58 research outputs found

    Pedagogy of Christian Religious Education in Nigerian Schools

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    Confronted by increased uproar, the Nigerian Educational Research and Development Council (NERDC) rescinded its decision that removed Christian Religious Studies as a stand-alone subject and made it a sub-theme in Civic Education, unlike the Islamic/Arabic/French subjects in Nigeria’s Basic Education Curriculum (BEC). This paper criticizes against this controversial change. It appreciates the reversal to the old curriculum which allowed Islamic Religious Knowledge and Christian Religious Knowledge to be taught as individual stand-alone subjects, with the common-good focus on moral responsibility, peaceful co-existence and national development. The needful at this moment is a suitable and viable pedagogy for imparting religious knowledge in the classroom setting. In this light, this paper makes a case for Christian Religious Knowledge by recommending shared praxis and community practice pedagogical approaches. It argues that, these methods will serve as good guides for interactive construction of moral knowledge in the students’ class room and social settings. Keywords: Religious Education, Christianity, Pedagogy, Praxis, Practice, Nigerian School

    The EU climate policies. The evolution of the emissions trading scheme

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    [ES] El objetivo fundamental de este trabajo es analizar la evolución del Régimen de Comercio de emisiones como política climática fundamental de la UE en las cuatro grandes economías de la UE. Para alcanzar este objetivo se comienza definiendo en primer lugar el problema del cambio climático, así como sus causas y sus consecuencias. Después se estudian algunas teorías que tienen como objetivo relacionar el crecimiento económico con el cambio climático. Posteriormente se realiza un recorrido histórico de los acuerdos y medidas adoptadas a nivel internacional para hacer frente al problema del cambio climático, destacando también la contribución de la Unión Europea en el Régimen Internacional. A continuación, se estudia la evolución del Régimen de Comercio de emisión analizando la reducción de las emisiones a través de algunos factores del RCDE UE. Así mismo se estudia la efectividad del RCDE UE en la producción industrial del sector de la energía y en el mercado eléctrico. Por último, se estudian las nuevas estrategias adoptadas por la UE para convertirse en una economía libre de emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero.[EN] The main objective of this paper is to analyze the evolution of the Emissions Trading Scheme as a key EU climate policy in the four major EU economies. To achieve this objective, we begin by first defining the problem of climate change, as well as its causes and consequences. Then, some theories that aim to relate economic growth with climate change are studied. Subsequently, a historical review is made of the agreements and measures adopted at the international level to face the problem of climate change, also highlighting the contribution of the European Union in the International Regime. Next, the evolution of the Emissions Trading Scheme is studied, analyzing the reduction of emissions through some factors of the EU ETS. The effectiveness of the EU ETS in the industrial production of the energy sector and in the electricity, market is also studied. Finally, the new strategies adopted by the EU to become a greenhouse gas emission free economy are studied

    Food Trade Deficits in West Africa: Is There Any Reason for Anxiety?

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    This study examined the food trade deficits in West Africa from 2000 to 2020. The aim of the study was to determine whether there is any reason for anxiety among the people of West Africa. The study found that West Africa has recorded cumulative positive food trade balance. However, it was also found that some countries within the region have consistently remained in the deficit region of food trade balance and this called for concern, especially that such countries account for over 50% of the region’s total population. The study found that the food production and food trade in the West African region, according to the data from FAO and the World Bank, are indicative of sustained efforts and these have yielded positive results. The study recommends that to manage post-harvest losses, there should be development of knowledge and the capacity of food chain operators to apply safe food handling practices and storage hygiene. Provision should also be made for funds and loans to facilitate the diffusion of better storage containers. The study also recommends that road, energy and market infrastructure improvements will help stem the flood of post-harvest losses and the need to create a stronger investment climate to encourage private sector investment in the food business and to work more closely with farmers to address supply challenges

    Leveraging Signatures of Plant Functional Strategies in Wood Density Profiles of African Trees to Correct Mass Estimations From Terrestrial Laser Data

