13 research outputs found

    Die Auswirkungen des Krieges auf die Einwohnerzahlen in Bosnien und Herzegowina und Kroatien 1991ā€“1998

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    Na temelju dostupnih izvora te vlastitih procjena, autor u ovom članku raspravlja o utjecaju rata (1991. ā€“ 1995.) na demografske promjene u Bosni i Hercegovini 1991. ā€“ 1998. godine. Pri tome se posebno analizira (demografska) sudbina Hrvata i daje procjena o veličini "izbjegličkog prinosa" na kretanje ukupnog broja stanovnika Hrvatske.Based on available resources and individual estimates the author of this text discusses the impact of war (1991-1995) on demographic changes in Bosnia and Herzegovina from 1991-1998. He especially analyses the (demographic) fate of Croats and assesses the magnitude of the ā€œrefugeesā€™ contributionā€ to Croatiaā€™s total population trend.Ausgehend von den zur VerfĆ¼gung stehenden Quellen als auch von eigenen SchƤtzungen erƶrtert der Verfasser dieses Artikels die Auswirkungen des Krieges (1991ā€“95) auf die demographische Lage in Bosnien und Herzegowina 1991ā€“98. Dabei befasst er sich insbesondere mit dem (demographischen) Schicksal der dort lebenden Kroaten und gibt SchƤtzungen zum AusmaƟ der FlĆ¼chtlingswelle, die die Gesamteinwohnerzahl Kroatiens nachhaltig beeinflusste

    Influence of beech mast on small rodent populations and hantavirus prevalence in Nacional Park ā€žPlitvice lakesā€œ and Nature Park ā€žMedvednicaā€œ

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    Obična bukva (Fagus sylvatica L.) u Hrvatskoj ima najveći areal, najzastupljenija je vrsta na obraslom Å”umskom zemljiÅ”tu i pojavljuje se u velikom broju Å”umskih zajednica. Urod bukvice bilježi se kao bitan faktor porasta populacije sitnih glodavaca, koji su poznati prijenosnici niza zaraznih bolesti opasnih za čovjeka. Cilj ovog istraživanja je praćenje populacija sitnih glodavaca i hantavirusa u bukovim Å”umama. U okviru rada obavljen je izlov u periodu od 2011. do 2014. godine na ukupno 7 lovnih ploha raspoređenih na dva lokaliteta (NP Plitvička jezera i PP Medvednica). Ulovljene jedinke obrađene su na prisutnost hantavirusa. Na lovnim plohama u NP Plitvička jezera mjeren je i urod bukvice. Rezultati ovoga rada pokazali su da u bukovim Å”umama dominiraju žutogrli Å”umski miÅ” i Å”umska voluharica te zajedno čine 99 % ulova. Brojnost sitnih glodavaca karakterizirale su poviÅ”ene vrijednosti u 2012. godini i visoka brojnost (ā€žmiÅ”ja godinaā€œ) u 2014. godini, dok je 2011. i 2013. godinu karakterizirala niska brojnost. Kod obrađenih glodavaca potvrđena je prevalencija 3 vrste hantavirusa. Puumala virus bio je zastupljen u 50 % ulova Å”umske voluharice, Dobrava (DOBV) u 5 % ulova žutogrlog Å”umskog miÅ”a i hantavirus Seewis (SWSV) u jednoj od dvije ulovljene jedinke Å”umske rovke. Urod bukvice na lovnim plohama NP Plitvička jezera zabilježen je poviÅ”en u 2011. godini i obilan u 2013. godini. Iz podataka utvrđujemo pozitivnu vezu između količine jesenskog uroda bukvice te porasta populacija sitnih glodavaca, porasta prevalencije hantavirusa i epidemije miÅ”je groznice u godinama nakon obilnog uroda.The European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) is at present considered to be the most common economically important and widespread tree species in Europe. In contrast to other tree species and economically important species in Croatia European beech has the largest areal and can be found in variety of plant communities. As the most specious and widely distributed mammalian group, rodents are the wildlife reservoir for many zoonoses which can infect humans and other wildlife. Rodent outbreaks tend to follow years with increased seed production of oak and beech. Many authors have linked fluctuations in abundance of rodent reservoirs with increase of human zoonotic infections. Aim of this research is monitoring of rodent populations and hantaviruses in beech forests. At two locations (National park Plitvice lakes and Nature park Medvednica) seven trapping plots were set, each containing 1 or 2 grids size 100m x 100m (100 traps). Rodent capturing was done from year 2011 until 2014 in summer and autumn. Beech mast was recorded in NP Plitvice lakes each year in autumn. Trapped rodents were screened for hantaviruses. Results show two dominant rodent species, yellow-necked mouse (Apodemus flavicollis) and bank vole (Myodes glareolus) in beech forests of NP Plitvice and NP Medvednica. Both species make 99 % of total captures. Rodent abundance showed increase in year 2012 and outbreak in year 2014 measuring on one grid max abundance of 45 animals/ha, whereas year 2011 and 2013 had lowest abundance. In beech forests of National Park Plitvice lakes and Nature Park Medvednica 3 different hantaviruses were found within their typical rodent host species: Puumala (PUUV) in bank voles (Myodes glareolus), hantavirus Dobrava (DOBV) in yellow-necked mouse (Apodemus flavicollis) and Seewis (SWSV) in common shrew (Sorex araneus) which makes first molecular evidence of shrew-borne Seewis virus in Croatia. Highest infection rate was found in bank voles with 50 % of Puumala positive individuals. Dobrava was found in 5 % of trapped yellow-necked mouse. In 2011 there was slight increase in beech seed production reported in comparison to year 2012 and 2014. In year 2013 beech seed production was the highest with mean beech seeds/m2 23x higher than in year 2012. From the rodent abundance and beech mast data we see the trend of mast years being followed with high rodent abundance. Highest proportion of hantavirus positive rodents was found in year 2014 when their abundance was also reported highest. From this data the connection of beech mast year and rodent abundance following next year as well as high infection rates of rodents is confirmed. In same years with increased rodent abundance there was high number of human HFRS cases (hemorrhagic fever with renal failure syndrome)

