719 research outputs found

    Anti (Q, L)-Fuzzy Subhemirings of a Hemiring

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    In this paper, an attempt has been made to study the algebraic nature of an anti (Q, L)-fuzzy subhemirings of a hemi ring

    Antixenosis resistance in okra accessions against shoot and fruit borer Earias vittella (Fab.)

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    The present study is to analyse the antixenosis mechanisms of resistance in ten okra accessions against Shoot and Fruit borer E. vittella. With regard to the free choice feeding preference, the accessions IC140880 and Trichi local were not preferred by any larvae even up to 8 h. The fruit damage of Coimbatore local by the larvae in 8 hours was recorded as lowest, in confined condition. The accession IC 282228 fruit was bored up to a length 9.1 cm by the larvae in 8 h. On studying the oviposition preference, the accessions IC140880 and Trichi local were least preferred by E. vittella adults. The length and breadth and number of trichomes of these accessions were recorded as maximum. It was observed that the fruit length of IC140880 were greater than other accessions whereas Trichi local recorded higher fruit width compared to other accessions. While assessing the Fruit angle to stem, Coimbatore local recorded a higher value followed by Trichi local, IC140880 and IC 218877. The incidence of shoot and fruit borer was high in IC282228.  In overall observation, weight and yield of the fruit is high in IC140880 followed by Trichi local

    Cassava Leaf Disease Identification and Detection Using Deep Learning Approach

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    Agriculture is the primary source of livelihood for about 60% of the world's total population according to the Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO). The economy of the developing countries is solely dependent on agriculture commodities. As the world population is increasing at faster pace, the demand for food is also escalating tremendously. In recent days, agriculture is experiencing an automation revolution. Hence the introduction of disruptive technologies like Artificial Intelligence plays a major role in increasing agricultural productivity. AI enabled approaches would help in overcoming the traditional challenges faced in agriculture practices, by automating various agriculture related tasks. Nowadays, farmers adopt precision farming which uses AI techniques namely in crop health monitoring, weed detection, plant disease identification and detection, and forecast weather, commodity prices to increase the yield. As there is scarcity of manpower in agriculture sector, AI based equipment like bots and drones are used widely. Crop diseases are a major threat to food security and the manual identification of the diseases with the help of experts will incur more cost and time, especially for larger farms. The machine-vision based techniques provide image based automatic process control, inspection, and robot guidance for pest and disease control. It provides automated process in agriculture, paving way for improved efficiency and profitability. Various factors contribute for plant diseases, which includes soil health, climatic conditions, species and pests. The proposed chapter elaborates on the use of deep learning techniques in the leaf disease detection of Cassava plants. The chapter initially describes the evolution of various neural network techniques used in classification and prediction. It describes the significance of using Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) over deep neural networks. The chapter focuses on classification of leaf disease in Cassava plants using images acquired real time and from Kaggle dataset. In the final part of the chapter, the results of the models with original and augmented data were illustrated considering accuracy as performance metric

    Challenges in conservative management of placenta increta with methotrexate in nulliparous woman

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    Placenta increta is a severe complication of pregnancy normally diagnosed during the second trimester. Early detection could reduce the risk of hemorrhage during abortion or miscarriage; however, guidelines on firstā€trimester diagnosis are lacking. We describe a case of placenta increta during the second trimester with retained products of conception and its consequences followed by effective management with methotrexate.

    Digital Twin Technology in Internet of Things (IOT)

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    Developments in virtual technology and data acquisition technology put way to digital twin (DT) technology. Digital twin is a virtual entity that is linked to a real-world entity. Both the link and the virtual representation can be realized in several different ways. Digital Technology plays a very much key role in different areas like in production management, manufacturing, health care, smart cities and so on. Mainly Digital Twin Technology is developed to improve manufacturing processes. With the development of new-generation information and digitalization technologies, more data can be collected, and it is time to find a way for the deep application of all these data. As a result, the concept of digital twin has aroused much concern and is developing rapidly. Digital twins facilitate to monitor, understand, and optimize the functions of all physical entities and for humans and also provide continuous feedback to improve quality of life and well-being.  Digital Twin is best described as the effortless integration of data between a physical and virtual machine in either direction. This paper provides an overview of the Digital Twin technology used in different work spaces and also how it will be effective in the Internet of Things network