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    peer reviewedWood density (WD) relates to important tree functions such as stem mechanics and resistance against pathogens. This functional trait can exhibit high intraindividual variability both radially and vertically. With the rise of LiDAR-based methodologies allowing nondestructive tree volume estimations, failing to account for WD variations related to tree function and biomass investment strategies may lead to large systematic bias in AGB estimations. Here, we use a unique destructive dataset from 822 trees belonging to 51 phylogenetically dispersed tree species harvested across forest types in Central Africa to determine vertical gradients in WD from the stump to the branch tips, how these gradients relate to regeneration guilds and their implications for AGB estimations. We find that decreasing WD from the tree base to the branch tips is characteristic of shade-tolerant species, while light-demanding and pioneer species exhibit stationary or increasing vertical trends. Across all species, the WD range is narrower in tree crowns than at the tree base, reflecting more similar physiological and mechanical constraints in the canopy. Vertical gradients in WD induce significant bias (10%) in AGB estimates when using database-derived species-average WD data. However, the correlation between the vertical gradients and basal WD allows the derivation of general correction models. With the ongoing development of remote sensing products providing 3D information for entire trees and forest stands, our findings indicate promising ways to improve greenhouse gas accounting in tropical countries and advance our understanding of adaptive strategies allowing trees to grow and survive in dense rainforests. © 2020, The Author(s)

    Baptism and Original Sin in the Early Church : contributions of Tertullian

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    This study examines the baptismal practices of the early Christian community using Tertullian’s ethical text on baptism in relation to his other writings to dialogue with the Roman Catholic understanding of baptism, original sin and grace. Tertullian referring to the sacramental form of baptism that is done with water, held that baptism is indispensable for salvation because it imparts the grace that washes away original sin and makes someone a Christian; and capable of attaining a matured Christian life. At the moment, the Roman Catholic Church does not confer baptism of water on polygamists, and subsequently fails to admit them to her sacramental life because of their polygamous relations. This raises a question regarding the salvation of these polygamous families. How do they receive baptismal grace and become part of the church? This study argues that church and baptism were inseparable right from the beginning of Christianity in the New Testament. People became members of the church by the fact of their baptism. This study does a hermeneutical retrieval of the early church’s teaching on baptism and original sin in the light of Tertullian as the pillar of western theology. The study concludes by invoking pastoral consideration to baptize polygamous families (husband and wives) who married before converting to the faith. They are not to enter into any new marriage after baptism since they have received Christ in their state. “Go and sin no more,” says Christ.Dissertation (MA Theol)--University of Pretoria, 2014.gm2014Church History and Church Policyunrestricte

    The Interplay of Parent-Adolescent Relationships and Adolescent Self-Esteem Levels: The Mediating Role of the Neural Self-Concept Evaluation