    Overview and management of different post-COVID conditions

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    Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic resulted in global healthcare crises and strained health resources, both in the acute and chronic phase of the disease. Similarly to post-acute viral syndromes described in survivors of other virulent coronavirus epidemics, there are increasing reports of persistent and prolonged symptoms after acute COVID-19. These reports and studies have helped contribute to the recognition of post-COVID-19, a syndrome characterized by persistent symptoms and/or delayed or long-term complications beyond 4 weeks from the onset of symptoms. Here, we provide a comprehensive review of different manifestations of post-COVID conditions and propose a framework for the identification of patients at higher risk for post- COVID and their coordinated management through dedicated COVID-19 outpatient clinics

    Overview and management of different post-COVID conditions

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    Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic resulted in global healthcare crises and strained health resources, both in the acute and chronic phase of the disease. Similarly to post-acute viral syndromes described in survivors of other virulent coronavirus epidemics, there are increasing reports of persistent and prolonged symptoms after acute COVID-19. These reports and studies have helped contribute to the recognition of post-COVID-19, a syndrome characterized by persistent symptoms and/or delayed or long-term complications beyond 4 weeks from the onset of symptoms. Here, we provide a comprehensive review of different manifestations of post-COVID conditions and propose a framework for the identification of patients at higher risk for post- COVID and their coordinated management through dedicated COVID-19 outpatient clinics

    A Comprehensive Analysis of Renal and Endothelium Dysfunction Markers Fourteen Years after Hemorrhagic Fever with Renal Syndrome Contraction

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    While the pathology of acute hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome (HFRS) has been widely researched, details on the chronic HFRS sequelae remain mainly unexplored. In this study, we analyzed the clinical and laboratory characteristics of 30 convalescent HFRS patients 14 years after the disease contraction, mainly emphasizing several endothelial dysfunction parameters. Convalescent HFRS patients exhibited significantly higher serum levels of erythrocyte sedimentation rate, von Willebrand factor, uric acid, C-reactive protein and immunoglobulin A when compared to healthy individuals. Furthermore, 24 h urine analyses revealed significantly lower sodium and potassium urine levels, as well as significantly higher proteinuria, microalbumin levels and Ī²2-microglobulin levels when compared to healthy individuals. First morning urine analysis revealed significantly higher levels of hematuria in convalescent HFRS patients. None of the additional analyzed endothelium dysfunction markers were significantly different in post-HFRS patients and healthy individuals, including serum and urine P-selectin, E-selectin, soluble intercellular adhesion molecule 1, vascular intercellular adhesion molecule 1 (sVCAM-1) and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF). However, binary logistic regression revealed a weak association of serum sVCAM-1 and urine VEGF levels with HFRS contraction. Generally, our findings suggest mild chronic inflammation and renal dysfunction levels in convalescent HFRS patients 14 years after the disease contraction

    Baseline level of platelet-leukocyte aggregates, platelet CD63 expression, and soluble P-selectin concentration in patients with posttraumatic stress disorder: a pilot study

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    Platelets may have an important role in the development of cardiovascular disease (CVD) as a result of chronic stress. We conducted a pilot study to evaluate the effect of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) on baseline platelet activation. Platelet-leukocyte aggregates (PLA) and CD63 expression were measured by flow cytometry, and soluble (s)P-selectin concentration was determined in sera of 20 Croatian male combat veterans with PTSD and 20 healthy civilians. Groups were matched in sex, age, body mass index (BMI) and traditional CVD risk factors. Our data showed no differences in measured parameters. Other platelet activation markers should be determined and a larger sample size used in future studies