    Effectiveness of clinical pathway for patients undergoing micro lumbar discectomy upon the knowledge and practice of nurses and patientsā€™ outcome

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    A Quasi Experimental Study to Assess the Effectiveness of Clinical Pathway for Patients Undergoing Micro Lumbar Discectomy upon the Knowledge and Practice of Nurses and Patientsā€™ Outcome at Apollo Speciality Hospital, Chennai The Objectives of the Study were, 1. To assess the pre and post test level of knowledge and practice of nurses regarding clinical pathway for patients undergoing micro lumbar discectomy. 2. To assess the patientsā€™ outcome in control and experimental group of patients undergoing micro lumbar discectomy. 3. To evaluate the effectiveness of clinical pathway by comparing the pre and post test level of knowledge and practice of nurses regarding clinical pathway for patients undergoing micro lumbar discectomy. 4. To compare the patientsā€™ outcome in control and experimental group of patients undergoing micro lumbar discectomy. 5. To compare the level of patient satisfaction on nursing care in control and experimental group of patients undergoing micro lumbar discectomy. 6. To determine the association between selected demographic variables of nurses and their pre and post test level of knowledge regarding clinical pathway for patients undergoing micro lumbar discectomy. 7. To determine the association between selected demographic variables of control and experimental group of patients undergoing micro lumbar discectomy and their outcome. iv 8. To determine the association between selected clinical variables of control and experimental group of patients undergoing micro lumbar discectomy and their outcome. The Major Findings of the Study: Majority of the nurses were in the age group of 21-25 years (83.3%), females (86.6%), having less than 5 years of experience (83.3%), qualified with B.Sc Nursing (83.3%), were working as staff nurses (76.7%) and not attended in service education on clinical pathway (60%). Most of the patients in the control and experimental group were males (53.3%, 60%), married (66.6%, 56.6%), graduates (76.6%, 73.3%), non vegetarian (73.3%, 80%), employed (70%, 86.6%), moderate workers (50%,60%), indoor place of work (70%, 66.6%),with monthly income of more than 15000 (90%,86.6%)& resided in urban area (60%, 60%) and a significant percentage of the population were in the age group of above 50 years (33.3%, 36.6%) and had acquired health information regarding micro lumbar discectomy from health workers (40%, 30%) respectively. Most of the patients in the control and experimental group were weighing more than 70 kgs (53.3%, 63.3%), had co morbid illness (63.3%, 63.3%), treated for co morbid illness (63.3%, 63.3%), with history of trauma (80%, 63.3%), no family history of spinal stenosis (87%, 70%), with history of surgery (70%,50%), with less than 1year duration of diagnosis (70%, 83.3%), all experienced back pain (100%, 100%), treated with oral analgesics (60%, 46.6%) and not followed regular exercise pattern (66.6%, 53.3%) respectively. Majority of the nurses had inadequate knowledge (83.3%) in pre test, whereas in post test majority of the nurses had adequate knowledge (76.6%) regarding clinical pathway for micro lumbar discectomy. Majority of the nurses had partially compliant scores on day 1 (83.3%) and significant of them had non compliant scores on day 2, 3 and 4 (26.7%, 26.7%, and 26.7%) respectively for control group of micro lumbar discectomy patients and after administration of clinical pathway nurses were able to provide 100% compliant care.Majority of the patients in the control group had moderately positive outcome (86.6%) and in experimental group majority of the patients had positive outcome (90%). In the control group majority of the patients were satisfied (86.6%) and in experimental group majority of the patients were highly satisfied (90%) on nursing care provided. The knowledge of nurses in post test (M= 16.97, SD=1.64) was high in comparison with the pre test (M= 8.8, SD=1.85). The difference was found statistically significant at p<0.001 level of confidence. The mean practice scores for nurses in experimental group of patients were high in comparison with the control group of patients. The difference was found to be statistically significant at p<0.001 level of confidence. The level of satisfaction on nursing care in experimental group of patients (M=34.7, SD=2.7) was high in comparison with the level of satisfaction in control group of patients (M= 24.6, SD=3.52). The difference was found statistically significant at p<0.001 level of confidence. The patientsā€™ outcome in experimental group (M=20.5, SD=1.46) were high in comparison with the patientsā€™ outcome in control group (M=15.7, SD=2.16). The difference was found statistically significant at p<0.001 level of confidence. There was no significant association between the selected demographic variables namely age, total years of experience, designation, working area, professional qualification and place of study and pre and post test level knowledge of nurses. There was a significant association between nature of work and the patient outcome whereas there was no significant association between the other demographic variables such as age, sex, marital status, educational qualification, dietary intake, occupational status, place of work, income, residential area and patient outcome in control and experimental group of patients. There was no significant association between the clinical variables such as weight, presence of co morbid illness, treatment of co morbid illness, history of trauma, spinal stenosis & surgeries, diagnosis of spinal stenosis, experience of back pain, exercise pattern and the outcome in control and experimental group of patients. There was no significant association between the demographic variables such as age, sex, marital status, educational qualification, dietary intake, occupational status, place of work, nature of work, income, residential area and satisfaction of nursing care in control and experimental group of patients


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    In the modern era, the consciousness about the cancer disease got enhanced and the research in the treatment of this major disease reached amilestone by spreading its influence into the terrain of the natural herbal plant kingdom to serve the humanity at a great level as 80% of the presentpopulation depends principally on tribe and herbal medicine. In chosen 9 plants of anticancer and biochemical activity such as vinblastine, vincristine,and forskoline, the artemisia connection with this, many modern drugs derive from a natural plant product which acts as chemical stimulators.Minerals and biochemical contents are determined in various traditional plants. Among those traditional plants, we have, Centella asiatica, Euclea,Euphorbia, Foeniculum vulgare, Tulbaghia violacea, from 7 different plant families in our study.Keywords: Anticancer, Antibacterial, Traditional plants, Antitoxicity, Plant extract


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    Objective: The current study focuses on optimization and ecologically innocuous green synthesis of silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) using tribal plant Caralluma umbellata and to study its potential as an antibacterial and antifungal agent. Methods: The synthesis of AgNPs were confirmed by the colour change of the stem extract from yellow to dark brown and by UV-Visible spectroscopy. The optimum conditions for synthesis of AgNPs were analysed using Response surface methodology (RSM) based Box-Behnken design (BBD) using Design Expert software (7.0.0 trial version). The AgNPs synthesized were characterized by Scanning electron microscope (SEM), Energy dispersive X-ray (EDX), Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) and X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis. Further, antibacterial and antifungal activity were performed using well diffusion method for both plant extract and AgNPs. Results: The UV-Visible spectrum of AgNPs revealed characteristic peak at 425.5 nm. The crystalline nature of synthesized AgNPs was confirmed by XRD with average size 26 nm. SEM confirms the spherical shape of AgNPs and by EDX the presence of elemental silver was observed. The ability of the plant to produce both reducing and capping agents were confirmed by FTIR. The optimum conditions for synthesis of AgNPs were found to be 0.55 mmol AgNO3 concentration, 45 ƂĀ°C temperature and 24h reaction time. Both plant sample and synthesized AgNPs exhibited good antimicrobial activity where AgNPs showed superior efficacy as an antimicrobial agent over the other. Conclusion: From the results obtained, it can be deduced that both C. umbellata stem extract and synthesized AgNPs can act as potent antimicrobial agent. But the synthesized AgNPs is more potent against bacteria and fungus

    Content-Split Block Search Algorithm Based High Efficiency Video Coding

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    690-693In this paper, the video streaming generation in H.265 using novel technique based on content split block (CSB) search algorithm is presented. The proposed algorithm exploits the Inter and Intra prediction through motion estimation and compensation (IPME) encoded to use four different QPs: 22, 27, 32, and 37, during the redundancy analysis in order to improve the quality of video frame encoded. The proposed algorithm exhibits the useful property of block structure based on content-tree representation for each and every frame to IPME coded without affecting either the bit rate of video stream and perceptual quality of the video frame. The proposed Search algorithm improves the visual quality of coded video frame and reduces the blocking artefacts of video frame passed through multi-stages of H.265
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