1,247 research outputs found

    Efektivitas Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe TPS-TGT pada Pembelajaran Matematikadi Kelas VIII SMPN 1 Makassar

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    This type of research is an experimental study which aims to describe theeffectiveness of the cooperative learning model TPS-TGT type in mathematicslearning in class VIII SMP N 1 Makassar. The sample in this study class VIII.5 wastaught by cooperative learning model TPS-TGT type taken using techniques clusterrandom sampling. The data collected consisted of data on student learningoutcomes, data on learners\u27 motivation, data on student activities during thelearning process, and data on student responses to the application of cooperativelearning models of the TPS-TGT type.The results showed that the score of mathematics learning outcomes of students inclass VIII.5 was in the high category with a mean of 80.15 and a standarddeviation of 9.79, completeness in classics was 82.5%, the average normalizedgain was in the high category, scores the average learning motivation of students isin the high category, the average gain normalized learning motivation is in themedium category, the activity of students in following the learning process is in agood category, and student responses to the application of the cooperative learningmodel TPS-TGT type are positive. In general, it was concluded that the cooperativelearning model type TPS-TGT was effectively applied to mathematics learning inclass VIII.5 of SMP N 1 Makassar.The results of the hypothesis test at a significant level α = 0.05 with the t-test showthat H1 is accepted which means that the cooperative learning model type TPSTGTis effectively applied to mathematics learning in SPLDV material in class VIIIof SMP N 1 Makassar

    Pengaruh Kejelasan Sasaran Anggaran dan Evaluasi Anggaran terhadap Pengawasan Anggaran (Studi Empiris pada Kabupaten Kampar)

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    The research soughtly to test the effect of budget quality consisting of the budget target clarity, the budget evaluation on the budget supervision effectivity.. The population of the research was the members of parliament serving for the period of 2009-2014. The data were the collected using a quaestionnaire to 43 members of parliament, however only 34 quaestionnaires were returned.The result revealed that the budget target clarity, the budget evaluation significantly effected the supervision effectivity

    Analisis Kinerja Pemerintah Daerah Kabupaten Kampar Tahun 2013

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    Konsekuensi dari diberlakukannya otonomi daerah, membuat daeeah memiliki hak dan wewenang dalam menyelenggarakan dan mengelola pemerintahan daerah, untuk itu daerah harus mampu menunjukkan apa yang dicapainya dengan menunjukkan dengan kinerja daerah yang bagus sesuai dengan apa yang dibutuhkan masyarakat, memberikan pelayanan yang berkualitas kepada masyarakat, dan mampu mempertanggungjawabkan kinerja yang telah ditelah dilaksanakan kepada public. Kinerja diartikan sebagai konsep kinerja merupakan singkatkan kinetika energy kerja yang padanannya dalam bahasa inggris adalah performance. Istilah performance ini sering di Indonesiakan sebagai performa. Kinerja adalah keluaran yang dihasilkan oleh fungsi-fungsi atau indicator-indikator suatu pekerjaan atau suatu profesi dalam waktu tertentu. Kabupaten Kampar adalah salah satu kabupaten di Provinsi Riau, yang melaporkan kinerjanya dengan LAKIP (Laporan Kinerja Pemerintah). Dari LAKIP yang dibuat dapat dilihat masih adanya kekurangan-kekurangan dalam mengukur indikator kinerja, masih terdapatnya indikator kinerja yang masih belum bisa diukur dengan alasan tidak adanya data yang memadai untuk pertanggungjawaban, masih adanya beberapa bidang yang memilki pencapaian kinerja tidak mencapai 100 %, dan masih terdapat kesalahan dalam membuat LAKIP

    Decision Support System (Dss) Dalam Pengangkatan Pelatih Pencak Silat Gerak Saka Dengan Metode Analytical Hierarchy Process (Ahp)

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    Crime rate in Indonesia is still very high, therefore martial will be very useful when there is something we do not want, Pencak silat gerak saka is one of the traditional martialarts that originated from Betawi and clean from the shirk. However, the limited number of trainers became an obstacle to its spread. With the decision support systems into a solution that provides support for consideration in the process of appointment of coaches who can be a standard reference in the process of appointment of the coach and facilititate the removal process to produce a new coach with the right to extend the deployment of the martial arts motion saka. In the research process using Analytic Hierachy Process (AHP) where there ara three criteria: character, throught patterns, and the sense that produces the appointment of the chairman as an important alternative

    Structure Community of Mangrove in the Village a Pantai Cermin Kiri Districts Pantai Cermin Regency of Serdang Bedagai the Province of North Sumatra

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    Study was conducted in february 2017. This report aims to understand structure community of mangrove in the village Pantai Cermin kiri in the Pantai Cermin North Sumatra. Methods used in research is method of surveying. The research station based on human activity. In every station divided into 3 transects with long transects 50 m lead from the sea to land. The number of a plot used by 27, with each size 10 x 10 m2 to tree level, 5 x 5 m m2 to the saplings, and 2 x 2m2 to level seedling. The result of this research found 7 mangrove species in the village Pantai Cermin kiri. Vegetation that dominated is Rhizophora apiculata with INP of 300 %. A condition of vegetation in the village Pantai Cermin Kiri in the shore Pantai Cermin mangrove are forest area is still in good with the density of of 2377,78 tree / ha

    Analysis of Mangrove Biomass in the Eco – Tourism Area of Mangrove Ecosystem in Sungaitohor Village of Riau Province

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    The research was conducted in December 2016-January 2017 in the mangrove ecosystem of Sungaitohor Village, Riau Province. The objective of this research was to analyze the biomass potential of mangrove ecosystem, to know the difference betwen above ground biomass potential (Above Ground Biomass, AGB) and underground biomass (Below Ground Biomass, BGB). Of the ANOVA test results on the levene test count has a value of 5.822 with a probability value of 0.009 (<0.05) then the three variants of the population are identical so that the biomass content of Station 1. Station 2 and Station 3 is not significantly different, the results showed that in the t-independent test results showed no significant differences in the potential value of AGB and BGB. Based on the ANOVA test the finding shawed no significant difference to total biomass at each station in Sungaitohor Village, Meranti Islands District

    Molecular characterization of salt stress in grapevine cultivars (Vitis vinifera L.) and rootstocks

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    Salt stress is an important factor inducing the expression of many genes; e.g. the osmotin gene is one of the very important genes responding to NaCl stress. After exposure to NaCl stress, the osmotin gene expression level was investigated in 6 grape cultivars grown in GAP (Southeast Anatolian region including the provinces Gaziantep, Şanliurfa, Diyarbakır, Mardin, Batman, Siirt and Şırnak) and in 4 grape cultivars and 7 rootstocks recommended to the GAP region. Expression levels were investigated by Northern blot analysis. The osmotin expression level was higher in scion cultivars than in rootstocks. Within grapevine cultivars, the highest osmotin gene expression level was observed in cv. Tahannebi, followed by Hönüsü, another GAP region cultivar. The osmotin gene expression levels of two grape cultivars, Ata sarisi and Alphonse Lavallée recommended to the GAP region, were lower than those of Hönüsü. On the other hand the GAP region cultivars Ağ Besni, Rumi, Kabarcık, Dımıþkı and the recommended cultivars Razakı and Italia were significantly different in their expression levels. Among rootstocks 1616 C displayed the highest expression level, followed by 99R; they were followed by 1613C. In 110R the expression level was slightly lower than in the above mentioned ones and 41B. In SO4 and 5C the level of expression remained at the control level.
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