8,534 research outputs found

    Local and global limits on visual processing in schizophrenia.

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    Schizophrenia has been linked to impaired performance on a range of visual processing tasks (e.g. detection of coherent motion and contour detection). It has been proposed that this is due to a general inability to integrate visual information at a global level. To test this theory, we assessed the performance of people with schizophrenia on a battery of tasks designed to probe voluntary averaging in different visual domains. Twenty-three outpatients with schizophrenia (mean age: 40±8 years; 3 female) and 20 age-matched control participants (mean age 39±9 years; 3 female) performed a motion coherence task and three equivalent noise (averaging) tasks, the latter allowing independent quantification of local and global limits on visual processing of motion, orientation and size. All performance measures were indistinguishable between the two groups (ps>0.05, one-way ANCOVAs), with one exception: participants with schizophrenia pooled fewer estimates of local orientation than controls when estimating average orientation (p = 0.01, one-way ANCOVA). These data do not support the notion of a generalised visual integration deficit in schizophrenia. Instead, they suggest that distinct visual dimensions are differentially affected in schizophrenia, with a specific impairment in the integration of visual orientation information

    Transport of dissolved inorganic carbon from a tidal freshwater marsh to the York River estuary

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    The cycling of dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) and the role of tidal marshes in estuarine DIC dynamics were studied in a Virginia tidal freshwater marsh and adjacent estuary. DIC was measured over diurnal cycles in different seasons in a marsh tidal creek and at the junction of the creek with the adjacent Pamunkey River. In the creek, DIC concentrations around high tide were controlled by the same processes affecting whole-estuary DIC gradients. Near low tide, DIC concentrations were 1.5-5-fold enriched relative to high tide concentrations, indicating an input of DIC from the marsh. Similar patterns (although dampened in magnitude) were observed at the creek mouth and indicated that DIC was exported from the marsh. Marsh pore-water DIC concentrations were up to 5 mmol L-1 greater than those in the creek and suggested a significant input of sediment pore water to the creek. A model of tidal marsh DIC export showed that, on a seasonal basis, DIC export rates were influenced by water temperature. The composition of exported DIC averaged 19% dissolved CO2 and 81% HCO3- and CO32-. Although CO2 can be lost to the atmosphere during transit through the estuary DIC in the form of carbonate alkalinity is subject to export from the estuary to the coastal ocean. When extrapolated to an estuarywide scale, the export of marsh-derived DIC to the York River estuary explained a significant portion (47 +/- 23%) of excess DIC production (i.e., DIC in excess of that expected from conservative mixing between seawater and freshwater and equilibrium with the atmosphere) in this system. Therefore, CO2 supersaturation, by itself, does not indicate that an estuary is net heterotrophic

    Carbon cycling in a tidal freshwater marsh ecosystem: a carbon gas flux study

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    A process-based carbon gas flux model was developed to calculate total macrophyte and microalgal production, and community and belowground respiration, for a Peltandra virginica dominated tidal freshwater marsh in Virginia. The model was based on measured field fluxes of CO2 and CH,, scaled to monthly and annual rates using empirically derived photosynthesis versus irradiance, and respiration versus temperature relationships. Because the gas exchange technique measures whole system gas fluxes and therefore includes turnover and seasonal translocation, estimates of total macrophyte production will be more accurate than those calculated from biomass harvests. One Limitation of the gas flux method is that gaseous carbon fluxes out of the sediment may underestimate true belowground respiration if sediment-produced gases are transported through plant tissues to the atmosphere. Therefore we measured gross nitrogen mineralization (converted to carbon units using sediment C/N ratios and estimates of bacterial growth efficiency) as a proxy for belowground carbon respiration. We estimated a total net macrophyte production of 536 to 715 g C m(-2) yr(-1), with an additional 59 g C m(-2) yr(-1) fixed by sediment microalgae. Belowground respiration calculated from nitrogen mineralization was estimated to range from 516 to 323 g C m(-2) yr(-1) versus 75 g C m(-2) yr(-1) measured directly with sediment chambers. Methane flux (72 g C m(-2) yr(-1)) accounted for 11 to 13 % of total belowground respiration. Gas flux results were combined with biomass harvest and Literature data to create a conceptual mass balance model of macrophyte-influenced carbon cycling. Spring and autumn translocation and re-translocation are critical in controlling observed seasonal patterns of above and belowground biomass accumulation. Annually, a total of 270 to 477 g C m(-2) of macrophyte tissue is available for deposition on the marsh surface as detritus or export from the marsh as particulate or dissolved carbon

    Evaluating drivers of spatiotemporal variability in individual condition of a bottom-associated marine fish, Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua)

