187 research outputs found

    Tetrodotoxin – Distribution and Accumulation in Aquatic Organisms, and Cases of Human Intoxication

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    Many pufferfish of the family Tetraodontidae possess a potent neurotoxin, tetrodotoxin (TTX). In marine pufferfish species, toxicity is generally high in the liver and ovary, whereas in brackish water and freshwater species, toxicity is higher in the skin. In 1964, the toxin of the California newt was identified as TTX as well, and since then TTX has been detected in a variety of other organisms. TTX is produced primarily by marine bacteria, and pufferfish accumulate TTX via the food chain that begins with these bacteria. Consequently, pufferfish become non-toxic when they are fed TTX-free diets in an environment in which the invasion of TTX-bearing organisms is completely shut off. Although some researchers claim that the TTX of amphibians is endogenous, we believe that it also has an exogenous origin, i.e., from organisms consumed as food. TTX-bearing animals are equipped with a high tolerance to TTX, and thus retain or accumulate TTX possibly as a biologic defense substance. There have been many cases of human intoxication due to the ingestion of TTX-bearing pufferfish, mainly in Japan, China, and Taiwan, and several victims have died. Several cases of TTX intoxication due to the ingestion of small gastropods, including some lethal cases, were recently reported in China and Taiwan, revealing a serious public health issue

    Assessment of natural hazards due to a category-5 extreme typhoon under global warming by dynamical downscaling experiments

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    The 7th International Conference on Water Resources and Environment Research (ICWRER2016), Kyoto TERUSA, Kyoto, Japan, 5-9 June 201

    Tetrodotoxin and paralytic shellfish poisons in gastropod species from Vietnam analyzed by high-performance liquid chromatography and liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry

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    AbstractAmong marine toxins, tetrodotoxin (TTX) and paralytic shellfish poisons (PSPs) are known as notorious neurotoxins that induce serious food poisoning incidents in the Southeast Asia region. The aim of this study was to investigate whether TTX and PSP toxins are important issues of seafood safety. Paralytic toxicity was observed in mice exposed to 34 specimens from five species of gastropods using a PSP bioassay. Five species of gastropods, Natica vitellus, Natica tumidus, Oliva hirasei, Oliva lignaria, and Oliva annulata, were collected from the coastal seawaters in Nha Trang City, Vietnam, between August 2007 and October 2007. The average lethal potency of gastropod specimens was 90 ± 40 (mean ± standard deviation) mouse units (MU) for N. vitellus, 64 ± 19 MU for N. tumidus, 42 ± 28 MU for O. hirasei, 51 ± 17 MU for O. lignaria, and 39 ± 18 MU for O. annulata. All toxic extracts from the sample species were clarified using a C18 Sep-Pak solid-phase extraction column and a microcentrifuge filter prior to analysis. High-performance liquid chromatography coupled with fluorescence detection indicated that the toxins of the olive shell (O. hirasei, O. lignaria, and O. annulata) were mainly composed of saxitoxin (STX) (73–82%), gonyautoxin (GTX) 2, 3 (12–22%), and minor levels of TTX (5–6%). The toxins of N. vitellus and N. tumidus were mainly composed of STX (76–81%) and GTX 1, 4 (19–24%). Furthermore, liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry analysis was used to verify the identity of the PSPs and TTX. Our evidence shows that these gastropods have novel toxin profiles

    SST Ensemble Experiment-Based Impact Assessment of Climate Change on Storm Surge Caused by Pseudo-Global Warming: Case Study of Typhoon Vera in 1959

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    金沢大学理工研究域環境デザイン学系To evaluate future changes in storm surge caused by global warming, dynamical downscaling was conducted using the Weather Research and Forecasting model for Typhoon Vera under present- and future-climate conditions and storm surge simulation using the Coupled Model of Surge, Wave, and Tide. The present-climate experiment entailed dynamical downscaling using data from the Japanese 55-year Reanalysis project as the initial and boundary conditions, and the future-climate experiments entailed downscaling considering future changes simulated through sea-surface temperature ensemble experiments using the Meteorological Research Institute Atmosphere General Circulation Model. The characteristics of the downscaled typhoon agreed well with the Best Track, and the future changes in the typhoon characteristics were as follows: intensification of the central pressure, delayed decline in the high-latitude area, and westward track migration. Present-climate storm surge simulation executed using these downscaling results after correcting for the track error agreed with the observed surge, but the storm surges under future-climate conditions were underestimated because of differences in the typhoon track and surface roughness. Storm surge simulations were conducted using an empirical typhoon model; the results suggest a storm surge of 26cm (average of the ensemble) at Nagoya Port, which is located in the innermost region of Ise Bay. © 2017 World Scientific Publishing Company.Embargo Period 12 month

    Accumulation and depuration profiles of PSP toxins in the short-necked clam Tapes japonica fed with the toxic dinoflagellate Alexandrium catenella

