1,164 research outputs found

    Effect of physical training on gender difference in trained personal

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    Many controlled studies and neurological studies demonstrate that men and women are physically and mentally different. The purpose of this study is to find out whether there is any gender difference in respiratory capacity between trained athletes of both gender. This study was conducted at Kolkata (Serampore area), West Bengal, India. The subject was trained table tennis players of age group was 14 – 17 years. Significant differences have been found in height (cm), W/H ratio and PIF (l/s)  between male and female lawn tennis players and all these values are significantly higher (P<0.05) in male than female players. Greater mean height in trained male than female tennis player of same age range is advantageous for male. This might be due to their own growth pattern under the influences of different specific hormones which is not considered in this study. Higher centrally located fats in trained male than female tennis player in this age range might be due to less affectivity of physical training in male. Higher central fat distribution may hinder different lung capacities by influencing abdominal cavity. Higher peak inspiratory flow in trained male than female tennis player indicates inspiratory muscles are more powerful in male player of this age range.  So, it can be concluded from this study that gender differences in lung capacities can be minimized by proper training load in female trained player at least in 14-17 years age range. This study also claimed that stature is not only the decisive factor for differences in lung capacities in male and female trained tennis player of 14-17 years age range. Body composition, central fat distribution, active inspiratory muscles and proper physical training have definite role in improving lung capacities of trained male and female tennis player

    Triangle Estimation Using Tripartite Independent Set Queries

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    Estimating the number of triangles in a graph is one of the most fundamental problems in sublinear algorithms. In this work, we provide an approximate triangle counting algorithm using only polylogarithmic queries when the number of triangles on any edge in the graph is polylogarithmically bounded. Our query oracle Tripartite Independent Set (TIS) takes three disjoint sets of vertices A, B and C as input, and answers whether there exists a triangle having one endpoint in each of these three sets. Our query model generally belongs to the class of group queries (Ron and Tsur, ACM ToCT, 2016; Dell and Lapinskas, STOC 2018) and in particular is inspired by the Bipartite Independent Set (BIS) query oracle of Beame et al. (ITCS 2018). We extend the algorithmic framework of Beame et al., with TIS replacing BIS, for triangle counting using ideas from color coding due to Alon et al. (J. ACM, 1995) and a concentration inequality for sums of random variables with bounded dependency (Janson, Rand. Struct. Alg., 2004)

    Burkitt's Lymphoma as Primary Adrenal Lymphoma Diagnosed on Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology : A Rare Case Report

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    Introduction :Primary adrenal lymphoma presenting as Burkitt’s lymphoma  is an extremely rare entity. Although biopsy or excision is often needed for definitive diagnosis computed tomography guided fine needle aspiration has great diagnostic value in detection of primary adrenal lymphoma.Presentation of case : A case  of a 20 yr old male with a right adrenal mass diagnosed as Burkitts lymphoma on Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology (confirmed by bone marrow and cytogenetics) has been reported.Conclusion : Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology  as an initial investigation tool can be very effective for detection of unusual presentation like an adrenal mass in a case of Burkitt's lymphom

    Preliminary study on yam cultivation at Jashore: A case study

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    A preliminary study was conducted to estimate cost and return analysis on yam cultivation at Gaidghat of Bagharpara upazila of Jashore from February to March 2021. The average yam cultivation area was 0.12 ha in the study area. Different types of yam were cultivated in the study area, which had excellent local names, such as LalJhupi, KaloJhupi, Gorai, Lalteer, Altapat, Munshi, etc. Yam seed was shown from April to May and harvested from December to March. Most of the farmers planted yam seeds in rows where plant to plant distance was 1.5-2.5 feet and line to line distance was 2-3 feet. Average number of plants per hectare was 17023 nos., and the seed required 851 kg ha-1. The total cost of yam production was Tk. 1,23,060 ha-1, where the variable cost was Tk. 69,579 ha-1 (56.54%) and fixed cost were Tk. 53,481 ha-1 (43.46%). Yield of yam tuber was 44.98 ton ha-1, and seed yam was 2.05 ton ha-1. Gross return was Tk. 1,75,097 ha-1, gross margin was Tk. 1,05,518 ha-1 and the net return was Tk. 52,037 ha-1. The benefit cost ratio was 2.52, which means it's a profitable crop. Some disease organisms like fungi, viruses, and mites affect yam

    Machine Learning-based Linear regression way to deal with making data science model for checking the sufficiency of night curfew in Maharashtra, India

