7,786 research outputs found

    A summary of the BARREL campaigns: Technique for studying electron precipitation.

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    BARREL observed electron precipitation over wide range of energy and timescalesPrecipitating electron distribution is determined using spectroscopy for 19 January 2013 eventBARREL timing data has accuracy within sampling interval of 0.05 s

    Experiences of the ‘Nearest Relative’ provisions in the compulsory detention of people under the Mental Health Act: rapid systematic review

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    This is the final version. Available from NIHR Journals Library via the DOI in this record.Background Service users detained for assessment and/or treatment under the Mental Health Act 1983 are allocated a ‘Nearest Relative’. The Nearest Relative has access to confidential information about the service user, and can make decisions about their care and treatment. Tensions exist regarding the identification, displacement and powers of the Nearest Relative. Objectives To examine the experiences of service users, carers and relevant professionals of the Nearest Relative provisions of the Mental Health Act 1983, and the equivalent Named Person provisions in Scotland. Five research objectives were defined, understanding the experiences of and issues associated with i) identification of the Nearest Relative, ii) displacement of the Nearest Relative, iii) confidentiality and information sharing iv) access to support from carers and v) making decisions about treatment or care. Data sources Seven bibliographic databases: MEDLINE (via Ovid), MEDLINE In-Process & Other Non-Indexed Citations (via Ovid), PsycINFO (via Ovid), Social Policy and Practice (via Ovid), HMIC (via Ovid), CINAHL (via EBSCO) and ASSIA (via ProQuest). Citation searching, author contact and grey literature searches were conducted. Review methods A rapid systematic review was conducted in six weeks. Evidence published after 1998 was sought from the UK, pertaining to the experiences of those involved in compulsory detention under the Mental Health Act 1983 (or UK variants), including service users, carers, family members, Nearest Relatives, Named Persons, mental health professionals, policy makers and lawyers. Study selection, data extraction and critical appraisal were completed independently by two reviewers. We sought data about experiences obtained through qualitative means or surveys. Included studies containing several paragraphs of participant quotes and/or author interpretations were entered into a framework synthesis; the rest were summarised descriptively. The framework synthesis was based upon the five research objectives and refined using the findings of key studies from England and Scotland and inductive thematic analysis. Findings Twenty studies were included with 12 prioritised for framework synthesis. Four themes emerged i) issues regarding the identification of the Nearest Relative/Named Person, ii) confidentiality and information sharing, iii) enabling use of the Nearest Relative/Named Person role and iv) importance of maintaining relationships. The involvement of service users in choosing their representative and the role of services in supporting the Nearest Relative/Named Person was identified as important. Limitations There is little recent evidence to inform this important and complex discussion. The review was rigorously conducted despite the short timescale; however a more in-depth, iterative thematic analysis of all the included studies may have provided additional insights into the mechanisms underpinning the issues. Conclusions The Nearest Relative provisions of the Mental Health Act 1983 are complex and of significant importance to individuals detained under the Act and their carers. This rapid review provides specific examples of issues that individuals may experience. More research is needed to aid understanding of this complex topic. Future work Primary research specifically focussed on the perceived and actual use and impact of the Nearest Relative provisions in England and Scotland.This report was commissioned by the Department of Health and Social Care via the NIHR HS&DR programme as a review project within NIHR HS&DR programme project number 16/47/22

