209 research outputs found

    Current-mode processing based Temperature-to-Digital Converters for MEMS applications

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    This thesis presents novel Temperature-to-Digital Converters (TDCs) designed and fabricated in CMOS technology. These integrated smart temperature sensing circuits are widely employed in the Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems (MEMS) field in order to mitigate the impact of the ambient temperature on their performance. In this framework, the increasingly stringent demands of the market have led the cost-effectiveness specification of these compensation solutions to an higher and higher level, directly translating into the requirement of more and more compact designs (< 0.1 mm²); in addition to this, considering that the great majority of the systems whose thermal drift needs to be compensated is battery supplied, ultra-low energy-per-conversion (< 10 nJ) is another requirement of primary importance. This thesis provides a detailed description of two different test-chips (mas fuerte and es posible) that have been designed with this orientation and that are the result of three years of research activity; for both devices, the conception, design, layout and testing phases are all described in detail and are supported by simulation and measurement results.This thesis presents novel Temperature-to-Digital Converters (TDCs) designed and fabricated in CMOS technology. These integrated smart temperature sensing circuits are widely employed in the Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems (MEMS) field in order to mitigate the impact of the ambient temperature on their performance. In this framework, the increasingly stringent demands of the market have led the cost-effectiveness specification of these compensation solutions to an higher and higher level, directly translating into the requirement of more and more compact designs (< 0.1 mm²); in addition to this, considering that the great majority of the systems whose thermal drift needs to be compensated is battery supplied, ultra-low energy-per-conversion (< 10 nJ) is another requirement of primary importance. This thesis provides a detailed description of two different test-chips (mas fuerte and es posible) that have been designed with this orientation and that are the result of three years of research activity; for both devices, the conception, design, layout and testing phases are all described in detail and are supported by simulation and measurement results

    Comparative genomic analysis of native pseudomonas syringae plasmids belonging to the ppt23 a family reveals their role in p. Syringae epiphytic and pathogenic lifestyles

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    Backgrounds The pPT23A family of plasmids (PFPs) appears to be indigenous to the plant pathogen Pseudomonas syringae and these plasmids are widely distributed and widely transferred among pathovars of P. syringae and related species. PFPs are sources of accessory genes for their hosts that can include genes important for virulence and epiphytic colonization of plant leaf surfaces. Objectives Further understanding of the evolution of the pPT23A plasmid family and the role of these plasmids in P. syringae biology and pathogenesis, requires the determination and analysis of additional complete, closed plasmid genome sequences. Therefore, our main objective was to obtain complete genome sequences of PFPs from three different P. syringae pathovars and perform a comprehensive comparative genomic analysis. Methods In this work plasmid DNA isolation, purification by CsCl-EtBr gradients, and sequencing using 454 platform, were carried out to obtain the complete sequence of P. syringae plasmids. Different bioinformatic tools were used to analyze the plasmid synteny, to identify virulence genes (i.e. type 3 effectors) and to unravel the evolutionary history of PFPs. Conclusions Our sequence analysis revealed that PFPs from P. syringae encode suites of accessory genes that are selected at different levels (universal, interpathovar and intrapathovar). The conservation of type IVSS encoding conjugation functions also contributes to the distribution of these plasmids within P. syringae populations. Thus, this study contributes to unravel the genetic bases of the role of PFPs in different P. syringae lifestyles. This work was supported by grants Proyecto de Excelencia, Junta de Andalucía (P07-AGR-02471; P12-AGR-1473) and by Michigan State University AgBioResearch.This work was supported by grants Proyecto de Excelencia, Junta de Andalucía (P07-AGR-02471; P12-AGR-1473) and by Michigan State University AgBioResearch; Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Construcción de una colección de cepas de Pseudomonas syringae pv. syringae asociadas a mango para su uso en estudios comparativos

