379 research outputs found

    Larval niche differences between the sibling species, Drosophila montana and D. littoralis (Diptera) in northern Finland

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    Differences in larval substrate, or in the spatial and temporal occurrence of larvae between two closely related and ecologically similar Drosophila species were investigated. Vials containing homogenised tissue of water lily stems or birch phloem wetted with sap were exposed for oviposition in two habitats during two time periods. A logit analysis of the field emergence data suggested significant niche differences between the species. The logit model best explaining the species composition among emerging adults included an interaction between habitat and substrate, and also an interaction between habitat and exposure period. The differences between the species were, however, small and the species overlapped broadly with respect to each of the studied niche dimensions. The distribution of emerging flies among the yellow water lily vials appeared to fulfill the assumptions of a theoretical model for aggregation-mediated coexistence, i.e. the distribution of flies was aggregated among vials in both species, and there was no interspecific correlation in the numbers of flies emerging from the vials

    Identification and characterisation of a novel mechanism of antibiotic resistance

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    Daptomycin is a bactericidal antibiotic of last resort for serious infections caused by methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA). Although resistance is rare, treatment failure can occur in >20% of cases and so there is a pressing need to identify and mitigate factors that contribute to poor therapeutic outcomes. Work described in this thesis revealed that loss of the Agr quorum-sensing system, which frequently occurs in clinical isolates, enhanced S. aureus survival during daptomycin treatment. Wild-type S. aureus was killed rapidly by daptomycin but Agr-defective mutants survived antibiotic exposure by releasing membrane phospholipid, which bound and inactivated the antibiotic. Although wild-type bacteria also released phospholipid in response to daptomycin, Agr-triggered secretion of small cytolytic toxins, known as phenol soluble modulins, prevented antibiotic inactivation. Phospholipid release by S. aureus occurred via an active process that appears to involve the VraUTRS regulon, and was inhibited by the β-lactam antibiotic oxacillin, which slowed inactivation of daptomycin and enhanced bacterial killing. Subsequent work revealed that next-generation lipid biosynthesis inhibitors completely blocked phospholipid release, whilst the presence of host-associated fatty acids enhanced the release of membrane phospholipids. Future work will determine the molecular mechanism by which S. aureus releases phospholipids, and exploit this information to develop new therapeutic approaches that enhance daptomycin treatment efficacy.Open Acces

    Advanced Combustor Liner Cooling Technology for Gas Turbines

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    This paper briefly reviews some of the work on advanced liner cooling techniques - specificially laminated porous wall cooling, angled-multihole (effusion) cooling and composite metal matrix liner cooling. The concept definition, heat transfer design procedure and design problems including key materials and fabrication considerations associated with each basic concept will be reviewed. Published rig and engine experience of aircraft engine manufacturers and research organizations will be cited. Some logical extensions of the current liner cooling schemes are suggested for future applications

    Analisis Data Spektrum Spektroskopi FT-IR untuk Menentukan Tingkat Oksidasi Polianilin

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    Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menunjukkan salah satu pemanfaatan metode FT-IR yakni untuk menentukan tingkat oksidasi dengan contoh sampel adalah PANi. PANi disintesis menggunakan polimerisasi elektrokimia galvanostatis serta didoping oleh dopan HCl dengan variasi dopan 1,5 M, 1,75M, 2 M, 2,25 M, dan 2,5M. Spektrum transmitansi FT-IR menunjukkan peningkatan konsentrasi dopan HCl akan cenderung menurunkan intensitas transmitansi pada bilangan gelombang yang sama atau mendekati. Spektrum serapan FT-IR PANi menunjukkan keberadaan cincin kuinoid dan cincin benzoid, dan berdasarkan penentuan luasan kuinoid dan luasan benzoid diperoleh tingkat oksidasi optimum garam emeraldin yaitu 0,36 pada konsentrasi dopan 2 M. Kata Kunci: Spektrum serapan FT-IR, Tingkat oksidasi, Polianilin, Elektrokimia galvanostatik, Dopan

    Factor of communication barrier that influence workers productivity in oil palm plantation sector / Ahmad Aslah Azriq Ahmad Aspi