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    An organism's body condition describes its mass given its length and is often positively associated with fitness. The condition of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) in the Baltic Sea has declined dramatically since the early 1990s, possibly due to increased competition for food and hypoxia. However, the effects of biotic and abiotic variables on body condition have not been evaluated at local scales, which is important given spatial heterogeneity. We evaluate changes in distribution, experienced environmental conditions, and individual-level condition of cod in relation to covariates at different spatial scales using geostatistical models with spatial and spatiotemporal random effects. Sprat, Saduria entomon, temperature and oxygen were positively associated with condition, and depth was negatively associated. However, the effects of explanatory variables were small-spatial and spatiotemporal latent variables explained 5.7 times more variation than all covariates together (year excluded). Weighting environmental oxygen with local biomass densities revealed steeper declining trends compared to the unweighted oxygen in the environment, while the effect of weighting was less clear for condition. Understanding the drivers of spatiotemporal variation in body condition is critical for predicting responses to environmental change and to effective fishery management; yet low explanatory power of covariates on individual condition constitutes a major challenge

    Egg shape changes at the theropod–bird transition, and a morphometric study of amniote eggs

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    The eggs of amniotes exhibit a remarkable variety of shapes, from spherical to elongate and from symmetrical to asymmetrical. We examine eggshell geometry in a diverse sample of fossil and living amniotes using geometric morphometrics and linear measurements. Our goal is to quantify patterns of morphospace occupation and shape variation in the eggs of recent through to Mesozoic birds (neornithe plus non-neornithe avialans), as well as in eggs attributed to non-avialan theropods. In most amniotes, eggs show significant deviation from sphericity, but departure from symmetry around the equatorial axis is mostly confined to theropods and birds. Mesozoic bird eggs differ significantly from extant bird eggs, but extinct Cenozoic bird eggs do not. This suggests that the range of egg shapes in extant birds had already been attained in the Cenozoic. We conclude with a discussion of possible biological factors imparting variation to egg shapes during their formation in the oviduct

    Visual population receptive fields in people with schizophrenia have reduced inhibitory surrounds

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    People with schizophrenia (SZ) experience abnormal visual perception on a range of visual tasks, which have been linked to abnormal synaptic transmission and an imbalance between cortical excitation and inhibition. However differences in the underlying architecture of visual cortex neurons, which might explain these visual anomalies, have yet to be reported in vivo. Here, we probe the neural basis of these deficits by using functional MRI (fMRI) and population receptive field (pRF) mapping to infer properties of visually responsive neurons in people with SZ. We employed a Difference-of-Gaussian (DoG) model to capture the centre-surround configuration of the pRF, providing critical information about the spatial scale of the pRFs inhibitory surround. Our analysis reveals that SZ is associated with reduced pRF size in early retinotopic visual cortex as well as a reduction in size and depth of the inhibitory surround in V1, V2 and V4. We consider how reduced inhibition might explain the diverse range of visual deficits reported in SZ. SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT: People with schizophrenia (SZ) experience abnormal perception on a range of visual tasks, which has been linked to abnormal synaptic transmission and an imbalance between cortical excitation/inhibition. However associated differences in the underlying architecture of visual cortex neurons have yet to be reported in vivo. We used fMRI and population receptive field (pRF) mapping to demonstrate that the fine-grained functional architecture of visual cortex in people with SZ differs from unaffected controls. SZ is associated with reduced pRF size in early retinotopic visual cortex, largely due to reduced inhibitory surrounds. An imbalance between cortical excitation and inhibition could drive such a change in the centre-surround pRF configuration, and ultimately explain the range of visual deficits experienced in SZ

    Binocular Therapy for Childhood Amblyopia Improves Vision Without Breaking Interocular Suppression

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    PURPOSE: Amblyopia is a common developmental visual impairment characterized by a substantial difference in acuity between the two eyes. Current monocular treatments, which promote use of the affected eye by occluding or blurring the fellow eye, improve acuity, but are hindered by poor compliance. Recently developed binocular treatments can produce rapid gains in visual function, thought to be as a result of reduced interocular suppression. We set out to develop an effective home-based binocular treatment system for amblyopia that would engage high levels of compliance but that would also allow us to assess the role of suppression in children's response to binocular treatment. METHODS: Balanced binocular viewing therapy (BBV) involves daily viewing of dichoptic movies (with “visibility” matched across the two eyes) and gameplay (to monitor compliance and suppression). Twenty-two children (3–11 years) with anisometropic (n = 7; group 1) and strabismic or combined mechanism amblyopia (group 2; n = 6 and 9, respectively) completed the study. Groups 1 and 2 were treated for a maximum of 8 or 24 weeks, respectively. RESULTS: The treatment elicited high levels of compliance (on average, 89.4% ± 24.2% of daily dose in 68.23% ± 12.2% of days on treatment) and led to a mean improvement in acuity of 0.27 logMAR (SD 0.22) for the amblyopic eye. Importantly, acuity gains were not correlated with a reduction in suppression. CONCLUSIONS: BBV is a binocular treatment for amblyopia that can be self-administered at home (with remote monitoring), producing rapid and substantial benefits that cannot be solely mediated by a reduction in interocular suppression