8 research outputs found

    Acessibilidade em ambiente universitário: identificação de barreiras arquitetônicas no campus da USP de Bauru Accessibility in the university environment: identification of architectural barriers in the USP campus of Bauru

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    A acessibilidade é um direito do cidadão assegurado por lei para que portadores de deficiência tenham a possibilidade de usufruir de recursos e ações no âmbito social. Barreiras arquitetônicas interferem na vida destes podendo deixá-los a parte da convivência e vida social. Os objetivos deste estudo foram: identificar, descrever e mapear barreiras físicas no Campus da Universidade de São Paulo de Bauru e apresentar as intervenções realizadas, durante o período de outubro de 2001 a dezembro de 2005. O estudo foi descritivo-quantitativo, no qual a coleta de dados centrou-se na análise das condições arquitetônicas das três unidades que compõe este campus, observada as normativas da Associação Brasileira de Normas técnicas e realizada intervenções. Foram identificados: 72 pontos de guias não rebaixadas, 21 pontos de acessos com diferenças de níveis sem rampas; 220m² de escadas/rampas sem corrimãos; 658m² de escadas/rampas com corrimãos em discordância com as normas vigentes; 03 rampas com inclinações superiores às determinadas nas normas técnicas; 10 banheiros parcialmente adaptados para deficientes; 02 vagas de estacionamento parcialmente adaptadas e 02 elevadores existentes. Foram executados, em 19 pontos, rebaixamentos de guias, somando 115 m², com linhas de piso tátil, pintados; 8 rampas; 14 pontos de escadas e rampas externas instaladas com corrimãos e guarda-corpos, 5 vagas exclusivas no estacionamento; instalado 2 centrais de atendimento telefônico para surdo e adquiridas 3 cadeira de rodas. As intervenções realizadas contribuíram para melhorar a acessibilidade de portadores de deficiência no campus favorecendo a utilização dos recursos existentes neste espaço público.<br>All citizens have the right assured by law to accessible to enable people with disabilities to enjoy resources and activities in the social environment. Physical barriers intervene in their life and can exclude them from living with others. This study's aims were to identify, describe and map the physical barriers at the Campus of Bauru of the University of São Paulo and to introduce interventions undertaken from October 2001 to December 2005. This was a quantitative descriptive study, in which data was collected on the architectural conditions analysis of the three units that make up this campus. The norms established by the Associação Brasileira de Normas Técnicas (ABNT) were used as bases for accomplishing the interventions. Results: 72 locations were identified as having curb cut problems, 21 points of access were found to have interruptions and grade changes that required ramps; 220m² of stairs/ramps had no handrails; 658m² of stairs/ramps had handrails that were not in accord with requirements; 3 ramps had inclinations higher than stipulated by requirements of the ABNT; 10 bathrooms were partially adapted for people with disabilities; 2 parking spaces were partially adapted and there were only 2 elevators. Curb cuts were installed at 19 points, adding 115 m² with tactile lines painted on the pavement; 8 ramps were installed; 14 handrails and guardrails were installed along external stairs and ramps, 5 reserved parking places were designated and marked; 2 central phones for deaf people were installed and 3 wheelchairs were acquired. The various interventions contributed to improve accessibility for people with disabilities on campus facilitating the use of existing resources of public space

    Desempenho de forrageiras hibernais sob distintos níveis de luminosidade Performance of hibernal forages under distinct brightness levels

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    Objetivou-se determinar os possíveis efeitos da restrição de luminosidade, obtida com distintas densidades de árvores de Pinnus taeda, sobre a produção e qualidade de: aveia-preta (Avena strigosa Schreb) cv. Comum, aveia-branca (Avena sativa L.) cv. Fapa 2, azevém (Lolium multiflorum L.) cv. Comum, trigo (Triticum aestivum L.) duplo propósito cv. BRS Tarumã e ervilhaca peluda (Vicia villosa L.). Avaliaram-se três níveis de luminosidade: a sol aberto (sem presença de árvores de Pinnus taeda), 30% de restrição de radiação (usando espaçamento entre árvores de 15 × 3 m, com 222 árvores/ha) e 60% de restrição de radiação (usando espaçamento de 9 × 3 m, com 370 árvores/ha). Foram realizadas avaliações da produção de forragem, da composição química e dos componentes estruturais das plantas, do potencial hídrico das plantas, da umidade do solo, das variáveis microclimáticas e da produção de acículas. O delineamento experimental foi de blocos completos ao acaso, em parcelas subdivididas e três repetições. O azevém foi a espécie mais produtiva em todos os níveis de luminosidade, embora a ervilhaca tenha apresentado a menor redução de produção quando sombreada. Houve maior potencial hídrico nas plantas e maior umidade no solo nos ambientes sombreados, mesmo assim, a produção de forragem reduziu significativamente no sombreamento mais intenso (81%). A composição química e os componentes estruturais de todas as forrageiras estudadas também são afetados pelo aumento da restrição luminosa.<br>Possible effects of brightness restriction, obtained by different Pinnus taeda tree densities, on the production and quality of black oat (Avena strigosa Schreb) cv. Common, white oat (Avena sativa L.) cv. FAPA 2, annual ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum L.) cv. Common, hairy vetch (Vicia villosa), wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cv. dual purpose BRS Tarumã were studied. It was evaluated three brightness levels: 1 - full sunlight with no trees; 2 - 30% of radiation restriction, using 15 × 3 m spacing between trees (222 trees/ha), and; 3 - 60% of radiation restriction, using 9 × 3 m between trees (370 trees/ha). It was performed evaluations of forage production, chemical composition and structural component of plants, water potential of the plants, soil moisture, microclimate variables and production of needles. The experimental design was completely randomized blocks, in split-plots and three replicates. Ryegrass was the most productive species at all brightness levels, although hairy vetch showed the lowest reduction on production under shading. There was higher water potential in the plants and higher soil moisture under shading, however, forage production was significantly reduced in the most intense shading (81%). Chemical composition and structural components of all studied forage species are also affected by brightness restriction increase

    Advancing the global public health agenda for NAFLD: a consensus statement

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    Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is a potentially serious liver disease that affects approximately one-quarter of the global adult population, causing a substantial burden of ill health with wide-ranging social and economic implications. It is a multisystem disease and is considered the hepatic component of metabolic syndrome. Unlike other highly prevalent conditions, NAFLD has received little attention from the global public health community. Health system and public health responses to NAFLD have been weak and fragmented, and, despite its pervasiveness, NAFLD is largely unknown outside hepatology and gastroenterology. There is only a nascent global public health movement addressing NAFLD, and the disease is absent from nearly all national and international strategies and policies for non-communicable diseases, including obesity. In this global Delphi study, a multidisciplinary group of experts developed consensus statements and recommendations, which a larger group of collaborators reviewed over three rounds until consensus was achieved. The resulting consensus statements and recommendations address a broad range of topics — from epidemiology, awareness, care and treatment to public health policies and leadership — that have general relevance for policy-makers, health-care practitioners, civil society groups, research institutions and affected populations. These recommendations should provide a strong foundation for a comprehensive public health response to NAFLD. © 2021, Springer Nature Limited

    Potential Antiulcer Agents From Plants: A Comprehensive Review

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