48 research outputs found


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    Penelitian yang dilakukan bertujuan untuk menghasilkan LKS Collaborative Learning pada materi ekologi kelas X SMA yang layak secara teoritis berdasarkan hasil validasi para ahli. Penelitian ini menggunakan model penelitian 3D yang meliputi design, define, dan develop. Perangkat yang dikembangkan divalidasi oleh dua ahli biologi dalam bidang pendidikan dan non pendidikan, serta seorang guru biologi. LKS Collaborative Learning diharapkan dapat melatihkan keterampilan literasi sains siswa. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa LKS Collaborative Learning layak secara teoretis mencapai 96,03% dengan kategori sangat valid.   Kata kunci: Kelayakan teoritis, LKS, collaborative-learning, ekolog

    Pembiayaan Musyarakah untuk Usaha Mikro Kecil Menengah Ditinjau dari Fatwa DSN No.08/DSN-MUI/IV/2020 (Studi Kasus BMT Al Hikmah SEMESTA Cabang Ngabul)

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    This study aims to analyze (1) Musyarakah financing applied at BMT Al Hikmah Semesta, Ngabul Jepara Branch to MSMEs; (2) the conformity of the Musyarakah financing contract at BMT Al Hikmah Semesta, Ngabul Jepara Branch with the DSN fatwa no. 08/DSN-MUI/IV/2000. This study uses a qualitative approach with field research (field research). Based on the data, it can be concluded that the realization of musharaka financing based on sharia principles has several things that are not following the DSN-MUI Fatwa No. 08/DSN-MUI/IV/2000 concerning Musyarakah financing, one of which concerns the profit sharing (profit) which is determined at the beginning of the contract in the form of nominal, causing the potential for usury, the loss is borne by one of the member parties which causes the position of the two parties to be unequal. The contract financing Musyarakah is still not in accordance with the DSN-MUI Fatwa No. 08/DSN-MUI/IV/2000 regarding musyarakah financing. The institution in this case, has not fully implemented sharia principles properly and correctly

    Students’ Perception of the Implementation Picture Series in Writing Classroom

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    Most of the students have difficulties in writing. They had poor ability to arrange sentences in correct logical order and good paragraph structure. However, the previous studies showed that the problems of writing are not only based on the inability of the students to write, but also by the inappropriate method used by the teacher in the learning process. Most teachers do not know about what kind of best visual aid that can be applied to develop the learners’ ability in writing class. This research is looking at teacher’s and students’ perceptions of the implementation picture series in the writing classroom. For collecting the data, the researcher used questionnaires and interviews. All of the participants were third-grade students in SMP Negeri 1 Sumberlawang, in the Academic year 2019/2020. The researcher involved 16 students at eleventh-grade junior high school. This study is expected that the implementation of using picture series as a media in the learning process can be beneficial for teachers and students, such as improving the learners’ writing ability, improving students’ participation in the learning process, fun learning environment, and improving students’ writing interest

    Students’ Perception of the Implementation Picture Series in Writing Classroom

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    Most of the students have difficulties in writing. They had poor ability to arrange sentences in correct logical order and good paragraph structure. However, the previous studies showed that the problems of writing are not only based on the inability of the students to write, but also by the inappropriate method used by the teacher in the learning process. Most teachers do not know about what kind of best visual aid that can be applied to develop the learners’ ability in writing class. This research is looking at teacher’s and students’ perceptions of the implementation picture series in the writing classroom. For collecting the data, the researcher used questionnaires and interviews. All of the participants were third-grade students in SMP Negeri 1 Sumberlawang, in the Academic year 2019/2020. The researcher involved 16 students at eleventh-grade junior high school. This study is expected that the implementation of using picture series as a media in the learning process can be beneficial for teachers and students, such as improving the learners’ writing ability, improving students’ participation in the learning process, fun learning environment, and improving students’ writing interest

    Maaf, Terima Kasih, Tolong Dan Permisi: Empat Kata Ajaib Dalam Pembentukan Karakter Sosial Anak

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    In an effort to form a quality generation, character education must be carried out from an early age. This article will describe the four magic words in the formation of children’s character in social life. This article was created to be a guide in everyday life and educated children to behave in social life in accordance with the values of correct behavior. This article uses research methods based on library research. Data collection techniques carried out ini research 1) reading, 2) taking notes, 3) processing research materials in achieving relevant results. Collection of primary data in this study from 17 articles and 1 book. The results of this study: First, the habit of using the word ”Sorry” is done through the guidance of parents or eduators. Second, the habit of saying the word ”thank you” is done by giving examples of activities for children to always say the word thank you. Third, the habituation of using the word ”please” is carried out through batuation activities by giving examples to children. Fourth, the habit of saying the word ”Excuse me” is done by giving understanding to children

    Aktivitas program bimbingan dan konseling di MA Imam Syafi’i Pakal Surabaya

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    Masalah yang diteliti dalam skripsi ini adalah mengenai aktivitas dan faktor-faktor penyusunan program bimbingan dan konseling di MA Imam Syafi’i Pakal Surabaya. Berkenaan dengan itu, dalam penelitian ini digunakan metode interview, Observasi dan dokumentasi untuk memperoleh data tentang Aktivitas program bimbingan dan konseling di MA Imam Syafi’i Pakal Surabaya. MA Imam Syafi’i merupakan sebuah lembaga pendidikan yang sistem organisasi layanan bimbingan dan konseling cukup efektif, karena di dukung oleh guru. guru bimbingan konseling yang memiliki kompetensi khusus dalam bidang dan konseling serta di tunjang oleh fasilitas sekolah yang cukup. dalam penelitian ini di simpulkan bahwa aktivitas program dan bimbingan konseling sudah berjalan efektif. dalam melakukan tugas bimbingan, guru pembimbing selalu merujuk pada fungsi bimbingan yang berfungsi pemahaman, pencegahan, penyembuhan (perbaikan) dan fungsi perkembangan. sedangkan untuk actor penyusunan program bimbingan dan konseling antara lain faktor kurikulum, faktor minat dan motif (dorongan), faktor peralatan, faktor personal, faktor evaluasi dan faktor masyarakat khususnya orang tua murid