126 research outputs found

    Annihilation of Dipolar Dark Matter: χχ→γγ

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    In this work we study the annihilation of dark matter, considering it as a neutral particle with magnetic and/or electric moments not null. The calculation of the effective section of the process χχbar→γγ is made starting from a general form of coupling χ χbar γ in the framework of an extension of the Standard Model. We found, when taking into account an annihilation of DDM-antiDDM to monoenergetic photons, that for small masses, mχ ≤ 0 GeV, an electric dipole moment ~10–6 e cm is required to satisfy the current residual density, while for the range of greater sensitivity of HAWC, 10 TeV < Eg < 20 TeV, the electrical dipole moment must be of the order of 10–8 e cm

    Effect of Organic Nutrition in the Nursery Growth and Nutrimental Content of Native Avocados of Ometepec, Guerrero, Mexico

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    In Mexico, there are several types of wild and criollo avocados that constitute a genetic heritage of this species; these avocados currently grow in an unordered manner on farmer's lands and in backyards, and they need to be studied as they are being lost because of agricultural activities and edaphoclimatic and phytosanitary factors. On the other hand, in orchards and avocado nurseries, high amounts of chemical fertilizers and pesticides are used affecting the physicochemical and microbiological properties of the soil, modifying the flora and fauna and polluting aquifers and springs that cause health problems among consumers. Therefore, it is very important to have a more friendly agriculture with the nature. The aim of this work was to evaluate under nursery conditions, the effect of organic fertilizers on 12 genotypes (rootstocks) of native avocados of Ometepec, Guerrero, Mexico, under an experimental design of random blocks, with four treatments: T1: sheep manure,T2: Bovine manure, T3: mycorrhizae and T4 (control: water) in four replicates. The variables were: plant height (PH), stem diameter (SD), number of leaves: young (NYL) and mature (NML) per plant; and the content of NO3-, K+, Ca2+ and Na+ ions obtained by petiole extraction, and the chlorophyll content measured with SPAD, in young (CYL) and mature (CML) leaves. Additionally, an analysis of variance and Tukey mean tests (P ≤ 0.01 and 0.05) and LSD (P ≤ 0.05) were done. It was found that sheep manure was superior to other treatments in PH (76.7 cm), SD (7.2 mm), NYL (6.5 leaves/plant), NML (18.4 leaves/plant), CML (40.2 SPAD) and Ca2+(1495ppm). In conclusion, the sheep manure was better than the bovine, mycorrhiza and control (water) as it affected positively the behavior of rootstocks in plant height, stem diameter and number of young and mature leaves. In addition, organic nutrition showed no significant response in the chlorophyll content of young and mature leaves. Young leaves only reached 50% of the chlorophyll content compared to mature leaves

    No silver bullet for digital soil mapping: country-specific soil organic carbon estimates across Latin America.

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    Country-specific soil organic carbon (SOC) estimates are the baseline for the Global SOC Map of the Global Soil Partnership (GSOCmap-GSP). This endeavor is key to explaining the uncertainty of global SOC estimates but requires harmonizing heterogeneous datasets and building country-specific capacities for digital soil mapping (DSM).We identified country-specific predictors for SOC and tested the performance of five predictive algorithms for mapping SOC across Latin America. The algorithms included support vector machines (SVMs), random forest (RF), kernel-weighted nearest neighbors (KK), partial least squares regression (PL), and regression kriging based on stepwise multiple linear models (RK). Country-specific training data and SOC predictors (5 x 5 km pixel resolution) were obtained from ISRIC - World Soil Information. Temperature, soil type, vegetation indices, and topographic constraints were the best predictors for SOC, but country-specific predictors and their respective weights varied across Latin America. We compared a large diversity of country-specific datasets and models, and were able to explain SOC variability in a range between ~ 1 and ~ 60 %, with no universal predictive algorithm among countries. A regional (n = 11 268 SOC estimates) ensemble of these five algorithms was able to explain ~ 39% of SOC variability from repeated 5-fold cross-validation.We report a combined SOC stock of 77.8 +- 43.6 Pg (uncertainty represented by the full conditional response of independent model residuals) across Latin America. SOC stocks were higher in tropical forests (30 +- 16.5 Pg) and croplands (13 +- 8.1 Pg). Country-specific and regional ensembles revealed spatial discrepancies across geopolitical borders, higher elevations, and coastal plains, but provided similar regional stocks (77.8 +- 42.2 and 76.8 +- 45.1 Pg, respectively). These results are conservative compared to global estimates (e.g., SoilGrids250m 185.8 Pg, the Harmonized World Soil Database 138.4 Pg, or the GSOCmap-GSP 99.7 Pg). Countries with large area (i.e., Brazil, Bolivia, Mexico, Peru) and large spatial SOC heterogeneity had lower SOC stocks per unit area and larger uncertainty in their predictions. We highlight that expert opinion is needed to set boundary prediction limits to avoid unrealistically high modeling estimates. For maximizing explained variance while minimizing prediction bias, the selection of predictive algorithms for SOC mapping should consider density of available data and variability of country-specific environmental gradients. This study highlights the large degree of spatial uncertainty in SOC estimates across Latin America. We provide a framework for improving country-specific mapping efforts and reducing current discrepancy of global, regional, and country-specific SOC estimates

