4 research outputs found

    Membrane adsorber for endotoxin removal

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    ABSTRACT The surface of flat-sheet nylon membranes was modified using bisoxirane as the spacer and polyvinyl alcohol as the coating polymer. The amino acid histidine was explored as a ligand for endotoxins, aiming at its application for endotoxin removal from aqueous solutions. Characterization of the membrane adsorber, analysis of the depyrogenation procedures and the evaluation of endotoxin removal efficiency in static mode are discussed. Ligand density of the membranes was around 7 mg/g dry membrane, allowing removal of up to 65% of the endotoxins. The performance of the membrane adsorber prepared using nylon coated with polyvinyl alcohol and containing histidine as the ligand proved superior to other membrane adsorbers reported in the literature. The lack of endotoxin adsorption on nylon membranes without histidine confirmed that endotoxin removal was due to the presence of the ligand at the membrane surface. Modified membranes were highly stable, exhibiting a lifespan of approximately thirty months

    Adsorption Of Human Immunoglobuling Onto Ethacrylate And Histidine-linked Methacrylate

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    The adsorption of human IgG onto GMA (a semirigid methacrylate-based chromatography matrix) and His-GMA adsorbents was studied by chromatography and batch equilibrium binding analysis. IgG molecules adsorbed onto GMA gel by nonspecific hydrophobic interactions and the specificities were similar for both adsorbents. Adsorption data were analyzed using three isotherm models, namely the Langmuir, Freundlich and Langmuir-Freundlich models, and the adsorption parameters were computed. The experimental isotherms were best described by a combined Langmuir-Freundlich model, which indicated the presence of unequal binding sites on both adsorbents and/or positive cooperativity in the binding of the IgG molecules.203251262Adamson, A.W., (1990) Physical Chemistry of Surfaces, Fifth Edition, , John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New YorkAndrade, J.D., (1985) Surface and Interfacial Aspects of Biomedical Polymers, 2, pp. 1-80. , in J.D. 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