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    Human interacting with each other can also be known as form of communication. Effectively communicating with employers, employees, clients, suppliers, and customers will help you succeeds in this business world (Shonubi & Akintaro, 2016). Most of successful business people in the world are the one that have good communication skill. Aim of this study is to investigate relationship factor of communication barrier toward the productivity of workers based on five factors which are physical barrier, language barrier, perceptual barrier, gender barrier and emotional barrier. A method for this research is survey by using questionnaires and the study location at Lembah Kesang Estate. Total respondent for this research are 52 respondents. Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) consist of correlation coefficient and multiple regression is been used to analyzed all the data recorded. Result shows that gender barrier give the highest positive relationship (0.556) on the productivity of workers. As for the recommendation, estate workers need to remove their stereotype toward the woman employee in oil palm plantation sector to achieve effective communication

    Sized-related changes in winter condition of male calves in reindeer

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    Size-related changes in body condition of free-ranging male calves of semi-domesticated reindeer were studied in northern Finland from October 1983 to February 1984. In October-November, back fat depth or muscle fat percent correlated positively with the body size (=back length). In January, the highest means especially for muscle fat percent were found among medium-sized calves. Carcass weight and weight/back length ratio correlated positively with size, excluding February sample, where correlation for carcass weight was non-significant and for weight/back length ratio negative. Weight in the autumn correlated negatively with weight in February. Therefore, normalizing selection for body size (working against small and large phenotypes) is expected to occur in late winter. Small calves may be at greater mortality risk because of lower initial body reserves. Large calves commonly disperse during the rutting season and they may suffer most from increased food competition later in winter. Using of medium-sized calves for breeding might be the safest policy on ranges characterized by short food supply and difficult snow conditions.Koon vaikutus poron urosvasojen talviseen kuntoon.Abstract in Finnish / Tiivistelmä: Koon vaikutusta vapaana laiduntavien poron urosvasojen kuntoon tutkittiin Pohjois-Suomessa loka-helmikuussa talvella 1983-84. Loka-marraskuussa selkärasvan paksuus tai lihaksen rasvaprosentti riippui vasan koosta ( = selän pituus). Tammikuussa sen sijaan lihaksen rasvaprosentti oli korkein keskikokoisilla vasoilla. Ruhopaino sekä ruhopaino/selän pituus oli yleensa riippuvainen koosta. Helmikuussa ruhopainon riippuvuus koosta ei ollut enää tilastollisesti merkitsevä, ja koon ja ruhopainon/selänpituuden välinen korrelaatio oli negatiivinen. Eniten painoa menettivät (%) loka-helmikuun välillä suurikokoisimmat vasat. Havainnot viittaavat siihen, että talvella esiintyvä kuolleisuus on normalisoivaa koon suhteen (karsii pieniä ja suuria fenotyyppejä). Pienten vasojen kuolleisuusriski on suuri alunperinkin vähäisen varastoravinnon vuoksi. Suuret vasat puolestaan erkaantuvat usein emistään jo rykimäaikana, ja joutuvat kärsimään eniten talven mittaan kiristyvästä ravintokilpailusta. Niukoilla laitumilla siitokseen on turvallisinta säästää keskikokoisia vasoja.Sammenhengen mellom størrelse og vinterkondisjon hos hankalver av reinsdyr.Abstract in Norwegian / Sammendrag: Størrelses-relaterte forandringer i kroppskondisjon hos fritt beitende han-kalver av semidomestiserte rein er studert i Nord-Finland fra oktober 1983 til februar 1984. I oktober - november korrelerte tykkelsen av ryggfettet eller muskelfett-prosenten positivt med kroppsstørrelsen (= rygglengden). I januar ble de høyeste middelverdier, særlig for muskelfett-prosenten, funnet hos kalver av middels størrelse. Skrott-vekter og vekt/rygglengde-forholdet korrelerte positivt med kroppsstørrelse bortsett fra februar-prøvene, der korrellasjonen for skrott-vekt var ikke-signifikant og for vekt/rygglengde-forholdet var negativt. Vekt om høsten korrelerte negativt med vekt i februar. Derfor ventes et normaliserende utvalg for kroppsvekt (som arbeider mot små og store fenotyper) å skje på senvinteren. Små kalver er utsatt for større dødsrisiko på grunn av lavere kroppsreserver. Store kalver streifer vanligvis under brunsttiden og kan komme til å lide under økt næringskonkurranse på senvinteren. Bruk av middels store kalver i avlen kan være den sikreste metode på beiter som karakteriseres av dårlige næringstilgang og vanskelige snøforhold

    The growth rate of Cladonia rangiferina and C. mitis in relation to forest characteristics in northeastern Finland

