22 research outputs found

    Some chemical properties of oil palm decanter meal

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    The aims of this study were to investigate the rancidity and chemical properties of oil palm decanter meal (OPDM) after been kept over an extended period of time. Samples were collected daily and analyzed for some rancidity properties, including peroxide value (PV) and thiobarbituric acid (TBA), and for chemical composition, including proximate analysis, fiber, mineral and fatty acid (FA) content. The correlation coefficient between time of storage and the rancidity (PV and TBA) of OPDM were positive with R2 of 0.9792 and 0.9678, respectively. During ten days of observation, the compositions of longchain FA, including stearic, oleic, linoleic and linolenic except for palmitic were significantly (P<0.05) different. The compositions of short-chain FA, including acetic, propionic, isobutyric, butiryc, isovaleric and valeric, were also significantly (P<0.05) different. Furthermore, PV and TBA were significantly (P<0.05) different during the extended time of 10-days storage. The correlation coefficient between PV and long-chain FA (palmitic, stearic, oleic, linoleic, and linolenic) were 0.61, 0.16, -0.82, -0.3 and -0.84, respectively, and the correlation composition between TBA and the composition of long-chain FA (palmitic, stearic, oleic, linoleic and linolenic) were 0.40, 0.34, -0.91, -0.02 and 0.62, respectively. It could be summarized that physically and chemically, the fresh OPDM might be used as an alternative feed, especially for ruminant.Key word: Oil palm decanter meal, fatty acid, oxidation, rancidity, peroxide, thiobarbituric

    ブアメラ (Pandanus conoideus) ザンサ ヲ キュウヨ シタ ブロイラー ノ セイチョウ トタイセイジョウ オヨビ ニクシツ ニ ツイテ

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    本試験はブロイラー雛へのブアメラ残さ(RFW)給与がブロイラーの成長,と体性状および肉質に及ぼす影響について検討することを目的とした。ブアメラはタコノキ科の樹木で約10kgになる果実を年2回収穫できる。果肉は脂質とカロテノイドに富み,インドネシアでは蒸すか,煮て食している。本試験は5試験区,4群の完全無作為法で実施した。200羽の雌雄無鑑別ロス系ブロイラーの初生雛を1ケージ(1m×1m×1m)に10羽ずつの20ケージに配分した。対照区(T_0)には粗タンパク質19%,代謝エネルギー3200kcal/kgの基礎飼料を給与し,試験区1~4には基礎飼料にRFWを0.5,1.0,1.5,2.0%添加した飼料を35日間給与した。体重と飼料摂取量は毎週測定した。飼育試験終了時に試験群ごとに5羽をと殺し,と体分析を行った。得られた成績は統計学的処理を行った。結果としてRFWの添加はブロイラーの成長,と体性状に対して影響しなかった。RFWを1.5%添加した飼料区では飼料要求率,斃死率および枝肉歩留で良好な成績を示し,成長指標の肉骨率においても他の区より有意(P<0.05)に高い値を示した。また,総コレステロール値は他の区よりも低かった。RFW2.0%添加区のブロイラーのと体はタンパク質,脂肪,総エネルギー含量が他の区に比べて最も多かった。RFWを2.0%まで高めると飼料中のカロテノイド,トコフェロール,飽和及び不飽和脂肪酸を高めることができたが,と体のpHに影響せず,柔らかさにも影響しなかった。官能試験においてパネリストはRFW添加区の色,香りを好んだ。ブロイラー飼料へのRFWの添加は成長,と体性状,肉質に対して悪影響は及ぼさず,むしろ良好な成績を誘発する可能性が示唆された。The red fruit waste (RFW) contains antioxidant effect therefore the objectives of this experiment were to confirm the effects of RFW supplementation on growth performance, carcass characteristics and carcass quality of broiler chicken as an antioxidant. A completely randomized design with five treatments and four replicates was used. Two hundred day-old Ross broiler unsexed chicks were divided into five groups and placed in twenty pens (1m×1m×1m). The chicks were fed basal diet (contained 19% crude protein and 3200kcalME/kg) as control (T_0). T_1-T_4 were added 0.5, 1.0, 1.5 and 2.0% RFW, respectively added to T_0. Body weight and feed intake were measured on a weekly basis. At the end of feeding trial, five birds per treatment-replication were slaughtered for analysis of the contents of the carcass. The data were statistically analyzed and described. The results showed that supplementation of RFW did not affect the broiler performance and carcass characteristics. The chicks fed T_3 containing 1.5% RFW owed good tendency in the values of feed conversion, mortality and dressing carcass percentage and were significantly highest (P<0.05) in performance index and meat bone ratio. They also produced a total cholesterol lower than others. The protein, fat and gross energy contents in carcass from the chickens given T_4 containing 2.0% RFW were higher compared to other treatments. Addition of RFW up to 2.0% as an antioxidant could increase carotenoid, tocopherol, saturated and unsaturated fatty acid, but did not affect the carcass pH and decreased the tenderness. In sensory properties, panelists preferred the color and smell of carcass from all RFW treatments. In conclusion, RFW in broiler diet contributed positive effects to growth, characteristics and carcass quality, without affecting performance and carcass characteristics

    Vitamin E concentration in blood plasma of goats fed palm oil leaves

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    Vitamin E concentration in blood plasma of goats fed palm oil leaves

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    International audienc

    The Effect of Utilization Bentonite and Zeolite in the Broiler Diets on Performance and Fecal Characteristics

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    Ninety six commercial strain were conducted from 14 to 42 days of age to evaluate the affect of utilization zeolite and on performance of broiler and fecal characteristics. Birds were divided into four  treatment diets (4 replicates of 7 birds each): K (control), KB (K+ 1% bentonite),  KZ (K+ 1% zeolite), KBZ (K+ 1% Z+ 1% B). The birds were fed initially for two weeks a commercial starter ration and followed by treatment  diets 15 to 42 days of age. All the diets were formulated to have 20% crude protein and 3000 kcal. ME and 0.91% Ca and 0.69% P for control and 0.34% treatments. Body weights and feed intakes were measured on a weekly basis. The manure from each group was sampled on weekly basis and the  moisture content, pH and ammonia production was determined. The results showed the utilization zeolite and bentonite or both significant differences (P<0.05) on pH and (P<0.01) fecal ammonia content, but not on feces water content, final body weight, feed consumption, feed conversion ratio, and carcass. (Animal Production 3(1): 1-4 (2001

    The Effect of Utilization Bentonite and Zeolite in the Broiler Diets on Performance and Fecal Characteristics

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    Ninety six commercial strain were conducted from 14 to 42 days of age to evaluate the affect of utilization zeolite and on performance of broiler and fecal characteristics. Birds were divided into four  treatment diets (4 replicates of 7 birds each): K (control), KB (K+ 1% bentonite),  KZ (K+ 1% zeolite), KBZ (K+ 1% Z+ 1% B). The birds were fed initially for two weeks a commercial starter ration and followed by treatment  diets 15 to 42 days of age. All the diets were formulated to have 20% crude protein and 3000 kcal. ME and 0.91% Ca and 0.69% P for control and 0.34% treatments. Body weights and feed intakes were measured on a weekly basis. The manure from each group was sampled on weekly basis and the  moisture content, pH and ammonia production was determined. The results showed the utilization zeolite and bentonite or both significant differences (P<0.05) on pH and (P<0.01) fecal ammonia content, but not on feces water content, final body weight, feed consumption, feed conversion ratio, and carcass. (Animal Production 3(1): 1-4 (2001