39 research outputs found

    Avaliação do potencial da polpa cítrica em provocar acidose láctica ruminal aguda em bovinos

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    With the aim to evaluate the risk of citrus pulp to induce acute rumen lactic acidosis (ARLA), 15 rumen cannulated cattle didn't adapted to concentrates were randomly allocated in 3 groups: G1- CONTROL - group fed only the basal diet; G2 - SUCROSE animals with ARLA induced by rumen administration of sucrose; G3 CITRUS PULP animals received citrus pulp into rumen (1.65% of BW). Blood and rumen samples were drawn throughout the next 24 h to determine pH, lactic acid concentration and the packet cell volume, blood base excess. Clinical signs were also recorded and food intake followed by the next 7 days. Sucrose caused a systemic and ruminal acidosis and characteristic ARLA signs such as, apathy, dehydration, diarrhea and tachycardia, while citrus pulp gave rise to mild and brief rumen acidosis, reaching the lowest pH (5.35) at the 6th h, without any changing in the blood pH and any typical clinical sign, but temporary reduction in the rumination and excretion of semi liquid feces. Appetite was fully recovered after two and seven days in the pulp and sucrose group, respectively. These results showed that citrus pulp may be used as a feedstuff for cattle with low risk to cause ARLA.Com o objetivo de avaliar o potencial da polpa cítrica (PC) em provocar acidose láctica ruminal aguda (ALRA), 15 bovinos com peso médio de 160 kg providos de cânula ruminal não-adaptados à dieta contendo concentrado foram alocados aleatoriamente em três grupos: CONTROLE animais receberam apenas a dieta basal; SACAROSE animais receberam sacarose diretamente no rumem a fim de provocar ALRA; POLPA - grupo que recebeu subitamente alta quantidade de PC no rúmen (equivalente a 1,65% do peso corporal). Em vários tempos no decorrer de 24 horas, após administração dos substratos, foram determinados o volume globular, pH, excesso de bases (BE) e lactato total no sangue e pH e concentração de ácido láctico total no conteúdo ruminal. Exame clínico foi realizado no decorrer do 1º dia e o consumo de alimento acompanhado nos próximos sete dias. A administração de sacarose provocou um característico quadro de ALRA com o desenvolvimento de acidose ruminal e sistêmica, apatia, desidratação, diarréia e taquicardia. Por outro lado, a polpa cítrica produziu discreta e temporária acidose ruminal, atingindo na 6ª hora o pH ruminal mais baixo (5,35), sem provocar acidose sistêmica e quadro clínico mais evidente de ALRA, com exceção de uma diminuição temporária na ruminação e eliminação de fezes semilíquidas. A regularização do apetite ocorreu após dois dias no grupo com PC e sete dias no grupo com sacarose. Tais resultados indicam que a polpa cítrica pode ser utilizada na alimentação de bovinos com baixo risco de provocar ALRA

    Transcriptional profiles of the human pathogenic fungus paracoccidioides brasiliensis in mycelium and yeast cells

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    This work was supported by MCT, CNPq, CAPES, FUB, UFG, and FUNDECT-MS. PbGenome Network: Alda Maria T. Ferreira, Alessandra Dantas, Alessandra J. Baptista, Alexandre M. Bailão, Ana Lídia Bonato, André C. Amaral, Bruno S. Daher, Camila M. Silva, Christiane S. Costa, Clayton L. Borges, Cléber O. Soares, Cristina M. Junta, Daniel A. S. Anjos, Edans F. O. Sandes, Eduardo A. Donadi, Elza T. Sakamoto-Hojo, Flábio R. Araújo, Flávia C. Albuquerque, Gina C. Oliveira, João Ricardo M. Almeida, Juliana C. Oliveira, Kláudia G. Jorge, Larissa Fernandes, Lorena S. Derengowski, Luís Artur M. Bataus, Marcus A. M. Araújo, Marcus K. Inoue, Marlene T. De-Souza, Mauro F. Almeida, Nádia S. Parachin, Nadya S. Castro, Odair P. Martins, Patrícia L. N. Costa, Paula Sandrin-Garcia, Renata B. A. Soares, Stephano S. Mello, and Viviane C. B. ReisParacoccidioides brasiliensis is the causative agent of paracoccidioidomycosis, a disease that affects 10 million individuals in Latin America. This report depicts the results of the analysis of 6,022 assembled groups from mycelium and yeast phase expressed sequence tags, covering about 80% of the estimated genome of this dimorphic, thermo-regulated fungus. The data provide a comprehensive view of the fungal metabolism, including overexpressed transcripts, stage-specific genes, and also those that are up- or down-regulated as assessed by in silico electronic subtraction and cDNA microarrays. Also, a significant differential expression pattern in mycelium and yeast cells was detected, which was confirmed by Northern blot analysis, providing insights into differential metabolic adaptations. The overall transcriptome analysis provided information about sequences related to the cell cycle, stress response, drug resistance, and signal transduction pathways of the pathogen. Novel P. brasiliensis genes have been identified, probably corresponding to proteins that should be addressed as virulence factor candidates and potential new drug targets

    Exposure computational models with voxel phantoms coupled to EGSnrc Monte Carlo code

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    In computational dosimetry of ionizing radiation, the energy deposited in radiosensitive organs and tissues is evaluated when an anthropomorphic simulator (phantom) is irradiated using Exposure Computational Models (ECMs). An ECM is a virtual scene with a phantom positioned mathematically relative to a radioactive source. The initial state includes information like the type of primary particle, its energy, starting point coordinates, and direction. Subsequently, robust Monte Carlo (MC) codes are used to simulate the particle's mean free path, interaction with the medium's atoms, and energy deposition. These are common steps for simulations involving photons and/or primary electrons. The GDN (Research Group on Numerical Dosimetry and the Research Group on Computational Dosimetry and Embedded Systems) has published ECMs with voxel phantoms irradiated by photons using the MC code EGSnrc. This work has led to specific computational tools development for various numerical dosimetry stages, including input file preparation, ECM execution, and result analysis. Since 2004, the GDN developed in-house applications like FANTOMAS, CALDose_X, DIP, and MonteCarlo. Certain previously used phantoms are reintroduced to provide historical context in the ECMs' production timeline, emphasizing additive modifications inherent in systematic theme studies. The dosimetric evaluations used the binary version of the MASH (Male Adult mesh) phantom, converted to the SID (Dosimetric Information System) text file type. This format has been used by the group since 2021 to couple a voxel phantom to the EGSnrc user code. The ECM included an environmental dosimetry problem simulation. Most of these tools are accessible on the GDN page (http://dosimetrianumerica.org)