309 research outputs found

    Dynamo-generated magnetic fields in fast rotating single giants

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    Red giants offer a good opportunity to study the interplay of magnetic fields and stellar evolution. Using the spectro-polarimeter NARVAL of the Telescope Bernard Lyot (TBL), Pic du Midi, France and the LSD technique, we began a survey of magnetic fields in single G-K-M giants. Early results include 6 MF-detections with fast rotating giants, and for the first time a magnetic field was detected directly in an evolved M-giant: EK Boo. Our results could be explained in the terms of α\alpha--ω\omega dynamo operating in these giants.Comment: 2 pages, 1 figure, proceedings of IAUS259: Cosmic Magnetic Field

    Studies on the Composition of Organic and Conventional Milk Products

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    The changes in the basic physicochemical characteristics and the lipid composition of Bulgarian organic and conventional dairy products (cow's yoghurt and cow's cheese) during the winter and summer period have been investigated. There were no significant changes in the basic physicochemical characteristics for organic and conventional milk products (fat content in dry matter, content of milk protein, dry matter, acidity, salt content) in the studied periods. Organic yoghurt has lower acidity in comparison with conventional yoghurt. Organic cheese is the only one with a degree of maturity (21.7% and 20.5%), corresponding to the regulated value in the Bulgarian state standards for cheese (not less than 14%). The lipids have identical fatty acid composition, dominated by saturated fatty acids (68.7% -74.5%) and that their content is higher in winter. During the summer period quantities of trans fatty acids in mono- (C18:1) and polyunsaturated fatty acids (C18: 2 and C18: 3) was higher than in winter. The content of tocopherols in the yoghurt fats is minimal, as their values in summer period is higher, such in the various trademarks cheese tocopherols not detected

    Fast and Simple Relational Processing of Uncertain Data

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    This paper introduces U-relations, a succinct and purely relational representation system for uncertain databases. U-relations support attribute-level uncertainty using vertical partitioning. If we consider positive relational algebra extended by an operation for computing possible answers, a query on the logical level can be translated into, and evaluated as, a single relational algebra query on the U-relation representation. The translation scheme essentially preserves the size of the query in terms of number of operations and, in particular, number of joins. Standard techniques employed in off-the-shelf relational database management systems are effective for optimizing and processing queries on U-relations. In our experiments we show that query evaluation on U-relations scales to large amounts of data with high degrees of uncertainty.Comment: 12 pages, 14 figure

    The influence of Sofia's destination image on satisfaction, intention to recommend, and post-visit intentions towards Bulgarian products: Does unique image matter?

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    This thesis is studying the destination image of an emerging tourist destination – Sofia, Bulgaria. The city’s number of foreign tourists has increased with 18 per cent in 2017. As destination image has been proven to be an important factor influencing significantly both pre-visit and post-visit intentions, the city is in pressing need to create a strong image in tourists’ minds. Based on previous literature, a conceptual model investigating the relationships between the different components of destination image, tourism satisfaction, intention to recommend, and post-visit intentions towards Bulgarian products was proposed and tested. Destination image was studied with three components – cognitive, affective, and unique. The latter has been often overlooked in previous studies and there is not much clarity about its conceptualization and measurement. This study provides more information about the concept but it also proposes a new method of measuring it through text-mining of user-generated blog posts. A questionnaire was distributed to 314 foreign visitors of Sofia. The data analysis methods included descriptive statistics, principal component analysis, and multiple linear regressions. The results reveal that the unique image has a significant influence on all constructs, however, it is the affective which has the strongest impact. Moreover, the traditional affective image has the strongest influence on overall image and tourism satisfaction, which in turns has the strongest impact on traditional word-of-mouth. Cognitive image has influence on all constructs except on electronic word-of-mouth. Finally, post-visit intentions towards Bulgarian products are influenced by all variables, with the exception of tourism satisfaction.Esta tese tem como objetivo estudar a imagem de um destino turístico emergente - Sofia, Bulgária. Dado que o número de turistas estrangeiros na cidade aumentou 18% em 2017 e sendo a imagem de um destino considerada um fator importante na influência das intenções de pré-visita e pós-visita, Sofia necessita de criar uma imagem forte na mente dos turistas. Um modelo conceptual, que investiga as relações entre as diferentes componentes da imagem, a satisfação do turista, a intenção de recomendar e as intenções pós-visita face aos produtos búlgaros, foi proposto e testado. A imagem do destino foi estudada com três componentes - cognitiva, afetiva e única. Esta última tem sido muitas vezes ignorada na literatura e não há muita clareza sobre a sua conceptualização e medição. Este tese fornece mais informações sobre este construto, mas também propõe um método para a sua medição através da extração de textos de posts gerados por utilizadores de blogs. Aplicou-se um questionário a 314 turistas de Sofia. Os métodos de análise centraram-se em análises de componentes principais e regressões lineares múltiplas. Os resultados revelam que a imagem única influencia todos os construtos, no entanto, é a afetiva que tem o impacto mais forte. Além disso, a imagem afetiva tradicional tem a maior influência na imagem geral e na satisfação, o que, por sua vez, tem o impacto mais forte na WOM. A imagem cognitiva influencia todos os construtos, exceto eWOM. Finalmente, as intenções pós-visita aos produtos búlgaros são influenciadas por todas as variáveis, com exceção da satisfação

