18 research outputs found

    Utilization of Coffee Pulp Cellulose for Bioetanol Production Through Simultaneous Saccarification and Fermentation (SSF) with Cellulose Enzymes

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    . The bioetanol development from biomass bases on lignocellulose like pulp of coffee is one of alternative energy which has potential to be applied in Indonesia. Beside of raw material sources that are so many in our country, the process is also environmentally friendly. Conversion of coffee pulp becomes ethanol using Simultaneous Sacharification and Fermentation (SSF) technology by cellulase had been done on this research. Sacharification process or hydrolysis process, cellulase enzyme will break cellulose polymer becomes glucose. Then, glucose through fermentation is changed to ethanol by using yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. This study using Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with factorial pattern consisting of two factors. Factor I is the optimum pH (P) consists of three standards are: P1 = 4, P2 = 4.5, P3 = 5. Factor II is the incubation time (fermentation) (T) consisting of four standard that is T1 = 24 hours, T2 = 48 hours, T3 = 72 hours, and T4 = 96 hours. Pretreatment to break the lignin is done by soaking in 2% H2SO4 for 20 hours in the erlenmeyer. The analysis performed consists of the initial analysis and final analysis. Initial analysis consisted of analysis of water content, pH analysis, levels of cellulose and glucose levels, against the skin of the coffee pulp before the simultaneous saccharification and fermentation (SSF), whereas the final analysis included analysis of ethanol content, the analysis of cellulose and glucose from a solution of ethanol produced. The optimum pH treatment (P), incubation time (fermentation) (T) and interaction optimum pH and incubation time (fermentation) (PT) has very significant (P ≤ 0.01), on levels of ethanol produced. The highest levels of ethanol obtained by fermentation of 96 hours and the optimum pH 4.5 and 5. Ethanol content is obtained that is equal to 6% and 6.07%

    Sensory and Microbial Characteristics of Civet Coffee

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    Civet coffee has been known as the most expensive coffee in the world. Its high prices are mainly contributed by its uncommon production method. Civet coffee is produced from the coffee beans which have been digested by Asian palm civet or Luwak (Paradoxorus hermaprodites). Civet coffee production is very limited due to its processing is merely depends on civet biologic system. Unfortunately, reliable information on civet microbial digestive is still limited. The aim of this research is to evaluate cup (sensory) and microbial quality of wild and caged civet coffee. Samples of wild and caged civet coffee obtained from Bener Meriah District, Aceh, Indonesia. Sensory quality parameters consist of fragrance, aroma, flavour, aftertaste, acidity, body, balance, uniformity, clean cups, sweetness and overall. Microbial quality was done by enumeration of lactic acid bacteria. The results showed that wild and caged civet coffee relatively had similar profile sensory and microbial characteristics.  The score cupping of wild civet coffee is slightly higher than caged civet coffee.  Aroma and flavour characteristics of wild and caged civet coffee were herby, nutty, grassy tobacco-like, fishy and sweet but there were over fruity-papaya and guava-like aroma and flavour of caged civet coffee. The lactic acid bacteria count on wild and caged civet were 5.8 x 108 cfu/ml and 3,8 x108 cfu/ml. Three different colonies from MRS media were isolated and submitted to gram and catalase test. All isolates showed gram-positive and catalase negative. The result confirmed that most colonies are lactic acid bacteria group. Two isolates (ICF 1 and ICF 3) showed proteolytic activity, and isolated ICF 1 showed the largest zone of clearance of 15 mm. Further investigation is required for identification and selection of performance lactic acid bacteria for artificial civet coffee fermentation

    Physically modified of sweet potato flour (Ipomea batatas) by variation of steaming time and drying method

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    The major component of sweet potato flour is carbohydrate presented as starch. As other types of native starch that lack of physical and chemical characteristics, the sweet potato flour then is very limited in use. To improve the starch characteristics, it can be made by modifying the starch physically. This study was focused on modification of starch phisically by using autoclaving-cooling method with differ in steaming times (15 and 30 minutes) and drying methods (oven and sun drying). The results showed that the modified flour of sweet potato by autoclaving-cooling for one cycle has produce sweet potato flour with a granular structure that can expand and break, lower in starch content, higher in freezing and thawing stability, higher in water absorption index, and lower in hot and cooling viscositie

