135 research outputs found


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    Assuring the health of the general public is a major objective of each country’s public health system. To insure this goal the public health system needs to offer good quality and prompt services according to the population’s needs The paper presents the main results of a two step sampling procedure applied within the medical institutions from Bucharest in July 2007. Using a representative sample of 407 persons the paper presents the main descriptive statistics calculated on the most important variables that were taken into account in order to quantify the impact of the reform measures applied in the public health care system on the quality of the medical services provided to the general public.Statistical sampling, Descriptive Statistics, Public Health Care System, Reform

    Euclidean metrics for motion generation on \u3cem\u3eSE(3)\u3c/em\u3e

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    Previous approaches to trajectory generation for rigid bodies have been either based on the so-called invariant screw motions or on ad hoc decompositions into rotations and translations. This paper formulates the trajectory generation problem in the framework of Lie groups and Riemannian geometry. The goal is to determine optimal curves joining given points with appropriate boundary conditions on the Euclidean group. Since this results in a two-point boundary value problem that has to be solved iteratively, a computationally efficient, analytical method that generates near-optimal trajectories is derived. The method consists of two steps. The first step involves generating the optimal trajectory in an ambient space, while the second step is used to project this trajectory onto the Euclidean group. The paper describes the method, its applications and its performance in terms of optimality and efficiency

    Reportaje audiovisual. Mobbing inmobiliario en el alquiler a jóvenes

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    En la actualidad, las relaciones entre propietarios e inquilinos se han transformado y han generado conflictos entre ambas partes cuando se celebra un contrato de alquiler. La juventud es una parte de la sociedad que tiene cada vez más problemas con los propietarios que les arriendan una vivienda o una habitación compartida y que se traducen en situaciones de acoso. El mobbing inmobiliario es un fenómeno cada vez más conocido entre los jóvenes y prácticamente invisibilizado por los medios de comunicación. A través de este reportaje audiovisual se pretende conocer en qué consisten las prácticas del mobbing inmobiliario y denunciar la situación de indefensión y vulnerabilidad a la que se ven sometidos muchos jóvenes a la hora de alquilar. Para ello se ha realizado una revisión bibliográfica sistemática de carácter académico y jurídico, así como de la legislación vigente relacionada con el tema planteado, y se ha reflejado las experiencias que han tenido algunas jóvenes al respecto. Los resultados que se han obtenido a partir de una encuesta muestran un porcentaje considerable de personas que han vivido situaciones de conflicto con los arrendadores. El estudio sobre el tema que se plantea no ha permitido determinar mediante voces autorizadas que el derecho vigente no resuelve este tipo de problema, pero algunos juristas de los artículos analizados sí adoptan esta postura.At present, relations between landlords and tenants have been transformed and conflicts have arisen between the parties when a rental agreement is entered into. Youth is a part of society that has more and more problems with homeowners who give a house or a shared room and which results in situations of harassment. Mobbing is a phenomenon increasingly known among young people and practically invisible by the media. Through this audiovisual report we seek to know what the real estate mobilization practices consist of and to denounce the situation of helplessness and vulnerability when renting. To this end, a systematic bibliographical review of an academic and juridical nature has been carried out, as well as the subject matter has been updated, and the experiences that some young people have had in relation to this respect have been reflected. The results that have been obtained from a survey show a considerable percentage of people who have lived in situations of conflict with the landlords. The study on the subject that is seen has not been allowed through the authorizations that the current law does not solve this type of problem, but some jurists of the articles analyzed do adopt this position.Grado en Periodism

    Étude des récepteurs des kinines dans les complications diabétiques chez le rat

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    Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal

    A rare complication in a Covid-19 positive patient with sigmoid colon cancer-hemoperitoneum due to gallbladder necrosis following micro-thrombosis