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    openThis study examines the relationship between secure parent-adolescent relationships and self-esteem in adolescents, considering the potential mediating role of medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) activation during domain-specific self-concept evaluations. Secure parent-adolescent attachment is known to contribute positively to self-esteem in adolescents. However, this study delves deeper by exploring the influence of family interaction and mPFC activation on self-esteem during self-concept evaluations of prosocial traits, physical appearance, and academic domains. The results confirm a direct positive link between secure parent-adolescent attachments and high self-esteem, consistent with prior research. Secure attachment equips individuals with stress-coping and emotion regulation skills, supporting positive self-esteem during adolescence. Emotional support from parents alone did not significantly impact self-esteem, suggesting the importance of considering of other factors such as peer relationships. Regarding mPFC activation, the findings are nuanced. mPFC activation did not mediate the relationship between attachment or parenting style and self-esteem during prosocial self-concept evaluations. Positive correlation was observed between mPFC activation during prosocial behaviour and overall self-esteem, expanding our understanding of neural mechanisms in self-concept evaluation in the context of prosocial behaviour and its impact on adolescent self-esteem. Similarly, mPFC did not mediate the relationship between attachment or parenting style and self-esteem during academic or physical self-concept evaluations, prompting further exploration of neural mechanisms and external influences. This study enhances our understanding of attachment, self-concept neural processes, and self-esteem in adolescence, emphasizing secure parent-adolescent attachments and shedding light on emotional support dynamics. This study enhances our understanding of attachment, neural processes, and self-esteem in adolescence, emphasizing secure parent-adolescent attachments and shedding light on emotional support dynamics.This study examines the relationship between secure parent-adolescent relationships and self-esteem in adolescents, considering the potential mediating role of medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) activation during domain-specific self-concept evaluations. Secure parent-adolescent attachment is known to contribute positively to self-esteem in adolescents. However, this study delves deeper by exploring the influence of family interaction and mPFC activation on self-esteem during self-concept evaluations of prosocial traits, physical appearance, and academic domains. The results confirm a direct positive link between secure parent-adolescent attachments and high self-esteem, consistent with prior research. Secure attachment equips individuals with stress-coping and emotion regulation skills, supporting positive self-esteem during adolescence. Emotional support from parents alone did not significantly impact self-esteem, suggesting the importance of considering of other factors such as peer relationships. Regarding mPFC activation, the findings are nuanced. mPFC activation did not mediate the relationship between attachment or parenting style and self-esteem during prosocial self-concept evaluations. Positive correlation was observed between mPFC activation during prosocial behaviour and overall self-esteem, expanding our understanding of neural mechanisms in self-concept evaluation in the context of prosocial behaviour and its impact on adolescent self-esteem. Similarly, mPFC did not mediate the relationship between attachment or parenting style and self-esteem during academic or physical self-concept evaluations, prompting further exploration of neural mechanisms and external influences. This study enhances our understanding of attachment, self-concept neural processes, and self-esteem in adolescence, emphasizing secure parent-adolescent attachments and shedding light on emotional support dynamics. This study enhances our understanding of attachment, neural processes, and self-esteem in adolescence, emphasizing secure parent-adolescent attachments and shedding light on emotional support dynamics


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    This paper estimates inflationary threshold in Nigeria using all the components of the aggregate demand model. The study used annual time series from 1981 to 2019 and the variables were confirmed to be free from unit root problems using Augmented Dickey Fuller and Ng-Perron Tests. The bounds test results suggested that there was long run relationship among the variables while the short run error correction model showed that the variables were capable of adjusting back to equilibrium in an event of any temporary shock within a year. The study found that the inflationary threshold for Nigeria is 8%. This is because the residual sum of squares was at maximum at 8% while the sum of the coefficients of inflation and the constructed dummy variable remained highest at 8%. It was therefore recommended among other things that central bank of Nigeria should gear its inflation target towards 8%

    Gasturbinen in der Praxis Kenndaten

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    SIGLECopy held by FIZ Karlsruhe; available from UB/TIB Hannover / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekDEGerman

    3. Brennwert-Symposium: Moeglichkeiten, Erfahrungen, Hemmnisse der Erdgas-Brennwerttechnik Materialien

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    Die vorliegende Broschuere enthaelt die Kurzfasssungen der auf dem Brennwertsymposium gehaltenen Referate. Ziel des Symposiums war es, ueber Moeglichkeiten, Erfahrungen und Hemmnisse bei der Markteinfuehrung von Erdgas-Brennwert-Geraeten zu berichten und neue Anstoesse fuer Gasversorgungsunternehmen, Geraetehersteller, Installateure und Schornsteinfeger zu geben. Fuer jeden der 13 Referate wurde eine gesonderte inhaltliche Erschliessung erarbeitet. (HW)The brochure contains abstracts of the papers presented at the symposium. The potential, performance and marketing problems of natural gas high-efficiency boiler systems are outlined, and new ideas are presented for gas utilities, producers of appliances, fitters, and chimneysweeps. 13 papers are available as separate regards in this database. (HW)SIGLEAvailable from TIB Hannover / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekDEGerman