46 research outputs found

    A Local Decision Algorithm for Maximum Lifetime in Ad Hoc Networks

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    Mobile hosts of ad-hoc networks operate on battery, hence optimization of system lifetime, intended as maximization of the time until the first host drains-out its battery, is an important issue. Some routing algorithms have already been proposed, that require the knowledge of the future behavior of the system, and/or complex routing information. We propose a novel routing algorithm that allows each host to locally select the next routing hop, having only immediate neighbor information, to optimize the system lifetime. Simulation results of runs performed in different scenarios are finally shown

    DRIHM - An Infrastructure To Advance Hydro-Meteorological Research

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    One of the main challenges in hydro-meteorological research (HMR) is predicting the impact of weather and climate changes on the environment, society and economy, including local severe hazards such as floods and landslides. At the heart of this challenge lies the ability to have easy access to hydro-meteorological data and models, and facilitate the collaboration across discipline boundaries. Within the DRIHM project (Distributed Research Infrastructure for Hydro-Meteorology, www.drihm.eu, EC funded FP7 project 2011-2015) we develop a prototype e-Science environment to facilitate this collaboration and provide end-to-end HMR services (models, datasets, and post-processing tools) at the European level, with the ability to expand to global scale. The objectives of DRIHM are to lead the definition of a common long-term strategy, to foster the development of new HMR models, workflows and observational archives for the study of severe hydro-meteorological events, to promote the execution and analysis of high-end simulations, and to support the dissemination of predictive models as decision analysis tools. For this we implement a service portal to construct heterogeneous simulation workflows that can include deterministic and ensemble runs on a heterogeneous infrastructure consisting of HPC, grid and Windows cloud resources. Via another FP7 project called DRIHM2US (www.drihm2us.eu) we collaborate with the NSF funded SCIHM project (www.scihm.org) to build a wider international collaborative network. This contribution will provide a sketch of the DRIHM architecture and show some use cases such as the November 2011 Genoa flooding

    Towards A Grid Infrastructure For Hydro-Meteorological Research

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    The Distributed Research Infrastructure for Hydro-Meteorological Study (DRIHMS) is a coordinatedaction co-funded by the European Commission. DRIHMS analyzes the main issuesthat arise when designing and setting up a pan-European Grid-based e-Infrastructure for researchactivities in the hydrologic and meteorological fields. The main outcome of the projectis represented first by a set of Grid usage patterns to support innovative hydro-meteorologicalresearch activities, and second by the implications that such patterns define for a dedicatedGrid infrastructure and the respective Grid architecture

    Parallel I/O Aspects in PIMA(GE)2 Lib

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    Manuale d'uso per lo scambio di messaggi ebXML tra Oracle B2B e Hermes 2.0

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    Il presente manuale ha lo scopo di fornire una guida semplice e rapida per l’utilizzo dell’ambiente interoperabile Oracle B2B - Hermes 2.0 basato su protocollo ebMS 2.0. Il manuale poggia sul prerequisito che nel proprio sistema sia già stata installata con successo la piattaforma di gestione della transazione e che siano già state configurate le partnership necessarie allo scambio sia in invio che in ricezione. I link, gli username e le password utilizzate nel presente manuale fanno riferimento a due macchine virtuali i mplementate ad hoc per la realizzazione dell’ambiente. 1 Per accedere alla macchina virtuale in cui è installato Oracle B2B: − username: corvus − password:corvus − indirizzo IP della macchina: Per accedere alla macchina virtuale in cui è installato Hermes 2.0: − username: root − password: corvus − indirizzo IP della macchina: Nei prossimi capitoli verranno descritte le procedure necessarie per accedere alle Web Application per l’invio e la ricezione dei messaggi e per il recupero dalle piattaforme di gestione delle informazioni relative allo scambio ed eventuali errori connessi

    Parallel Decimation of 3D Meshes for Efficient Web based Isosurface Extraction

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