microglial TNFα did not significantly contribute to spontaneous generalized seizure activity. Moreover, the absence of microglial TNFα did not affect the development of hippocampal sclerosis but attenuated gliosis. Taken together, these data implicate reactive microglia in astrocyte dysfunction and network hyperexcitability after an epileptogenic insult

    Microgliosis: a double-edged sword in the control of food intake

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    Maintaining energy balance is essential for survival and health. This physiological function is controlled by the brain, which adapts food intake to energy needs. Indeed, the brain constantly receives a multitude of biological signals that are derived from digested foods or that originate from the gastrointestinal tract, energy stores (liver and adipose tissues) and other metabolically active organs (muscles). These signals, which include circulating nutrients, hormones and neuronal inputs from the periphery, collectively provide information on the overall energy status of the body. In the brain, several neuronal populations can specifically detect these signals. Nutrient-sensing neurons are found in discrete brain areas and are highly enriched in the hypothalamus. In turn, specialized brain circuits coordinate homeostatic responses acting mainly on appetite, peripheral metabolism, activity and arousal. Accumulating evidence shows that hypothalamic microglial cells located at the vicinity of these circuits can influence the brain control of energy balance. However, microglial cells could have opposite effects on energy balance, that is homeostatic or detrimental, and the conditions for this shift are not totally understood yet. One hypothesis relies on the extent of microglial activation, and nutritional lipids can considerably change it

    Postprandial hyperglycemia stimulates neuroglial plasticity in hypothalamic POMC neurons after a balanced meal

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    Mechanistic studies in rodents evidenced synaptic remodeling in neuronal circuits that control food intake. However, the physiological relevance of this process is not well defined. Here, we show that the firing activity of anorexigenic POMC neurons located in the hypothalamus is increased after a standard meal. Postprandial hyperactivity of POMC neurons relies on synaptic plasticity that engages pre-synaptic mechanisms, which does not involve structural remodeling of synapses but retraction of glial coverage. These functional and morphological neuroglial changes are triggered by postprandial hyperglycemia. Chemogenetically induced glial retraction on POMC neurons is sufficient to increase POMC activity and modify meal patterns. These findings indicate that synaptic plasticity within the melanocortin system happens at the timescale of meals and likely contributes to short-term control of food intake. Interestingly, these effects are lost with a high-fat meal, suggesting that neuroglial plasticity of POMC neurons is involved in the satietogenic properties of foods.Contrôle nerveux de la prise alimentaire et du métabolisme par une molécule neurale d'adhésion cellulaireISITE " BFCRéseau d'Innovation sur les Voies de Signalisation en Sciences de la Vi

    Predominant Functional Expression of Kv1.3 by Activated Microglia of the Hippocampus after Status epilepticus

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    BACKGROUND:Growing evidence indicates that the functional state of microglial cells differs according to the pathological conditions that trigger their activation. In particular, activated microglial cells can express sets of Kv subunits which sustain delayed rectifying potassium currents (Kdr) and modulate differently microglia proliferation and ability to release mediators. We recently reported that hippocampal microglia is in a particular activation state after a status epilepticus (SE) and the present study aimed at identifying which of the Kv channels are functionally expressed by microglia in this model. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS:SE was induced by systemic injection of kainate in CX3CR1(eGFP/+) mice and whole cell recordings of fluorescent microglia were performed in acute hippocampal slices prepared 48 h after SE. Microglia expressed Kdr currents which were characterized by a potential of half-maximal activation near -25 mV, prominent steady-state and cumulative inactivations. Kdr currents were almost abolished by the broad spectrum antagonist 4-Aminopyridine (1 mM). In contrast, tetraethylammonium (TEA) at a concentration of 1 mM, known to block Kv3.1, Kv1.1 and 1.2 subunits, only weakly reduced Kdr currents. However, at a concentration of 5 mM which should also affect Kv1.3 and 1.6, TEA inhibited about 30% of the Kdr conductance. Alpha-dendrotoxin, which selectively inhibits Kv1.1, 1.2 and 1.6, reduced only weakly Kdr currents, indicating that channels formed by homomeric assemblies of these subunits are not important contributors of Kdr currents. Finally, agitoxin-2 and margatoxin strongly inhibited the current. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE:These results indicate that Kv1.3 containing channels predominantly determined Kdr currents in activated microglia after SE

    Etude anatomique et electrophysiologique du cortex frontal median du rat

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    SIGLECNRS T Bordereau / INIST-CNRS - Institut de l'Information Scientifique et TechniqueFRFranc

    Rôles et caractérisation de la microglie dans le développement du néocortex somatosensoriel de la souris