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    The growth rate of Cladonia rangiferina and C. mitis was studied in Kuusamo, northeastern Finland, where they share more than 90 percent of the total lichen biomass. The material was collected from 5 pine forests of different ages in Calluna-Cladina heaths. The length growth rate of C. rangiferina varied by site from 3.9 to 4.3 mmyr -' and that of C. mitis from 3.0 to 3.5 mmyr-1 C. rangiferina achieved the fastest growth in a younger (60 years) shadowy forest; growth was slowest in a clear-felled area and in an old (180 years), already thinned forest. C. mitis grew fastest in a site with young (10 years old) pine plants and slowest in a younger shadowy site. The results do not support suggestions that clear-felling itself might negatively influence the growth of lichens. However, it is important also from the point of view of range management to create a new forest as soon as possible, since both species studied here grew faster in young forests than in clear-felled areas.Harmaaporonjakalan ja mietoporonjakalan kasvunopeus eri-ikaisissa metsissa.Abstract in Finnish / Yhteenveto: Harmaaporonjakalan (Cladonia rangiferina) ja mietoporonjakalan (Cladonia mitis) kasvunopeutta tutkittiin Kuusamossa. Aineisto kerattiin 5 puustoltaan eri-ikaiselti jakalakankaalta. Harmaaporonjakala kasvoi pituutta keskimaarin 3.9 - 4.3 mm/v ja mietoporonjakala 3.0 - 3.5 mm/v kasvupaikasta riippuen. Harmaaporonjakalan kasvu oli nopeinta nuorehkossa (60 v) tiheassa metsassa, hitainta paljaaksihakkuulla ja vanhassa (180 v), jo harventuneessa metsassa. Mietoporonjakala kasvoi nopeimmin 90 cm:n taimikossa ja hitaimmin varjoisimmalla kasvupaikalla. Tulosten perusteella on vaikea yhtya kasitykseen, etta paljaaksihakkuu sinansa vahentaa poronjakalien kasvunopeutta. Myos poronhoidon kannalta on kuitenkin tarkeaa, etta uusi metsa saadaan aikaan mahdollisimman nopeasti, silla molemmat lajit kasvavat nopeimmin eri-ikaisissa nuorissa metsissa

    The effects of stand characteristics on reindeer lichens and range use by semi-domesticated reindeer

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    The study was carried out in Kuusamo (66°15'N, 29°05'E) and Inari (68°30'N, 28°15'E), northern Finland, where 24 and 22 Scots pine stands were studied respectively. Clear-cutting (logging residue) caused a decline in lichen biomass for some few years, but otherwise the age of the stand had no effect upon lichen biomass. Instead, a positive correlation was found between litter/logging residue and the mean height of lichens; in Kuusamo, logging residue decreased significantly with the age of the stand. Grazing pressure in terms of fecal group density increased with the age of the stand. The preference of old forests came visible also as a lower mean height of lichens, which eliminates the possibility that the preference of old forests is associated only to the use of arboreal lichens. In Inari, grazing pressure sharply increased after the stand had reached the age of 100 years despite scarce litter/logging residue and fair lichen ranges in younger forests; there prevailed a negative correlation between stand density and grazing pressure. It has been suggested that there might be three main reasons for reindeers preferring old forests: 1) hardening of the snow (because of winds) on clear-cut areas, 2) logging residue preventing digging for the food beneath the snow, and 3) poor visibility in young pine stands (Inari) which might increase predation risk

    Optimizing The Performance of Civil Servants: A Case Study at The Tax Counseling and Consulting Service Office (KP2KP)