    Designing and evaluation of sodium selenite nanoparticles in vitro to improve selenium absorption in ruminants

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    Sodium selenite is used to prevent selenium deficiency known as nutritional muscular dystrophy or white muscle disease. In ruminants, selenium supplements are transformed partiality in insoluble form by ruminal microorganisms and its process decrease the selenium absorption in digestive gastrointestinal. However, the objective in this research was focused in encapsulated sodium selenite to be release into of a pH less than four, similarity to an intestinal environment. It was encapsulated by nanoprecipitation and emulsion–evaporation methods, within polymeric nanoparticles. The effect of these methods, polymer proportion (Eudragit RL and RS) and solvent (ethanol and acetone) on the physicochemical (drug entrapment, polidispersity index (PDI) and z potential) and morphological characteristics (particle morphology and particle size) were evaluated. Particle size from each nanoparticles, formulation ranged from 36.64 to 213.86 nm. Particle size, z potential and PDI increased (P ≤ 0.01) when nanoprecipitation and ethanol were used. No significant differences (P > 0.05) were observed when different polymeric proportions were used. Selenium entrapment was 26% when emulsion–evaporation method was used and 78% with nanoprecipitation. Nanoparticles produced by nanoprecipitation were spherical and had a great variation in particle size; on the other hand, nanoparticles produced by emulsion–evaporation were spherical as well as amorphous and presented a homogeneous nanopartcicle size distribution. The release of selenium from nanoparticles was higher in acid pH (less than 4), this condition may represent a better availability of the mineral in the small intestine

    An emerging aerosol climatology via remote sensing over Metro Manila, the Philippines

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    Aerosol particles in Southeast Asia are challenging to characterize due to their complex life cycle within the diverse topography and weather of the region. An emerging aerosol climatology was established based on AErosol RObotic NETwork (AERONET) data (December 2009 to October 2018) for clear-sky days in Metro Manila, the Philippines. Aerosol optical depth (AOD) values were highest from August to October, partly from fine urban aerosol particles, including soot, coinciding with the burning season in insular Southeast Asia when smoke is often transported to Metro Manila during the southwest monsoon. Clustering of AERONET volume size distributions (VSDs) resulted in five aerosol particle sources based on the position and magnitude of their peaks in the VSD and the contributions of specific particle species to AOD per cluster based on MERRA-2. The clustering showed that the majority of aerosol particles above Metro Manila were from a clean marine source (58 %), which could be related to AOD values there being relatively low compared to other cities in the region. The following are the other particle sources over Metro Manila: fine polluted sources (20 %), mixed-dust sources (12 %), urban and industrial sources (5 %), and cloud processing sources (5 %). Furthermore, MERRA-2 AOD data over Southeast Asia were analyzed using empirical orthogonal functions. Along with AOD fractional compositional contributions and wind regimes, four dominant aerosol particle air masses emerged: two sulfate air masses from East Asia, an organic carbon source from Indonesia, and a sulfate source from the Philippines. Knowing the local and regional aerosol particle air masses that impact Metro Manila is useful in identifying the sources while gaining insight into how aerosol particles are affected by long-range transport and their impact on regional weather.</p

    Pecking order theory versus trade-off theory : are service SMEs’ capital structure decisions different?

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    This paper seeks to analyse if the capital structure decisions of service small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are different from those of other types of firm. To do so, we consider four research samples: (i) 610 service SMEs; (ii) 126 service large firms; (iii) 679 manufacturing and construction SMEs; and (iv) 132 manufacturing and construction large firms. Using the two-step estimation method, the empirical evidence obtained in this study shows that the capital structure decisions of service SMEs are different from those of other types of firm. Service SMEs’ capital structure decisions are closer to the assumptions of Pecking Order Theory and further removed from those of Trade-Off Theory compared with the case of other types of firm

    The Urokinase Receptor (uPAR) Facilitates Clearance of Borrelia burgdorferi

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    The causative agent of Lyme borreliosis, the spirochete Borrelia burgdorferi, has been shown to induce expression of the urokinase receptor (uPAR); however, the role of uPAR in the immune response against Borrelia has never been investigated. uPAR not only acts as a proteinase receptor, but can also, dependently or independently of ligation to uPA, directly affect leukocyte function. We here demonstrate that uPAR is upregulated on murine and human leukocytes upon exposure to B. burgdorferi both in vitro as well as in vivo. Notably, B. burgdorferi-inoculated C57BL/6 uPAR knock-out mice harbored significantly higher Borrelia numbers compared to WT controls. This was associated with impaired phagocytotic capacity of B. burgdorferi by uPAR knock-out leukocytes in vitro. B. burgdorferi numbers in vivo, and phagocytotic capacity in vitro, were unaltered in uPA, tPA (low fibrinolytic activity) and PAI-1 (high fibrinolytic activity) knock-out mice compared to WT controls. Strikingly, in uPAR knock-out mice partially backcrossed to a B. burgdorferi susceptible C3H/HeN background, higher B. burgdorferi numbers were associated with more severe carditis and increased local TLR2 and IL-1β mRNA expression. In conclusion, in B. burgdorferi infection, uPAR is required for phagocytosis and adequate eradication of the spirochete from the heart by a mechanism that is independent of binding of uPAR to uPA or its role in the fibrinolytic system

    The short-time structural plasticity of dendritic spines is altered in a model of Rett syndrome

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    The maturation of excitatory transmission comes about through a developmental period in which dendritic spines are highly motile and their number, form and size are rapidly changing. Surprisingly, although these processes are crucial for the formation of cortical circuitry, little is known about possible alterations of these processes in brain disease. By means of acute in vivo 2-photon imaging we show that the dynamic properties of dendritic spines of layer V cortical neurons are deeply affected in a mouse model of Rett syndrome (RTT) at a time around P25 when the neuronal phenotype of the disease is still mild. Then, we show that 24h after a subcutaneous injection of IGF-1 spine dynamics is restored. Our study demonstrates that spine dynamics in RTT mice is severely impaired early during development and suggest that treatments for RTT should be started very early in order to reestablish a normal period of spine plasticity

    Dung removal increases under higher dung beetle functional diversity regardless of grazing intensification

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    Dung removal by macrofauna such as dung beetles is an important process for nutrient cycling in pasturelands. Intensification of farming practices generally reduces species and functional diversity of terrestrial invertebrates, which may negatively affect ecosystem services. Here, we investigate the effects of cattle-grazing intensification on dung removal by dung beetles in field experiments replicated in 38 pastures around the world. Within each study site, we measured dung removal in pastures managed with low- and high-intensity regimes to assess between-regime differences in dung beetle diversity and dung removal, whilst also considering climate and regional variations. The impacts of intensification were heterogeneous, either diminishing or increasing dung beetle species richness, functional diversity, and dung removal rates. The effects of beetle diversity on dung removal were more variable across sites than within sites. Dung removal increased with species richness across sites, while functional diversity consistently enhanced dung removal within sites, independently of cattle grazing intensity or climate. Our findings indicate that, despite intensified cattle stocking rates, ecosystem services related to decomposition and nutrient cycling can be maintained when a functionally diverse dung beetle community inhabits the human-modified landscape