Molecular characterization of salt stress in grapevine cultivars (Vitis vinifera L.) and rootstocks


Salt stress is an important factor inducing the expression of many genes; e.g. the osmotin gene is one of the very important genes responding to NaCl stress. After exposure to NaCl stress, the osmotin gene expression level was investigated in 6 grape cultivars grown in GAP (Southeast Anatolian region including the provinces Gaziantep, Şanliurfa, Diyarbakır, Mardin, Batman, Siirt and Şırnak) and in 4 grape cultivars and 7 rootstocks recommended to the GAP region. Expression levels were investigated by Northern blot analysis. The osmotin expression level was higher in scion cultivars than in rootstocks. Within grapevine cultivars, the highest osmotin gene expression level was observed in cv. Tahannebi, followed by Hönüsü, another GAP region cultivar. The osmotin gene expression levels of two grape cultivars, Ata sarisi and Alphonse Lavallée recommended to the GAP region, were lower than those of Hönüsü. On the other hand the GAP region cultivars Ağ Besni, Rumi, Kabarcık, Dımıþkı and the recommended cultivars Razakı and Italia were significantly different in their expression levels. Among rootstocks 1616 C displayed the highest expression level, followed by 99R; they were followed by 1613C. In 110R the expression level was slightly lower than in the above mentioned ones and 41B. In SO4 and 5C the level of expression remained at the control level.

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