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    A toxic dinoflagellate responsible for paralytic shellfish poisoning (PSP), Alexandrium catenella (Ac) was fed to the short-necked clam Tapes japonica, and the accumulation and depuration profiles of PSP toxins were investigated by means of high-performance liquid chromatography with postcolumn fluorescence derivatization (HPLC-FLD). The short-necked clams ingested more than 99% of the Ac cells (4_107 cells) supplied once at the beginning of experiment, and accumulated a maximal amount of toxin (185 nmol/10 clams) after 12 h. The rate of toxin accumulation at that time was 23%, which rapidly decreased thereafter. Composition of the PSP toxin accumulated in the clams obviously different from that of Ac even 0.5 h after the cell supply, the proportion of C1+2 being much higher than in Ac, although the reason remains to be elucidated. In contrast, a higher ratio of gonyautoxin (GTX)1+4 than in Ac was detected in the toxin profiles of clam excrements. The variation in toxin composition derived presumably from the transformation of toxin analogues in clams was observed from 0.5 h, such as reversal of the ratio of C1 to C2, and appearance of carbamate (saxitoxin (STX), neoSTX and GTX2, 3) and decarbamoyl (dc) derivatives (dcSTX and dcGTX2, 3), which were undetectable in Ac cells. The total amount of toxin distributed over Ac cells, clams and their excrements gradually declined, and only 1% of supplied toxin was detected at the end of experiment

    Tetrodotoxin/Saxitoxins Selectivity of the Euryhaline Freshwater Pufferfish Dichotomyctere fluviatilis

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    The present study evaluated differences in the tetrodotoxin (TTX)/saxitoxins (STXs) selectivity between marine and freshwater pufferfish by performing in vivo and in vitro experiments. In the in vivo experiment, artificially reared nontoxic euryhaline freshwater pufferfish Dichotomyctere fluviatilis were intrarectally administered a mixture of TTX (24 nmol/fish) and STX (20 nmol/fish). The amount of toxin in the intestine, liver, muscle, gonads, and skin was quantified at 24, 48, and 72 h. STX was detected in the intestine over a long period of time, with some (2.7–6.1% of the given dose) being absorbed into the body and temporarily located in the liver. Very little TTX was retained in the body. In the in vitro experiments, slices of intestine, liver, and skin tissue prepared from artificially reared nontoxic D. fluviatilis and the marine pufferfish Takifugu rubripes were incubated in buffer containing TTX and STXs (20 nmol/mL each) for up to 24 or 72 h, and the amount of toxin taken up in the tissue was quantified over time. In contrast to T. rubripes, the intestine, liver, and skin tissues of D. fluviatilis selectively took up only STXs. These findings indicate that the TTX/STXs selectivity differs between freshwater and marine pufferfish

    Tetrodotoxin functions as a stress relieving substance in juvenile tiger puffer Takifugu rubripes

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    We tested whether tetrodotoxin (TTX) functions as a stress relieving substance in puffer fish. We orally administered TTX to the juveniles of hatchery-reared non-toxic tiger puffer Takifugu rubripes and measured the effects of TTX on brain corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH) mRNA expression and plasma cortisol levels in comparison with effects in non-toxic juveniles. Firstly, the reciprocal connections of CRH and adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) were confirmed by dual-label immunohistochemistry. CRH-immunoreactive (ir) cell bodies were detected in the hypothalamus and CRH-ir fibers were observed to project to ACTH-ir cells in the rostral pars distalis of the pituitary. Next, a TTX-containing diet (2.35 mouse units (517?ng)/g diet) or a non-toxic diet were fed to the fish for 28 days under a recirculating system. Standard length and body weight became significantly larger in the TTX-treated group. The degree of loss of the caudal fin, which is an indicator of the degree of agonistic interactions, where high values show a higher loss of caudal fin of a fish due to nipping by other individuals, was significantly lower in the TTX-treated group. Relative CRH mRNA expression levels in the brain and cortisol levels in the plasma were significantly lower in the TTX-treated group. These results indicate that TTX functions as a stress relieving substance by affecting the CRH-ACTH-cortisol axis and reducing agonistic interactions in tiger puffer juveniles


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    To clarify the morphological and phylogenetic differentiation of Bandona boninensis Suzuki 1974 in Chichi-jima Island of the Bonin (Ogasawara) group of Islands, we studied the external morphological characters and performed sequencing of the cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) gene of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) and 28S rRNA of nuclear DNA (nrDNA). The sequences of COI and 28S rRNA were identical among the individuals of B. boninensis. These results suggest that B. boninensis experienced a rapid expansion of its distribution in Chichi-jima Island without undergoing any morphological and molecular differentiation.著者らは小笠原諸島の父島に生息するムニンカケザトウムシBandona boninensis の形態的および系統的分化を明らかにするために、父島の4 地点から採集を行い、体長、触肢腿節の長さ、背甲長および背甲幅、鋏角長、第1~4 脚の腿節長といった形態計測を実施し、ミトコンドリアDNA のCOI 領域および核DNA の28SrRNA 領域に基づく系統樹を作成した。その結果, ムニンカケザトウムシのCOI および28S において塩基置換は見られなかった。この結果は、ムニンカケザトウムシが父島内で系統的分化をほぼ起こしていないことを示す。また、採集を行った個体がすべて雌個体であったことから、これまでの報告の通り、父島においては単為生殖種として生息している可能性が高い