    Local Delivery of Therapeutics to the Inner Ear: The State of the Science

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    BACKGROUND: Advances in the understanding of the genetic and molecular etiologies of inner ear disorders have enabled the identification of therapeutic targets and innovative delivery approaches to the inner ear. As this field grows, the need for knowledge about effective delivery of therapeutics to the inner ear has become a priority. This review maps all clinical and pre-clinical research published in English in the field to date, to guide both researchers and clinicians about local drug delivery methods in the context of novel therapeutics. METHODS: A systematic search was conducted using customized strategies in Cochrane, pubmed and EMBASE databases from inception to 30/09/2018. Two researchers undertook study selection and data extraction independently. RESULTS: Our search returned 12,200 articles, of which 837 articles met the inclusion criteria. 679 were original research and 158 were reviews. There has been a steady increase in the numbers of publications related to inner ear therapeutics delivery over the last three decades, with a sharp rise over the last 2 years. The intra-tympanic route accounts for over 70% of published articles. Less than one third of published research directly assesses delivery efficacy, with most papers using clinical efficacy as a surrogate marker. CONCLUSION: Research into local therapeutic delivery to the inner ear has undergone a recent surge, improving our understanding of how novel therapeutics can be delivered. Direct assessment of delivery efficacy is challenging, especially in humans, and progress in this area is key to understanding how to make decisions about delivery of novel hearing therapeutics

    Cultural factors that affected the spatial and temporal epidemiology of kuru

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    Kuru is a prion disease which became epidemic among the Fore and surrounding linguistic groups in Papua New Guinea, peaking in the late 1950s. It was transmitted during the transumption (endocannibalism) of dead family members at mortuary feasts. In this study, we aimed to explain the historical spread and the changing epidemiological patterns of kuru by analysing factors that affected its transmission. We also examined what cultural group principally determined a family’s behaviour during mortuary rituals. Our investigations showed that differences in mortuary practices were responsible for the initial pattern of the spread of kuru and the ultimate shape of the epidemic, and for subsequent spatio-temporal differences in the epidemiology of kuru. Before transumption stopped altogether, the South Fore continued to eat the bodies of those who had died of kuru, whereas other linguistic groups, sooner or later, stopped doing so. The linguistic group was the primary cultural group that determined behaviour but at linguistic boundaries the neighbouring group’s cultural practices were often adopted. The epidemiological changes were not explained by genetic differences, but genetic studies led to an understanding of genetic susceptibility to kuru and the selection pressure imposed by kuru, and provided new insights into human history and evolution

    Early phase trials of novel hearing therapeutics: Avenues and opportunities

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    Novel hearing therapeutics are rapidly progressing along the innovation pathway and into the clinical trial domain. Because these trials are new to the hearing community, they come with challenges in terms of trial design, regulation and delivery. In this paper, we address the key scientific and operational issues and outline the opportunities for interdisciplinary and international collaboration these trials offer. Vital to the future successful implementation of these therapeutics is to evaluate their potential for adoption into healthcare systems, including consideration of their health economic value. This requires early engagement with all stakeholder groups along the hearing innovation pathway

    Quantum spin liquid states in the two dimensional kagome antiferromagnets, ZnxCu4-x(OD)6Cl2

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    A three-dimensional system of interacting spins typically develops static long-range order when it is cooled. If the spins are quantum (S = 1/2), however, novel quantum paramagnetic states may appear. The most highly sought state among them is the resonating valence bond (RVB) state in which every pair of neighboring quantum spins form entangled spin singlets (valence bonds) and the singlets are quantum mechanically resonating amongst all the possible highly degenerate pairing states. Here we provide experimental evidence for such quantum paramagnetic states existing in frustrated antiferromagnets, ZnxCu4-x(OD)6Cl2, where the S = 1/2 magnetic Cu2+ moments form layers of a two-dimensional kagome lattice. We find that in Cu4(OD)6Cl2, where distorted kagome planes are weakly coupled to each other, a dispersionless excitation mode appears in the magnetic excitation spectrum below ~ 20 K, whose characteristics resemble those of quantum spin singlets in a solid state, known as a valence bond solid (VBS), that breaks translational symmetry. Doping nonmagnetic Zn2+ ions reduces the distortion of the kagome lattice, and weakens the interplane coupling but also dilutes the magnetic occupancy of the kagome lattice. The VBS state is suppressed and for ZnCu3(OD)6Cl2 where the kagome planes are undistorted and 90% occupied by the Cu2+ ions, the low energy spin fluctuations in the spin liquid phase become featureless