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    La necrosis apical es una enfermedad que afecta a las principales áreas de cultivo de mango de clima mediterráneo, y cuyo agente causal es Pseudomonas syringae pv. syringae (Pss). Se han descrito diferentes genes implicados en el desarrollo de los síntomas de la enfermedad, así como en aumentar el fitness epifítico de la bacteria; como la producción de mangotoxina, o la resistencia al cobre respectivamente. En estudios previos mediante análisis filogenéticos, se han agrupado todas las cepas de Pss aisladas de mango y productoras de mangotoxina en el filotipo I. El objetivo de este trabajo es aislar cepas de Pss de árboles de mango de las distintas zonas de estudio (España, Portugal, Italia, Israel y Australia), para así poder abordar un análisis comparativo de las cepas de Pss aisladas antes del año 2000 y disponibles en nuestro laboratorio, con los nuevos aislamientos (2016-2017). Tras proceder a la identificación de las cepas, se caracterizarán las mismas mediante diferentes pruebas fenotípicas y genotípicas (producción de mangotoxina, resistencia al cobre, detección de genes específicos por PCR, etc).Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    A novel gene cluster involved in high tolerance to copper compounds has been detected in Pseudomonas syringae pv. syringae

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    Pseudomonas syringae pv. syringae (Pss), is the most polyphagous bacterium of the P. syringae complex, based on its wide host range, that severely affects woody and herbaceous plants. Pss has been described as the causal agent of bacterial apical necrosis (BAN) on mango crops, an important threat that drastically reduces the mango fruit yield in the Mediterranean region. Copper compounds have traditionally been used as standard bactericides to manage woody plant diseases, being the spraying of copper compound known as Bordeaux mixture (BM), the conventional treatment for controlling BAN disease. The extensive use of copper compounds can lead to many problems, and among them, the emergence of copper-resistant strains is one of the most serious. Pss strains isolated from mango trees harbour at least, two different genetic structures (copABCD and copABCD modified) encoded by plasmids that are involved in copper detoxification. Determination of the minimum inhibitory concentration of copper, together with a phylogenetic distribution analysis performed in a collection of Pss strains isolated from mango trees revealed a phylogenetic group of Pss strongly associated with high levels of copper resistance. Genome mining and functional characterization of one Pss strain present in this group have uncovered a novel gene cluster of chromosomal location that could be playing a major role in high levels of copper resistance during the epiphytic survival of Pss on mango tree surfaces.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Análisis comparativo de dos colecciones de pseudo monas syringae pv. syringae asociadas a mango

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    Pseudomonas syringae es una bacteria ubicua a nivel ambiental. Presenta una taxonomía compleja en la que se han descrito más de 60 patovares que causan enfermedad en muchas especies de plantas diferentes. Entre los patovares más importantes se encuentra el pv. syringae debido a su amplio rango de hospedador, y al arsenal de mecanismos de virulencia que posee. A principios de los años 90, se describió a Pseudomonas syringae pv. syringae (Pss) como el agente causal de la necrosis apical del mango (NAM). Pss aisladas de mango muestran características importantes para su biología, tanto en sus mecanismos de virulencia como para el fitness epifítico. En este trabajo, se plantea conocer en profundidad cómo han evolucionado las poblaciones de Pss a lo largo del tiempo sobre el mangoUniversidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech. Este trabajo ha sido financiado por ayuda de la Consejería de Economía, Innovación y Ciencia, Junta de Andalucía (Pl2-AGR-1473), cofinanciados con fondos FEDER (UE

    Gli esploratori delle parole. Gerhard Rohlfs e Oronzo Parlangèli nel Salento dialettale