    The different origins of magnetic fields and activity in the Hertzsprung gap stars, OU Andromedae and 31 Comae

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    Context: When crossing the Hertzsprung gap, intermediate-mass stars develop a convective envelope. Fast rotators on the main sequence, or Ap star descendants, are expected to become magnetic active subgiants during this evolutionary phase. Aims: We compare the surface magnetic fields and activity indicators of two active, fast rotating red giants with similar masses and spectral class but diferent rotation rates - OU And (Prot=24.2 d) and 31 Com (Prot=6.8 d) - to address the question of the origin of their magnetism and high activity. Methods: Observations were carried out with the Narval spectropolarimeter in 2008 and 2013.We used the least squares deconvolution technique to extract Stokes V and I profiles to detect Zeeman signatures of the magnetic field of the stars. We provide Zeeman-Doppler imaging, activity indicator monitoring, and a precise estimation of stellar parameters. We use stellar evolutionary models to infer the evolutionary status and the initial rotation velocity on the main sequence. Results: The detected magnetic field of OU And is a strong one. Its longitudinal component Bl reaches 40 G and presents an about sinusoidal variation with reversal of the polarity. The magnetic topology of OU And is dominated by large scale elements and is mainly poloidal with an important dipole component, and a significant toroidal component. The detected magnetic field of 31 Com is weaker, with a magnetic map showing a more complex field geometry, and poloidal and toroidal components of equal contributions. The evolutionary models show that the progenitors of OU And and 31 Com must have been rotat Conclusions: OU And appears to be the probable descendant of a magnetic Ap star, and 31 Com the descendant of a relatively fast rotator on the main sequence.Comment: 16 pages, 12 figure

    Search for surface magnetic fields in Mira stars. First detection in chi Cyg

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    In order to complete the knowledge of the magnetic field and of its influence during the transition from Asymptotic Giant Branch to Planetary Nebulae stages, we have undertaken a search for magnetic fields at the surface of Mira stars. We used spectropolarimetric observations, collected with the Narval instrument at TBL, in order to detect - with Least Squares Deconvolution method - a Zeeman signature in the visible part of the spectrum. We present the first spectropolarimetric observations of the S-type Mira star chi Cyg, performed around its maximum light. We have detected a polarimetric signal in the Stokes V spectra and we have established its Zeeman origin. We claim that it is likely to be related to a weak magnetic field present at the photospheric level and in the lower part of the stellar atmosphere. We have estimated the strength of its longitudinal component to about 2-3 Gauss. This result favors a 1/r law for the variation of the magnetic field strength across the circumstellar envelope of chi Cyg. This is the first detection of a weak magnetic field at the stellar surface of a Mira star and we discuss its origin in the framework of shock waves periodically propagating throughout the atmosphere of these radially pulsating stars. At the date of our observations of chi Cyg, the shock wave reaches its maximum intensity, and it is likely that the shock amplifies a weak stellar magnetic field during its passage through the atmosphere. Without such an amplification by the shock, the magnetic field strength would have been too low to be detected. For the first time, we also report strong Stokes Q and U signatures (linear polarization) centered onto the zero velocity (i.e., at the shock front position). They seem to indicate that the radial direction would be favored by the shock during its propagation throughout the atmosphere.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures accepted by Astronomy and Astrophysics (21 November 2013

