1,820 research outputs found

    Los cuerpos de las mujeres y la cultura machista frente a la violación en Brasil : un atentado a los derechos humanos

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    Con el paso del tiempo, el cuerpo de la mujer fue siendo encarcelado y sometido a relaciones de poder patriarcales, naturalizándose situaciones de la violencia contra las mujeres. En este contexto, el Instituto de Investigación Económica Aplicada (IPEA), bajo la Presidencia de la República de Brasil, llevó a cabo una encuesta sobre la Tolerancia Social a la Violencia contra la Mujer, donde se entrevistó a 3.810 personas. En esta encuesta, se comprobó claramente que la sociedad brasileña mantiene un patrón significativo aún muy patriarcal y machista, constatándose la idea de culpar a las mujeres por la violación sufrida, debido a su comportamiento social inapropiado. Por lo tanto, este estudio pretende reflejar cómo se produce la construcción cultural de la identidad de las mujeres, analizando el sentido, el lugar del cuerpo de las mujeres ante la violencia sufrida. Para ello, se evidencia las relaciones de género fueron afirmándose a lo largo de la historia, configurándose como construcciones culturales explícitas; en particular, en especial en los cuerpos que fueron siendo modelados por las relaciones patriarcales. Las condiciones identitarias de las mujeres han sido naturalizadas a través de las funciones biológicas de sus cuerpos y de patrones patriarcales, justificándolo desde diversas formas de opresión y violencia subjetiva y objetiva contra las mujeres, lo que es violación de los derechos humanos de la mismas.Over the times, woman‟s body was imprisoned and submitted to relations of patriarchal power, making to seem natural violence situations against women. In this context, the Institute of Applied Economical Research, linked to the Brazilian Republic Presidency, made a research about Social Tolerance to Violence against Women, where 3.810 people were interviewed. In this research it was clearly found that Brazilian society preserves a male and patriarchal pattern, still very significant, and we can verify the idea of blaming women for rapes, due to their inappropriate social behavior. This way, the current paper aims at reflecting on how the cultural formation of women‟s identities occurs, analyzing the sense and the place of women‟s bodies before the violence suffered. So, it‟s perceptible that gender relations were rooting along history, configuring themselves as cultural framings expressed, specially in the bodies outlined by patriarchal relations. The identity conditions of women have been made natural through biological functions of their bodies and of patriarchal patterns, justifying, for that, several forms of subjective and objective oppression and violence against women, what has outraged their human rights

    Genotypic and survival characteristics of Escherichia coli phylogroup B2 from water

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    Water is the most essential substance for life on earth. Hence, strict drinking water guidelines are framed to ensure the safety of drinking water supplies. For over a century, Escherichia coli has been used as the primary indicator of recent faecal contamination in water. E. coli is used as a faecal indicator bacteria (FIB) due to its high prevalence in the gut and faeces of humans, its ease of detection, and the assumption that E. coli cells quickly die once they leave the host. Recent population genetic studies are challenging these assumptions and suggest that E. coli is a versatile species and that some strains have adapted to the external environment or may even have become free-living without any association with the human host. As such, E. coli as FIB is increasingly questioned. Additionally, water industry has been trying to find methods to identify the source of faecal inputs to waterways, including typing of E. coli that have been isolated from the water. For this purpose, first, the prevalence of human associated E. coli strains in water samples from various catchments across Sydney and southeast Queensland regions was investigated. Genotypic characterisation of this study revealed that the four predominantly human associated Sequence Types (ST)s (73, 95, 131, and ST69) represent less than 1% of the total E. coli isolates evaluated. This indicates that the E. coli in these drinking water sources are either non-human in origin or not recently contaminated with human activities. Second, a comparative genomics approach was used to contrast host and environmental isolates of E. coli to determine the extent to which the variable gene content of isolates from these two environments differed. This study showed two distinct clusters, one predominantly human associated and another native vertebrate animal associated. The environmental water isolates were equally distributed between the two clusters. The results hence suggest that not all E. coli from environment are human associated but may originate from animals as well. Third, an experiment was conducted to compare the survival pattern of both host and environmental isolates of E. coli in different water treatment types such as heat sterilisation and filter sterilisation and investigated on the variable gene content of these isolates to better understand the variation in survival with respect to each treatment. This study results suggested that contrary to the expectations that E. coli has poor survival in water, some went dormant achieving viable but non-culturable state (VBNC), exclusively in heat sterilised water, and some E. coli strains survived for extended periods in both water treatments. Further evaluation showed that the among strain variation observed has an underlying genetic component. Hence, to best consider E. coli as a FIB, all the investigations indicate that the difference within E. coli need to be considered and further characterised to differentiate true human E. coli and E. coli from other non-human sources. Overall, the results of these studies contribute towards understanding the limitations of using E. coli as an indicator of recent faecal pollution in water

