1,963 research outputs found

    Comparative Analysis of A, B Type and Exchange Traded Funds Performances with Mutual Fund Performance Measures, Regression Analysis and Manova Technique.

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    The objective of the study is to evaluate risk- reward relationship and relative performances of the 4 different groups of mutual funds. To this end, daily return data of these 12 mutual funds (3 type variable fund; 3 B type variable fund; 3 A type stock fund and 3 A type Exchange traded fund) together with daily market index (imkb100) return and daily return of riskless rate for the period from January 2006 to Feb 2010. The 180-day maturity T-Bill has been selected to represent riskless rate. To determine performances of mutual funds; Sharpe ratio, M2 measure, Treynor index, Jensen index, Sortino ratio, T2 ratio, Valuation ratio has been applied and these indicators produced conflicting results in ranking mutual funds. Then timingand selection capability of the fund manager has been determined by applying simple regression and Quadratic regression. Interestingly all funds found to have positive coefficient, indicating positive election capability of managers; but in terms of timing capability only one fund managers showed success. Finally, to determine extent to which mean returns are differs between mutual funds, market index (imkb100) and riskless rate (180 day TBill) results of the analysis revealed that mean returns of individual security returns differs at P≤0,01 level. That shows instability in returns and poor ex-ante forecast modeling capability

    Testing the Expectation Theory of the Term Structure of Interest Rates in Turkish Fixed-Income Securities Market.

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    This study empirically tests the expectations hypothesis of term structure of interest rates, in Turkish fixed-income securities market. In the study Johansen and Juselius (JJ test) co-integration test has been applied to determine the existence of at least one common trend between short and long term bond interest rates, and it has determined. Therefore both r =0 and also r≤1 co-integration vector hypothesis have been rejected. In other words, based on the data covering January 3, 2003 through June 2010, and consist of 89 observation on each of the 8 different maturity ranging from 3 months to 5 years, it was determined that there were more than 1 co-integration ( r>1) vector in the series. The results indicate that in Turkish fixed-income securities market shorter-term interest rates effects longer-term interest rates. In fact, granger causality test applied and its results also confirm the findings cited above. Besides, the study is bearing some very important implications for Turkish monetary authorities that they could predict and observe behavior of the longer-term interest rates, and also inflation rates, based on the given change in short-term interest rates. In this aspect, this study is unique

    Educational and Integration Problems of Immigrant Turkish Youth in Germany

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    Germany, which reorganized its industry after the second world war, met a serious work force insufficiency in 1960’s and tried to compensate this work force deficit from developing countries. During these years there occurred big worker immigration to Germany from Turkey, which had a serious unemployment problem and an active population. The problems that could have stemmed from such an immigration movement did not receive enough and serious attention neither from Turkey, which sent the workers nor from Germany, which invited these workers. On contrary, these workers were considered as foreign currency income by Turkish government, and as cheap workforce by German government. In addition, German government believed that these were guest workers and when the due day came they would go back to their countries. However, Turkish workers started to call their families to Germany from 1970’s on and had the purpose of staying in this country in long term. In this country, where third generation has been receiving education, the education and integration problems of Turkish children have always been on the agenda. They have various educational problems from pre-school education and vocational education to higher education. Furthermore, they came across with the thread from various fundamentalist religious or political organizations. In our age, as there have occurred such approaches as multiculturalizm and crossculturalizm, realistic steps have to be taken in order to avoid the dangers that might stem from the integration problems of Turkish youth in Germany. In this study, such an integration problem will be discussed and some practical solutions will be put forward. Key words: European Union, German Education System, foreigners, children of Turkish workers, educational problems

    A Comparative Study of Scheduling Techniques for Multimedia Applications on SIMD Pipelines

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    Parallel architectures are essential in order to take advantage of the parallelism inherent in streaming applications. One particular branch of these employ hardware SIMD pipelines. In this paper, we analyse several scheduling techniques, namely ad hoc overlapped execution, modulo scheduling and modulo scheduling with unrolling, all of which aim to efficiently utilize the special architecture design. Our investigation focuses on improving throughput while analysing other metrics that are important for streaming applications, such as register pressure, buffer sizes and code size. Through experiments conducted on several media benchmarks, we present and discuss trade-offs involved when selecting any one of these scheduling techniques.Comment: Presented at DATE Friday Workshop on Heterogeneous Architectures and Design Methods for Embedded Image Systems (HIS 2015) (arXiv:1502.07241

    Information and Communication Technology Reputation for XU030 Quote Companies

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    By the increasing spread of information technology and Internet improvements, most of the large-scale companies are paying special attention to their reputation on many types of the information and communication technology. The increasing developments and penetration of new technologies into daily life, brings out paradigm shift on the perception of reputation and creates new concepts like esocieties, techno-culture and new media. Contemporary companies are trying to control their reputation over the new communities who are mostly interacting with social networks, web pages and electronic communication technologies. In this study, the reputation of top 30 Turkish companies, quoted to the Istanbul Stock Market, is studied, based on the information technology interfaces between company and society, such as social networks, blogs, wikis and web pages. The web reputation is gathered through 17 different parameters, collected from Google, Facebook, Twitter, Bing, Alexa, etc. The reputation index is calculated by z-index and fscoring formulations after the min-max normalization of each web reputation parameter.Comment: 5 pages 2 figure 1 table 21 refs. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1401.754


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    The aim of this research is to reveal the “safe school” perceptions of secondary class presidents. The sample of the study, which is a qualitative research and figured as “phenomenology design”, is constituted by eight class president students in vocational and technical secondary schools. The data were collected with a semi-structured interview form consisting of three open-ended questions to determine the opinions of the class presidents. The responses of participants to questions in writing were analyzed by descriptive analysis. In the study, the “school safety” perception was examined with the perspective of the class presidents in high schools. Some of the remarkable results of the research can be summarized as follows: The participants reply the question “To what extent is a safe school environment important for you?” such that they generally consider the school’s physical, social and psychological environment as problematic. They indicate the importance of solving the problems of these environments in creating a safe school climate. Participants point out to the parent-school cooperation for the question regarding the duties of the school management, staff and students. Some of the participants emphasized the risks arising from the school environment

    A Metaphor Analysis on the “School Security” Perceptions of Elementary School Students

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    Abstract The main objective of this research is to determine the perception of elementary school students on school security by means of metaphors. In order to achieve this objective, the participants were asked to write down their metaphor on the “school security”. Raw data obtained by completing sentences such as “I think the school security is like... Because...” were studied according to content analysis and interpreted with descriptive analysis approach. Metaphors created were associated with a particular theme depending on the point of view of the participants and 11 (primary school 6, secondary school 5) conceptual categories were found in total. As a result of this process, the school security categories found for the 4th-grade primary school students are as follows: (1) Observing concept, (2) Safe place, (3) Disciplinary tool, (4) Protective element, (5) Productive concept, and (6) Freedom prohibiter. The school security categories found for the 8th-grade secondary school students are as follows: (1) Protective element, (2) Factor increasing safety, (3) Safe place, (4) Place restricting freedom, and (5) Productive concept. When the distribution of metaphors within each category was analyzed, it was found that the perception on school security is positive while their perception on the safety applications is negative
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