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    Les cellules microgliales, qui sont les macrophages du système nerveux central, ont été principalement étudiées en conditions pathologiques. Néanmoins, l'étude de la microglie aux stades périnataux indique qu'elle influence le développement normal du système nerveux central. Des interactions directes et indirectes entre la microglie et les synapses existent mais les mécanismes par lesquels ces cellules immunitaires ciblent les synapses et modulent leur maturation fonctionnelle durant le développement postnatal sont peu connus. Au cours de mon travail de thèse, je me suis intéressée aux cellules microgliales et à leurs fonctions dans le développement postnatal du cortex somato-sensoriel de la souris. Dans une première étude, nous avons montré qu'au cours de la première semaine post-natale le recrutement des cellules microgliales aux sites synaptiques en maturation met en jeu une voie de signalisation impliquant la chimiokine neuronale fractalkine et de son récepteur microglial CX3CR1. En effet, un défaut d expression de ce récepteur retarde le recrutement des cellules microgliales aux sites synaptiques et entraine un retard de maturation fonctionnelle des synapses thalamocorticales. Dans une seconde étude, nous avons caractérisé le phénotype des cellules microgliales lors de la maturation fonctionnelle des réseaux synaptiques corticaux. Nous avons montré que les cellules microgliales adoptent un phénotype particulier lorsqu elles sont recrutées aux synapses en maturation. Ce phénotype diffère de celui exprimé par la microglie adulte en conditions physiologiques et pathologiques et pourrait permettre aux cellules microgliales d accomplir des fonctions spécifiques nécessaires à la maturation synaptique. Dans une troisième étude, nous avons testé les effets de la minocycline sur le développement cortical. Cette tétracycline est connue pour bloquer l activation microgliale chez l'adulte. De façon surprenante, nous avons observé que pendant une période critique se situant à la fin de la première semaine post-natale la minocycline induit une importante mort cellulaire qui s'accompagne d'une altération de la distribution des cellules microgliales et déclenche leur activation. L'ensemble de mes données montrent que les cellules microgliales sont très sensibles aux changements de leur environnement, que leur phénotype fonctionnel change en conditions physiologiques en fonction de cet environnement et que des interactions réciproques entre neurones et microglie influencent la maturation fonctionnelle des réseaux synaptiques corticaux lors du développement postnatal.The microglial cells, which are the resident macrophages of the central nervous system, have been mainly studied in pathological conditions. But, the study of microglia at perinatal stages indicates that they influence the normal development of the central nervous system. Direct and indirect interactions between microglia and synapses exist but mechanisms by which these immune cells target synapses and modulate their functional maturation during post-natal development are still unknown. During my PhD thesis, I was interested in microglial cells and their functions during postnatal development of the mouse somatosensory cortex. In a first study, we showed that during the first postnatal week the recruitment of microglial cells at maturating synaptic sites requires a signaling pathway involving the neuronal chemokine fractalkine and its microglial receptor CX3CR1. Indeed, a deficit in the expression of this receptor delays the recruitment of microglial cells at synaptic sites and leads to a delayed functional maturation of thalamocortical synapses. In a second study, we characterized the phenotype of microglial cells during the functional maturation of cortical synaptic network. We showed that microglial cells adopt a particular phenotype when they are recruited at maturating synapses. This phenotype differs from that expressed by adult microglia in physiological and pathological conditions and may allow microglial cells to accomplish specific functions which are necessary to synaptic maturation. In a third study, we tested the effects of the minocycline on the cortical development. This tetracycline is known to block the microglial activation in adult. Surprisingly, we observed that during a critical period ending at the end of the first post-natal week, minocycline induces an important cellular death which is accompanied by an alteration of microglial cells distribution and which also triggers their activation. Taken together, my data show that microglial cells are highly sensitive to changes in their environment, their functional phenotype evolves in physiological conditions in function of this environment and reciprocal interactions between neurons and microglia influence the functional maturation of cortical synaptic network during the postnatal development.PARIS5-Bibliotheque electronique (751069902) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Purinergic signaling in epilepsy

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    International audienceUntil recently, analysis of the mechanisms underlying epilepsy was centered on neuron dysfunctions. Accordingly, most of the available pharmacological treatments aim at reducing neuronal excitation or at potentiating neuronal inhibition. These therapeutic options can lead to obvious secondary effects, and, moreover, seizures cannot be controlled by any known medication in one-third of the patients. A purely neurocentric view of brain functions and dysfunctions has been seriously questioned during the past 2 decades because of the accumulation of experimental data showing the functional importance of reciprocal interactions between glial cells and neurons. In the case of epilepsy, our current knowledge of the human disease and analysis of animal models clearly favor the involvement of astrocytes and microglial cells during the progression of the disease, including at very early stages, opening the way to the identification of new therapeutic targets. Purinergic signaling is a fundamental feature of neuron-glia interactions, and increasing evidence indicates that modifications of this pathway contribute to the functional remodeling of the epileptic brain. This Review discusses the recent experimental results indicating the roles of astrocytic and microglial P2X and P2Y receptors in epilepsy. (c) 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc

    Glial Mechanisms of Inflammation During Seizures

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    International audienceIt is now clearly established that microglia and astrocytes become reactive in brain regions experiencing seizures both in human and experimental epilepsies. The expression of these reactive phenotypes lead to the dysregulation of the physiological functions normally fulfilled by these glial cells and to the acquisition of inflammatory properties through which they influence the activity and the fate of brain cells, including neurons, glia and cells of the blood vessels. In this chapter, we review how dysregulation of astrocyte and microglia physiological functions and the emergence of specific reactive states impact epilepsy progression

    La microglie : des cellules immunitaires qui sculptent et contrĂ´lent les synapses neuronales

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