    One in a Hundred – the third year of the development guarantee

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    Summary of report No 23. The Development Guarantee was introduced in Sweden January 1, 1998. It gives municipalities the opportunity to assume responsibility for young people between the ages of 20 to 24 for which the employment office cannot find employment within 90 days. 2000


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    The article focuses on the problems of information security in the clouds from the point of view of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and the limitations imposed on them with regard to information technologies. The article discusses organizational and technical protection measures that are relatively easy and cheap enough to be applied by SMEs in relation to cloud security threats

    Definition of terms and presentation of processes regarding the collection, recycling and capitalization of waste packaging from agricultural activities

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    Packaging, packaging waste and agriculture are separate, distinct concepts for Romania in 2015; they seem to have nothing in common. By bringing these words together and thoroughly studying the areas which they represent, we noticed that they are the starting point in defining a new concept: "Agriculture Waste Packaging". This concept is in fact a new issue which Romania will have to face and can bring great harm to the country's natural heritage no later than in 2020


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    Tujuan dilakukannya penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana prinsip-prinsip perlindungan anak menurut peraturan perundang-undangan di Indonesia dan bagaimana perlindungan yang dapat diberikan oleh hukum pidana Indonesia terhadap anak yang menjadi korban kejahatan seksual. Dengan menggunakan metode penelitian yuridis normatif, maka dapat disimpulkan: 1. Prinsip-prinsip perlindungan anak diterapkan karena anak tidak dapat berjuang sendiri, anak tidak dapat melindungi sendiri hak-haknya karena banyak pihak yang mempengaruhi kehidupannya, oleh karenanya negara dan masyarakat berkepentingan untuk mengusahakan perlindungan terhadap anak dengan hak-haknya. Kepentingan terbaik anak harus diprioritaskan, ini disebabkan banyak hal yang tidak atau belum diketahui oleh anak karena usianya. 2. Perlindungan hukum yang dapat diberikan terhadap anak yang menjadi korban tindak pidana atau kejahatan seksual diberikan melalui Undang-undang No. 23 Tahun 2004 tentang PKDRT, KUHP yang menyangkut ’perkosaan’ dalam Pasal 285 KUHP yang merupakan tindak kekerasan seksual, UU No. 31 Tahun 2014 yang mengubah UU No. 13 Tahun 2006 tentang Perlindungan Saksi dan Korban khususnya dalam Pasal 5, Pasal 8, dan Pasal 9 dan terlebih khusus oleh UU No. 35 Tahun 2014 tentang Perubahan Atas UU No. 23 Tahun 2002 tentang Perlindungan Anak dalam Pasal 9, Pasal 15, Pasal 59 ayat (2) huruf J dan Pasal 76D, dan yang melakukan tindak pidana pelecehan seksual terhadap anak mendapatkan sanksi sebagaimana diatur dalam Pasal 81. Kata kunci: Anak, korban kejahatan, seksual


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    Self-injury is an attempt or an act of hurting oneself. When one’s emotional stability is low, they tend to hurt themselves intentionally, for example by cutting their wrist. Self–injury individual enjoy the action and use it as a medium for emotional release. Emotion regulation is the ability to manage emotions that can be performed by anyone so that they can understand problems correctly and can be calm and think clearly. This study used a qualitative approach, in particular phenomenological method through semi-structured interview to individuals with self-injury behaviorwith the age range of 18-40 years and hadbeen involved in self-injury behavior at least 5 times in the last 12 months without any intention to commit suicide.Data analysis used is inductive analysis. Results showed that individuals who committed self-injury had a desire to release their negative emotions and negative feelings such as anger by seeing their own wound. Both informants received less attention from their parents and showed a lack of communication with their family, thus making both informants unable to express their feelings to others since they were childhood. This made the two informants looked for another way to transfer their negative emotions; that is, by repeating the self injury because they were relieved