109 research outputs found

    A taxonomic, genetic and ecological data resource for the vascular plants of Britain and Ireland

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    The vascular flora of Britain and Ireland is among the most extensively studied in the world, but the current knowledge base is fragmentary, with taxonomic, ecological and genetic information scattered across different resources. Here we present the first comprehensive data repository of native and alien species optimized for fast and easy online access for ecological, evolutionary and conservation analyses. The inventory is based on the most recent reference flora of Britain and Ireland, with taxon names linked to unique Kew taxon identifiers and DNA barcode data. Our data resource for 3,227 species and 26 traits includes existing and unpublished genome sizes, chromosome numbers and life strategy and life-form assessments, along with existing data on functional traits, species distribution metrics, hybrid propensity, associated biomes, realized niche description, native status and geographic origin of alien species. This resource will facilitate both fundamental and applied research and enhance our understanding of the flora’s composition and temporal changes to inform conservation efforts in the face of ongoing climate change and biodiversity loss

    Energy cost of ambulation in trans-tibial amputees using a dynamic-response foot with hydraulic versus rigid 'ankle': insights from body centre of mass dynamics.

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    BACKGROUND:Previous research has shown that use of a dynamic-response prosthetic foot (DRF) that incorporates a small passive hydraulic ankle device (hyA-F), provides certain biomechanical benefits over using a DRF that has no ankle mechanism (rigA-F). This study investigated whether use of a hyA-F in unilateral trans-tibial amputees (UTA) additionally provides metabolic energy expenditure savings and increases the symmetry in walking kinematics, compared to rigA-F. METHODS:Nine active UTA completed treadmill walking trials at zero gradient (at 0.8, 1.0, 1.2, 1.4, and 1.6 of customary walking speed) and for customary walking speed only, at two angles of decline (5° and 10°). The metabolic cost of locomotion was determined using respirometry. To gain insights into the source of any metabolic savings, 3D motion capture was used to determine segment kinematics, allowing body centre of mass dynamics (BCoM), differences in inter-limb symmetry and potential for energy recovery through pendulum-like motion to be quantified for each foot type. RESULTS:During both level and decline walking, use of a hyA-F compared to rigA-F significantly reduced the total mechanical work and increased the interchange between the mechanical energies of the BCoM (recovery index), leading to a significant reduction in the metabolic energy cost of locomotion, and hence an associated increase in locomotor efficiency (p < 0.001). It also increased inter-limb symmetry (medio-lateral and progression axes, particularly when walking on a 10° decline), highlighting the improvements in gait were related to a lessening of the kinematic compensations evident when using the rigA-F. CONCLUSIONS:Findings suggest that use of a DRF that incorporates a small passive hydraulic ankle device will deliver improvements in metabolic energy expenditure and kinematics and thus should provide clinically meaningful benefits to UTAs' everyday locomotion, particularly for those who are able to walk at a range of speeds and over different terrains

    Recent advances reveal IL-8 signaling as a potential key to targeting breast cancer stem cells

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    Breast cancer stem-like cells (CSCs) are an important therapeutic target as they are purported to be responsible for tumor initiation, maintenance, metastases, and disease recurrence. Interleukin-8 (IL-8) is upregulated in breast cancer compared with normal breast tissue and is associated with poor prognosis. IL-8 is reported to promote breast cancer progression by increasing cell invasion, angiogenesis, and metastases and is upregulated in HER2-positive cancers. Recently, we and others have established that IL-8 via its cognate receptors, CXCR1 and CXCR2, is also involved in regulating breast CSC activity. Our work demonstrates that in metastatic breast CSCs, CXCR1/2 signals via transactivation of HER2. Given the importance of HER2 in breast cancer and in regulating CSC activity, a pathway driving the activation of these receptors would have important biological and clinical consequences, especially in tumors that express high levels of IL-8 and other CXCR1/2-activating ligands. Here, we review the IL-8 signaling pathway and the role of HER2 in maintaining an IL-8 inflammatory loop and discuss the potential of combining CXCR1/2 inhibitors with other treatments such as HER2-targeted therapy as a novel approach to eliminate CSCs and improve patient survival

    Plant species diversity for sustainable management of crop pests and diseases in agroecosystems: a review

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