5,910 research outputs found

    The role of cinema on the tourist destination image formation process

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    Tourism literature widely acknowledges that images of tourist destinations are a product of all the experiences of an individual, being influenced by a series of information sources. The movies figure amongst this sources, and as an autonomous information agent, which in theory are not associated with the tourist market interests, they transmit information that is perceived as more reliable than conventional publicity. Thus, cinema acts directly on the organic image, creating and perpetuating associations about the places it depicts on the collective imagery. The present article aims to provide a bibliographical state of the art about the influence of films on the tourist destinations’ image, contextualizing the cinema on it’s formation process, as well as the cognitive and phsycological processes involved

    Temperature oscillations of magnetization observed in nanofluid ferromagnetic graphite

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    We report on unusual magnetic properties observed in the nanofluid room-temperature ferromagnetic graphite (with an average particle size of l=10nm). More precisely, the measured magnetization exhibits a low-temperature anomaly (attributed to manifestation of finite size effects below the quantum temperature) as well as pronounced temperature oscillations above T=50K (attributed to manifestation of the hard-sphere type pair correlations between ferromagnetic particles in the nanofluid)

    Fracturing highly disordered materials

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    We investigate the role of disorder on the fracturing process of heterogeneous materials by means of a two-dimensional fuse network model. Our results in the extreme disorder limit reveal that the backbone of the fracture at collapse, namely the subset of the largest fracture that effectively halts the global current, has a fractal dimension of 1.22±0.011.22 \pm 0.01. This exponent value is compatible with the universality class of several other physical models, including optimal paths under strong disorder, disordered polymers, watersheds and optimal path cracks on uncorrelated substrates, hulls of explosive percolation clusters, and strands of invasion percolation fronts. Moreover, we find that the fractal dimension of the largest fracture under extreme disorder, df=1.86±0.01d_f=1.86 \pm 0.01, is outside the statistical error bar of standard percolation. This discrepancy is due to the appearance of trapped regions or cavities of all sizes that remain intact till the entire collapse of the fuse network, but are always accessible in the case of standard percolation. Finally, we quantify the role of disorder on the structure of the largest cluster, as well as on the backbone of the fracture, in terms of a distinctive transition from weak to strong disorder characterized by a new crossover exponent.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Physical quality of a yellow latossol under integrated crop-livestock system.

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    Soil physical quality is essential to global sustainability of agroecosystems, once it is related to processes that are essential to agricultural crop development. This study aimed to evaluate physical attributes of a Yellow Latossol under different management systems in the savanna area in the state of Piaui. This study was developed in Uruçuí southwest of the state of Piauí. Three systems of soil management were studied: an area under conventional tillage (CT) with disk plowi and heavy harrow and soybean crop; an area under no-tillage with soybean-maize rotation and millet as cover crop (NT + M); two areas under Integrated Crop-Livestock System, with five-month pasture grazing and soybean cultivation and then continuous pasture grazing (ICL + S and ICL + P, respectively). Also, an area under Native Forest (NF) was studied. The soil depths studied were 0.00-0.05, 0.05-0.10 and 0.10-0.20 m. Soil bulk density, as well as porosity and stability of soil aggregates were analyzed as physical attributes. Anthropic action has changed the soil physical attributes, in depth, in most systems studied, in comparison to NF. In the 0.00 to 0.05 m depth, ICL + P showed higher soil bulk density value. As to macroporosity, there was no difference between the management systems studied and NF. The management systems studied changed the soil structure, having, as a result, a small proportion of soil in great aggregate classes (MWD). Converting native forest into agricultural production systems changes the soil physical quality. The Integrated Crop-Livestock System did not promote the improvement in soil physical quality

    Comportamento fenológico do babaçu (Orbignya phalerata Mart.) em três tipos de solo do Piauí.

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    Estudou-se o comportamento fenológico do babaçu (Orbignya phalerata Mart.), em formação natural, envolvendo as fenofases de foliação, floração e fmtificação em três unidades de solo (Aluvial Eutrófico, Litólico Eutrófico e Plintossolo) da base física do CPAMN-Teresina, no período de fevereiro de 1985 a janeiro de 1986. As palmeiras foram estratificadas nas classes de altura baixa (333 m a 4,93 m), média (5,02 m a 7,97 m) e alta (8,03 m a 9,75 m), utilizandose, em cada unidade de solo, 16 palmeiras de cada classe, perfazendo 48 por unidade e 144 no total. O babaçu produziu, em média, 5,6 folhas/plantdano e esse valor não sofreu influência marcante da classe de altura e tipo de solo. O número médio de espatas, cachos masculinos e cachos femininos produzidos por plantdano foi de 2,9; 2,O e 0,3, respectivamente, sendo pouco afetados pelo tipo de solo, mas crescentes das palmeiras baixas às altas, nas três unidades de solo. A razão sexual do periodo (cachos masculinos/cachos femininos) foi baixa no Aluvial (4,4:1) em relação ao Litóliw (7,3.1) e ao Plintossolo (8,5:1) e a acumulada foi decrescente das palmeiras baixas às altas. O tempo entre a emissão e a abertura das espatas foi maior nas masculinas (1 12,3 dias) que nas femininas (89,3 dias). O lançamento de espatas foi mais intenso no periodo de outubro a janeiro (25% a 35% das palmeiras) e a abertura das espatas masculinas (22% a 24%), femininas (4% a 6%) e a maturação (queda) de frutos (8% a 10%) concentradas no período de janeiro a março.bitstream/item/172996/1/Bol15.pd

    Manifestation of finite temperature size effects in nanogranular magnetic graphite

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    In addition to the double phase transition (with the Curie temperatures T_C=300K and T_{Ct}=144K), a low-temperature anomaly in the dependence of the magnetization is observed in the bulk magnetic graphite (with an average granular size of L=10nm), which is attributed to manifestation of the size effects below the quantum temperature. The best fits of the high-temperature data (using the mean-field Curie-Weiss and Bloch expressions) produced reasonable estimates for the model parameters, such as defects mediated effective spin exchange energy J=12meV (which defines the intragranular Curie temperature T_C) and proximity mediated interactions between neighboring grains (through potential barriers created by thin layers of non-magnetic graphite) with energy J_t=exp(-d/s)J=5.8meV (which defines the intergranular Curie temperature T_{Ct}) with d=1.5nm and s=2nm being the intergranular distance and characteristic length, respectively

    Sistema modelo para produção de caprinos de corte no Semi-Árido piauiense.

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    Composição química e digestibilidade in vitro do pedúnculo de caju.

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    O presente trabalho se propõe a avaliar a composição química-bromatológica e a digestibilidade in vitro do pedúnculo de caju, um subproduto fibroso, tratado ou não tratado com ureia