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    Covid-19, also known as acute respiratory syndrome 2019-nCoV, severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) 2, and Wuhan pneumonia, is a viral respiratory disease caused by a SARS-associated coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2). The most serious complications of Covid-19 are due to the development of micro-thrombosis in various organs and systems as a result of the high levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines (tumor necrosis factor alpha, interleukin 1 and 6) which initiate the activation of coagulation and the generation of thrombin. Several studies demonstrated the poor outcome of Covid-19-infected patients who underwent surgery, suggesting that surgery may accelerate and exacerbate Covid-19 progression. We report the case of an 81-year-old patient admitted as an emergency with Covid-19 pneumonia, hemoperitoneum, ischemic acute cholecystitis and obstructive sigmoid cancer. Cholecystectomy, pneumoperitoneal lavage, and Hartmann operation were performed under combined epidural-spinal anesthesia. This technique has some advantages compared to spinal and epidural techniques, such as: rapid onset of analgesia and the possibility of obtaining the desired sensory level, control of the anesthetic block, and ensuring postoperative analgesia. The unfavorable outcome of this case is due to the occurrence of the cytokine storm and coagulation disorders, with the change in the related biological constants, both from a biochemical and systemic point of view

    Colorectal cancer: an update upon the diagnostic and therapeutic transdiciplinary approach

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    Scop: Prezentarea unor date actualizate referitoare la rolul ONCOTEAM în diagnosticul și terapia pacientului cu cancerului colorectal (CRC). Material și metode: În perioada 2018-2023, 147 de pacienți cu CRC au beneficiat de un abord individualizat. Evaluarea imagistică preoperatorie cu CT-scan/MRI cu difuzie a fost urmată de o descriere de tip ”hartă” a informațiilor pe baza cărora s-a efectuat intervenția chirurgicală și procesarea histopatologică conform metodologiei descrise anterior de echipa noastră în jurnalelel Diagnostics (DOI: 10.3390/diagnostics11020314) și Journal of the Belgian Society of Radiology (DOI: 10.5334/jbsr.3186). Examinările genetice au fost efectuate la indicațiile oncologului iar terapia post-operatorie a luat în considerare profilul molecular al celulelor tumorale. Rezultate: Utilizând acest protocol adaptat, am obținut un număr mediu de 15±2.23 limfonoduli prelevați per caz. Numărul depozitelor tumorale a fost, de asemenea, crescut și a dus la o supra-stadializare a 15% din cazuri. Utilizând o valoare a ”lymph node ratio” de 0.15, am obținut valori superioare celor obținute la abordarea clasică a 120 cazuri examinate anterior (p=0.002). Determinările genetice efectuate în timp au dus la o începere rapidă a terapiei oncologice individualizate și, deși profilul genei BRAF V600E este dificil a fi evaluat în țesuturi incluse în parafină, extracția ADN și determinările PCR au fost adecvate în toate cazurile examinate. Concluzii: Abordarea transdiciplinară a CRC poate fi efectuată doar dacă fiecare membru al echipei este implicat conștiincios în fiecare pas al diagnosticului sau terapiei. Costurile determinărilor au fost parțial acoperite în cadrul proiectelor PCCF 20/2018 și 10127/13/2021.Aim: To present an update regarding the role of the ONCOTEAM in the diagnosis and therapy of colorectal cancer (CRC). Materials and methods: During 2018-2023, 147 patients with CRC have benefited by an individualized approach. Preoperatively evaluation was done with CT-scan/diffusion-weighted MRI and a lymph node station map was typed. The next step consisted on surgical removal, based on the indications included in the map. Histopathological examination was based on the methods described by our team previously (DOI: 10.3390/diagnostics11020314; DOI: 10.5334/jbsr.3186). Genetic examinations were done based on the indications of the oncologist and the post-operative therapy was performed according to the molecular profile. Results: Based on the in-house adapted protocol, the median number of harvested lymph nodes per case was 15±2.23. The number of identified deposits was also significant and up-staged the tumors in 15% of the cases. The lymph node ratio value, using a cut-off of 0.15, was also superior to the classic approach of other 120 cases (p=0.002). The genetic examinations proved to be useful for an earlier start of post-operative therapy, without any cost for the patients. As regarding pre-analytical factors, although BRAF V600E gene profile is hard to be detected from paraffin-embedded tissues, the DNA extraction and PCR examinations were succesful in all of the cases. Conclusions: A proper transdiciplinary approach can be done only if any member of the team is attentively involved in each step of the diagnosis and therapy. The costs were partially supported by the projects PCCF 20/2018, and 10127/13/2021

