22 research outputs found

    Unfolded states under folding conditions accommodate sequence-specific conformational preferences with random coil-like dimensions

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    Proteins are marginally stable molecules that fluctuate between folded and unfolded states. Here, we provide a high-resolution description of unfolded states under refolding conditions for the N-terminal domain of the L9 protein (NTL9). We use a combination of time-resolved Förster resonance energy transfer (FRET) based on multiple pairs of minimally perturbing labels, time-resolved small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS), all-atom simulations, and polymer theory. Upon dilution from high denaturant, the unfolded state undergoes rapid contraction. Although this contraction occurs before the folding transition, the unfolded state remains considerably more expanded than the folded state and accommodates a range of local and nonlocal contacts, including secondary structures and native and nonnative interactions. Paradoxically, despite discernible sequence-specific conformational preferences, the ensemble-averaged properties of unfolded states are consistent with those of canonical random coils, namely polymers in indifferent (theta) solvents. These findings are concordant with theoretical predictions based on coarse-grained models and inferences drawn from single-molecule experiments regarding the sequence-specific scaling behavior of unfolded proteins under folding conditions

    The Unfolded State of the C-Terminal Domain of L9 Expands at Low but Not at Elevated Temperatures

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    The temperature dependence of the overall dimensions of the denatured state ensemble (DSE) of proteins remains unclear. Some studies indicate compaction of the DSE at high temperatures, whereas others argue that dimensions do not decrease. The degree of compaction or expansion in the cold-denatured state has been less studied. To investigate the temperature dependence of unfolded state dimensions, small angle x-ray scattering measurements were performed in native buffer in the absence of denaturant for a designed point mutant of the C-terminal domain of L9, a small cooperatively folded α-β protein, at 14 different temperatures over the range of 5–60°C. The I98A mutation destabilizes the domain such that both the DSE and the folded state are populated at 25°C in the absence of denaturant or extreme pH. Thermal unfolding as well as cold unfolding can thus be observed in the absence of denaturant, allowing a direct comparison of these regimes for the same protein using the same technique. The temperature of maximal stability, Ts, is 30°C. There is no detectable change in Rg of the unfolded state as the temperature is increased above Ts, but a clear expansion is detected as the temperature is decreased below Ts. The Rg of the DSE populated in buffer was found to be 27.8 ± 1.7 Å at 5°C, 21.8 ± 1.9 Å at 30°C, and 21.7 ± 2.0 Å at 60°C. In contrast, no significant temperature dependence was observed for the value of Rg measured in 6 M guanidine hydrochloride. The small angle x-ray scattering data reported here indicate clear differences between the cold- and thermal-unfolded states and show that there is no significant compaction at elevated temperatures

    Encoding phase transitions

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    A new phase for enzyme kinetics

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    Transcription factor dimerization activates the p300 acetyltransferase

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    The transcriptional co-activator p300 is a histone acetyltransferase (HAT) that is typically recruited to transcriptional enhancers and regulates gene expression by acetylating chromatin. Here we show that the activation of p300 directly depends on the activation and oligomerization status of transcription factor ligands. Using two model transcription factors, IRF3 and STAT1, we demonstrate that transcription factor dimerization enables the trans-autoacetylation of p300 in a highly conserved and intrinsically disordered autoinhibitory lysine-rich loop, resulting in p300 activation. We describe a crystal structure of p300 in which the autoinhibitory loop invades the active site of a neighbouring HAT domain, revealing a snapshot of a trans-autoacetylation reaction intermediate. Substrate access to the active site involves the rearrangement of an autoinhibitory RING domain. Our data explain how cellular signalling and the activation and dimerization of transcription factors control the activation of p300, and therefore explain why gene transcription is associated with chromatin acetylation