85 research outputs found

    Genetic variation and stability of agronomic and quality traits in soybean varieties grown in western Canada between 2013 and 2018

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    Non-Peer ReviewedSoybean is one of the major crops of the world, but relatively new to western Canada, especially areas west of Morden, Manitoba. Expansion of soybean production to these Canadian Prairies has been slow due to a lack of adapted very-early maturing cultivars. Evaluation of stability and adaptability of a genotype to a broad range of environments is beneficial to recommend cultivars for known conditions of cultivation. Diverse soybean varieties were evaluated over multiple locations in Saskatchewan for six years (2013-2018). Significant effects of genotype, environment, and genotype and environment interaction were detected for phenology, agronomic and quality traits. Broad sense heritability estimates are medium to high for most of these traits in many site-years. Varieties with good performance stability for yield, quality and days to maturity were detected over the study period. Results from this study suggests some recommendations for soybean breeding and expansion in western Canada

    Influence of Genetic Factors on Pork Quality

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    Animal Breedin

    Cooking Temperature and Antioxidants as Processing Variables Affecting the Flavor and Textural Stability of Restructured Beef Roasts.

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    The effects of cooking temperature, refrigerated storage, and the presence of sodium tripolyphosphate (STP) and soy protein isolate (SPI) on the development of warmed-over flavor (WOF) in restructured beef roasts were studied. In Phase 1, restructured beef roasts were cooked in a water bath at temperatures of 70, 85 and 100\sp\circC. In Phase 2, four types of roasts containing all combinations of STP and SPI were cooked in a water bath at 70 and 100\sp\circC. The cooked roasts in both phases were then stored at 4\sp\circC for 0 and 3 days. Higher cooking temperatures and longer storage periods tended to increase oxidation as measured by thiobarbituric acid (TBA) analysis. Sensory panelists detected differences in WOF due to storage but not cooking temperature. Significant interactions between cooking temperature and storage indicated that oxidation proceeded more rapidly at higher cooking temperatures. Correlations between TBA values and total lipids, phospholipids, and nonheme iron indicate that these factors may contribute to lipid oxidation. Both STP and SPI inhibited oxidation, STP being more effective at higher cooking temperatures while SPI at lower cooking temperatures. Their effect was not detected sensorially. The antioxidants also may have a synergistic effect in inhibiting oxidation. In addition, their antioxidative effects may be concentration dependent. Lower cooking temperatures resulted in higher cook yields. Moisture content, expressible moisture, and water-binding were also considerably greater at lower cooking temperatures, while Instron shear force values and sensory scores tended to be higher but not significant. Dehydration of the roasts occurred during storage accompanied by an increase in water-binding and in Instron shear force values. Sensory panelists rated the stored roasts less juicy and less tender than roasts that were not stored. Incorporation of STP and SPI resulted in higher, though nonsignificant, cook yields. In the presence of STP, the total moisture of the cooked product was significantly greater than when STP was omitted. No differences in juiciness and tenderness were detected by the sensory panelists due to STP and SPI. This study indicates that flavor and textural stability can be improved by incorporating antioxidants, cooking at lower temperatures, and minimizing refrigerated storage

    Food Grade Collagen as a Lean or Fat Replacement in Pork Sausage

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    Food Scienc

    Developing more environmentally friendly and nutritious pea varieties

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    Non-Peer ReviewedPhytate is the major storage form of phosphorus in crop seeds, but is not well digested by humans and non-ruminant animals. In addition, phytate chelates several essential micronutrients which are also excreted contributing to phosphorus pollution in the environment. Environmental and nutritional concerns led to the development of cultivars with the low phytate trait. The present study is aimed at biochemical and molecular characterization of two low phytate pea mutant lines, 1-150-81 and 1-2347-144 developed at the Crop Development Centre, University of Saskatchewan in collaboration with Dr. Victor Raboy, USDA, Idaho. Biochemical characterization is in progress for the two low phytate lines, their progenitor, CDC Bronco and CDC Meadow that were grown in replicated field trials at Saskatoon and Rosthern, SK in 2010 and 2011. Samples of developing seeds were collected 7 days after pollination and at weekly intervals thereafter until maturity. The concentration of phytate-phosphorus, isomeric forms of phytatephosphorus and inorganic phosphorus in these developing cotyledons and seed coats will be assessed using colorimetric and HPLC methods. In this way, the pattern of phytate-phosphorus and inorganic phosphorus accumulation will be determined in developing seeds. Molecular characterization will include cloning, sequencing and mapping of the gene(s) associated with the low phytate trait. Molecular markers will be developed based on the gene sequences. Recombinant inbred lines (RILs) were developed from crosses between the two low phytate lines and CDC Meadow. One set of RILs was evaluated in a field trial in Saskatchewan in 2011, and will be evaluated again in 2012. The RILs will be genotyped using available microsatellite markers or SNP markers and phenotyped using colorimetric and HPLC assays. These data will then be used to identify the molecular marker(s) for the trait. The study will aid us to understand the nature of the low phytate mutation(s). Significant potential benefits that we could expect out of the project include improved bioavailability of phosphorus, iron and zinc in foods and feeds, less phosphorus excretion and environmental pollution and a substantial saving in feed costs