    Pengembangan Minyak Nilam Sebagai Aromaterapi Dan Potensinya Sebagai Produk Obat

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    Abstrak. Aromaterapi adalah suatu bentuk terapi atau pengobatan menggunakan bahan tanaman volatil, yang bertujuan untuk mengatur fungsi kognitif, mood, dan kesehatan. Tanaman volatil dikenal juga minyak atsiri. Minyak atsiri biasa diperoleh dari tanaman dengan berbagai cara yang berbeda-beda seperti ekstraksi, penyulingan dan distilasi fraksinasi.  Salah satu minyak atsiri adalah minyak nilam. Kandungan minyak nilam yang utama yaitu patchouli alcohol (40-50%) digunakan sebagai bahan baku, bahan pencampur dan fixative (pengikat wangi-wangian) dalam industri parfum, kosmetik, dan obat-obatan. Pengembangan minyak atsiri sebagai aromaterapi perlu dilakukan sebagai upaya peningkatan pemanfaatan dari produk minyak atsiri. Komponen aroma dari minyak atsiri cepat berinteraksi saat dihirup. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengukur aktifitas lokomotor pada mencit untuk melihat efek yang ditimbulkan setelah di inhalasi dengan minyak nilam. Hasil menunjukkan adanya penurunan aktifitas setelah diinhalasi dengan minyak nilam. Ini menunjukkan minyak nilam memberikan efek depresi sistem syaraf pusat terhadap mencit. Persentase penurunan aktifitas gerak terbesar pada dosis 0,5 ml.Development of Patchouli Oil as Aromatherapy and Its Potential as Medicinal ProductsAbstract. Aromatherapy is a form of therapy or treatment using material from a volatile plant, intended to regulate cognitive, mood, and health function. Volati is also known for essential oil. Essential oil is often obtained from plants in various ways such as extraction, distillation and distillation of fractures. One essential oil is patchouli oil. The primary patchouli oil content is alcohol (40-50%), which is used as a ingredient, mixative and fixative in the perfume, cosmetics, and drugs industry. Commercial loans grew by 14 percent to RPM from the same period last year. Essential oil scent components must interact quickly when inhaled. The study was done to measure the locomotive activities of er er er to see the effect that was caused after inhalation with patouli oil. Results indicate a decrease in activity following inhalation with sapphire oil. This suggests patchouli oil, giving a depressed effect of the central nervous system on chiming. It's the largest drop in activity at a 0.5 ml dose

    Relations entre viscosite et expansion d'amidons extrudes

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    Pembuatan etanol dari pulp kopi

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    Subtitusi parsial tepung ampas tahu terhadap tepung terigu dalam pembuatan cookies tinggi serat

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    vi.;29 hlm.;ilus.;tab.;29 cm

    Pengaruh Penambahan Gula dan Amonium Sulfat terhadap Kualitas Nata de Soya

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    This research aims to utilize of tofu liquid waste (Whey) into a more economical product in the form of nata de soya . This research uses a complete randomized design, which is consists of two factors, namely sugar (6% , 8% and 10%) and ammonium sulfate (0.3% , 0.5% and 0.7%). The observed parameters included yield, thickness, compressive strength analysis, crude fiber and organoleptic. The analysis results showed that sugar concentration and ammonium sulfate concentration significantly different to the yield, thickness, crude fiber, compressive strength and organoleptic. This research results showed that sugar and ammonium sulfate concentration influence significantly different to the thickness, crude fiber, compressive strength and organoleptic and not significantly different to the yield of nata de soya. The higher the sugar concentration and ammonium sulfate are used, the higher the yield, thickness, compressive strength, crude fiber produced. The best results obtained in the treatment of 10% sugar concentration and 0.7% ammonium sulfate