    Use of a dual reporter plasmid to demonstrate bactofection with an attenuated aroa- derivative of Pasteurella multocida b:2

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    A reporter plasmid pSRG has been developed which expresses red fluorescent protein (RFP) from a constitutive prokaryotic promoter within Pasteurella multocida B:2 and green fluorescent protein (GFP) from a constitutive eukaryotic promoter within mammalian cells. This construct has been used to determine the location and viability of the bacteria when moving from the extracellular environment into the intracellular compartment of mammalian cells. Invasion assays with embryonic bovine lung (EBL) cells and an attenuated AroA- derivative of Pasteurella multocida B:2 (strain JRMT12), harbouring the plasmid pSRG, showed that RFP-expressing bacteria could be detected intracellularly at 3 h post-invasion. At this stage, some EBL cells harbouring RFP-expressing bacteria were observed to express GFP simultaneously, indicating release of the plasmid into the intracellular environment. At 5 h post-invasion, more EBL cells were expressing GFP, while still harbouring RFP-expressing bacteria. Concurrently, some EBL cells were shown to express only GFP, indicating loss of viable bacteria within these cells. These experiments proved the functionality of the pSRG dual reporter system and the potential of P. multocida B:2 JRMT12 for bactofection and delivery of a DNA vaccine

    A test of general relativity from the three-dimensional orbital geometry of a binary pulsar

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    Binary pulsars provide an excellent system for testing general relativity because of their intrinsic rotational stability and the precision with which radio observations can be used to determine their orbital dynamics. Measurements of the rate of orbital decay of two pulsars have been shown to be consistent with the emission of gravitational waves as predicted by general relativity, providing the most convincing evidence for the self-consistency of the theory to date. However, independent verification of the orbital geometry in these systems was not possible. Such verification may be obtained by determining the orientation of a binary pulsar system using only classical geometric constraints, permitting an independent prediction of general relativistic effects. Here we report high-precision timing of the nearby binary millisecond pulsar PSR J0437-4715, which establish the three-dimensional structure of its orbit. We see the expected retardation of the pulse signal arising from the curvature of space-time in the vicinity of the companion object (the `Shapiro delay'), and we determine the mass of the pulsar and its white dwarf companion. Such mass determinations contribute to our understanding of the origin and evolution of neutron stars.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure

    Diversity and dynamics of a widespread bloom of the toxic dinoflagellate Alexandrium fundyense

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    © The Author(s), 2011. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. The definitive version was published in PLoS One 6 (2011): e22965, doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0022965.Historically, cosmopolitan phytoplankton species were presumed to represent largely unstructured populations. However, the recent development of molecular tools to examine genetic diversity have revealed differences in phytoplankton taxa across geographic scales and provided insight into the physiology and ecology of blooms. Here we describe the genetic analysis of an extensive bloom of the toxic dinoflagellate Alexandrium fundyense that occurred in the Gulf of Maine in 2005. This bloom was notable for its intensity and duration, covering hundreds of kilometers and persisting for almost two months. Genotypic analyses based on microsatellite marker data indicate that the open waters of the northeastern U.S. harbor a single regional population of A. fundyense comprising two genetically distinct sub-populations. These subpopulations were characteristic of early- and late-bloom samples and were derived from the northern and southern areas of the bloom, respectively. The temporal changes observed during this study provide clear evidence of succession during a continuous bloom and show that selection can act on the timescale of weeks to significantly alter the representation of genotypes within a population. The effects of selection on population composition and turnover would be magnified if sexual reproduction were likewise influenced by environmental conditions. We hypothesize that the combined effects of differential growth and reproduction rates serves to reduce gene flow between the sub-populations, reinforcing population structure while maintaining the diversity of the overall regional population.This work was supported by the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (1-P50-ES012742 to DMA and DLE), by the National Science Foundation through the Woods Hole Center for Oceans and Human Health (OCE-0430724), and by the ECOHAB program (NOAA Grant NA06NOS4780245)