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    The birthplace of the novel Covid-19 sickness or COVID-19 began its spread around Wuhan city, China. The spread of this novel infection sickness began toward the start of December 2019. The Covid-19 illness spreads from one individual to another through hacking, sniffling, etc. To stop the spreading of the novel Covid-19 infection the distinctive nation has presented diverse strategies. Some regularly utilized methods are lockdown, night curfew, etc. The fundamental intention of the systems was to stop the social events and leaving homes without serious issues. Utilizing a diverse system Covid-19 first stage can address for saving individuals. Presently the second influx of this novel Covid illness has begun its top from the mid of April-May. The second convergence of this novel Covid disorder flooded all through the world and in India too. To stop the spread of this novel Covid sickness India's richest state Maharashtra government constrained the decision of night curfew. In this paper, we are taking as a relevant examination the night curfew on a schedule of Maharashtra. Here, we study that this system may or may not be able to stop the spread of pandemics. We are using the Machine learning(ML) approach to managing regulate study this case. ML has various systems yet among all of those here we use Linear Regression for the current circumstance. The reproduced insight that readies the plan orchestrated to learn with no other person. Linear Regression is the affirmed strategy for looking over the connection between two sections. Between the two segments, one is astute and another is a seen variable

    Faster counting and sampling algorithms using colorful decision oracle

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    In this work, we consider dd-{\sc Hyperedge Estimation} and dd-{\sc Hyperedge Sample} problem in a hypergraph H(U(H),F(H))\mathcal{H}(U(\mathcal{H}),\mathcal{F}(\mathcal{H})) in the query complexity framework, where U(H)U(\mathcal{H}) denotes the set of vertices and F(H)\mathcal{F}(\mathcal{H}) denotes the set of hyperedges. The oracle access to the hypergraph is called {\sc Colorful Independence Oracle} ({\sc CID}), which takes dd (non-empty) pairwise disjoint subsets of vertices A1,,AdU(H)A_1,\ldots,A_d \subseteq U(\mathcal{H}) as input, and answers whether there exists a hyperedge in H\mathcal{H} having (exactly) one vertex in each Ai,i{1,2,,d}A_i, i \in \{1,2,\ldots,d\}. The problem of dd-{\sc Hyperedge Estimation} and dd-{\sc Hyperedge Sample} with {\sc CID} oracle access is important in its own right as a combinatorial problem. Also, Dell {\it{et al.}}~[SODA '20] established that {\em decision} vs {\em counting} complexities of a number of combinatorial optimization problems can be abstracted out as dd-{\sc Hyperedge Estimation} problems with a {\sc CID} oracle access. The main technical contribution of the paper is an algorithm that estimates m=F(H)m= \lvert {\mathcal{F}(\mathcal{H})}\rvert with m^\widehat{m} such that { 1Cdlogd1n    m^m    Cdlogd1n. \frac{1}{C_{d}\log^{d-1} n} \;\leq\; \frac{\widehat{m}}{m} \;\leq\; C_{d} \log ^{d-1} n . by using at most Cdlogd+2nC_{d}\log ^{d+2} n many {\sc CID} queries, where nn denotes the number of vertices in the hypergraph H\mathcal{H} and CdC_{d} is a constant that depends only on dd}. Our result coupled with the framework of Dell {\it{et al.}}~[SODA '21] implies improved bounds for a number of fundamental problems

    Divide and Rule: DiFA - Division Property Based Fault Attacks on PRESENT and GIFT

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    The division property introduced by Todo in Crypto 2015 is one of the most versatile tools in the arsenal of a cryptanalyst which has given new insights into many ciphers primarily from an algebraic perspective. On the other end of the spectrum we have fault attacks which have evolved into the deadliest of all physical attacks on cryptosystems. The current work aims to combine these seemingly distant tools to come up with a new type of fault attack. We show how fault invariants are formed under special input division multi-sets and are independent of the fault injection location. It is further shown that the same division trail can be exploited as a multi-round Zero-Sum distinguisher to reduce the key-space to practical limits. As a proof of concept division trails of PRESENT and GIFT are exploited to mount practical key-recovery attacks based on the random nibble fault model. For GIFT-64, we are able to recover the unique master-key with 30 nibble faults with faults injected at rounds 21 and 19. For PRESENT-80, DiFA reduces the key-space from 2802^{80} to 2162^{16} with 15 faults in round 25 while for PRESENT-128, the unique key is recovered with 30 faults in rounds 25 and 24. This constitutes the best fault attacks on these ciphers in terms of fault injection rounds. We also report an interesting property pertaining to fault induced division trails which shows its inapplicability to attack GIFT-128. Overall, the usage of division trails in fault based cryptanalysis showcases new possibilities and reiterates the applicability of classical cryptanalytic tools in physical attacks