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    Questo volume, che prende il nome dai due più importanti esploratori delle parole del Salento del secolo scorso, muove da due giornate di studio svoltesi il 19 e 20 dicembre 2019 presso la Sala del Rettorato dell’Università del Salento di cui sono qui raccolti vari contributi selezionati. Al materiale presentato allora si sono man mano aggiunti i contributi di colleghi che hanno aderito a questo volume speciale della rivista Lingue e linguaggi. Dopo la riflessione sui sessant’anni del Vocabolario dei Dialetti Salentini (VDS) e sui cinquanta che ormai ci separano dal tragico incidente che mise fine, davvero troppo presto, alla vita di Oronzo Parlangèli (1968) si è quindi passati alla riflessione scientifica, che certo non ha esaurito il tanto da dire su questi straordinari personaggi della ricerca linguistica. Il volume presenta quattro sezioni. La prima, di carattere introduttivo, contiene interventi sui protagonisti messi a confronto; la seconda punta l’attenzione sull’opera di Gerhard Rohlfs; la terza è incentrata sull’opera di Oronzo Parlangèli; la quarta, infine, è la sezione dei progetti e delle ricerche sul salentino di oggi, nelle più varie prospettive

    Insecticidal features displayed by the beneficial rhizobacterium Pseudomonas chlororaphis PCL1606

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    The biocontrol rhizobacterium Pseudomonas chlororaphis is one of the bacterial species of the P. fuorescens group where insecticide ft genes have been found. Fit toxin, supported with other antimicrobial compounds, gives the bacterial the ability to repel and to fght against eukaryotic organisms, such as nematodes and insect larvae, thus protecting the plant host and itself. Pseudomonas chlororaphis PCL1606 is an antagonistic rhizobacterium isolated from avocado roots and show efcient biocontrol against fungal soil-borne disease. The main antimicrobial compound produced by P. chlororaphis PCL606 is 2-hexyl-5-propyl resorcinol (HPR), which plays a crucial role in efective biocontrol against fungal pathogens. Further analysis of the P. chlororaphis PCL1606 genome showed the presence of hydrogen cyanide (HCN), pyrrolnitrin (PRN), and homologous ft genes. To test the insecticidal activity and to determine the bases for such activity, single and double mutants on the biosynthetic genes of these four compounds were tested in a Galleria mellonella larval model using inoculation by injection. The results revealed that Fit toxin and HPR in combination are involved in the insecticide phenotype of P. chlororaphis PCL1606, and additional compounds such as HCN and PRN could be considered supporting compoundsOpen Access funding provided thanks to the CRUE-CSIC agreement with Springer Nature. Funding for open access charge: Universidad de Málaga / CBUA. This work was supported by the research project AGL2017-83368-CO2-1-R of Ministerio de Ciencias y Tecnología, and the project UMA-FEDERJA-046 of Junta de Andalucía


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    Gli esploratori delle parole. Gerhard Rohlfs e Oronzo Parlangèli nel Salento dialettale

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    Questo volume, che prende il nome dai due più importanti esploratori delle parole del Salento del secolo scorso, muove da due giornate di studio svoltesi il 19 e 20 dicembre 2019 presso la Sala del Rettorato dell’Università del Salento di cui sono qui raccolti vari contributi selezionati. Al materiale presentato allora si sono man mano aggiunti i contributi di colleghi che hanno aderito a questo volume speciale della rivista Lingue e linguaggi. Dopo la riflessione sui sessant’anni del Vocabolario dei Dialetti Salentini (VDS) e sui cinquanta che ormai ci separano dal tragico incidente che mise fine, davvero troppo presto, alla vita di Oronzo Parlangèli (1968) si è quindi passati alla riflessione scientifica, che certo non ha esaurito il tanto da dire su questi straordinari personaggi della ricerca linguistica. Il volume presenta quattro sezioni. La prima, di carattere introduttivo, contiene interventi sui protagonisti messi a confronto; la seconda punta l’attenzione sull’opera di Gerhard Rohlfs; la terza è incentrata sull’opera di Oronzo Parlangèli; la quarta, infine, è la sezione dei progetti e delle ricerche sul salentino di oggi, nelle più varie prospettive
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