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    The performance of civil servants in the taxation sector will determine the success of state tax revenue. The purpose of this study was to determine and analyze the performance optimization of the KP2KP employees. Qualitative research with an explanatory research approach. Primary data sources were carried out through in-depth interviews with informants from the KP2KP, field observations and collection of written documentation. After analyzing the data, the researcher found that the optimization of the performance of civil servants with limited human resources can be realized through empowerment, development, competency improvement, employee motivation through adequate compensation and leadership effectiveness in KP2KP. Research results are very important for policy makers in perfecting their policies. Optimizing the performance of civil servants through empowerment, development, increasing competence, providing employee motivation through adequate compensation and leadership effectiveness in KP2KP. This study presents different points of view on the topic of civil servant performance. Increasing the performance optimization of civil servants with limited human resources is a new thing and according to the author's knowledge, the results of this study are the first to explain the increase in the performance optimization of KP2KP employees in Ogan Ilir Regency.   Abstrak Kinerja PNS di bidang perpajakan sangat menentukan keberhasilan penerimaan pajak negara. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis optimalisasi kinerja pegawai KP2KP. Penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan penelitian eksplanatori. Sumber data primer dilakukan melalui wawancara mendalam dengan informan dari KP2KP, observasi lapangan dan pengumpulan dokumentasi tertulis. Setelah menganalisis data, peneliti menemukan bahwa optimalisasi kinerja PNS dengan sumber daya manusia yang terbatas dapat diwujudkan melalui pemberdayaan, pengembangan, peningkatan kompetensi, motivasi pegawai melalui kompensasi yang memadai dan efektivitas kepemimpinan di KP2KP. Hasil penelitian sangat penting bagi pengambil kebijakan dalam menyempurnakan kebijakannya. Mengoptimalkan kinerja PNS melalui pemberdayaan, pengembangan, peningkatan kompetensi, pemberian motivasi pegawai melalui kompensasi yang memadai dan efektivitas kepemimpinan di KP2KP. Studi ini menyajikan sudut pandang yang berbeda tentang topik kinerja pegawai negeri. Peningkatan optimalisasi kinerja PNS dengan sumber daya manusia yang terbatas merupakan hal baru dan menurut pengetahuan penulis, hasil penelitian ini merupakan yang pertama menjelaskan peningkatan optimalisasi kinerja pegawai KP2KP di Kabupaten Ogan Ilir. Kata Kunci :  Kinerja Pegawai, Pelayanan, Penyuluhan, Perpajaka


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    ABSTRAK Aspi Angreni P. (2024): Pengaruh Manfaat dan Kemudahan Aplikasi Digital BSI Mobile Terhadap Keputusan Membayar Zakat, Infaq, Sedekah dan Wakaf Nasabah Bank Syariah Indonesia KCP Sudirman Atas Kota Pekanbaru Penelitian ini dilatar belakangi berdasarkan tren transaksi ziswaf mengalami perkembangan. Namun tidak semua pemilik BSI mobile mau bertransaksi khusunya pada transaksi ziswaf meskipun aplikasi digital BSI mobil memberikan kemudahan dalam mnggunakannya. Tujuan dalam penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui manfaat dan kemudahan aplikasi digital BSI mobile dapat berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap keputusan membayar zakat, infaq, sedekah dan wakaf nasabah Bank Syariah Indonesia KCP Sudirman Atas Kota Pekanbaru secara parsial dan simultan, untuk mengetahui faktor keunggulan dan kepercayaan mempengaruhi nasabah Bank Syariah Indonesia dalam mengambil Keputusan membayar ziswaf melalui aplikasi digital BSI mobile nasabah Bank Syariah Indonesia KCP Sudirman Atas Kota Pekanbaru. Metode penelitian yang digunakan yaitu metode kuantitatif. Sampel penelitian ini berjumlah 150 responden. Adapun teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan teknik accidental sampling/non-probability sampling dengan rumus chochran. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu data primer berupa angket dan dokumentasi serta data sekunder berupa buku, jurnal, website. Teknik analisis data berupa data deduktif yaitu dari umum ke khusus. Hasil pengujian regresi linear berganda diperoleh persamaan Y= 10,799 + 0,347X1 + 0,184X2 + e, hasil pengujian hipotesis secara parsial diperoleh t hitung variabel Manfaat (x_1) sebesar 3,743 dengan tingkat signifikansi sebesar 0,001. Karena t hitung > t tabel yaitu 3,743>1,655 dengan tingkat signifikansi 0,001 0,05. Kemudian hasil uji secara simultan diperoleh F hitung sebesar 38,059 > F tabel sebesar 2,275 dengan Tingkat signifikansi sebesar 0,001< 0,05,.Hasil uji koefisien determinasi menunjukkan nilai R Square sebesar 0,341 yang berarti kontribusi variabel bebas mempengaruhi variabel terikat sebesar 34,1 %, `sedangkan sisanya sebesar 65,9% dipengaruhi dari variabel yang tidak termasuk dalam variabel penelitian ini. Faktor keunggulan dan kepercayaan mempengaruhi nasabah menggunakan BSI mobile dalam pembayaran ziswaf. Kata kunci: Manfaat, Kemudahan, Keputusa