    Mapping Quantitative Trait Loci for Carotenoid Concentration in Three F2 Populations of Chickpea

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    Three F2 populations derived from crosses between cultivars with green and yellow cotyledon colors were used to identify quantitative trait loci (QTLs) associated with carotenoid components in chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) seeds developed by the Crop Development Centre (CDC). Carotenoids including violaxanthin, lutein, zeaxanthin, b-cryptoxanthin, and b-carotene were assessed in the F2:3 seeds via high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). In the ‘CDC Jade’ × ‘CDC Frontier’ population, 1068 bin markers derived from the 50K Axiom CicerSNP array were mapped onto eight linkage groups (LGs). Eight QTLs, including two each for b-carotene and zeaxanthin and one each for total carotenoids, b-cryptoxanthin, b-carotene, and violaxanthin were identified in this population. In the ‘CDC Cory’ × ‘CDC Jade’ population, 694 bin markers were mapped onto eight LGs and one partial LG. Quantitative trait loci for b-cryptoxanthin, b-carotene, violaxanthin, lutein, and total carotenoids were identified on LG8. A map with eight LGs was developed from 581 bin markers in the third population derived from the ‘ICC4475’ × ‘CDC Jade’ cross. One QTL for b-carotene and four QTLs, one each for b-cryptoxanthin, b-carotene, lutein, and total carotenoids, were identified in this population. The highest phenotypic variation explained by the QTLs was for b-carotene, which ranged from 58 to 70% in all three populations. A major gene for cotyledon color was mapped on LG8 in each population. A significant positive correlation between cotyledon color and carotenoid concentration was observed. Potential candidate genes associated with carotenoid components were obtained and their locations on the chickpea genome are presented

    Rebeller eller offer? : Sociala konstruktioner av graffitimÄlares identiteter

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    9. Sammanfattning Idag finns det mÀnniskor som tycker att graffiti Àr en konstform som ungdomar anvÀnder för att fÄ utlopp för sin kreativa förmÄga, och andra mÀnniskor som menar att graffiti bara handlar om vandalism. Graffitin kostar samhÀllet stora summor pengar genom sanering av det olagliga klottrandet. Det sker arbete frÄn flera olika hÄll med att finna effektiva ÄtgÀrder för att fÄ bort eller minska klottret. VÄrt syfte med uppsatsen Àr att försöka se hur graffitimÄlarna sjÀlva konstruerar sin verklighet, hur de skapar mening med sitt mÄlande och hur de sjÀlva stÀller sig till det olagliga och lagliga mÄlandet. Vi utgÄr ifrÄn ett socialkonstruktionistiskt perspektiv och anvÀnder den bÄde som teori och analysmetod. I vÄr undersökning intervjuade vi graffitimÄlare frÄn olika hÄll i landet. Resultaten visar fyra teman med olika tolkningsrepertoarer som graffitimÄlare anvÀnder för att konstruera sig sjÀlva: den heliga konstformen, att göra reklam för sig sjÀlv, samhÀllet gör oss kriminella och pÄ rÀtt sida av lagen. GraffitimÄlare konstruerar sig en roll som konstnÀrligt intresserad rebell som har friheten att skapa fritt och samtidigt stÄ utanför de samhÀlleliga normerna. Men med rebellrollen antar graffitimÄlaren samtidigt en roll som offer för samhÀlleligt förtryck, eftersom samhÀllet stÀmplar dem som kriminella
