22 research outputs found

    The Impact of EU Regional Policy in Galicia. An Overview

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    Texto dispoñible en galego e españolO obxectivo deste artigo é presentar os principais estudos cuantitativos sobre a incidencia dos fondos estruturais nos indicadores económicos básicos da Comunidade Autónoma galega. Logo da presentación do volume e da asignación de fondos comunitarios entre as distintas comunidades autónomas españolas desde o ano 1986 ata o ano 2006, a conclusión máis importante que se pode sacar é que, aínda que en termos relativos non se poida falar en Galicia dunha aproximación ou converxencia activa, si hai converxencia pola vía da produción á media española ou ás autonomías máis desenvolvidas en termos absolutos, e as distintas análises realizadas si presentan unha mellora das variables macroeconómicas: produción, VEB, emprego ou stock de capitalEl objetivo de este artículo es presentar los principales estudios cuantitativos sobre la incidencia de los fondos estructurales en los indicadores económicos básicos de la Comunidad Autónoma gallega. Tras la presentación del volumen y de la asignación de fondos comunitarios entre las distintas comunidades autónomas españolas desde el año 1986 hasta el año 2006, la conclusión más importante que se puede sacar es que, aunque en términos relativos no se puede hablar en Galicia de una aproximación o convergencia activa, sí hay convergencia por la vía de la producción a la media española o a las autonomías más desarrolladas en términos absolutos, y los distintos análisis realizados sí presentan una mejora de las variables macroeconómicas: producción, VAB, empleo o stock de capitalThis article’s aim is to present the principal quantitative Studies on the impact of the Structural Funds on Galician economic basic indicators. It begins with a presentation of the volume and assignment of community funds between the different Spanish regions from 1986 until 2006. The most important conclusion that can be reached is that though in relative terms, it is not possible to speak in Galicia of an approximation or active convergence, that is to say, in terms of production, to the Spanish average or to the most developed regions, in absolute terms, the different analyzed studies present an improvement of the macroeconomic variables: production, GVA, employment or capital stockS

    La economía gallega post-COVID

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    This is a crisis like no other. The global economic outlook continues to be uncertain, more than a year after the declaration of the pandemic. Mutations of the virus, deaths and levels of contagion remain a cause for concern, although increases in vaccination rates, technical advances and responsible actions by citizens contribute to optimism. This paper shows the situation of the Galician economy through an analysis of its main magnitudes and variables and the effect of COVID on them

    La conectividad portuaria de Galicia y del Norte de Portugal: características esenciales.

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    The connectivity index reveals the level of accessibility that a country / port has in relation to transport networks. It is measured through the maritime connections it has and is a basic tool to know the levels of trade facilitation and the degrees of global insertion. In the Galician ports, the high level of specialization of the port of Vigo stands out, while the others register much smaller movements. In the case of Portugal, the ports of Sines and Leixoes stand out, as they polarize containerized traffic and the scales of vessels that make up the current global supply chains

    Los salarios en Galicia. Una visión a través de las fuentes estadísticas

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    The aim of this paper is to present a descriptive analysis, and therefore apt to be interpreted, of the salary evolution in Galicia. For this reason, it is approached from three different perspectives: firstly, a macroeconomic approximation is carried out analyzing the remuneration of the employees according to the data of the macroeconomic picture of Galicia; Secondly, the salary payments declared in the “IRPF” to the Tax Agency are considered; Finally, the data obtained through surveys are collected: the “EPA” and the annual labor cost surve

    Los efectos de la crisis económica en Galicia a través de 25 cuadros.

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    Eleven years have passed since the beginning of the economic crisis that began in 2008 when two consecutive quarters of negative quarter-on-quarter variation rates were experienced. Throughout these eleven years, three key moments can be highlighted, which are the ones taken as a general reference: the second quarter of 2008, when the economic crisis begins; the fourth quarter of 2013, when the Galician economy begins its economic recovery; and the third quarter of 2017, when the pre-crisis level is achieved in terms of real GDP. The purpose of this paper is to offer, in a synthetic way, an image of the effects of the economic crisis from the data collected in the following graphs and table

    Actividad económica en Galicia 2020. Una contracción histórica condicionada por la evolución del COVID

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    After the slowdown in the rate of GDP growth in 2019, the health crisis caused by COVID and the measures subsequently approved to contain its expansion led to a contraction of Galician economic activity of 8.9% - two points lower than the state measure (11%). Throughout the year, Galicia performed better than the Spanish economy, registering the most negative impact in the second quarter, with a year-on-year drop of 18%. After the rebound experienced in the third quarter, the last months of the year were marked by new outbreaks and new restrictive measures that contributed to a 7.6% year-on-year drop in GDP

    Comportamiento de los puertos del Eje Atlántico en el periodo 2019-23: un análisis diferencial

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    Globalization is modifying traditional paradigms on the articulation of ports with the territory. Port studies focused from functionalist perspectives (in which the units of analysis were the port spaces themselves) have given way to systemic approaches that place ports in a new position, within the chains of physical circulation of goods. Thus, ports are understood as intermediate nodes, within multimodal logistics and transportation networks that facilitated the formation of production-distribution chains at a global level. Nowadays, we see new flows of goods moved under door-to-door parameters and without load breakage, through standard containers that adapt to other modes of transport, and can be deployed and located in different locations in various latitudes and continents. Currently, mobility and connectivity are considered basic elements of modern analyzes in which four characteristics stand out: the fragmentation of production; a new technological, operational and organizational perspective of production; the configuration of a territory of networks and connectivity; and a lower relevance of physical distance

    La economía gallega en el nuevo contexto mundial

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    The year 2022 was featured by Russia's invasion of Ukraine, by the resurgence of COVID in China, by the fight against inflation and by the emergence of geo-political-economic factors among which uncertainty, complexity and the combination of new challenges such as actions derived from environmental challenges and protectionist ideas around international trade relations. The economic balance of the year focused on the evaluation of monetary policy measures. In 2022, these trends will harden, with the aim of cooling both demand and correcting inflation; although core inflation remains well above desired levels

    Los efectos de la crisis económica en Galicia a través de 25 cuadros.

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    Eleven years have passed since the beginning of the economic crisis that began in 2008 when two consecutive quarters of negative quarter-on-quarter variation rates were experienced. Throughout these eleven years, three key moments can be highlighted, which are the ones taken as a general reference: the second quarter of 2008, when the economic crisis begins; the fourth quarter of 2013, when the Galician economy begins its economic recovery; and the third quarter of 2017, when the pre-crisis level is achieved in terms of real GDP. The purpose of this paper is to offer, in a synthetic way, an image of the effects of the economic crisis from the data collected in the following graphs and table

    Los salarios en Galicia. Una visión a través de las fuentes estadísticas

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    The aim of this paper is to present a descriptive analysis, and therefore apt to be interpreted, of the salary evolution in Galicia. For this reason, it is approached from three different perspectives: firstly, a macroeconomic approximation is carried out analyzing the remuneration of the employees according to the data of the macroeconomic picture of Galicia; Secondly, the salary payments declared in the “IRPF” to the Tax Agency are considered; Finally, the data obtained through surveys are collected: the “EPA” and the annual labor cost surve