    A dominant magnetic dipole for the evolved Ap star candidate EK Eridani

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    EK Eri is one of the most slowly rotating active giants known, and has been proposed to be the descendant of a strongly magnetic Ap star. We have performed a spectropolarimetric study of EK Eri over 4 photometric periods with the aim of inferring the topology of its magnetic field. We used the NARVAL spectropolarimeter at the Bernard Lyot telescope at the Pic du Midi Observatory, along with the least-squares deconvolution method, to extract high signal-to-noise ratio Stokes V profiles from a timeseries of 28 polarisation spectra. We have derived the surface-averaged longitudinal magnetic field Bl. We fit the Stokes V profiles with a model of the large-scale magnetic field and obtained Zeeman Doppler images of the surface magnetic strength and geometry. Bl variations of up to about 80 G are observed without any reversal of its sign, and which are in phase with photometric ephemeris. The activity indicators are shown to vary smoothly on a timescale compatible with the rotational period inferred from photometry (308.8 d.), however large deviations can occur from one rotation to another. The surface magnetic field variations of EK Eri appear to be dominated by a strong magnetic spot (of negative polarity) which is phased with the dark (cool) photometric spot. Our modeling shows that the large-scale magnetic field of EK Eri is strongly poloidal. For a rotational axis inclination of i = 60{\deg}, we obtain a model that is almost purely dipolar. In the dipolar model, the strong magnetic/photometric spot corresponds to the negative pole of the dipole, which could be the remnant of that of an Ap star progenitor of EK Eri. Our observations and modeling conceptually support this hypothesis, suggesting an explanation of the outstanding magnetic properties of EK Eri as the result of interaction between deep convection and the remnant of an Ap star magnetic dipole.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    Detection of corn and sunflower oil adulterations of olive oils using fluorescence spectroscopy

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    A novel approach for the detection of admixtures of vegetable (corn and sunflower) oils in commercially available olive oils on a qualitative level is presented. Chemical analysis of the contents of fatty acids in each of the model systems under study is performed. The dependence of the ratio of the two main fluorescence intensity peaks 1 2 F / F and that of the linoleic to oleic acids C18:2 / C18:1 is studied. It is shown that an increase of the concentration of the adulterant the maximum of the first fluorescence peak exhibits a wavelength shift. Fluorescence analysis can be used for a qualitative real time determination of the presence of adulterants in olive oil by comparison of the observed particular fluorescence spectrum with those from a database of spectra of olive oils and adulterants from a particular region

    Magnetic field structure in single late-type giants: Beta Ceti in 2010 - 2012

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    The data were obtained using two spectropolarimeters - Narval at the Bernard Lyot Telescope, Pic du Midi, France, and ESPaDOnS at CFHT, Hawaii. Thirty-eight circularly-polarized spectra have been collected in the period June 2010 - January 2012. The Least Square Deconvolution method was applied for extracting high signal-to-noise ratio line profiles, from which we measure the surface-averaged longitudinal magnetic field Bl. Chromospheric activity indicators CaII K, H_alpha, CaII IR (854.2 nm) and radial velocity were simultaneously measured and their variability was analysed together with the behavior of Bl. The Zeeman Doppler Imaging (ZDI) inversion technique was employed for reconstruction of the large-scale magnetic field and two magnetic maps of Beta Ceti are presented for two periods (June 2010 - December 2010 and June 2011 - January 2012). Bl remains of positive polarity for the whole observational period. The behavior of the line activity indicators is in good agreement with the Bl variations. The two ZDI maps show a mainly axisymmetric and poloidal magnetic topology and a simple surface magnetic field configuration dominated by a dipole. Little evolution is observed between the two maps, in spite of a 1 yr interval between both subsets. We also use state-of-the-art stellar evolution models to constrain the evolutionary status of Beta Ceti. We derive a mass of 3.5 M_sun and propose that this star is already in the central-helium burning phase. Taking into account all our results and the evolutionary status of the star, we suggest that dynamo action alone may not be eficient enough to account for the high magnetic activity of Beta Ceti. As an alternate option, we propose that it may be an Ap star descendant presently undergoing central helium-burning and still exhibiting a remnant of the Ap star magnetic field.Comment: 10 pages; 5 figures; 3 table