    Laparoscopic versus open surgical treatment of umbilical hernia

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    Umbilical hernia is one of the types of ventral hernias of the abdominal wall and it represents the externalization of a part of the abdominal contents through a defect of the anterior abdominal wall located in the umbilical region. It is estimated that more than 20 million abdominal wall hernia surgeries are performed worldwide each year. The paper presents a retrospective study on the patients diagnosed with umbilical hernia and admitted to the First and Second Surgery Departments of the Sibiu County Emergency Clinical Hospital. The study includes 82 cases diagnosed with umbilical hernias over a period of 4 years, between 01.01.2017 and 31.12.2020. Open and laparoscopic surgical techniques are compared in terms of outcomes and postoperative complications. Most cases of umbilical hernia were within the age group 51-70 years, with a slightly higher incidence in males. Arterial hypertension and obesity were the most frequent comorbidities. The alloplastic, classic or laparoscopic procedure became the most widely used due to benefits such as: rapid socio-professional reintegration, short-term hospitalization and low incidence of relapses and postoperative complications. The current trend is for the IPOM laparoscopic procedure to become the gold standard in the treatment of umbilical hernias

    Diversity of Crenosoma species in mustelids with the first molecular characterization of C. melesi and C. petrowi

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    Species of genus Crenosoma have a wide distribution and are reported in Europe, the Americas, and Asia. Currently, the genus includes 14 nominal species, out of which 9 are parasitic in mustelids. Two species are mostly reported in mustelids from Europe, namely C. melesi and C. petrowi. Up to now, no genetic sequences are deposited in GenBank for any of the two. The aims of this study were to investigate the distribution, prevalence, and diversity of Crenosoma spp. infecting mustelids in Romania and to genetically characterize the species. Mustelids (n = 247) were collected over a period of 7 years from different locations in Romania and the respiratory tract was removed and examined for nematodes. Detected nematodes were morphologically identified and fragments of two genes were sequenced. Sampled mustelids included Eurasian badger, Meles meles (n = 102), Eurasian otter, Lutra lutra (n = 20), beech marten, Martes foina (n = 36), European pine marten, Martes martes (n = 5), steppe polecat, Mustela eversmanii (n = 1), European mink, Mustela lutreola (n = 1), least weasel, Mustela nivalis (n = 2), European polecat, Mustela putorius (n = 78), and marbled polecat, Vormela peregusna (n = 1). Nematodes from Eurasian badgers were morphologically identified as C. melesi (n = 13, 12.74%) and C. petrowi (n = 3, 2.94%). Nematodes from the beech martens were identified as C. petrowi (n = 6, 16.66%), C. vulpis (n = 1, 2.78%) and Crenosoma spp. (n = 3, 8.33%). Co-infections with two Crenosoma species were detected in one beech marten (C. petrowi + C. vulpis, n = 1, 2.77%) and in one European pine marten [C. petrowi + C. vulpis (n = 1, 20%)]. Two genes of Crenosoma melesi and C. petrowi were partly sequenced for the first time. We report new host-parasite associations for M. martes and C. vulpis. However, further studies are needed in order to determine the host-parasite associations and to improve the understanding of the epidemiology of Crenosoma nematodes

    Corelaţia unor marcheri polimorfi ai genelor enzimei de conversie a angiotensinei 1 şi a receptorilor tip 1 ai angiotensinei 2 cu extinderea procesului aterosclerotic în arterele coronariene

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    Studiul a avut ca scop cercetarea incidenţei variantelor alelice ale genei AT1R (mutaţia nosens A1166C) şi genei ACE (polimorfismul I/D) la pacienţii cu cardiopatie ischemică (CPI) şi aprecierea corelaţiei lor cu gradul de extindere a procesului aterosclerotic în arterele coronare. Au fost examinaţi 90 de pacienţi cu CPI; lotul martor l-au format 77 de persoane fără maladii cardiovasculare. Incidenţa genotipurilor CC al genei AT1R şi DD al genei ACE s-a determinat semnificativ mai înaltă în mediul pacienţilor cu CPI, dar ele nu au manifestat un efect sinergic. Genotipul DD al genei ACE a demonstrat o corelaţie cu un risc mai înalt al CPI chiar şi la „persoanele cu risc redus”