11 research outputs found

    Perceptions of alcohol use in the context of HIV treatment: a qualitative study.

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    BACKGROUND: Alcohol use is associated with poor HIV treatment outcomes. This study aimed to understand patients' perceptions of the impact of alcohol use in the context of HIV care. METHODS: The study design was a descriptive qualitative study of HIV positive individuals receiving antiretroviral treatment. The study involved four focus group discussions with male and female participants at a tertiary center, city clinic, and rural church. We employed convenience sampling and invited patients coming for their routine visits and medication refills to participate. RESULTS: Participants had an awareness of both the direct and indirect effects of alcohol use. The direct effects related to the incompatibility of HIV medication and alcohol. The indirect effects related to the negative impact of alcohol on treatment adherence. Participants proffered reasons why HIV infected individuals on HIV treatment drink and felt that patients had to make a deliberate choice to stop drinking. Participants displayed some knowledge of interventions for drinking cessation and highlighted the use of pharmacological interventions to stop drinking. Participants indicated that they preferred HIV counselors to provide counseling services in view of the existing relationships that patients had with counselors. CONCLUSION: People living with HIV have adequate knowledge of the effects of alcohol use in the context of HIV treatment. Stigma and the time taken to engage in an alcohol use intervention appeared to be the main impediments to uptake. The current model of HIV treatment, based on trust with the HIV care team, and maintenance of this trust, could bolster the uptake of an intervention. Involvement of HIV patients in their treatment is necessary to improve treatment outcomes in the context of alcohol use

    Behavior change interventions and policies influencing primary healthcare professionals’ practice—an overview of reviews

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    Sensing Tissue Damage by Myeloid C-Type Lectin Receptors

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    After both sterile and infectious insults, damage is inflicted on tissues leading to accidental or programmed cell death. In addition, events of programmed cell death also take place under homeostatic conditions, such as in embryo development or in the turnover of hematopoietic cells. Mammalian tissues are seeded with myeloid immune cells, which harbor a plethora of receptors that allow the detection of cell death, modulating immune responses. The myeloid C-type lectin receptors (CLRs) are one of the most prominent families of receptors involved in tailoring immunity after sensing dead cells. In this chapter, we will cover a diversity of signals arising from different forms of cell death and how they are recognized by myeloid CLRs. We will also explore how myeloid cells develop their sentinel function, exploring how some of these CLRs identify cell death and the type of responses triggered thereof. In particular, we will focus on DNGR-1 (CLEC9A), Mincle (CLEC4E), CLL-1 (CLEC12A), LOX-1 (OLR1), CD301 (CLEC10A) and DEC-205 (LY75) as paradigmatic death-sensing CLRs expressed by myeloid cells. The molecular processes triggered after cell death recognition by myeloid CLRs contribute to the regulation of immune responses in pathologies associated with tissue damage, such as infection, autoimmunity and cancer. A better understanding of these processes may help to improve the current approaches for therapeutic intervention.Carlos Del Fresno is supported by AECC Foundation (INVES192DELF). Francisco Javier Cueto is the recipient of a Ph.D. “La Caixa” fellowship (LCF/BQ/ES14/10320011). Work in the DS laboratory is funded by the CNIC; by the European Research Council (ERC-2016-Consolidator Grant 725091); by the European Commission (635122-PROCROP H2020); by Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación e Universidades (MICINN), Agencia Estatal de Investigación and Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER) (SAF2016-79040-R); by Comunidad de Madrid (B2017/BMD-3733 Immunothercan-CM); by FIS-Instituto de Salud Carlos III, MICINN and FEDER (RD16/0015/0018-REEM); by Acteria Foundation; by Atresmedia (Constantes y Vitales prize) and by Fundació La Marató de TV3 (201723). The CNIC is supported by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII), the MICINN and the Pro-CNIC Foundation and is a Severo Ochoa Center of Excellence (SEV-2015-0505).S

    Anaemia in rheumatoid arthritis: pathogenesis, diagnosis and treatment

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